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The Rise and Fall

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Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Basketball Court

Trey took a moment to look at once upon hero for a small time, before nodding and looking down to the ground momentarily. He then looked up and spoke up to answer Tails' question before the twins could.

"My name's Trey." He said, raising up his only good arm and hand and pointing towards his chest. "I saw what happened between you and those two hedgehogs and their cronies." Tails looked slightly worried and down as he remembered them momentarily, and Trey noticed this. He decided to continue speaking quickly. "I mean no harm, and in fact, I've been looking for you, for any of the once heroes. I want to help and try and bring this world back to order."

Close to the unclaimed concrete turf

"Hmph." muttered a figure, as she looked out from a ruined window from within the battered building, down towards the massacre that laid before her. Bodies were strung everywhere and left in terrible positions, whilst they were coated in their own blood and of which also littered the battleground. The machine was a bit of surprise in what appeared as being belonged to gang members (it was a bit difficult to discern what the pilot was or rather once was, there wasn't much left of him) and how they obtained it, but the battleground left here wasn't what really interested or concerned her, apart from the magical, harmonic energies left behind. Chaos Energies.

She jumped out of the high story window and began to fall down, picking up speed as the ground quickly loomed below her. For any other it might have been death, but for her, it was not. Instead, she quickly shot forth from all of her six arms a thin strand of grey substance, they came out at a steady rate as it hit inbetween the building she jumped from and the next building along. The figure then began motioning her arms about, so that the sticky substance that hit between the buildings was beginning to be laid out into patterns and finally, a more obvious substance... a web.

She landed onto it, pushing the webbing down where it almost touched the ground, but didn't. It bounched lightly back up and did so at a small degree, and in effect stopped the female's fall safely and comfortably. And through this, the figure had no other expression then being blank... no fear, excitement, anything. And of course, this because this was quite routine for her... she experienced it before in the past.

She quickly and lithly jumped out of the web, the stickiness which would normally trap and ensnare most others uneffective against her. She landed on the ground comfortably in a crouch, and then slowly got back up, looking down the street before her. 'There...' she thought. 'The Chaos Energies point there...' she began to race forward, after the source of the energies which she could feel, a dangerous figure known as Lucent.

Name: Azieral. (pronounced Az-zee-ral)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Black widow
Eye colour: Blue
Weapons, Strengths, Abilities: Azieral is a trained ninja, having been brought up in the ancient cultural village of Landhan, far away from Station Square. She is a capable wielder of various forms of weapons, however she mostly uses her two trademark weapons in a battle; her Sai. She is also able to produce webbing from her hands. She also has a perculiar form of Chaos Affinity, she is able to detect and sense the location of Chaos Energy and uses this to track down the Chaos Emeralds.
Personality: Calculating, its never really known or understood what exactly is on her mind. She isn't too revealing and prefers to keep her secrets to herself, unless of course it suits her otherwise. An enigma.
Quirks: She has the capability of immediately dropping one job for anything else that interests her or what suits her needs.
History: She was once a kind and loving woman, an innocent, whose life changed completely the day of the ARK incident. Living in an old, ancient village Landhan, she grew up on the culture of her ancient forefathers along with the rest, practicing and wielding weapon usage as well as martial arts, as it was degreed. She lived a happy life, married to an important leader figure of the village, and was even pregnant with her first baby. But unfortunately, this innocent life and prosperous peace was cut short too soon.
The ARK incident devastated the village. A spare piece of debris collapsed on the village and destroyed most of it, killing many of the villages including her husband. She, along with the other survivors were extremely wounded though, and in her case it left severe repercusions.
Her baby was dead. An examination at a nearby town that still had an active hospital revealed to her, that, alogn with her other wounds, her unborn child was dead. The emotional pain was too much to bear, coping with the loss of her husband and baby, and it was at this point she emotionally detached herself from the world. She no longer really cared about right or wrong, and had already began to adapt to the new, dark world she was living in. She left the hospital and town she was at without a word to the other survivors or anyone else, wandering out in the world, searching for nothing else but the means to support herself and life in a cruel world.
Not much is known from her since then to the present, like where she managed to pick up her two weapons from or where she obtained the Chaos Energy affinity from, other then at the present moment she has been identified as an mercenary that moves and effectively carries out his objectives with deadly efficiency. In this new world it is a dangerous job but the pay offs from various employers more then makes up for this.
Currently she has been employed by G.U.N itself to aid and deal with the more dangerous gang threats within Station Square itself that threaten various surviving innocents and are usually too difficult for the organization to deal with themselves, as well as the fact that they have other matters to deal with, e.g. food supply. Her current mission parameters are to terminate two specific gangs, Lucent's, and Frost/Sachio/Morgraine, who are considered the most dangerous.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

((Will post tommorow...too tired ATM))

Posts: 153
Estimable Member

OOC: Okay, you've all lost me. I'm gonna probably jump ship if I can't figure what's going on in a bit.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: We can post again!!! Might I recommend a short recap to remind everyone where we're up to? I would do it myself but I'm not the head of the RP.)

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

As it happens, I wrote out a little summary for CodeZX, since he was lost before the hack.

This is copied and pasted from the ezMail I sent him.

>Morgaine and Sachio were beating up Tails in an abandoned basketball court, but they ran off when the police came. Later, Trey, Asher and Angela all found Tails. Then your character Khaos came along, Tails got scared, but Khaos left because none of them had any Chaos Emeralds.
>Wraith's gang heard about Tails and went to go find him, but some guy named Alonzo started shooting at them. Ed came and watched, then Khaos appeared and started asking for Chaos Emeralds. However, no-one had any so he went off to destroy things.
>Wraith's gang found their attacker, a young rat named Alonzo, but Ed tried to protect the rat from them. However, he stood down when he decided Wraith seemed like an okay guy, but Alonzo ran off.
>Meanwhile, Frost and Eggman are plotting elsewhere. Lucent and his bunch defeated a powerful, rival gang and now Azieral is investigating the battleground because she can feel Chaos energy there.
>That's just a quick and dirty run down, mostly from memory. Hope it helps.

It's not exactly the most detailed of summaries, but it's the gist of it. Besides, all the posts are still there; if you have the time it's possible to read over the RP to remind yourself what went on.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: seems like a pretty full description Nuch, appart from the fact that Alonzo didn't actually escape. He tried to, but he fell on the way out.)

Suddenly a large hand grabbed Alonzo by the scruff of the neck and lifted him bodily into the air. The rat gulped with apprehension.

Wraith grinned as Lexx turned to him, holding the kid out to him like a present. "Good work Lexx." he said to the gorilla. "You can put him down now, just stop him escaping."

Lexx complied, dumping Alonzo unceremoniously on the floor then grabbing his shoulders in a strong, vice-like grip.

Wraith sidled up to the rat, his hands on his hips. He jerked a thumb out the window. "That was a powerful piece of hardware you had, kid. Where did you get it from?"

Alonzo fixed him with a cold stare. "I'm saying nothing!"

Wraith nodded, smiling slightly. "Okay." he murmured light-heartedly. "I'll just hand you and that rifle over to the police then. That sound good to you?"

The police force in the city was barely a shadow of what it used to be, but it did still operate, albeit rather weakly. Any hardened gang member would have scoffed at the threat, knowing the police's limited powers and strength, but Wraith was gambling that Alonzo, a simple kid, would still find the prospect of jail a frigtening thought. Plus, he wouldn't have any gang members to break him out of a cell.

The gamble paid off, and Alonzo's eyes grew wide. "Okay okay I'll talk! It was some guy in the slums. He gave it me because I helped him hide from the cops once!"

Wraith pulled out his mobile phone and dilled a number. "Agis, it's Wraith. I have some info on a possible weapons dealer in the slum zone. Take it down and cross-referance with what we know ok?" Then he held the phone out to Alonzo. "You just tell my friend everything you know, then we'll let you go kid. Just make sure this never happens again."

As Alonzo took the phone and started to talk, Wraith glanced at Lexx, making sure the gorilla knew what to do with Alonzo. Lexx nodded, and Wraith turned back to the other two in the room.

"Okay let's get back to buisness." He faced Ed, cocking his head to one side. "I wonder if you could help us my friend. We're looking for any and all information with regard to any of the former Freedom Fighters and/or a certain black hedgehog with a gun. I don't suppose you've heard anything that could be of use?"

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Edward watched as the three furries around him dealt with the run away rodent. He hoped he was doing the right thing in letting them deal with he rat, but Alonzo had been shooting at people, so he did deserve some kind of punishment.

Just then, the echidna - Wraith he had said his name was - asked him something.

Ed drew in a deep breath, then uttered, "Freedom Fighters, eh? Let me think..." He paused a few mintues to ponder this query, then replied, "Not that I can think of, I'm afraid. As for that black hedgie, all I really know is what's been in the news, and I'm guessing you'll already be familiar with that. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for any references, though."

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Wraith sighed, a little irritated. Still no leads. Ah well, he was clutching at straws anyway. He nodded slowly. "Well I had to ask. Thanks anyway."

Alonzo had by now finished his phone call and Lexx released his grip on the rodent, who promptly scarpered through the door like all the gangs in downtown were after him. Lexx had retreaved Wraith's phone before the rat left, and turning back to the echidna he sent it spinning through the air in his direction. Wraith caught it neatly and placed it back in his pocket. He glanced at Ed, giving him a respectful nod. "Well we must be on our way. It was nice to meet you. Maybe we'll meet again sometime." Then he turned and began to stride toward the door.

"Come on people. Let's get that rifle of Alonzo's and head home."

Posts: 409
Reputable Member


Angela nodded toward Trey, once he had explained himself. She smiled as best she could, despite the circumstances and all...wondering, as Tails had, what was to come next.

"My name is can call me Angel if you want, though." She narrowed her eyes in a playful way, poking her brother in the shoulder. "And this mentally insane individual is my twin brother, Asher."

Asher frowned, before jabbing his finger in her direction, "Whoah whoah, you ain't exactly sane I seem to remember." Angel rolled her eyes, ignoring the comment. Before her brother could call her on her statement toward his sanity, she continued.

"We were making rounds on the city, like we usually do, when we saw Trey here...we heard some word you had been around, Tails, so we weren't really surpised to find you here...let alone Morgaine and Sachio." She glared into the distance, where the siblings had gone much earlier.

"Basically, we want the same thing Trey wants...what most decent people want." Asher sighed, averting his gaze to the ground. "We want everything to be normal again.....back the way it was."

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

"As best as it possibly can, at any rate." Trey commented. "Something better then this world, at least. If we can get things back to the way it was, all the better. Anything other then this madness, anything closer to order."

