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The Rise and Fall

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Posts: 369
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OOC: Wow Wraith... that was quite the morbidly disturbing and dark story I read there. I would never have expected... excellent stuff. Very disturbing and sinister. Poor Wraith :{. It's interesting he is hiding it from Arista... but realistic. And you played Tails brilliantly. Reminiscent from the games- and a fitting run on scene to the previous one.
Yeah, sorry if Tails' reccount was a bit naf from my part- lol. I was unmotivated. I had planned that mystery scene all along though. Not for Tails to be a witness- but I think I'm glad now =P. I guess I'm hoping that if the RP goes well that more witnesses will reccount their stories to make what happened clearer or something...
.. I'll definately be taking that device scenario into account. Could make things interesting =D

Here is some fanart. Hope I got your character right James. I am not posting it on DA.

Gonna IC in a bit ^^

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Very nice pic, Ben. ^^ Brilliantly drawn and a very good re-enactment of the scene. Both of the characters are very well drawn. :)

G.U.N. Headquarters

Damn! What could that traitor possibly want with 3 CE Detectors? Hes got his own Chaos Emerald so he should be able to track the rest of them by himself anyway. Dale muttered aloud.
Perhaps he wants to give them to the rest of a gang if needed, so they could widen their search it helps explain the mobile phones. The German Shepherd replied. Or it could have been someone else entirely.
Ugh. Run through the security camera footage around the area of the item stock, see if we can find out who exactly it was. If it was someone other then Frost, then that makes matters more worrying get to it.
Yes sir! The German Shepherd replied then quickly left to examine the footage.
Dale then continued to look at the site where Warrick and Frost had once encountered each other, and without looking back to Camron, he continued to speak to him.
So what do you think a worker in weapons and warfare would be able to do here? Dale asked, the here as emphasis of the current room and forensic site.

Sir, are you alright? asked one of the G.U.N soldiers that had encountered Frost earlier before he vanished from the site. He was referring to Bill, the toad who was slowly getting up off the floor and rubbing the back of his head.
I Im fine, blast that hedgehog. Bill replied. But weve got more important things to worry about now.
The G.U.N. soldier seemed a bit confused at this, but he didnt speak up, instead waiting for Bill to continue and finish.
We need to get into contact with the outposts within Ice Hoven and the Sanhara Desert region and warn them about this, and that Frost knows that they have a Chaos Emerald each. Bill explained. The regions might be large and we might not know exactly where in the regions they are, but well need to inform them at once

Treys hideout

Shadow the Hedgehog, eh? Trey repeated after listening to the others analysis of who the mysterious red and black figure was. He closed his eyes slightly before opening them and smiling. It doesnt much surprise me. Remember that time on Day X, when Dr. Eggman had control of the Space Colony Ark? He was being assisted by a red and black hedgehog then which we should assume was also Shadow, even if the details werent properly given. In that respect it seems that things dont change much hes still a villain.

Some of the others in the room nodded in response, agreeing. Others seemed a bit weary and unsure, but couldnt rule out the possibility.

As you said, its a good chance that Tails could become a target. In fact, when I rescued Tails after his beating from Sachio, Morgraine and their lap dogs, a mysterious black figure with a gun was atop one of the nearby buildings. No doubt youve all heard the rumours that the figure is Shadow I wonder what he would have done to Tails if I didnt show up straight afterwards.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member


Frost reappeared a good ten miles away from the long road that lead into the G.U.N complex.
As he materialized in the middle of the lonely road, he cast a look over his shoulder at smirked at the scene he saw the very distance. There was still a lot of chaotic alarms going off and light signals flashing into the sky.
"So stupid," he sneered, before taking off at swift speed away from the complex, carrying the Chaos Emerald.
He took a moment to glance on either side and noticed a lot of suburbian area, fields, and haunting looking trees in the night.
Frost finally arrived near a landscape boarder area, which monitored vehicles that came in and out of the region. He noticed one or two people sitting there, reading their newspaper within their cubicles as it wasn't particularly busy around this time of the night.
So he simply ran underneath one of the barriers that would normally pivot up and down to let vehicles through once they paid a fee.
Whether anyone had noticed him pass, was unknown to him. It was also ephemeral to him for now.

Frost finally arrived with the city. He found himself walking through the empty dark streets- a somewhat isolated loneliness haunting this part of the city as he stared at the towering skyscrapers and building complexes, with broken windows and with mostly lights off. There was also little lighting in the street lamps, which lit a faint white blue doing more to provoke a sinister feel in the area.
Before Frost got too lost in his surroundings, he suddenly stopped and smirked. He tried very hard not to laugh. But he couldn't help but snigger what he saw before him.
Frost momentarily grabbed the corner of a building and looked into an inky alleyway, his eyes burning at the back of the figure who was making his way down into the darkness.
"Shadow..." he said in an almost silky whisper, before turning to run away immediatly with a sinister smile on his face. This caused the figure to turn on the spot and see a kaleidascope like shimmer of white and light icey blue light just where Frost had stood.
Shadow glanced from side to side, trying to track down who it was that called his name. And then he saw a blur of lavender and white heading towards one of the tallest skyscrapers.
Shadow immediatly took off to follow him.
The black and red hedgehog found himself jumping as fast, darting from ledge to ledge and using flagpoles to hoist himself upwards so as to ascend the skyscraper as fast as possible. He was determined to find out who it was that appeared just seconds earlier before him.
On finally arriving to the top of the skyscraper, 400 feet above ground level, he took a deep breath, before looking upwards and gasping at what he saw before him.
"Heya Shadow..." Frost smirked "long time no see. Of course, I doubt you remember me... after all that happened. Wow, I expect your head must be one big freaking mess by now..."
Frost pursed his lips briefly, before tilting his head slightly.
"I think I know more about you than anyone can tell you." he smiled snidely.
Shadow gave, Frost an angry glare. And then what amused the black and red hedgehog more was what Frost was holding. Not the Chaos Emerald... but an innocent looking, young rabbit was in his grasp... holding her over the edge of the building. She seemed somewhat familiar to Shadow, but he couldn't quite place how. The rabbit simply whimpered to both to be in Frost's clutches, and to see the notorious black hedgehog who she believed to have assassinated the president.
"It's SO nice to finally meet you after all this time pal. I've come to learn more about you after all this time. I know about... your past, your struggles, Dr. Gerald, Day. X..." he said, yanking Cream's arm as a form of punishment for her to stop struggling and giving her a cold look at the same time. Then he looked back at Shadow and smiled.
At that disturbing statement, Shadow immediatly pulled out his gun, causing Frost to step closer towards the edge with Cream.
"CAREFUL!" Frost hissed and smiled at the same time "I know you have a weakness towards certain people we once knew..." he asked.
"... or don't you?"