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Asher smiled and nodded. Thinking of the way things used to be, he gazed longingly at his sword, memories flooding back into his mind. It had been his father's, and, as far as the twins could tell, the only thing that remained of their parents. He sighed. Like most kids separated from their parents during this gruesome time, Asher and his sister still had hope that they were alive....after all, old as their parents were, (not too old, mind you) they still remembered their training from when the resistance force had been most active.

", what next?" Angela eyed her brother; she knew that look in his eyes anywhere.

Tails, meanwhile, had had a chance to catch his breath and switched his gaze toward the striped vixen. He sighed and thought, wanting mostly to get out of the area before that...that thing came back angrier than ever because of their lies. Or Morgaine and Sachio, deciding he should die anyway.

"I t-think we should leave this place...go hide," The kitsune said.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

"A very good idea," Trey agreed, nodding his head. "I recommend my hideout, it's pretty nearby unless anyone else has objections or a place perhaps even closer. My hideout's just down the end of that street." Trey pointed past the gates of the basketball court and downwards, towards the street that was surrounded and littered be ruined cars, cracks within the road and mostly derelict and almost collapsing buildings.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Angel glanced at her brother before speaking for the both of them. "Sounds like a good idea. Our hideout is a pretty good distance from this place....might not be a good idea to chance being caught by the gang." She was referring to Morgaine and Sachio, in which Asher nodded.

"Yeah...I agree. If you don't mind, that is....." Asher looked toward Trey with a blank expression.

"Since...since two heads...." Angela started, being interrupted by her twin.

"Rather, three......" Asher muttered.

"Right, since three heads are better than one."

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Sorry for not posting in a bit...been on holiday.)


Wraith and the others stepped out onto the street, blinking in the light after the darkness of the office block. Wraith stepped over to the rifle lying on the ground and picked it up, tossing it to Lexx. "Let's head back to the warehouse. We'll drop that off at the police station on the way."

The gorilla caught the gun, but his face wore a look of deep thought. "Wraith, what about what that jelly thing said about a two tailed fox? Hadn't we better check that out first?"

Wraith slapped a hand to his forehead in shock. "Oh grief I forgot! That scream and everything...yeah we need to check it out! Let's hope nothing bad has happened while we were destracted!" He turned to Lexx swiftly. "Lexx, me and Ari will handle it. You take that gun to the cops, then head back to base and gather the rest of the gang just in case."

Lexx blinked in suprise. "But what if you get in trouble? You may need me!"

"If we get in trouble with the gangs around here we'll need more than just one. We'll need everyone!" retorted Wraith. "We'll be okay. We'll keep a low profile, and if we need you we'll call." Lexx seemed about to argue some more, but decided against it and nodded his consent. Wraith then faced Ed, who had followed them from the office onto the street. "I wonder if you ay want to help us too? You seem trustworthy. You want to come with us?"

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: FINALLY! Posting is back! And I see everyones taken full advantage of that already ^^ its good to see everyone resuming their posts with some fantastic content. Well, time for me to join the fray once more.


City street, department store Lane

The battered and bruised Nocturne gang members were doing their best to hold in their moans of pain, they knew how much their leader Lucent disliked the sound of an individual in his gang who 'couldn't take a punch'.

Plugg especially was trying real hard, but the bullet wound in his shoulder felt worse than ever about now. He gritted his teeth as he tried to contain the pain. He always thought of himself as Lucent's right-hand man, even though Lucent barely shows any appreciation, Plugg was certain that his efforts were important to Lucent, and thus he did whatever was in his power to help his leader.

Plugg decided to look at his surroundings to get his mind off the wound, that's when he noticed her, a red-haired overlander female, aged in around her teens, just casually walking on the opposite side of the street from them, staring, particularly at Lucent. Plugg made a scoffing gesture at the girl with his head. The overlander noticed this and quickly looked away, trying not to get too much attention from the dangerous looking group of strangers.

Plugg limped a bit faster up to the front of the group, "Lucent!" he whispered into the bat's ear. Lucent flicked his ear at an angle so that he could better hear the gecko, but didn't bother to turn his head to face him. Plugg turned and spat out some blood onto the pavement before continuing to speak, "that overlander girl over there, she saw us boss, what if she's one of those G.U.N people?"

Lucent chuckled wickedly to himself, "Not all humans are G.U.N employees Plugg, and even if she was, who cares? I have more important matters to attend to than dabbling into the affairs of overl-" Lucent halted on the spot and waved out his hand for his group to stop. He flicked his ears upward and listened carefully.

"footsteps... and something... else" he muttered.
"boss?" inquired the grizzly bear named Dirge.
Lucent frowned and spoke in a commanding tone, "All of you, run back to base as fast as you damn well can. now."

The group looked at each other with worried expressions, "boss, we all cant take another brawl, if you don't come wit' us, then how we gonna survive the trip?" asked Dirge.

Lucent glared at the Bear, "if you don't do as I say right now, I'll kill you myself! You're my gang! You should be fearsome! Filthy cowards... MOVE! NOW!"

The gang ran without another moment of hesitation, whatever they might run into couldn't possibly be as bad as their own leader when he's this mad.

Lucent took out his spiked chain and twirled it beside himself for a bit. He stood on the spot and his eyes darted around the environment. "Now... where are you..."

Amongst the darkness of an alleyway flashed a sparkle of light against metal, and outward shot an incredibly fast sharp projectile. Lucent's eyes caught the glint of shining metal and his body reacted fast enough to be able to fall backward and dodge it.

As Lucent looked up from falling on his rear, he saw what was thrown at him, it was stuck into the shop wall that Lucent was standing in front of a second ago. It was a three pronged dagger of some sort, it looked to be an oriental weapon, like those he'd seen in those cheap movies that played over at that drive-in that Plugg insisted on sneaking into.

Lucent stood up slowly and looked around, no sign of the attacker whatsoever. Lucent's ear suddenly poked up and his eyes showed a slight expression of surprise. In a quick reaction he leapt forward and rolled along the road, shuffling up and facing his previous position in a fighting stance.

Where he just stood, there was a mobian assassin dressed in black clothing hanging from a cord, with another of those dagger-like weapons in their hand in a position pointed right where Lucents head had been only a moment ago. The assassin dropped from their cord and while still facing Lucent, extended what appeared to be a third arm and pulled their other weapon out from the shop wall that it was embedded into.

Lucent looked closely at the assassin and then confirmed that the individual had multiple arms. He also saw that he was a mobian spider, and that he was a she. It was also clear that the individual was indeed an assassin, not just by her dress code, but by her method of attack, stealthy, fast and lethal, she aimed to kill with a single swift blow, but failed.

Lucent smirked at the sight of the assassin, hmph! So now my enemies are reduced to sending women with bad dress sense at me pathetic!
The she-spider twirled her weapons in her hands and her other arms focused into a karate-like stance.
You assassins make me sick! You dont fight for glory or even for conquest, but instead for money to buy yourselves something to eat, and extend your own pitiful lives. Am I your blood money for the week woman? mused Lucent.

He kept in his battle stance and thrust the fist holding his chain forward, and crossed over with his other hand in an open palm position, ready to strike. The assassin stopped twirling her blades and readied herself.

Lucent smiled wickedly at her and narrowed his eyes, this would be interesting.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: *gasps* How long has ezboard been back up for

Just to let you know I am still up for this, is everyone else is. lol. I really thought this was going to get erased out of cyberspace.

One question... where were we? .__.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Welcome the RP James (finally- *kicks ezboard*) That was an abseloutly fantastic and addictive intro to have kickstarted it with. Plus the fact Lucent, doesn't seem stereotypical in nature. I get a bit of sense of paradox in that one minute he seems to care and the next minute... he really does come across as a bastard X).

Excellent description of atmosphere which was ironically pretty much how I had envisioned the some parts with station square.


Hey Lucent! How do ya like my new wheels? Sludges voice could be heard emitting from the speaker.
Theyre legs you nimrod! replied Lucent

LOL! That made me laff!!!1!1

In any event, his motifs have made me wary... :evil

High Temple
"We could tell you the plans... Frost..." Kellerman began, placing his counterpart fingers together in a practical manner "...but the question is, will you be able to keep it all confidential?"
Frost scarcely raised an eyebrow, before folding his arms and glaring at the white coated, major and doctor. He was about to deal a brutal answer, but as if from nowhere, smiled as he eased up a bit.
"Sure I can, heh. Who am I going to tell out there anyway?" he said as he paced away slightly, before coming back forwards again.
"After all... it's not like anyone out there matters to me..."
'Anymore...' he thought, coming to a stop.
"That's the spirit. A cold heart is a dead heart after all, isn't it?" Dr. Eggman commented.
"Tell me your plans!" Frost said curtly "I don't consider working for anyone, until I know their plans and their... dirty little secrets." he grinned.
"Very well," Kellerman replied, adjusting his clipboard so that he could read whatever it was on his board properly "as you have probably been aware of... Station Square has turned into Shrapnel city..."
'I was there before it all happened.'
"As of now, no law enforcements, no political idealists and certainly no heroes have stepped forth to recover the fall of civilization..." Kellerman explained, looking to Frost as if waiting for an acknowledgement that he was paying attention to the conversation at hand. Frost returned his stare and shrugged.
"Breaks my heart..." he smiled sarcastically.
"Your compassion towards this isn't my concern Frost. We've recruited you because we believe you have the potential to carry out the tasks necessary for our plans..."
"Which you're getting on to, right?!" the hedgehog snarled.
"Yes." Dr. Eggman said, taking lead "come this way and I'll give you a better perspective of the plans."
As Dr. Eggman turned towards his various monitor screens, he began typing rapidly on a few keyboards, before keying in a few buttons, and then returning his typing back onto a central keyboard.
"Password 'Maria'... 'M-A-R-I-A'..." he muttered, which Frost managed to pick through raising a keen ear.
A few hydraulics were heard in the distance, before an area 15x15 meters opened up. From the floor, a table rose slowly upwards and as Kellerman and Frost glanced towards the raising platform, they suddenly noticed a some flashes which came from a light source above. The light source turned out to be more than met the eye- within a few seconds, it projected a holographic representation of a map like area.
Kellerman and Frost walked over, and both were able to deduce that it was in fact, station square.
"What a dump!" Frost sniggered, glancing at the region of Station square as Dr. Eggman walked over.
"And that's the way we want to keep it." Dr. Eggman said, causing Frost to him an inquisitive look.
"Ideally- what we want to do here is keep the chaos in control." Dr. Kellerman said.
Frost nodded in an amused manner, as he leaned against his palms and looked on at the hologram with interest.
"That's a bit of a paradox... isn't it?" the hedgehog commented on his statement.
"Whilst there's no order... no one to question sense of this world of turmoil... this will give us a chance to unleash our weapon upon the world so that we can take control..." Dr. Eggman said.
"For our weapon though, which is still currently in the works... it will need to be powered by the seven Chaos Emeralds..."
"In addition to that... we need to incarcerate the heroes. We have Knuckles, the red-tempered gullible fool. We need that cowardly fox... captured alive..." Dr. Eggman added "and your greater Nemesis... Shadow. Except you may kill him..."
Frost paused, his expression becoming contorted whilst he had his arms folded and studied a particular holographic skyscraper for no particular reason.
"Teams... gangs... whatever the underdogs are calling themselves." Dr. Kellerman sneered in a condescending manner "it's all they have. But us... we'll have the power that money can't even buy!"
Frost unfolded his arms, and gave the two men unimpressed looks. He thrust his arms down on either side of him and clenched his fists angrily.
"Let me get this straight. You plan to seek world domination amidst this shamble, and you want me to a) Keep the chaos brewing b) Assemble the Chaos Emeralds and c) Capture two-tailed sap and kill... Shadow?"
"What's the matter? Aren't you capable of this?" Dr. Eggman enquired.
"You damn well bet I'm capable!" Frost snapped "what I want to know is what is in it for me?! You think I do charity work for free?!"
"World domination is hardly charity work, Frost." Kellerman said calmly.
"What power do you have as of now to tell me what to do? Unless you have something to offer." the icy hedgehog frowned.
As if to answer his question, Dr. Eggman pressed a button. As he did so, a covering from the platform slowly moved to one side. As it did so, a piercing, light blue light radiated, which caused Frost's expression to becomje curious.
"We could have made a lot of use with this at this present moment..." Dr. Eggman began, as he lifted the Chaos Emerald from the hatchet, and handed it over to Frost.
"But perhaps it'll be more useful whilst you carry out these tasks. And think of it as a 'free go' as to what power you'll really feel once we allow you to keep all 7- AFTER we have made use of them ourselves via our anticipated weapon, in the works."
Frost kept silent, before shifting his gaze towards one the monitor screens.
"You also do want to take down that black and red hedgehog... wouldn't you, Frost?" Kellerman asked, walking over, seeing that the icey hedgehog was finally being tempted "after all... to have been modelled an illegitimate clone... to be draggen into his identity.. his problems... and everything else you lost to him... surely you can't deny the fact that this must cause you some grief... some resentment... some hatred at the back of your mind..." Kellerman sighed, almost intending to sound sympathetic, causing Frost to look at another part of the room, and frowning.
"I will accept your 'missions' as it were..." Frost began coldly "note that this won't be for your pathetic cause... but for the things and the people I want to see suffecate in their own blood once and for all. For now, I bid you farewell."
With that, Frost turned around and walked away from the platform, gradually breaking into a sprint and holding up the Chaos Emerald- before cascade of brilliant light blue light engulfed him and caused him to warp away from the room- causing the onlookers Dr. Kellerman and Dr. Eggman to look on in wonder.
"Have you considered the dangers of him acquiring all 7 seven Chaos Emeralds?" Kellerman asked.
Dr. Eggman smiled, before walking back to his computer base.
"It's been taken care of..." he replied with a smirk.


Basketball court

Tails had a finger in his mouth, as he listened to everyone converse. His mind was more or less drifting now and again. Mainly he was indeed fearing the return of Sachio and Morgaine returning with their gang. At the same time, he felt weaponless and a bit bare to say the least.
"I do have this read plasma gun!" Tails exclaimed, running over to a nearby trashcan and hurling it out. Catching the things in both hands tactfully, he looked at Trey, Angela and Asher- before his smile faded.
"But it got beat. Wanted to get some spare parts from around here to fix it up. But then 'Wolfgang' came along..." he smiled haphardly.
"It's worth keeping for now I guess. Who knows, maybe we'll be lucky in finding the necessary items to get this thing running again. It's a little protection at least, hey?" he said, before running over to his group of new found friends.
"So where exactly is your place?" Tails asked Trey.


Alonzo carried on running, down the streets and through aloleyways, constantly checking his back to see if anyone was following him.
Before he could fully round the last corner though, he gasped when he felt a hand fall on his shoulder- and drag him into a dark alleyway.
"Well well well! A familiar!" a blue and lavender hedgehog laughed "the world keeps on getting smaller!"
Sachio shoved the rat off, causing the rodent to almost fall into a group of trashcans, before Morgaine came in and grabbed him.
"Long time no see... and this is how you behave?" she smirked, before shoving him extra hard and causing him to fall against the group of trashcans.
As a massive clattering and clang noises were heard, causing cans and bottles to roll all over the place, a group of laughing and barking was heard from group in the background.
Alonzo rubbed his throbbig head, removing a banana skin that covered his vision, before shivering as he saw the siblings stand over him in an intimedating fashion.
"Hey ratboy! I loaned you a rifle last week..." Sachio began "if you can't pay yet, may I suggest you give it back... now?" the rebellious hedgehog asked.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

OOC: wow, this is so cool! I'd like to join, but I've never been in a RP before... I'm afraid I'll just mess up your wonderful story! ^^''
Though I have a few characters that fit the scene perfectly well, if someone would like to use them or something..

Name:GRVB (gata rabo vermelho bandida); real name unknown; sometimes reffered to as "the Ruby" or "the Red"
Weapon (if any): She uses everything she can come across very skillfully. Her favourite weapon would be a hangun.
Abilities: A good well-balanced fighter and an excellent thief. She can sneak into places without being noticed at all. Being a Turco Van cat she is an excellent swimmer. If she wears the legendary Turquoise Van gem she gains fire elemental powers; the location of said gem is currently unknown.
Hobbies:Steal from random people, collect jewels and treasures which she sells.
Background:Before the ARK incident she and her two younger sisters lived an apparently normal life and she worked as a journalist using the false name of Ruby Van. During the night GRVB would sneak into museums, banks or rich people's houses and steal to her heart's content without ever being caught or spotted. She is suited perfectly to the new world after the incident, although her gang is not one of the most known and has only three members they are a great nuisance to everybody and have no problems facing others.
Motif if this RP (if needed): As a thief/treasure hunter she is naturally after the Emeralds, which she'd sell for a high price. Other than that she steals weapons and food from other gangs, sometimes for personal use, sometimes to sell them. She has no scruples and can be hired by other people.
Link to picture of character (if one):

Name:GRAE (gata rabo amarelo esperta); real name unknown; sometimes reffered to as "Belle"
Weapon (if any): Her charme and beauty. As well has her great intelligence.
Abilities:A great tactician, can entrance almost any man with her beauty. As every Turco Van cat an excellent swimmer. If she wears the Turquoise Van gem she gains ice elemental attacks; the location of said gem is currently unknown.
Hobbies: reading
Background: The middle sister, she grew up their youngest sister while GRVB worked as a journalist. Their father died 10 years ago and their mother died after baring their youngest sister.
Motif if this RP (if needed): She is the true mind of the gang, although she hides it very well to avoid being targeted, since she has no fighting abilities at all. Her sisters will always listen to her, since they know she's very smart.
Link to picture of character (if one):

Name:GRBR (gata rabo branco rapida);real name unknown; often reffered to as "Ring"
Weapon (if any):
Abilities: Gifted with super speed, perhaps she is even faster than the long-disappeared hero Sonic himself, she takes advantage of her speed and agility to land punches and kicks on the enemy without him knowing what hit him. She gains no powers when wearing the legendary Turquoise Van gem, maybe because of her inborn speed. An excellent swimmer.
Hobbies: Teasing people, bothering everyone she meets. Running around the city getting to know all the gangs.
Quirks: She has a quirk for collecting rings. She believes that if you collect as much as possible something wonderful will happen. Towards adults she is a total jerk and sometimes bullies them to death, towards children she'll be mostly caring and will try to help them as much as possible, though this is not always the case.
Background:She is an albino, so she dyes her hair pink. She also dresses like a punk and loathes the police and gun. She was grown up by GRAE and in the gang she plays the role of the distraction. With her high speed she dodges bullets and other attacks easily. She loves the chaotic post-ARK incident world and is known by most gangs. They never suspect her because of her young age so she spies on them and tells everything to her older sisters, which are unknown to most.
Motif if this RP (if needed):Supporting her sisters, causing trouble among the gangs.
Link to picture of character (if one):3 sisters
The clothes can be anything you wish, casual for GRVB, sexy for GRAE and punkish/rebellish for GRBR.

Except for GRBR who sometimes runs around aimlessly bothering random people, they always work together.
They're evil characters, but can turn good under circumstances (e.g. great danger threatening everyone)

Maybe I'll IC later..

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: It all looks really good Erika ^_^
Welcome to the RP! :)

Take your time, IC when you can ^_~. This RP has been idol because of that ezboard meltdown scenario or whatever...
So I'm going to have to track down some of the others to see if they're still up for this...

Thanks for the lovely detailed profiles and thanks for joining!

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

OOC: Still here just trying to figure out how I should go forward...may just have Riku track down Lucent or something...:cuckoo

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

IC: Alonzo stared at Sachio in fear and didn't answer. "Well?" Sachio and Morgaine still stood in an intimidating fashion in front of him. Alonzo opened his mouth and closed it again, he couldn't speak. What was he going to do? Morgaine lowered her head and looked straight into Alonzo's eyes:"Have you never been told that it's impolite not to answer one's questions?" She grabbed the boy and threw him at the opposite wall. Alonzo landed hard on his back and cringed in pain. Sachio kicked his face and asked again: "Where is the rifle I gave you?" "I don't have it.." Alonzo whispered and lowered his ears. His nose was bleeding and his back hurting more than ever. He wanted to run, but the siblings blocked the way.
From the top of one of the buildings around them a figure watched the scene amused. GRBR didn't like the young rat, she didn't know exactly why either. He just looked ugly. She had been spying on Sachio and Morgaine's gang all day now, because her older sister GRAE had told her to, she suspected they were hiding something big. GRBR now knew what it was. The gang had gained access to different weapons from a weapon dealer. Now she only needed to discover who this dealer was.
But being a spy could get boring, too. Not being able to leave her position and having to watch the gang all the time without being spotted..
She came a little forward to watch the scene better. Sachio was now punching the rat repeatedly. Morgaine stopped him. She raised the boy and then threw him back at the wall. GRBR grinned in amusement. She loved watching someone getting beaten.
Alonzo laid there, his whole body aching, his head throbbing painfully. He now wished to be with his mother, he remembered her, how she had died when their house crumbled down because of the incident.. 5 years ago..
Sachio landed a few more punches on him. Alonzo had no reaction, he was silent, almost couldn't feel the pain anymore. A tear came down his face as he looked up. Between the siblings' faces, up there on one of the buidings' roof was a white round face with pink spiked hair and whiskers. A cat.
GRBR quickly stepped back and realised she had been seen. That stupid rat had seen her! Suddenly angered she picked up a small stone, a remainder of a crumbled down wall and aimed at Alonzo. She had to punish him for having seen her. She was so upset!
The stone flew down and hit Sachio right between the eyes. "Argh!" He fell backwards putting his hands on his bleeding forehead. Before Morgaine could look up and tell her minions to find the aggressor GRBR was gone. Alonzo took advantage of everyone's distraction and ran off, as fast as he could.