Shaide folded his unfolded arms as he looked at Dale cooly. He took off his red shades and toggled around with them for a moment.
"Well, I don't mean to brag... sorry I don't believe I quite know your name..."
"Dale." the fox replied.
"Right Dale, like I said, I don't meant to brag but I have some a vast knowledge of weapons, types, how to put them together..." Shaide explained "and I am working on a theory such that I could create artifacts to counteracts the danger of chaos emeralds. Particularly if the holders are dangerous individuals."
"Oh REALLY?" Dale asked, unconvinced.
"Of course!" Shaide insisted "wanna know what my theory is?"
"... I... erm..." Dale replied, expecting to hear a 'not-so-great' explanation.
"Okay fine... if it's too much for the likes of you to take it all in... I guess I will have to wait for someone else that's gonna be more willing to listen..." Shaide said, putting on his red glasses.
"Hmmm... so has the scene of the crime regarding the Sledge Painter gang been thoroughly investigated yet?" Shaide asked Dale.


Tails walked back into the room, a little numb after having had to tell his own story.
But Wraith's was something else. It took a lot of guts to have told him what he had gone through. Tails was extremely shocked to say the least.
But he could honestly say that he indeed, did not think any differently of Wraith.
Tails had in fact, felt more acknowledged as a responsible individual and it meant a lot to him that Wraith trusted him that way- that he opened up to him. And the fact he had told him. Tails at that moment swore he would keep his promise and not any of this to Arista as Wraith had requested.
Tails really admired Wraith for the burden he has had to live with, mixed with confusion and a somewhat nightmarish plague. And yet the Echidna still carried forth an amicable and admirable outlook. It was amazing.
On finally entering the room, Tails forced a smile and faced everyone.
"So what do we do now?" he asked simply.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

G.U.N. Headquarters

Thats Dread Painters, and an investigation has sort of started already, Dale replied, getting a little annoyed by the new arrival, Camron Shaide, but even more annoyed at the fact that had probably hadnt properly read the file given to him about the massacre of that gang. But to be fair to you though, there group was led by a loser called Sledge. Dale replied. It was not that he didnt mind a simple mistake in people, it was just that it seemed unprofessional.

Anyway, an investigation has sort of begun, but hasnt developed so far yet. The area is cordoned off and there are some guards around the site, but the proper investigation will start tomorrow morning. Dale said, sighing at the need to explain.

The automatic door to the room, much like the majority of others within the G.U.N Headquarters, automatically slid open, and in walked a frog, Bill, who was visibly worn for wear after his encounter with Frost. He certainly didnt look to happy, but had come to check out the site where Frost had encountered Warrick and see if any evidence had turned up which they could use.

Bill! Are you alright?! Dale automatically called out.

Im fine, Im fine just had a run-in with Specimen 156. It got a bit rough. Though not so much as it did in here from the looks of it. Hows Captain Warrick? Bill asked, rubbing his head.

In Surgery already. Theyre aiming to heal his wounds and patch up those nasty gunshot wounds he took. But the Captain will pull through hes a tough nut to crack. And hell always rise up to yell at us no matter what. Dale said, smiling slightly.

Yeah, that guy doesnt die easily, does he? Bill smiled. Got anything good yet?

Not really, nothing we havent already got. Dale muttered, turning back to his work, and then suddenly came up with an idea to get Camron off his back. Hey, Bill! This is Camron, who Im sure youll know. Our new operative.

Bill nodded slowly, smiling and looking to him. Pleased to meet you. Camron smiled and returned the same.

Hes the guy who managed to help save Warrick. Dale continued. Bills eyes widened incredulously as he looked at the newcomer.

Good job, guy. Heh, so olWarrick actually needed help this time?

Before Camron could reply, Dale chipped in again. And Bill, have you heard his theory of creating artefacts to counteracts the danger of chaos emeralds? Im sure you might be interested in that. Bill widened in eyes in curiosity and shook his head to show that he hadnt, before turning to Camron and being interested in his theory while Dale finally hoped he might have some space to do his own work.

Treys hideout

We restore order and control to the city, Trey replied. He quickly continued though, I know it doesnt sound like an easy thing to do and theres no cut and dry, simple method of just doing it, such as taking out one target or fixing one solution. Although G.U.Ns trying, its not necessarily enough, and it also needs the public like us to step in and offer a hand as well.

The others turned to listen to the Cheetahs ideas. I think it would be best to first join up with the rest of Wraiths Neo Freedom Fighters, to bolster our strength, and if anything else to at least give introductions so that if we run into each other later on we wont suspect any one else as an enemy.

There were some nods from around the room.

Then, I suggest we find some other support and help, more people that would be willing to help like us, after all we cant be the only ones. Trey commented. And then comes the hard part, these other gangs which dont have such promising ideals, Trey sombrely spoke. The best we can hope to do is to get them to peacefully stand down and accept responsibility for the crimes theyve committed, but thats unlikely. Since its doubtful that theyll comply, we might end up having to kill some of them, if but to just bring them to justice and law and order. That counts for Shadow, Sachio and Morgraines gang, and even that Bat Lucent, who are the most powerful gangs but there are others. Capture would be ideal, a surrender even better, but I think we have to accept we might even have to kill to bring their chaos and anarchy to an end which is what Im expecting the leaders to react like. Anything to bring them down.

But one at a time. First, hooking up with the Neo-Freedom Fighters.

What about G.U.N? Tails asked.

G.U.N are good, very good people, but Im thinking it might be better to steer clear from them and focus on others areas which they dont. Of course, if we can get their support and assistance in cases so much the better, but I think we could also do some good as a third party operative. Trey concluded. What do the rest of you think?

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"There's good in everyone Trey." muttered Arista quietly. "I don't think we should be killing anyone."

Wraith nodded in agreement. "Ari's right, we don't want to kill anyone. Capturing them is the way to go."

"That may not be possible." replied Trey. "You must know these gangs! They won't come quietly!"

David stepped forward from his spot near the door. "I will assist you in your efforts to bring justice, however..." his gaze turned to Trey, and he shook his head slowly "...I cannot allow you to kill anyone."

"If we use our brains we should be able to figure out a way of capturing them without having to resort to that." muttered Wraith. "I see your point Trey, but I think it best we don't go there. It's a dangerous place." (Tails glanced over at Wraith as he said this, one of his eyebrows raised.)

"Except for Morgaine and Sacchio." murmured Arista, barely audibly.

"Except for nobody miss Arista." replied David, his sensitive ears picking up her words. "I appologise, but I cannot allow anybody to be harmed."

Arista looked up at him wide-eyed, her blue eyes glinting with anger. Wraith grabbed the robot's arm and firmly pushed him back towards the door. "David, shut up."

He turned back to Trey. "As for meeting up with the rest of our gang, sure we can do that. There's still some room in our warehouse if you want to move in with us. You want me to call some of them and get them to help you with your stuff?"

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Angela raised an eyebrow toward Wraith, frowning. The head-strong instincts in her blood took over, as she spoke up, eyes glittering in the dim light.

"No need, Wraith. Asher and I barely have enough things between the both of us to fill a small handbag." There was no hostility in her tone, just a hint of bitterness. The striped vixen began to twirl her rod absentmindedly.

Asher nodded as well. "Yep...We could...." The tabby paused, wincing visibly, and bending down to rub his left knee. "We could grab them up, after having a small tour of your place," He finished, straightening up.

The midnight-black tabby's mind wandered back to the topic they had been discussing...and he would've liked to join in the conversation, had his leg not been acting up again.

(OOC: Hi guys. I'm baaack! ^^ I'll do more as soon as these cramps stop. >.>)

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Theres no need to take any of this junk with us, Trey replied, almost immediately, referring to the pieces of mechanical equipment on the floor. Most of its rubbish, though it does contain a lot of memories in it, memories which Id rather not shift. Theres nothing important here though that can contribute to our cause. Besides, we should leave some of the stuff here like the chairs in case we need to hideout here or something.

Trey stood up, but picked up a bag by the foot of the bed. Clothes though is to be expected, right? He smiled, and slumped it over his shoulder so the bag trailed by his side. He had already had it packed for some reason. Did he always plan to leave then, or was this just in case of any eventuality? He didnt comment on this. Trey began walking out of the room, but paused slightly to see Asher rub his left knee and wince slightly. Although he didnt mention it, he wondered what the problem was, and if it was something important.

Trey walked closer to the hallway that led to the entrance and exit of the hideout. He turned to look over his shoulder and say one more thing about the topic before. Im not saying we go gung ho and kill any of them. Thats a last option, last, last option. Of course Id look for any other option in which we can get them captured, but like I said before, people like Lucent and Sachio and Morgraine will not go down easily. Theyre powerful, extremely powerful. And what if it comes to the situation where theres no other option rather to kill them or be killed yourself? Or somebody else, someone innocent, would be killed? He particularly looked at David at this point. To say that there wont be any deaths, any killings is downright nave. I know. Trey turned and started walking down the hallway to the exit. Well then, shall we get going?

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

Wow... THANKYOU BENTLEEE!!! *hug* that art piece is so cool! Lucent's in character there for sure, that facial expression is so beautifully drawn, i sooo wanna be able to draw that expression. The background looks like it was quick to make, but it's very stylish and effective for the central characters. If you don't wanna post this on DA then that's ok. personally i think it'd be a good thing to post, even as a scrap. thanks again!

Sorry i haven't posted until now people, been addicted to using my Wacom Tablet which i just bought yesterday. 'twas expensive, but well worth it, it's a fun drawing tool! you can tell i'm happy with my purchase eh? the thing that surprised me is that it only took me a few hours to get used to using the thing. i'm so addicted to it now...

Anwhoo, now i shall post. Check the bottom of this post for a glimpse of what i've been working on with my tablet ;)


I dont suppose that this hospital was the one your father worked at when he was still a surgeon? Azieral asked to Myst.

Myst shook her head, "no, this place was set for demolition before the ARK disaster. My Dad worked in another one all the way on the other side of town. Don't know whether that place even exists anymore... for all i know it's dust, just like a lot of places i used to know..."

Azieral nodded as she listened. Myst had her head facing down, deep in thought.

"hm.." she murmured, "Funny that you say other people aren't as fortunate as i am to have company. With Lucent it barely ever feels like i have company at all."

She looked up at Azieral and smiled as she wiped away a stray tear, "thanks for keeping me company and listening to all my blubbering. I really appreciate it."

"ah, well, you are welcome." replied Azieral.

Myst got up and put some equipment away before walking to the medical room door. "Speaking of lord bastard, i better go check how he is. As much as i hate the way he acts... i cant help but care about him. Has Lucent shown you the dormitories?"

Azieral nodded.

"Good, in that case you can just take a look around the rest of the base if you want. I'd love to talk to you later though. If you run into Plugg and he starts buggin' ya, just tell him Nurse doesn't mind if she has a few more wounds to deal with." With that she opened the door and walked out, leaving it open for Azieral to walk around.

Azieral thought to herself for a moment then walked to the medical room door.

She was right at the entrance when she sighed to herself at the sight of what was approaching her.

"I think that crazy ninja chick gor a rock caught in my bandage or somethin'. I can feel a lump there on my elbow." Said Plugg as he walked with a squirrel gang member.

"That's just gro-" said the squirrel, stopping in his speech as he caught a glimpse of Azieral standing at the entrance to the medical room.

"oh great." said Plugg, rolling his eyes. He approached Azieral and pointed an accusing finger right in her face, "okay, lemme get something straight with you! Don't you go thinkin' you're stronger than me just because of what happened outside. If i didn't have this busted up arm, i'd be whoopin' you so bad they wouldn't be able to tell if you were a spider or a parakeet!"

Azieral left her eyes half open, clearly unmoved by the futile attempt at a threat directed at her.

Plugg scoffed and took a step back. The squirrel made a 'here we go again' sigh and then walked away while covering his ears, leaving Plugg and Azieral.

"I don't know what you did to get into our gang, but i already don't trust ya." spat Plugg, "I'm gonna be keepin' a close eye on you, and if i see anythin' suspicious, i'm tellin' Lucent right away!"

Azieral leaned against the doorway and simply blinked a few times in an un-impressed gesture.

Plugg looked away in frustration, then smiled as he turned his head back to face Azieral, "ya wanna know what happened to the last traitor?"

'keep talking idiot' thought Azieral.

Plugg sniggered before saying the next bit, "Lucent hunted him down that night and tore his whole bottom jaw off! All it takes for me to get you in serious trouble is one little slip outta line! so keep that in mind freak!"

Plugg waited near Azieral as if he expected her to say something.


Lucent sat on the rooftop of the hospital and stared at the burning building in the distance. He had lit another cigarette, and he blew wisps of it's smoke into the air as he kept his eyes fixed on the building, and his mind focused on a single thought. He had almost died. It was probably the closest he had ever been to dying before.