GRBR ran, jumping from building to building until she was almost at the other side of the city. She looked at her hands and cursed herself for having such a bad aim. Sitting down she picked up more debris and started throwing them at nearby trashcans. She had to better her aim, otherwise she'd never be like her oldest sister.

Alonzo breathed heavily in his secret hiding place where he had been living for the last 5 years. He stood there and wondered who that cat was.. one of the heroes maybe? He tried to remember them from his childhood... " I think there was a blue one.."

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Neat IC! You wouldn't think you were new to Rping, lol! Good job! (:


Sachio rubbed the middle of his face and it continued to throb and sting considerably after where the thrown stone had made its mark.
"Looks like the ratboy got away..." remarked one of the dobbermans in a cool and chilled voice.
"He he he! He ran faster than a rat on a hot tin can!" grinned another Dobberman.
"Do me a favour!" Morgaine interrupted "find our culprit and rip them apart!"
"Gah! What the hell?!?" he Sachio cried out angrily and suddenly, gaining everyone's attention "who did that?!"
"Pull yourself together!" Morgaine cut in, gesturing for Sachio to ease up "the more you rub it, the more you'll irretate it... it was just a thrown stone..." Morgaine said, quickly bending down to retrieve it.
"It came from that building..."
"It hit me a little too hard to crumbled from that shack above!" Sachio snarled.
"I know that. Someone threw it... and I saw them, okay?!"
Sachio fell silent, as he ceased his aggregating pinching motion of the minor blow he had received and stared at his sister.
"You really need to control your temper, Sachio," Morgaine explained, Morgaine explained as she started climing up a worn metallic stairway so that she could reach the top of the building. Sachio began to follow after her.
"I see a lot of 'our father' in you... and it breaks my heart..." the sister said, turning briefly to look at him over her shoulder, before arriving on top of the building.
Sachio kept silent, his eyes simply burning at the back of Morgaine's head.
The two siblings arrived on top of the building, which was considerably high, but not as high as some of the central sky scrapers that marked the city centre of Station Square, despite its shambled state.
The rest of the gang in the meantime, stood down below, knowing to keep an eye out and knowing when their leaders would want them to strike.
Morgaine looked towards the left whilst Sachio looked towards the right, as they acted as each others eyes across the open spaces on the top of the buildings in search for the 'tressapsser' as it were.
"Your attacker was a kitten." Morgaine remarked.
Sachio scoffed, suddenly standing still in his path, and turned to face his sister ever so slightly.
"There's no need to get shirty with me..." he said coldly.
"I'm being serious. It looked like a young white cat. Female at that..." she smirked.
The wind blew against Sachio, tossing the strands of his hair in all directions as he stood their in deep thought.
"Is she worth tracking down?" he asked, casting a glance towards Morgaine.
"Probably not... she is probably miles away from here by now..." Morgaine replied, before walking towards the edge of a building. She suddenly stood up straight and held her hands against her hips in an amused manner.
Sachio noticed this gesture, and immediatly came running to find out what caught her curiousity.
Before them, on the grounds below, stood a bat. Judging from his wear and gear, Morgaine decided he looked quite the feisty and 'rough and tough' individual.
"He looks awfully familiar..." Morgaine smiled, unable to keep herself from laughing in a girlish manner.
She also noticed one or two gang members about, looking worse for wear. Another particularly amusing cast member was an black clad and stealthy looking spider, donning a couple of sais. Sachio narrowed his eyes as he saw her, before flitting his eyes amongst everyone else.
"How many diamonds do you wanna bet that there's gonna be a faceoff here?" Morgaine smirked, before stepping back ever so slightly so as to hide herself, pulling her brother back as well.
They were intrigued to see what would happen next to say the least.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

((Will intro ASAP Ben, and yes I remember who I joined with. =D))

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: Not posting IC yet, waiting on Pachamac to reply. in the meantime however, i must say that everyone's doing great! and a big warm welcome to our newest member of the RP, Erika the Ocelot! Ditto to what Bentleee said, for someone who is new to RP you sure are doing pretty damn well! congrats!

ah yes! before i forget! i have a picture of Lucent i wanted to show everyone:

You'll notice that his wings are badly torn. this is because i forgot to mention that although he wasn't inside the Nocturne Mage's underground Lair during the ARK disaster, he was outside in full exposure to a rain of searing schrapnel from a broken section of the space colony that shattered in the atmosphere. He managed to only suffer non-lethal wounds to his body, but what was affected the most was his wings. his wings were so badly torn by schrapnel that he is incapable of flying anymore. he can use them to push off when dodging and weaving, but he cannot fly, or even glide very well.

The picture utilises a new colouring and shading style that i like a lot! i am very proud of this art piece, hope you like it ppl! Afterwards, tell me.... did it match your interpretation of him? ;P

oh, and sorry if the image is rather large, i shall be making a smaller version soonish which i will change the link to ok? the only reason i have the image so big is so that the new colouring method can be viewed with greater clarity. it's the only colouring method i've ever created that actually looks cool CLOSE UP!

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

IC: Riku stopped behind some barrels, hoping to watch part of the fight. She didn't know what drew her to the fight but she suspected it was boredom. The bat had whipped out a spiked chain that appeared to have blood on it. It was hard to see but she was sure it was blood. The way he swung it around indicated that he was quite the master with it. She looked up and noticed the spider assasin and she paled. She hated spiders with a passion and seeing this very large and threatening one made her uneasy. She began to back away but tripped over something and fell into some barrels, making a loud crash.

OOC: That's all I can think of for now...I don't expect Lucent to be distracted by such a petty sound but I have other things in mind...:cuckoo

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

OOC: Thank you for your compliments! ^^ In the meantime I've had another idea, I think I'll post it now. =)

IC: Still a little drowsy he crawled out of the paper box he had been sleeping in. He took a peek outside to check noone was near. The last 5 years had left a visible mark on him, if he were to return five years back in time nobody would have recognised him again. He didn't feel any better within either. The loss of his greatest friend. The loss of all of his friends. What had happened to them? He remembered her screaming for help as they both ran.. in different directions.. buildings started to crumble around them, giant flames shot from the ground. In the chaos he lost her and never saw her again. Was she still alive? This question had been consuming him from the inside since that day. For five years. And he had found no answer. He tried to forget, but the memories would return and torture him in his dreams. Her voice, her sweet voice.
The fight for survival had changed him completely, he had become a renegade, he didn't care whether what he was doing was right, as long as it allowed to keep himself alive.
Moreover, he was one of the last of his kind. All the others hadn't been able to keep up with the new world and starved. Others, who had found a place to stay and could seemingly live in peace, had been killed by those savages that inhabitated the new world. His kind was no longer popular and loved. How often had he risked being shot, stabbed, crushed, stoned? All of this had turned him darker, evil. If he wanted to survive he had to be evil. He had to be hard to adapt to the hard life. Feeding on trash and anything else he came across had turned his soul black. When was the last time he had felt a caring hand? 5 years ago.
Her voice. Her sweet loving voice.
It echoed in his head.
He tried to keep his mind away from that thought and flapped his bat wings to gain speed.
What if she was dead? The thought made him shiver. His life would have no meaning. All this time he had been living in the hopes of meeting her again... of hearing her voice again, her sweet voice... The only reason why he had endured all of this for 5 years. The only reason why he didn't leave himself to the clutches of death.
Hope. He still had hope that one day he could meet her again. That she had miracolously survived. That he could hear her voice again.. But how would she be like? Would she still be the sweet caring girl he had known and loved? Or would the darkness of this world have corrupted her, just like it had corrupted him?
A tear rolled down from his eye as he started to fly even faster than before, his wings flapping the only sound to be heard.
In his mind her voice still echoed. Her sweet voice.
Under the dark evil core lay a heart of gold, martyrized from all the darkness and corruption around him. The small golden heart suffered and could only show itself during the short fearsome hours of intense sleep, afraid of being engulfed by evil.
Suddenly a familiar figure appeared at the end of the street. For the first time in 5 years someone had caught his attention in a positive way. After observing the figure for a while he was sure -- it was him.
Flapping his wings frantically he aproached him, letting squeals of joy.

Khaos had not completely stilled his anger. Where was that damned two-tailed freak? He destroyed a lone wall, which was once part of a building, and watched the bricks fly into all directions. He now looked at the building on the other side. His next target. Suddenly his heart felt light, filled with a kind of happiness he had not experienced for a long time. He turned to see the small dark creature approach quickly and widened his arms to embrace it. Hugging the small round being he wondered how long it had been since he had last seen a Chao..

The Dark Chao was aware that it was Chaos's dark brother Khaos, but it didn't matter to him, he knew he could trust him.
For the first time after 5 years he felt happy again, though it was not a complete happiness. She still wasn't there. Her voice, her sweet voice. He hoped to be able to hear that voice again some day. Even if only once...her sweet loving voice....she couldn't have died. No. She had to have survived! Her voice... her sweet voice...
He looked down at the torn red bow-tie around his neck and wept...

OOC: Heh, you should know by now who it is, anyway, here's a pic: DC

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Sorry for not replying until only now. :nn; Been on a short weekend break. :D

Basketball Court

Trey nodded towards Tails, and was slightly surprised by the plasma gun he was carrying, even if it was ruined. He never really expected the heroes such as him to wield weapons like that, that instead they all have a power deep within them which lend themselves to victory but he realised times had changed. The world was a lot darker now, and people had to employ whatever methods they would have to need to survive. He still didnt like it though, in fact he quite disliked guns and didnt carry them, and he also believed that a peaceful society should be devoid of weapons like that. But he understood that sometimes, weapons like that would have to be used to enforce it, to change the world for the better.

Actually, you might be able to find some spare parts at my place. Trey said. To be honest, its pretty much a dump. There are things stranded about all over the place, various bits of tech and stuff. Although Im not too good with the stuff, you might be able to find something there to help you.

Tails nodded in response, and started to feel slightly relieved by it. Thanks! he declared.

Trey smiled back, and then turned to his gaze to the twins, and pointed down the street, towards a not-too-distant building that seemed to quite a bad shape and was surrounded on either sides of the streets by other devastated buildings. Its just down there, so it shouldnt take long to get there. Lets just hope we dont encounter anybody, at this point Trey was thinking about Sachio and Morgraine, or anything. His thoughts at this point concluded with the strange, dark Khaos creature. Right then, lets go!

Trey led the way, exiting through the opening and swinging entrance of the basketball court and turned to walk down the street towards where his hideout was located, with Asher, Angela and Tails following behind him. His cloak along his left arm drifted slightly, but not in a way to reveal that he had lost the lower half of his left limb. The group moved on with relatively little speaking. They wanted to arrive at the hideout as quickly as possible and diverted their attention and time to looking around them and scanning the area, to make sure no hostile people were around and keeping their ears out for any sudden sounds. All they could here at the moment was thankfully their feet and boots clumping along the ground and over so pieces of debris such as broken glass. Angela was walking next to Tails and offering him some slight support. He still seemed fairly out of it from his beating from the two hedgehogs earlier and would be able to receive any help if needed from Angela if needed.

Thankfully though, it wasnt. The group of four arrived at the worn out and darkened building in a good amount of time, not more then 15 minutes had passed since they left the basketball court, and they werent interrupted by anything or anyone. Trey stood close to the building, which looked to be in a disaster. The buildings windows had all been shattered and the part which they were at in this moment, was just in front an extremely large mount of various metals, debris and parts of the once magnificent building which covered the wall and creped out some distance along the floor. It would be difficult to enter the building from this point, so why be here?

Trey looked from all sides of the T-junction street, making sure that no-one was around. He spent around 5 minutes doing so, and the rest of the group followed his gaze and trying to work out what he was doing. They understood quickly, as he was making sure that no-one would be able to see them go in, and thus help improve their safety. After Trey was happy with the situation, he reached out with his right hand and felt around on the debris, as if he was searching for something.

Uh what are you looking for? Tails asked, confused.

Just wait and see, Trey replied, smiling, and then his hand grabbed onto a rounded metal object comfortably. It was a latch, a sort of handle.

Trey pulled back, and a part of the mound swung upwards in the direction of treys arm movement, the pieces of debris coming away from each other but not flying off to land on the floor haphazardly. They stayed on, in mid air, as a gap was formed in the mound in a rectangular shape which gave way to darkness below and a small amount of flickering light. It turned out that the decrepit building itself was not Treys hideout, but something else underneath, and the mound was a effective and brilliant secret entrance.

After you, he said, outstretching his right hand and pointing to the entrance. The group smiled and looked on at awe in it, and then finally began to descend into the hideout and follow downwards a narrow hallway. Trey followed them, and closed the door and lock behind them, leaving the mound of the ruined building behind as if nothing had changed.

The group eventually came to a stop as the narrow hallway grew into a fairly large rectangular room, which had various things within it. A bed was in the corner, an old, ruined cupboard and set of drawers near to it with various photos on top depicting Treys childhood before the accident 5 years ago, a table in the centre, and some various chairs scattered across it, some plastics, some with more cushioning, etc. The floor though, was covered in a group of strange pieces of junk and various pieces of material, items Trey had collected and what he thought might prove helpful in the future. The room was only lighted from a series of candles scattered across the room which gave a low level of brightness. It was dirty and dusty, but for all intents and purposes, it was home.

Excuse the mess. Trey joked. Havent had the time to properly clean it, Im afraid.

City street, department store Lane

Azieral didnt answer the mans question. She felt no need to for the moment, and was instead waiting, gauging the ability and strength of the man before her. In her two, higher arms on either side of her body, her Sais were held tightly and positioned in a crossed shape across her body, protecting her chest in one martial arts stance. Her other four arms were also positioned in various ways, representing two other martial arts stances. In fact, the one with her Sais was a defensive move, one of the other positions was an attacking stance, and the other posture a counter pose.

She calmly waited, her eight eyes locked onto him, ready to be able to follow him no matter what direction he moved.

Lucent frowned slightly. They had been remaining in this exact same position for the last ten minutes, and it was getting slightly irritating. It would be best to wait for the assassin to make the first move, so that he would be able to effectively move and counter against her, but this was getting tiring. He decided to take a chance, and dashed forward, swinging his spiked chain round in a swift and deadly manner, which surprised Azieral. She was experienced and a capable warrior, but already from Lucents initial charge, so was he; he was extremely swift and had a lot of power through the chain.

The weapon was coming straight towards her, aimed for her head. She had barely time to react, but managed to do so just. Her defensive posture was automatically used as she lifted her Sais up and blocked the chain, stopping them completely. Lucents teeth gritted, but didnt have the chance to swing again or move back, as his waist was caught and stopped by Azierals lower arms, the counter position. What th- he was about to say, but was cut short, as Azierals attacking posture, the middle sets of her arms, swung forwards and her hands curled into fists and collided with the Bats face, knocking him off balance and backwards.

Azieral raised her Sais and prepared to slice down and strike Lucent, but was stopped and instead hit back, as Lucent did a back flip out of her reach, but the extra range of his spiked chain danced upwards in a curve that followed him, and along the way the tip came into contact along Azierals body. The spike along it dug into her fabric and cut it in a line from her belly to between her chest, leaving it ripped and a slight wound along her body, but the weapon barely connected to her. It was a slight wound, nothing serious at all, but it just proved to her that she shouldnt underestimate such a worthwhile opponent.

The battle had only just begun, but already it was attracting looks of amazement and surprise from the various watchers that were hidden around them.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Anyone mind if I try out another character I've been thinking about for a bit? Mainly as an experiment, and if it's no good we can kill him off quickly. I just wanna try it out.)

A few streets away from where the spider and the bat were fighting, two children ran through the ruins of the buildings, laughing happily. Their families had protected them from the horrors of the chaos to some degree, and because of this they still had a carefree, spirited attitude. They happily chased each other through the wreakage, oblivious to the desolation around them.

The first of the two, a young badger, was eagerly dodging his friend's attempts to grab him, giggling with glee. His friend, a blackbird, was concentrating so hard on the chase that he wasn't even looking where they were headed!

Suddenly the badger saw a dark doorway in the wall of a nearby building. The door looked was a good deal thicker than most, and had a large locking mechanism inbuilt into it. The badger grinned. If he could close that door his friend would never get him!

He ran through the doorway and began to heave at the heavy piece of metal with all his might. It wouldn't budge at all! Try as he might he could not move it an inch!

His friend caught up with him and grabbed him by the arms. "Gotcha!"

"Aw not fair! I was trying to close the door!"

"Didn't manage it though did ya! I got you fair and square!"

The badger didn't reply. His eyes were wide, and his mouth open. His stare ran over his friend's shoulder. The blackbird turned round quickly, wondering what he was looking at.

"Woah! What IS this place???"

The two youngsters stared in awe into the room behind the heavy metal door. Computer terminals lined the walls, and pipes and wires snaked across the cieling. One end of the room had collapsed, but it was clear that origionally this room had been some kind of high-tech lab.

In the center of the room was a raised platform, seperated from the rest of the machines. It had it's own computer consoles, and on top of it was a tall glass tube, reaching right up to the cieling. A strainge mist swirled inside the tube, making it impossible to see into it. The two boys slowly stepped up to it, staring in awe at the curious construction.

"What is it?" whispered the blackbird apprehensivley.

"I don't know!" replied his friend. "Hey look, there's a light on this control pannel here!" Before the blackbird could stop him, the badger reached out and pressed the button. There was a loud BLEEP from the console and a number of other buttons lit up suddenly. Both boys jumped back in suprise.

"We shouldn't be here! Let's go!"

No we're ok! It's just a computer. It may have some games on!"


The badger stepped forward again, with more confidence this time. He reached out and began tapping some of the other buttons experimentally, producing a cacofany of bleeps and clicks. "Hahaha, it's like a musical instrument!"

A loud HISSSSSS broke into their fun, and once again both boys jumped back in fear. They watched wide-eyed as the tube above them began to rise into the cieling, the cloudy mist inside beginning to dissapate. Slowly, a shadow became visable...

Two blue pinpoints of light appeared through the mist, and a strainge whirring noise started up. The boys began to cling to each other in fear, their eyes fixed on the lights.

The figure stepped forward out of the mist. He was six feet tall, exactly, and his eyes glowed a bright blue. His figure was humanoid, and his features resembled an Overlander. He was very thin for his height, and was completely bald.

His body was made from a black metal, overlaid with a white translucent skin, made from some kind of maliable plastic.

With a slight whirring of servos his head swiveled round, observing the shattered remains of the lab, then his eyes alighted on the two children.

"Excuse me," he said in a soft, yet mechanical voice. "Do you know the location of Doctor Amoz?"

The children screamed in unison and set off running towards the door without looking back. Still screaming, they dived through the door and set off down the street.


"Did I say something wrong?"

It was no use. They had left. It once again looked around the ruin of the lab for any sign of life, but found none. Repair of the lab was a high priority, but first the saftey of Doctor Amoz must be verified.

The robot turned and stepped out into the street, it's head swinging from side to side, taking in as much information as it could find. Outside it paused a moment. Probabillity 78% that the Doctor had gone to the mall.

It set off down the street unhuredly. It was the first time out of the lab, but the doctor had downloaded a map of the city into it's processor. It knew the way.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: Good to have you back Pachamac! missed ya! ^^


Lucent skidded slightly to a halt as his backflip came to an end, and he caught up his chain casually as it flailed in the air, once again a display of his prowess with such a weapon.

The trail of blood from his mouth had started again thanks to the she-spider's swift blows. Lucent spat out a mouthful of blood and licked his teeth. Lucent sternly looked up at the assassin and turned his gaze around each of her arms. Lucent had underestimated her ability to use all of her arms in such co-ordination, Lucent had presumed she would focus with the arms that held her weapons.

Observing the slight wound made to the assasin by Lucent's skill with the spiked chain, he figured that she had underestimated him as well.

Once again the battle was at a standstill, Azieral would have made an attack of oppurtunity on Lucent as he landed from his backflip, but she was disrupted in her efforts by Lucent's recoiling weapon, and took a second or two to adjust her balance and concentration.

Lucent stood upright and left his chain lie limp at his side, his hand still gripping it's end. Lucent's appearance was somewhat grizzly now, not only did he have a trail of blood around his mouth again, an evil stare and a blood-stained weapon... but he also still had numerous blood stains in patches around his body from his earlier fight, although that blood wasn't his.

Lucent leant his head to one side and cracked his neck. He tilted his head back to normal position and spoke out, "You must already know who I am if you are trying to kill me, so i'll spare you an introduction..."

Immediately after that sentence he dashed forward and lashed out with his chain again. Azieral swiftly deflected the attack with one of her sai, and attempted a stab with her other one.

Lucent dodged the stab and grabbed the wrist of that arm, "There are however some questions that i want answered...". Azieral made an attempt at slashing with the sai she used for deflecting. Lucent let go of her arm and jumped backwards, attempting a horizontal swing of his chain as he did so. Azieral jumped over the low-swinging chain and broke out into a dash toward Lucent, all her arms save for two defending ones, reared back for a strike.