Knowing the fact that for a brief moment he was so vulnerable disturbed Lucent. His thoughts had no room for anything else but a murderous hatred toward that creature who had almost killed him... that mangy little insect named Sachio. His death would be made painful, oh yes, very painful indeed.

His train of thought was interrupted as he heard a door open behind him. Lucent flicked an ear in the direction of the noise.

Myst walked through the door of the rooftop entryway and ran a hand through her hair nervously as she caught sight of Lucent. How to approach him?

"And for just what reason are you here." asked Lucent with his usual unpleasant tone, he could hear the familiar breathing sounds that Myst made when she was nervous.

Myst's eyes widened for a moment as she realised that Lucent had instantly recognised her. Cautiously she stepped out and sat next to Lucent.

Lucent didn't look at her, he kept his eyes on that burning building. The images of it's flames fueling the flames that existed within his own mind.

"Answer me when i question you woman." said Lucent.

Myst frowned as she faced him, "Don't call me 'woman'. You know my name. I need to check your wounds okay?"

Lucent spoke directly after her, "I don't need any checkups, and i don't need to hold useless conversation. So unless you have anything important to tell me, don't remain here and disturb my peace."

Myst sat upright and slapped Lucent across the face, causing his cigarette to fly out from his mouth and off the edge of the building from which he sat.

Lucent's eyes were widened as he realised what just happened. That was the second time Myst had gotten an upper hand on him and he hated it. Myst reared back a bit with a worried expression as Lucent turned to face her with an angered expression.

Lucent frowned and was about to say something when he started coughing again. Myst cautiously reached out to try and help him as he coughed but withdrew as soon as Lucent coughed up a small spot of blood and a tiny hard object amongst it.

Myst and Lucent both looked down at the spot of blood on the stone. Lucent reached in and picked up the little object that was amongst it with his fingers. Holding it up, they both saw that it was a tiny shard of glass.

Myst instantly turned to Lucent and placed both her hands on the sides of his fance, using her fingers to open his mouth. "hagh, wha-?" started Lucent, uncomfortable about being touched on the face.

"Calm down, i'm just checking something." said Myst as she looked inside Lucent's throat. she noticed a cut on the wall of throat at the back of his tongue, un-mistakeably this was where the glass shard once rested.

She withdrew her hands and Lucent rolled his tongue over his teeth.

Myst sighed with relief, "That glass shard was stuck into your throat, that's why you were coughing up blood. Here i thought you had a punctured lung or something."

Lucent took in this information and then his previous anger at Myst faded, being replaced by a smug inner feeling, "Hmph! Punctured lung? i'm too resilient for that! But if it means coughing up large quantities of blood, then i'll be sure to try puncturuing the lung of a certain annoying hed-"

His self-absorbed speech was interrupted as Myst wrapped her arms around him. Tears gathered in her eyes as she rested her face against his shoulder.

"If it was something worse..." she sobbed, "i wouldn't have been able to help..."

Lucent remained silent, somewhat paralysed by Myst's words.

Myst looked up at him with glistening eyes, "I could have lost you today..."

Lucent faced her directly, "Myst. I'm not going anywhere. I have too much planned for this world for me to leave it so soon."

Myst shook her head and frowned up at him, "Is that all you ever think about Lucent? Is that all there is for you? There's more to life than fighting and conquest... why don't you see that? Why Lucent?"

Lucent looked away and frowned, turning back to the burning building.

Myst took her arms off Lucent and sat up, looking at Lucent through angered and saddened eyes.

"Why did you save me?"

Lucent turned to her, "we've been through this."

"But you've never answered me truthfully. Why did you save me that day my Father died. Why?" Myst awaited an answer.

Lucent didn't look her in the eyes when he answered, "My gang needed some form of medical support. It would have been a wasted oppurtunity if i left you to die that day."

Myst wiped tears from her eyes as she remained stern, "How did you even know i had a good enough level of medical training?"

"I assumed it." replied Lucent, still not looking her in the eyes.

"what if i didn't have the training to benefit you?" said Myst, "would you have killed me?", more tears flowed down her weary face.

Lucent looked up and faced her, "I... i wouldn't... i would have... Why am i answering these questions? This is a waste of my time." He stood up and turned around to walk to the entryway door.

Myst stopped him by grabbing onto his arm. Lucent looked down at her. She was still crying and shaking as she held her face against his hand, her eyes shut.

Seeing her in such a state played on Lucent's mind. He felt strange. His mind was at a crossroads for decisions once again. He didn't know why he was having trouble making choices, but it disturbed him.

reaching a decision, Lucent sat back down next to Myst. She put her arms around him again and cried onto his shoulder. Lucent slowly placed his own arms around her, moving uneasily.

He kept his eyes open, sternly staring into nothing, seemingly emotionless but with his mind ablaze.

"Myst..." he said in a less angered tone. Myst turned to look up at him.

Lucent looked at her, "When i arrived inside. We both overreacted. We mustn't do that again."

Myst stopped crying as she listened to him.

Lucent looked down with his usual stern look, "When we have conflict amongst ourselves, it greatly disrupts my plans. I dislike tollerating such disruption. From here on we must ensure a less hostile ambience."

Myst smiled slightly, as emotionless as Lucent's words were, she saw it as Lucent's means of apologising to her.

Lucent made his wors as un-harsh as he could have, and this surprised him, despite the emotionless tone of his own speech. Being manipulated by an individual was somewhat unsettling.

He turned and looked back into the distance, but this time at the moon. Myst planted a soft kiss on his cheek and then closed her eyes as she leaned on his shoulder.

Lucent winced upon feeling her kiss and glanced at her as she rested on his shoulder. He felt a drop of moisture run along his own cheek.

Another droplet of moisture ran along his forehead. Looking up, Lucent saw that it was raining. He reached out and grabbed a battered cover from the floor of the building top, and placed it over Myst who had fallen asleep.

Lucent kept his eyes focused on Myst as he made sure she kept covered from the rain.

The rainwater coursed through his fur as he left himself exposed to it, a red pattern seeping through the ground beside him as the rain washed the blood from his fur.

OOC: Felt that i needed to have that little interaction between those two characters. Also, i left the opening for Pachamc with Azieral and Plugg because i thought it might be amusing to see what them two start talking about.


For you Bentleee for that super cool picture you drew for me. This is among some of the very first stuff i drew on my new Wacom Tablet. chose to draw Sachio 'cos Sachio and Morgaine are awesome. I wanna draw Morgaine too and make it one picture with the both of them. Also, upon drawing him i realised that i haven't seen a picture of his feet, so i kinda had to fashion some shoes myself there. hope you don't mind. If you like the design then you're welcome to use them!