Lucent caugh his chain and twirled it menacingly. As Azieral neared him, Lucent spun around on the spot, his chain danced through the air in a circle around him. Azieral crouched and skidded toward Lucent, to avoid the attack and get close to him.

Lucent ceased his small spin and Azieral jumped up from her position, in a blurring motion, she attacked with all of her arms at once.

Lucent noticed Azieral jump up and immediately dropped to the ground to avoid all 6 limbs that were aimed at his face. Azieral saw Lucent move so quickly to avoid her attacks, and in turn, she moved quickly as well. As soon as she reached the peak of her jump, she dived down onto Lucen't position on the ground with both of her legs for a swift kick.

Azieral's attack landed with accuracy against Lucent's chest, and he skidded backwards along the rough road as she hit him. He could feel the surface of the road grinding into his already tattered wings and he gritted his teeth. Lucent retained his grip on his weapon even as he was knocked back, and it trailed his movement along the road. He had been knocked back with such speed that his chain let out a few sparks as it grinded with the road.

As he opened his eyes, still in a narrow manner, the first thing he saw was the black silhouette of Azieral against the light of a street lamp, she was leaping at him with both of her sai ready in a stabbing motion.

Lucent lashed upwards with his chain while he still lay on the road. The chain hit Azieral on one of her legs and her balance was lost in midair. A strand of web shot out from one of her arms and attached itself to the top of the lamp post she was under, and she swung herself onto the very top of it, keeping perfect balance as she looked down on Lucent.

His eyes widened slightly as he looked up at the spider's acrobatic performance. He stood himself up and calmly brushed off his vest and arms, he extended and curled his wings twice to check what condition they were in, yep, they were scratched, but not that it really mattered, they were always too tattered to fly with anyway.

Lucent looked around and noticed that all the street lamps were now turning on, the sun was in the final stages of it's set, and darkness was enveloping the cityscape. He looked up at the assassin and kept his eyes fixed onto what appeared to be her two primary ones, it was hard to see considering the darkness of her gear and the glare from the lamp-post. Lucent spun his chain and lashed it to the ground with loud force, he seemed to be demanding attention.

"Tell who you are, and who sent you. Otherwise i'm going to make it my personal interest to tear off each of your arms one by one, and i promise i'll make it extremely painful."

Azieral responded by narrowing her eyes and throwing a sai at him. The weapon twirled through the air, flashing light against the surroundings as it's blade came into focus of the light from the lamp-post with every revolution.

What unfolded as the blade hurled toward Lucent seemed to be in slow motion. The blade came within a metre of Lucent's body before he bent his knees downward, reached up with his free arm, and caught the weapon by the handle, his hand clenched around it in the exact position where Lucent's heart had once been. He coiled back upwards and let go of his chain with his other hand, extending each of his fingers and pressing his palm out.

Azieral's eyes widened as Lucent snatched her weapon, stood up, and pointed an open palm at her current location.

Lucent's mouth coursed into a small grin before he ushered the words:

"Svarminus Paralia!"

Light blue energy gathered into his outstretched palm, and in a split second, that energy changed into a bright boom of light blue sparks as a magical comet-like projectile shot out from his palm. The noise that accompanied such an effect could be described as 'glass shattering and windchimes mixed with a fiery explosion'.

Azieral's field of vision soon was filed with nothing but light blue and white with black outlines of everything that was in her vision before. It was uncertain whether she had ever heard the rumours of Lucent's powers or not, either way she knew now, but not soon enough.

Instinct caused her to attempt a backflip and then use web lines to descend to the surface below, but it wasn't that simple. Lucent's projectile collided with the top of the street-lamp and sent glass shards in all directions, also the electrical components of the street-lamp reacted to the energy of the blast and lashed out with violent arcs of electricity, one of which bounced all the way to the next street lamp and caused it to short out, engulfing one area of the battlefield in darkness.

The glass shards were hard to dodge because of the obscure light and the state of surprise that Azieral was in, inevitably she found herself hit with a few shards of glass across her stomach and her uppermost arms. The shards pierced her skin like arrows, and it caused her attempt to shoot a web-line to be disturbed, she shot out too much web and ended up hitting the pavement anyway, she hit the ground on her back.

Lucent had evaded the shards that followed his attack by kicking up his chain directly after his blast, grabbing it, and then spinning it to knock away any stray shards that could hit him. A small few did still make it through his defense attempt, but luckily he only got scratched on the legs, save for one particular shard which made a deeper cut on his right shoulder, the arm that wielded the chain. He yanked back his arm and ceased spinning his weapon, he inspected his light wound and cursed to himself.

Azieral lay on the pavement in a daze, she raised an arm to rub her head and then she sat upright. Her mind became focused once again and she instinctively raised the arm that held her sai. Azieral's gaze turned to her arm that she had tried to raise, something was holding it down. When she looked over at her arm, she saw that a dark boot stood on her wrist. Her gaze shifted upwards to see the owner of that boot, looking down at her, standing in a hunched over position with his face blackened out by light behind him from another street-lamp. The only features of his face that could be made out were his bat-ears, the flicks of blue fur that stuck out at the top of his forehead, and last but not least, his menacing almost luminescent light blue eyes. What was even more noticeable was the spiked chain he held in one hand, and the sai that he held in the other.

Lucent let out a deep breath and a misty cloud formed underneath his chin, the air was becoming very cold, it was winter and it was in the city. Azieral felt a chill come over her, she wasn't sure whether it was the cold of the city, or the looming figure that stood over her, but something certainly made her spine tingle.

"If you want to keep most of your arms, then i suggest answering my questions..." Murmered Lucent in a grizzly tone.


OOC: Phew that was long! well, hope y'all liked the action sequence i played out there, i'm sorry if i played out too much of the battle myself there Pachamac, but it started out as a small little sequence in my head that grew and grew as i wrote! Also, if you aren't happy with any of it, i can change it.

Also, note that Azieral isn't completely helpless here, she still has the rest of her arms free!

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: No problem, James! :D It was a very well written post and was definitely exciting. Very well done. ^^ I think we both know that youre an excellent RPer and that your action scenes are not only fantastic, but very balanced on both characters, so theres no problem there. :)

Azieral looked up at him, her eyes wide in shock and fear. It seemed that he was powerful, extremely powerful, and the situation she had found herself in was not favourable.

True, she could be able to escape this situation, by easily firing some webbing into his eyes, or against his entire body even, and since she favoured the dark that was being emanated from the two broken street lamps, she could quite easily succeed and win this battle. But, she saw something else.

My name is Azieral, The black widow quietly spoke the words, showing no fear in her tone. Of course Ive heard of you, and it was because of that I came looking for you. I had to see that the rumours were true, that you were as powerful as what was claimed. And Im impressed.

Lucent looked down on her and his eyes widened slightly.

Forgive me, but I was merely testing you, to see if you were worthy enough. And you have passed. Underneath the mask across her mouth, the mask contorted and a smile could be seen underneath it. I wish to join your group. No doubt you have seen from our short fight that Im capable enough, and I also have some other talents, too.

Azierals hands were readied on either side of her body to be able to react to anything not favourable, such as if Lucent attacked her instead. However, what she was saying was genuine. All she could do was wait to find out Lucents response.

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It looked like the fight was over but it made Riku think, it was pretty dangerous and she may have to eventually join a gang to have a better chance at survival but who? The bat's gang surely didn't seem like one for her.

Posts: 1631
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Left turn. Mall entrance fifty yards on left. Large glass swinging doors.

The light was beginning to fade, but that was no problem for it. Night vision brightened up the shadows, and infra-red could detect any lifeforms in them. Not that there had been any thoughout the entire journey.

The Doctor said the city was always bustling with activity. Curious.

It turned the corner and it's glowing blue eyes picked out figures further down the road. It would be able to aquire information.

It strode forward, uneffected by the strainge shape of the figures. It's memory files contained plenty of information on "Mobians". It's sensetive hearing picked up speech, even from this distance away, and it was promptly filed and analized. Forgive me, but I was merely testing you, to see if you were worthy enough. And you have passed. I wish to join your group. No doubt you have seen from our short fight that Im capable enough, and I also have some other talents, too. No keywords detected. Discard.

It reached the figures before any more conversation occured.
Memory check: Greeting a Strainger===Primary Keyword: Respect.
Memory check: Respectful Actions===Lowering upper body toward target.

"Please excuse my intrusion," it said, bowing stiffly from the waist, "but may I ask if either of you know Doctor Dillan Amoz, robotics expert?"

Posts: 108
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Lucent laughed for a short moment after Azieral finished speaking.

"hahaha... This is a trick isn't it?" he mused.

Azieral was about to respond to him, try to convince him she wasn't lying, but she was interrupted by some metallic noises coming from her right.

Lucent's keen ears picked up the sound as well. Before turning to face the source of the noise, he swiftly spun the sai in his hand and pointed it's edge at Azieral's throat, he didn't want to take any chances when letting her out of his sight.

What Lucent saw when he turned his head was a humanoid robot with the traditional lit-up robot eyes piercing through the darkness. It was unlike any mecha that Lucent had ever seen.

"Please excuse my intrusion," it said, bowing stiffly from the waist, "but may I ask if either of you know Doctor Dillan Amoz, robotics expert?"

Lucent's eyes narrowed at the sight of the being. After inspection, he saw that it bore no markings on it, no police insignia or even a G.U.N logo, but that could merely mean that it was made to deceive it's targets... that is, if Lucent and Azieral were even targets, it was hard to tell whether the robot's politeness was part of it's suppossed deception or whether it was generally just polite. Either way, Lucent had no patience ofr it interrupting his encounter with Azieral.

"Amoz?" mused Lucent, he obviously didn't know who this was. The robot recognised the questioning tone in Lucent's voice and responded with an answer. IT nodded and said, "Yes, Doctor Dillan Amoz. Do you know of him?"

"If you're another one of those G.U.N robots or something, then you are really testing my patience..." Lucent growled. "I don't know any Doctor Dillan Amoz, go pester someone else!"

Azieral became a little uneasy with the appearance of this strange mechanical being, and she was also uneasy toward Lucent's response to it. Not to mention the fact that Lucent still had a weapon pointed at her throat didn't help her in her attempts to calm down.

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Memory Check: G.U.N.===No Matches Found.

"My appologies. I do not wish to be an annoyance."

The robot's head swiveled down to face Azieral, and the plastic features creased into a (apparently) desturbed frown as it noticed the weapon at her throat.

"What are you doing?"

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Lucent became annoyed at the robot's persistence, it was obviously intelligent in analysing Lucent's actions, but not smart enough to know when it is being threatened, or so it seems.

"I'm sorting out a little problem with my... 'friend'... here." Replied Lucent, looking down at Azieral.

"It's of no business of yours so i suggest you run along before my temper reaches boiling point."

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The robot's gaze slid across to face Lucient slowly.

"I am programmed to protect all forms of life." the smooth voice replied evenly. "I am not aware of the background or nature of your conflict, but I will not let you harm her."

Tactical Analasis: Two Weapons, Evidence of Formor Injury, Mental Stabillity Unknown.
Estimated Threat Risk: Moderate

(OOC: sorry for the short posts, but that's how this character is. Simple, matter-of-fact and to the point.

A note: he is programmed to protect all life, and this includes him being UNABLE to injure anyone in any way, however he has considerable strength and a complete knowledge of anatomy, and so can easily restrain a person without harming them.)

Posts: 2234
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Theres no problem here, Azieral muttered quite quietly, still being weary of the Sai near her throat and whether her speaking would allow the Sai to pierce her throat. It didnt. As Lucent said, were just sorting out a problem. In fact, he was just about to lift my weapon away from my throat and return it to me, werent you?

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The robot's head flicked back to face her. No problem? Curious. But if that were really the case it would allow it to continue it's primary objective.

"I see. That is good." it replied, the voice still emotionless. "I am sorry to have bothered you then." It took a small step back, as though preparing to move on, although it's eyes remaind fixed on the weapon at Azieral's throat, and then it paused, almost expectantly, waiting for the danger to cease before leaving...

Posts: 108
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Both Azieral and the robot had their eyes fixed on Lucent, and it annoyed him to an extent.

Obviously this machine wouldn't leave unless it was satisfied with Azieral's claim. Lucent however, still felt uncertain towards trusting Azieral... but then again, there was a disturbing little essence of doubt in the back of his mind, that actually believed Azieral. But as it stood, whether she could be trusted or not, the robot would not leave until it was certain danger was avoided.

Lucent gave a sly smile to the robot and then his stern expression returned as he faced Azieral once again. He edged the blade of the sai a little closer to her throat just to serve as a warning, then he pulled it back and spun it so that the handle was facing her. He motioned the weapon toward one of her arms, and Azieral cautiously took it from him.

The robot tilted it's head as it analysed the actions taken. Lucent sighed to himself and reluctantly held out his hand to help the she-spider get up. Azieral held in a smug chuckle, Lucent noticed this and scoffed at her.

After helping her up, Lucent stood with his arms crossed, facing the robot. "Happy now?" he mused.

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It bowed again, it's features smiling. Wether this was simply a programmed reaction or not the others couldn't tell.

"Once again I appoligise for my intrusion. If I may be so bold, might I ask a favour of you?" Lucient opened his mouth to protest, but the robot continued. "If either of you should happen to see Dotor Amoz, please could you tell him..." Pause, as somehow, the robots eyes gained a far-away look, and it's face dropped...a look almost of sadness!

"...tell him his son is looking for him."

Another pause. The two Mobians stared at the robot silently, suprised by the sudden change. Was it really showing emotion...? The robot itself was staring down the street destractedly, as though it's mind were somewhere else. It was an gesture...

It's head swiveled back to face them and it smiled. "Thankyou very much." Another bow, then the robot set off again down the street, looking into the various shop windows as it passed them.

Posts: 108
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Lucent eyed the robot with curioisity as it walked away. It's actions had been so... life-like, almost like it was a living being... a remarkable piece of technology.

Lucent waited until the robot was out of suppossed hearing range and turned to face Azieral, who had also been staring at the robot.

He kept his face stern and his chain handy as he spoke to her, "So... You want to join my ranks am i correct?"

"Yes, that is correct" replied Azieral, she seemed to be more casual now, not battle-ready like Lucent was.

Lucent scoffed at her, "If that is the case, then answer me this... why? why join my gang hmmm? Is there something i should know? Is this all just a trick?"

Clearly Lucent was still cautious of her. And he was also cautious of his surroundings, seeing as that robot had seemingly gotten the drop on him, not to mention this whole area had some ill feeling around it... almost like he was being watched. And it made his ears stand up.

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Riku took notice of the bat's heightened ears and began to shrink down. She had a feeling that running away would only get her into more trouble and that she may have to join his ranks, if only to save herself. She stood up from behind her hiding place and began to wonder how to approach the bat.

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If it was a trick, I wouldnt tell you it was, would I? Azieral replied, but smiled, the folds in her scarf indicating this. But I can assure you that Im not. And it should be fairly obvious why I wish to join your gang power. Youre an elite figure, and I believe my chances in this world would be better with such a strong person. I checked out the area of your last fight, against some other rival gang that happened to be using a GUN mech, where it was fairly obvious you had won. Such power like that I wish to be a part of it.

Azieral finished her explanation, and placed her Sais in her sash on either side of her body. Well? Azieral asked. May I be allowed to join your group?

Posts: 1134
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Ed pondered the echidna's response. It was not as though he had any important, immediate plans that would be interrupted, though the others (OOC: These are the same others from Festival of Fun over on EliteMFC, minus Isaac and Nuchta) would doubtless wonder where he was and what had happened to him.

"Sure, might as well," acquiesced Ed, "Safety in numbers and all that, aye?" Suddenly, he realised that he had not yet introduced himself. He held out a hand to be shaken. "The name's Ed, by the way. Ed Night."

Wraith accepted the human's hand and shook it firmly. "Pleased to meet you."

"Same to you, I'm sure" responded Ed somewhat casually. "Just gimme a second." Pulling a mobile phone out of his pocket, he tapped out and sent a quick text: "Good out, will be back later than expected." He had meant to write 'gone out', but in his haste the predictive text system had gotten the better of him.

"So, where we headed, then?" he asked, pocketing the phone once again.

OOC: Sorry for not posting in so long and that my contribution is so short.

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: np Nut ;) welcome back)

Wraith nodded down the street. "That way. We were headed to investigate a scream when Alonzo interrupted us."

"A scream eh? Who from?"

"That's what we were going to find out. Come on." Wraith set off down the road at a fast pace, the others falling into step alongside.

Arista glanced across at Wraith a little hesitantly. She had waited while he delt with Alonzo and gave Lexx his orders, but now she saw her chance to speak.

She was still wondering what Wraith had ment by his line earlier: "We'll talk about this later." Inside she was angry! He was constantly pushing her down, treating her like a child, but why? What did he get out of it?

Wraith had caught her glance. "You did well back there."

She bit her lip and fought down her temper. Shouting would do no good. "Thanks."

"You handled yourself well, but it was very dangerous."

Here we go again! she thought. She said nothing, absently rubbing her hands where the glass splinters had cut her. Wraith noticed the movement and stopped. "Hey, you're injured!"

"I'm ok. Just a few scratches."

He grabbed her hands and looked at them closely. "Some of these are quite deep. You should go back to the warehouse."

"No." she retorted testily. "I'll be fine."

"Ari, go on. You need to get those cuts looked at."

"No!" She fixed him with an angry look. "Wraith, you're doing it again! What's with you??? Why are you always treating me like a little girl???"

Wraith looked taken abak for a moment. "I don't do that!"

"Yes you do!" Arista retorted. "That thing you said before..."We'll talk about this later". Just what is that supposed to mean?"

"Ari, I..." He was at a loss for words.

"You what??? You think I can't handle myself? Please, just tell me WHY!"

Wraith suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders, staring into her eyes. "Because I can't lose you!!!"

There was a pause. Wraith's eyes slowly sank to the floor and he stepped back, looking very small. "I...I love you Ari. I can't see anything happen to you." He took off his hat and ran his hand through his long dreads. "I've just...never been able to tell you."

Arista was staring at him wide-eyed. In all the time they had known each other she had never seen him looking so small, so vunerable. And to think, it was HER who had caused this! She had gone mad again! She had shouted at him! Now she felt so sorry for him...

And at the same time she was touched. All this time it hadn't been that he was looking down on her, treating her like a child. It was that he wanted to protect her...that he couldn't see her hurt!

Her eyes began to fill with tears...

Ed, meanwhile, had been stood on the sidelines watching the conversation, hesitant to intervene. Now, in the quiet, he dared to speak.


"Yeah you're right." said Wraith, cutting him off before he could say any more. "We should get going. We've waisted far too much time already." He replaced his trilby and set off down the street again, his head down slightly, as though embarassed. Arista wiped her eyes before her tears fell and brought her mind back to the job at hand. As they set off, though, she found she was looking at Wraith in a whole new light. It had taken a lot of courage to say that. She knew how he sometimes found his emotions hard to deal with. She could imagine how he must feel.

Silently she vowed that as soon as this mission was over she would tell him how she felt about him...

...and from there...who knew where it would go?

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

Azieral finished her explanation, and placed her Sais in her sash on either side of her body. Well? Azieral asked. May I be allowed to join your group?

Lucent pondered over Azieral's negotiations...

obvious why I wish to join your gang power.

Youre an elite figure

Such power like that I wish to be a part of it.

Lucent felt quite smug having such things being said about him, it fed his ego, but it also brought about more of his cautiousness, what if he was just being suckered up to?

Taking another glance at Azieral, Lucent reached a point in his mind where he didn't suspect Azieral of resorting to such trickery as flattering someone, she seemed too disciplined as a warrior to try something like that.

The more he thought about it, the more Lucent warmed up to the idea of allowing such an individual into his gang. From what he could tell, Azieral had discipline, she was strong, she was agile, she had incredibly tactical way of fighting... she had a lot of qualities that would benefit his gang a lot... now it wasn't a matter of questioning why Azieral should be allowed in, but moreso a question of why there weren't more like her in his gang already. Lucent was growing very tired of the incompetence he had to deal with on a regular basis, afterall, in his recent battle against the 'Dread-Painters' he had lost a few members, but more importantly a standard single-barrel rifle, one of two that he had looted off an ambushed 'Dread-Painter' scout group a while ago.

Lucent's light blue eyes rose from the ground as he finished his pondering, and he looked at Azieral with his usual look. "Hmmm... Okay then... i'll accept you as an official member of the Nocturnes..." He raised the arm that held his chain and swung it violently over his head.

"However there are a few rules that must be enforced!"

Lucent slammed that chain on the ground to the right of Azieral, barely missing her.

"Rule number one... i... do NOT... tolerate... Incompetence"

He swung the chain low to the ground, Azieral had to jump over it, it was at this stage that Azieral was wondering just what it was Lucent was doing.

"Rule number two... i... do NOT... tolerate... Failure"

Lucent recoiled the chain and violently cracked it against the road at his feet.

"Rule number three... i... do NOT... tolerate... Treachery... in any of it's forms!"