I'm so glad it turned out the way it did, drw all the lines on the first night of owning the tablet and did the colouring today! i cant believe how fast i've gotten the hang of it, i'm so happy! *purrs against Wacom Tablet*

Hope you like Bentleee ^^

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

OOC: Still here but don't know whether to just pull out or make an aburpt restart...I swear I though I put my character in a place with other characters for some interaction but that doesn't seem to be the case...

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: Sorry Torn, but you said that you didn't expect Lucent to hear the noise of the trashcans when Riku fell over, so i assumed if there would be any intereaction there that you would approach him.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: A very nice and emotional post there Eclipse, it was very well written and the interaction between the characters was done superbly. Thats also a very nice picture and the colours are done brilliantly.

And Torn, Im not positive but I think your last post was on Page 6 where Riku met a mysterious cloaked figure. I dont know who it is or what you had planned but apparently the mysterious cloaked figure wanted Riku to be one of their first accomplices.

IC: Azieral took a moment to look up and inspect Pluggs annoyed and irritated face and manner. Her eyes were only half open as if to show her level of caring, which wasnt particularly much.

Understand this, I dont intend to betray Lucent or the rest of your gang, Azieral began to comment, in a tone that was a little bit forceful as if to emphasise she was being serious to the Gecko. Im here to stay.

Plugg still didnt look particularly trusting or believing of the black widow, and his facial expression reflected this. In fact, one of his eyes were fully open and the other half closed to express this. Huh he spoke out, but was interrupted from continuing.

Well then, Azieral spoke, placing one her many hands on Pluggs shoulder, which automatically made him uncomfortable and attempt to reel away from it, but the she-spiders grip stopped him from being able to. His expression quickly became angry and untrusting and he was about to move against her but not before he was stopped as Azieral continued speaking. How about you escort me to my room, hmm?

What?! Why the hell-- Plugg began in protest, but quickly stopped and shut up completely as Azieral said: Oh, and one more thing. Nurse doesn't mind if she has a few more wounds to deal with." This quickly made Plugg shut up completely and his eyes were wide as a loud gulp could be heard.

Oh, alright! Plugg shouted aloud as he threw his hands up. He was angry again now, but hed do what she said for now. He especially didnt want to have another pin put on him or the nurse treating his wounds again. Right this damn way.

Youre such a gentleman. Azieral said sarcastically, following behind him with a smirk across her face.

And youre such a lady. Plugg replied over his back sarcastically as well. As he walked forward he did so in a crouched and angered manner to show his displeasure at this. The smirk that belonged to Azieral simply grew even wider. The walk took little time to reach the dorm rooms and to Azierals in particular. Plugg exaggerated his stop and then using his good arm pointed at the door. This is your room, right?

Yes, thank you very much. You were too kind, Azieral said, opening it and then walking inside, quickly closing it before Plugg could say anything more to her, closing it suddenly. This irritated Plugg somewhat and he shouted through the door.

Dont worry about any of us trying to take advantage of you! He shouted, before whispering under his breath. Pyscho freak.

Heard that. Was the quick response which caught Plugg off guard, surprised, and which quickly made him jog away, wincing at the pain in his arm.

Azieral sighed as she look in the darkness of her room and tried to keep up and collect her thoughts about everything that had recently happened to her. Too much had happened, too soon. She was tired, and she wondered just she should do with the situation as it stood. She sat down on a medical bed in the corner of the fairly small room, all alone within it, as she was virtually the only other female within the group other then Myst, but she didnt know where she usually slept, and she didnt really much care either. The room was old and in poor care, but it would have to do, especially by the rest of the gangs standards. Shelter was shelter, after all, and as Azieral took a quick look out the window she saw that it started to rain.

What to do, what to do? she thought to herself as she leaned back on the medical bed against the wall, her eyes looking upwards the roof. Stay with Lucent, or follow orders? Lucents powerful, very powerful, but the rest of his gang are fairly idiotic. Her mind flashed to when Lucent was yelling at Dirge for having the rest of the group possibly give away their position through patrolling outside, and the fool Plugg try to attack her. But then she thought of Myst, and her tragic story. most of his gang.

Azieral turned to stare at the window again and the falling rain. This gave me a great opportunity in being able to destroy their gang from within, and the potential is still great. Sachio and Morgraine are two others who are on my target list as well. Perhaps siding with Lucent isnt such a bad idea so far, well be able to take out the pair of them together, and then, when Lucent is weaker

One of her arms subconsciously moved to her stomach area, which she began to rub from Warricks earlier assault, as she began to remember something else before finally drifting off to sleep.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Wraith nodded slowly at Trey's words. It was a fact, one that he didn't like, but a fact nonetheless. If they were really serious about what they were planning, they may be forced to take some lives...

For a moment he eyed David thoughtfully. The robot's strength and speed would be extremely useful, but this irresistable urge to stop all violence could be a problem in some situations...

The others stood up and began to file out of the door one by one. Wraith turned and noticed Ed, who had been largely quiet during the meeting, still crouched by the pile of machine parts in the corner. He moved over to him and offered his hand.

"What about you man? Are you with us too, or would you rather stay out of it?"

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Somewhere on the dark streets of the city a figure dwelled. This non-stop violence was getting more active and repetive. This made the figure sigh in disregard. How could such creatures seek to do chaos among them. THe figure shook his head in his maroon robe and sighed once more. There was a long path to regain peace and serentiy. But that path was always full of obstacles. Obstacles he would have to respond to with violence. This caused distress in his mind.
The figure shook his head as he walked in the shadows more. Unsure of where to go after this, he just walked on where the shadows took him.
Besides he felt more at peace in the shadows.

In the dark, desolate, forgiving shadows.

But almost a good mile away. A fugitive mental patient snickered to himself as he slipped into the streets of the city. He laughed to himself as he twirled his old battered up Luger Handgun around his fingers.

He laughed annoyingly as he hopped up to a fire-escapes ladder and hurried up it before crouching down on a scaffold. The shadows giving him cover. He smirked, as the people looking for him passed him by. And with a quick chuckle he adjusted his specs.

"Me Mo, Me Mo - Escape I have, can't catch me - ho ho!" he muttered in a joyful tune.

The rabbit had hazelnut brown patches on his fur, and a darker brown as well as black hair. He had hazelnut colored eyes and peach patches on some other portions on his fur. He wore a angelic white lab-coat. On the back it read "Regards Hospital for the Mentally Ill" in black text. A duffel bag slumped around the rabbits shoulders, and long white pants covered his legs. He wore black combat boots as well. A golden locket hung from his neck.