The chain was raised up into the air in a violent snake-like motion towards Azieral, she dodjed it be jumping to her left.

Lucent caught back his chain and gripped it with both hands. He grinned wickedly at her, "Break so much as one of these rules, and i will not hesitate to kill you... and i assure you, i have dealt with many in that instance before."

Azieral was still in a semi-battle stance, ready to dodge incase Lucent swiped at her again, she understood the rules clearly, but not why Lucent had made those attacks at her.

Before she could approach Lucent and question him, he spun his chain in the air again and began to speak softly... softly but scary. "Now... not another word... don't be obvious, but we're being watched... i can feel it..."

Azieral glanced about and drew out her sai.

Lucent stepped toward her, looking menacing, "It might be best that it is not known we are allies for now... i'm about to attack you, and i will mean it... i want you to dodge it, and then run away into the shadows, then i want you to sneak back to that battle site from before and retrieve for me a rifle that one of my men died with. it's on a rooftop around the alleyway."

Lucent leaped up to her position in a fighting manner, Azieral jumped sideways and kept her focus on him and his chain.

Lucent kept swinging his chain, "I'm going to walk back to my gang's base... you should be able to find me, afterall... i think i know how you found me in the first place."

With that, Azieral nodded, but not obviously. Lucent grinned and lashed out at her with full force, thanks to the early warning, Azieral was able to backflip backwards, withdraw her sai, and swing away into the shadows on a cord of web.

Lucent withdrew his chain and ran for a short distance in her direction, "you, pathetic COWARD!" he shouted, he sounded realistic because he had plenty of practice when it came to yelling at people.

He coiled up his chain and connected it to the latch that was inside his vest, and he began to walk away, hands in his pockets, very casually. He glanced at the chaos emerald that was in his jacket pocket, tied with string... he made sure it was concealed as he observed it, made sure no-one could see.

Lucent kept his ears lowered at normal level, to hide the fact that he could hear movement near a pile of trashcans... but what really had him concerned was the two silhouttes he saw on that rooftop, outlined by the dying sun. He saw them as he was looking up at that robot, they were in clear view above the robot's shoulder, he made sure he wasn't obvious and didn't move his head, but instead just his eyes.

"hmmm..." pondered Lucent as he walked past a row of shops, including a fruit cart that looked to be abandoned. He swiped an apple, a green one and took a large bite out of it as he continued his walk through the city...

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Calling me a coward youll pay for that later, Azieral thought to herself as she darted through the streets, weaving through alleyways and sticking as one with the shadows of the city. No one can dare call me that, and youll pay for it later,

Azieral drew ever closer to her destination, the site where Lucent had battled the Dread Painters. She was to look for a rifle? A pathetic use of her abilities. And that speech he gave of earlier was that supposed to intimidate her? Bah. Just flow with it for now she mentally commanded herself, as she took one last turn and found herself in the ruins of the earlier battle area, which was surrounded by the ruined derelict buildings. And the rifle he wants is on one of these roofs? Hmp. She muttered in her thoughts continually, and then began to scale the outer side of the wall nearest to her as she began her search for the missing rifle that Lucent desired.

Posts: 1037
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IC:The door closed behind her as she entered the small flat. It had gotten dark outside and even though she was not quite the stereotypical good girl, she used to return home after the sun set.
GRBR stepped into the cramped living room where his older sister GRAE was reading a book, just for a change.
GRVB, her oldest sister, came in from the small kitchen, her fire red tail swinging behind her. "Just in time for dinner. They had chicken today." GRVB left every day and snuck into someone's food supply. Recently she had been stealing food from the military. She loved to do it, the more dangerous the place she snuck in to steal, the bigger the thrill and excitement she got from it. Being a skilled thief she never got spotted and could handle all kinds of tight situations.
GRBR sat down at her usual place and watched through the small window on the other side of the room. A gray building stood there, blocking all view. They had always lived in this little flat, even before the incident 5 years ago. They had been quite lucky that it hadn't crumbled down nor suffered any serious damage. The building wasn't empty either, families, or what was left of them, lived in the small flats, being cautious not to make much noise and not turning any lights on, fearing a gang might break in at any moment to use the apartment as their base or just raze everything. Fortunately the building was so shabby-looking that nobody bothered getting in, except for the homeless who slept on the entrance and the stairs to shelter themselves from rain and cold weather.
"So, what did you find out?", GRBR's eyes widened after GRAE asked her the question. She remembered how she had messed things up this afternoon, throwing the stone..
"What were they hiding?", GRAE had understood that her younger sister had probably done something wrong, but she didn't enquire further. She had to learn from her own mistakes.
"A weapon dealer." GRBR answered laconically. "But I couldn't find out where he is."
GRVB was humming a song when she entered with the food, she seemed to be uninterested to what happened around her, in truth her ears where listening to each word that was spoken.
"Interesting.. perhaps it's a GUN agent who's switched sides?", GRAE looked at her claws and checked each of them was clean, then she started to eat.
"There's also another thing", GRBR suddenly spoke up, "I saw one of the alleged heroes, Morgaine and Sachio were beating him up! It seems he has an Emerald or knows where one is hidden!" Her face turned bright as she made a wide grin.
Both her sisters looked up, keen on hearing more.
"Did I do a good job?", was all GRBR could say, still grinning stupidly.
"If you want I can track him down", she added.
"Good, find him and tell us as soon as you do. Emeralds are quite valuable.", a charming smile appeared on the beautiful cat's face. "And who knows? Maybe we could make some use of the hero as well."
"I'll go tomorrow and won't disappoint you!", GRBR answered proudly.

OOC: I like how the Azieral - Lucent thing developed. Wraith showing his feelings to Arista was also a very nice and emotional scene. You did really a great job! ^^

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It's designation was Experimental Servant Robot-Beta 26 Advanced...ESP-B26A...

...but his father had named him David.

He remembered Amoz vividly. David was the latest prototype in his brilliant carrer, and a first for many things. For one, he was the first robot to have achived a stable AI matrix...all the others had collapsed after varying lengths of time, due to the masses of information. He was also the first to have Amoz's new experimental EMOTE programming...a new set of neural algorithms so advanced that it allowed him to experience emotions! The software was still in the very early stages, and because of this the emotions very rarely surfaced, but they were there.

Like the feeling he had now as he wondered the streets, seeing the devastation wrought throughout the city. It was very small, very weak, but he could feel it. He was worried.

The central computer core in the lab had been out of action, so he had been unable to connect and update his files. This ment that he had no idea how long he had been inactive. But information gathered from the decay of the lab sugessted a long time, and, though he had never been out into the city before, he knew that it wasn't supposed to be this deserted...this forsaken.

The sensors in his feet detected something unusual, and he paused, looking down at the ground.

Density varience. A small section of the floor vibrated as though there was nothing underneath it.

Infra-red: Active.

Confirmation. The heat signature from that small section of floor (residual heat from the sun, wich had set some ime ago) differed from the rest of the street. Not only that, but the difference continued up a small mound of rubble next to him, almost as though it was a camoflaged door of somekind.

He bent down and placed his hands on the rubble.

Echo imaging: Active.

Doctor Amoz had origionally worked for the millitary, and when he moved on to designing household servant robots he decided to incorperate some old millitary systems that many would say were of no use in a normal home. His excuse was that the robot may be looking after children, and "...who knows what sort of dangerous things childeren get up to sometimes!" At any rate, the systems were coming in handy now.

David let out a short blast of ultra-high frequency sound, then measured the echos as they came back, creating a mental diagram of the world beond. A corridor...stairs...pathway...

And the pannel was hinged, like a door. A few seconds of analising and he reached out, grabbing hold of a rounded metal object embedded in the mound. The door swung open easily.

He would not normally have bothered with something so trivial. Curiosity was not generally in his nature. But he decided to investigate because of a thought...

...the Doctor's lab was secret, and so was this passage. Maybe they both had the same inventor. Why else would there be a secret passage in the middle of the street for no reason?

Night Vision: Active

Not bothering to close the door (irrelivent), he stepped into the dark passage, his sensitive ears picking up noises ahead...

EDIT: (OOC: Man I must have been asleep when I posted. Yeah, same as Pach said, thanks for the encouragement, and yeah, you have some skill yourself Erika! For your first RP you're doing great! Nice work!

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Thanks very much, Erika! :D Your posts have also been great and I like the interaction between the family. ^^

IC: Wow, you have all sorts of things! exclaimed Tails as he looked around at the junk, his expression lifted somewhat as he found he may have some means of repairing his weapon. But then, his expression changed frequently as he searched through them, rifling between disappointment at discovering junk or a brewing idea when he found something that might be of worth.

Trey had sat down on the bed and smiled slightly as the kitsune did the movements, pleased and hopeful that he might find something which could come in handy and raise the groups chances of success at establishing order.

But then there was something wrong. The hairs on Treys bodies stood on air as he breathing became shallower, and he stood, listening, and not moving an inch as he tried to identify the problem and the source. There was nothing wrong in the room itself, between Tails and the twins, who were also watching Tails, and it was then that treys eyes slowly turned to face the pathway of hall which led to the entrance of his hideout. The candle which gave away some light along projected shadows that seemed wrong along it, and it was then that Trey realised something was wrong.

Damn it, not again! he thought to himself, as he swiftly jumped out of the seat on the bed and raced down the hallway in a manner of seconds, doing the name of his species proud. As he raced down the hall he needed none of the candle lights help in being able to identify it or spot the target after all he had lived for almost 5 years the feeling of it was natural now, but the being which also occupied the hall was not. And a light was visible across the silhouette of the figure as well. The doors open as well! he exclaimed to himself, but then his vision settled on the figure as he continued sprinting, finding some small relief that there was only one person but one was still too dangerous enough. He couldnt take any charges.

Before the Overlander-liked character could react Trey had already acted, and made the situation into his own. In the time it had took for him to sprint down the corridor and reach David, it had only taken 2 seconds, and in the time it took for Trey to swiftly stop, and then rise his right leg high enough to the Overlanders neck and forcefully push him into the wall and pinned; another 2 seconds. Both figures were still standing, but Trey had the distinct advantage. David was backed against the wall and his neck was being threatened by the possibility of Trey easily being able to slam his foot against it and potentially snap it, although now Treys foot no longer connected against it and left a small gap of mere millimetres between them. In the small space and width of the hallway, there would be no way that David would be able to move without at least being hit.

Listen, pal, well go through this nice and slowly. Co-operate well enough and youll be able to still leave here, with you head attached. Try anything else well, you wont want to. Who are you?! Trey demanded, as Angela, Asher and Tails rushed from the room to find out what Trey had been doing and what occurred, unaware what the cheetah could have been doing in the small matter of time it took for the sequence to occur. And how did you find this place, and what do you want?!

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