"Free. Free." he cackled as he waited for his next move of action.


The Second Character is one you mgiht know.

Name: Hazel Jon "DeLougere" Rabbit
Age: 40-50's
Gender: Male
Species: Lightfooted Rabbit
Weapon (if any): Luger Handgun, and in his Duffel Bag included: a brick of C4, C4 detnator, grenades, and flashbang grenades. That's it.
Abilities: The art of blowing things up is his main profession. Bombs, Explosives, C4, Grenades, Voltov Cocktails - you name it he knows it. He's a master of destruction and while he may have a gun he isn't good at it. Another ace skill of his is flying aircrafts.
Quirks: He's crazy. After the belief of his cihldren and wife being killed by himself Hazelnut went into mental denial and a being known as DeLougere took over his mind. DeLougere itself has a crazy laugh that sounds like a drug-afflcited one. As well he loves to say random comments that have no revilance. Quite different then Hazel of course.
Background: Hazel had a normal life, and served in the Air Core for many years when he was younger. It was when he was 32 when he met his wife. And they had two beautiful kids. But when Hazel was in combat in the air he was shot down which affected him. The crash gave him gashes in his memmory, and the crash itself made him liking explosives for the next few years he trained in explosives. Though eventually it came to him again when he got shot down again. This kept affecting him. He soon developed a light personality of DeLougere a spontaneous alter personality which never bugged him until now. He slowly began to let it by him, and his family saw his change. Well, his wife did. Hazel eventually spased out one day, and the millitary personel dragged him to a mental hospital. He kept his sanity until DeLougere persauded to him that his family had been killed by his hands. Hazel had no memmory of not doing the task so he went into mental denial and DeLougere took over. He recently escaped. Hazel has two children and a wife - and they are alive and well.
Link to picture of character: Link (OLD DESIGN)

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Angel and Asher exchanged glances as Trey explained that killing was the very, very last option they'd resort to. The twins nodded and followed the cheetah quietly, before Angela quietly murmured to her brother.

"Yeah...we know too, right Ash? Killing....killing is the last resort."

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Long post alert!)

Arista stepped forward and touched Wraith's arm. "We should go. It's late already."

Wraith nodded, and turned back to Ed, who seemed far away in his own thoughts. "I...don't know." muttered the Human slowly.

"Okay man. If you want to follow later on you're welcome to. Here's my mobile number." He picked out a pen and notepad from one of his capatious pockets in his coat, and scribbled the number down on the first page, then he tore the page out and handed it to Ed.

"It was nice to meet you man." he said, holding out his hand. "I hope you change your mind and come back to us. We could use your help."

Ed took Wraith's hand and shook it. "We'll see." he replied.

Wraith nodded, then turned and followed the others out the door.

(OOC: o.O everyone got writer's block or something? Nuchtos, if you come back to this RP I've left it open so you can rejoin, but I haven't seen you in a while. Hope you haven't left us ; ;

As for everyone else...we seem to have come to a bit of a blockade, so I'm going to do a bit of a fast moving post to try and jump start it again. Sorry if it interferes with any plans Pach or SL.)

The night was cold as they stepped out of the hidden door, but mercifully floodlit from the remaining streetlamps. Wraith pressed a button on his watch and the face lit up...3:12 am. It was even too late for most of the local gangs...probably a blessing.

"This way." he said, moving off down the street. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted the glow in the clouds...the fire downtown was still burning.

The procession set off after him. Wraith grinned as he glanced back at them. Quite a strange crew! An Echidna, two Foxes, one with two tails, a robot, a cheeta with one arm and two others who looked like they could be Fox-Cat of whom seemed to be limping a little.

He paused, letting Asher catch up to him. "Need a hand man?"

The tabby grinned at him but shook his head. "I'll be ok thanks." he replied. David, who's eyes had been fixed forward and so hadn't noticed Asher's limp, now stepped up to them too.

"If I may, sir, my database is programmed with a large array of medical information and procedures. If you wish I could take a look and see if there is anything I can do for you."

"When we get to base David." said Wraith quickly. The robot seemed to take everything litteraly, and given the chance he'd probably start an examination right there on the street!

Trey, meanwhile, had fallen into step alongside Arista. He paused for a moment, thinking how to broach the subject, then started quietly: "May I ask...?"

Arista turned her head questioningly, regarding him with her large blue eyes. She still hadn't quite got over the winding he had given her, although he did seem to genuinley regret it...

"Earlier, I heard Wraith mention Sachio and Morgaine..." He stopped as he saw Ari catch her breath and close her eyes. "I'm sorry I don't mean to..."

"No." interrupted Arista, her voice even. "Carry on."

"It's just that we had a run-in with them earlier. I think they may be baised somewhere near here."

Arista's eyes opened and she looked across at Trey again. "Thanks." she muttered, nodding slowly. "I'll keep my eyes open."

Trey gritted his teeth...he was trying to be helpful, but he was worried it had come across like a warning...


They reached the warehouse without incident. From the outside the beaten-up old building just looked like a comunal slum, where a group of tramps and homeless people had settled, and it was this cover that had stopped the other gangs suspecting they were there.

Wraith opened the door and stepped into the large room. immeadeately shouts went up from the crowd.

"Wraith! Where were you?"
"We were getting worried!"
"About time you got back!"

Wraith grinned and held up his hand, waiting for the noise to cease. "Today's been a small victory all!" he replied to the watching gang members. "We've got a few more members who're going to help us out in our mission, and we've found Tails the Fox!"

A loud cheer went up from the group, and Tails, stood by the doorway, went red as a beetroot.

Wraith stepped aside so the gang could see the newcomers more clearly. "Everyone, meet Trey, Angel, Asher, David, and of course, Tails."

The gang regarded the figures with interest, especially the robot! Wraith turned to them to complete the introductions. "Meet the gang." he grinned. "I'll let you get their names yourself. There are far too many of them for me to go through. Make yourselves at home. They'll show you where everything is."

He turned back to face the crowd. "Agis."

A tall female Lynx stepped forward from the crowd, her long, whispy ears twitching.

"You find anything out about that fire?"

The Lynx shook her head. "It was started deliberately, but why or by whom, we don't know. One of the buildings had some damage to it that looked unusual. The fire escape had broken off, almost as though someone had been trying to use it and it gave way."

Wraith thought for a moment. "Hm...ok. No bodies though?"

No, the buildings were derelict."

"Good." Mentally he ticked the item off the list. That was the problem with being a gang many things to remember! He turned to face David. "Hey listen, you said you had some medical knowledge? Some of us know medical basics, but we aren't doctors. I wonder if you could take a look at some old wounds some of the guys have...see if there's anything you can do for them?"

"Certainly sir." replied the robot, his plastic face smiling.

"Ari, could you take him?" Arista nodded and led the way, the robot following obediently. Wraith's eyes remained fixed on him as he moved away. There was something else he would have to ask David later...something that worried him. He wasn't sure how the robot would react.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Worry about that later. Now you have guests to attend to! He looked across at the newcomers, who were already being swarmed by the gang as they each introduced themselves.

"Hey all, back up a bit, give them some space!"

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: sorry guys! i been busy lately, too busy to post. Also, i been a bit unsure about posting because of my last post. it involved characters falling asleep, so not much could be done until morning came. i was unsure on starting the morning myself because people like Wraith were still out during the night. Frost is still on that building top with Shadow as well.

So, yah. there's nothing i can really post until morning comes. I can IC some NPC characters for a little bit if anyone wants. otherwise, rise the sun when u're done and i'll have Lucent rise and shine.

Sorry again for not posting this sooner. my first week back at school has been much busier than expected. ><

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

OOC: Hey, that's ok James! We all have our moments. :D *points to her small itty-bitty pose she made earlier*


Asher couldn't help but smile as some of Wraith's gang members came up to introduce themselves. The two-tailed tabby grinned before addressing Wraith and pointing to his knee.

"Hey, don't worry 'bout me man...just an old bruise that acts up occasionally."

Meanwhile, Angela tried to smile at the other gang members, shaking hands and whatnot. But deep down, she just wanted to hide in a small dark corner. Crowds weren't something she handled well.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Exactly what SL said, James, and I had a feeling about that case with the time specifics. Of course we could always RP some of the other Nocturnal gang members or other gang members if you wanted.

"The name's Trey," said the Cheetah, smiling slightly and extending a hand to anyone. The first one to reach it and greet him, shaking it warmly. It was a bulldog, one of Wraiths particularly helpful allies, who went by the name Max.

Pleased to meet you. We could use all the help we can get. He said, nodding and around him others did the same as well.

Its strange, actually, Trey began to reply, withdrawing his hand after the shake and nodding slowly. Our aims seem to be the same, right? Restoring this chaotic world to normal. Im surprised that we didnt cross roads earlier, especially since youve got a fairly large group. Trey commented, being genuinely surprised.

Its a big city, Max replied. And I guess both of us have just been more distracted and concerned with the work of the more worse gangs.

Perhaps, Trey replied curtly, agreeing and taking in the size of the warehouse and the number of people. It was pretty substantial and impressive, he was genuinely surprised with the fact that he hadnt come across any of them or the entire Neo-Freedom Fighters at all. He couldnt recall if he had specifically heard of them or not, and could have confused earlier reports with what he believed were the original Freedom Fighters, but Trey believed it wouldnt really matter now. Their forces were put together now and they would no doubt be much stronger.

So, Wraith, how you and Ari manage to meet these guys? Max asked.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"Quite by accident actually!" Wraith grinned. "We ran into David, the robot, on the street, and he led us to Trey's hideout when we heard Tails may be there...much to the annoyance of some," He grinned wryly at Trey, who grinned back. "but then we got talking and found we were on the same side after all."

"Indeed." replied Max, turning back to the cheeta. "It's good to have you on the team."

Trey somply nodded in acknowledgement. Wraith, meanwhile, had thought of something. "Say Max, have you cross-referanced that data we got from that Alonzo character?"

Max nodded. "Yeah, it filled in a few blanks, but we still need names."

"I'd better take a look. Where is it?"

"In the usual folder."

Wraith nodded and moved over to the Operations Desk, picking out one of the many folders there and beginning to flick through it.

Arista, meanwhile, was following David around as he tended to the gangs various wounds. What the robot had said about a detailed medical knowledge hadn't been a lie! He seemed able to treat anything he came across, and even old wounds were treated and repaired to the best extent possible.

The gang had a considerable ammout of medical supplies from various sources, but the supply was just beginning to dwindle, and another supply run would be needed in the not-too-distant future. Maybe to the old hospital a few miles away, she thought, the one that had been scheduled for demolition.

She watched in amazement as David delt with a particulatly deep cut on the arm of a tiger named Sleyd. His hands moved so fast she could barely see them, and the cut had been washed and stitched in seconds!

She was finding it hard to concentrate though. With all that had happened in that day she was feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. Also, she couldn't get out of her head the line that Trey had said before:

I think they may be baised somewhere near here...

She had known that the gang that had captured her and killed her parents was somewhere in this quater of the city, but right in this neigbourhood...? Was it possible...?

"You can take care of the rest can't you?" she murmured to David quietly, and he nodded, not looking up from his work.

"Certainly ma'am. I will have no trouble continuing here."

Arista nodded and moved over to the steps up to the office. On the way she passed Wraith by the Operations Desk, who glanced up at her and smiled warmly. She desperatley wanted to talk to him, to tell him how she felt about him, like she had decided to do earlier, but she was just too tired. All this talk about Morgaine and Sachio had drained her, and given her a lot to think about. She simply returned the smile weakly, then climbed the stairs to the office slowly.

(OOC: Feel free to intro more NPC gang members anyone, if you want to^^ The gang is pretty much wide rules or anything apart from the obvious gang ideals etc.)

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

OOC: Just so everyone knows, I have been keeping an eye on this RP, I just haven't really been able to think of much more than one-liners. Meanwhile the whole RP goes on around me, with me returning every day to find four or five massive posts have been written since the last time I checked.

I may pull out of the RP, or I may use Wraith's post as an excuse to retreat, regroup and re-enter the story, as it were. Who knows, depending on what I think of, I may even introduce Nuch's own miniature gang (of four - himself included), either as main characters or in more minor, support rles.

BTW, as much as it is appreciated, no amount of compliments or flattery (or even insults and criticism) with regards my characters or writing abilities will convince me to stay (or leave). My decision will be based entirely on where I think the RP is going, how fast it's going there and how much of a contribution I think I can make.

Posts: 8
Active Member

OOC: Sorry to hear it, Nuchtos. Personally I think the rate of this RP fluctuates. I mean I haven't updated for a few days now. Not really sure what the ideal is for people XD.
Well, personally I found Edward an interesting and sound individual and would have been intrigued to see future development. Ultimately, what you want to do is up to you. The choice is yours... =)

Okay, now for my overdue part.

Told you how much I loved the card James XD. It's fantastic! Well... I like to change shoes all the time so I love that pair... thanks for going through the trouble of designing them and such =D. In the past, I've had Sachio with Black sketcher type shoes and some funny other assortment. These are darn nifty X)!
Oh yeah, glad you like the picture. I only do gifts if people genuinely appreciate them. *shot* No, but it did take 238 minutes, and I was in a volatile mood so stupid comments might've made me snap :ohbrother

And now just a general note. If anyone has any concerns or quirks they want to express, feel free to do so. A break down in communication can often be the downfall of things... so let's try not to let that happen if that's alright...

Welcome Mike! Glad to see you at last. And a familiar character XD! Is he related to Cream in this RP may I ask?



Shadow growled, as he lowered the gun again.
"Who are you?!" he demanded "and what do you want?"
"So you don't remember me?" Frost sneered "how dissappointing. Very well... a brief introduction before I end your miserable life..."
"My name is Frost, codenamed Specimen 156. I am a clone, modelled after you and enhanced to be better than you. Which I am...." Frost smirked "and could you remember me properly, you'd know why it was the president died and why all of this happened..." Frost said, gesturing towards the half broken down city.
Cream suddenly frowned, before she looked upon Shadow angrily.
"You killed him! You killed our president... how could you?!? You used to be a hero!" the rabbit burst out, causing Frost restrain her by clupping her at the back of the head. She winced slightly, shutting her eyes as a stream of tears seeped its their way across her cheeks, in anger and bitterness.
"How rude!" Frost remarked, before smiling back at Shadow "just ignore her... she's a little confused..."
"It was you that killed the president," Shadow said, narrowing his eyes as his intense crimson eyes practically pierced through his eyelids.
"What?!" Frost scoffed, but was taken aback slightly "you think it was me that killed the president...?"
Frost blinked for a moment, as he took a moment to reflect on some undetermined factors.
"If it makes you feel better to think like that pal, that's fine by me. You're always in denial at everything being your damn fault!" Frost snarled "just think about it, if it wasn't for you, the president would still be alive, the world would be in peace, and last but not least... that girl you know as Maria wouldn't have wasted her life to save a pathetic sorry being such as yourself!" Frost hissed.
On that statement, Shadow pulled out his gun and pointed at him more sternly than before.
"What? So it's guns we're resorting too...?" Frost taunted "you really are a pathetic bioweapon... it really is no wonder that Gerlad cut you from your puppet strings. Heh..." he laughed. At that moment, Shadow had had enough, and pulled the trigger which caused a round of 5 bullets to cascade in his direction.
Frost caught sight of them and laughed menacingly, holding Cream in the way, before pulling her back to dodge the bullets, and throwing her off the top of the building, causing her to fall to her death. A loud scream was let out as she gravity began to pull her to the depths of death below.
Shadow immediatly stepped at the edge of the building, to witness this disaster in motion.
"You have to join her Shadow... it's the only way to save her!" Frost announced, before a suddenly appearing before him, and kicking him the side of the musel with a hard smack, causing him to get knocked off the edge of the building and falling down to the grounds below.
Frost smirked as he watched two beings fall, before turning around and walking off, with a smirk on his face.
"Too easy..." he laughed.

OOC: Other scenes I will do tomorrow @_@

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

OOC: Just some OOC for the momment, I'll post sometime Tommorow. Anyways Ben, yeah Hazel/DeLougere is once again related to Cream and Alex if Pach wants to introduce him in this RP eventually. Heh.

Sirus may be somewhat simmilar aswell as he was the Overlander Mage in Forest of the Future. ^^

Heh, its good to be here. Oh and if you wish to introduce either into a scene go ahead and do so since you do introductions so well. ^^

Mike out.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Angel shook the hand of a labrador, who went by the name of Sasha. Sasha beamed at the striped vixen, and the two calmly chatted about this and that, before the canine introduced Angela to some more of her closer friends. The vixen waited until Sasha had about said everything she wanted to say before asking a question of her own.

"Um...Sasha?" Angel began.

The lab perked up. "Hmm?"

"How did you meet Wraith? How'd you come to be here?"

Sasha seemed to think a while, before replying, "Well, my family was visiting here...or at least, me and my dad were. We were separated when this happened and Wraith picked me up after seeing me scaring off some lesser gang members."

Angela nodded, " parents were separated from us," She paused, jerking a thumb toward Asher, "We were visiting Station Square too."

Asher, meanwhile, had dozed off on a nearby sofa that had been placed in the warehouse.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: I might introduce Alex sometime or other later, as I felt like using a change of characters in this RP for the mo and Ive already got quite a few at it is. As the RP progresses I might add him in but not for now. :)

Wraiths warehouse

Id hate to sound rude, Trey began speaking, addressing anyone in particular. But do you have any beds or anything around here? Its been a hectic day and Im tired I know its a bit rude since weve only just met but its late as well, isnt it? The cheetah yawned, visibly showing his weariness.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Long post alert)

Wraith finished looking through the file and replaced it back on the desk. As he did so he heard Trey's question.

"You're right Trey." he agreed. "I think it's time we all turned in." He pointed over to the corner of the warehouse, where all the beds were arainged in a checkerboard formation. Someone had been thoughtful enough to install curtain rails between each one, to give a level of privacy.

"I'm afraid it's not much," he said a little gingerly, "but it's the best we can do. I'd gladly give up my bedroom to someone..."

"But you shouldn't have to." Max finished for him. "Like I said before boss, we're fine. Most of us knew each other from before anyway, and the curtains give complete privacy." He grinned at the newcomers. "Not quite a five star hotel, but I'm sure you'll be fine here."

Wraith was grinning sheepishly, but fortunately Trey seemed unfazed. "I've had worse." he joked as he moved over to one of the empty beds. Wraith couldn't see the other three, temporarely lost in the crowd. He hoped they wouldn't mind too.

"Anything you need, just call." he said as the gang one by one began to retire. He took a deep breath, thinking. It was time to do the thing he'd been worried about. "Aaron, can I have a word?" he called.

A Racoon with thick, square glasses looked round, then stepped up to him. "Sure, what about?"

"You'll see." Wraith replied, then, turning to look across the warehouse, he called: "David."

The robot had by now completed his medical work, and had been simply stood, watching the various conversations, a slight smile on his plastic face. Some of the gang had been examining him curiously, but few had actually talked to him, maybe because they didn't realise he was intelligent. Or maybe they were intimidated by him. Either way, fortunately, David didn't seem to mind.

Now, as Wraith called him, he smiled once again and strode over to them in his casual fashion. "You called me sir?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking, now that you know about Doctor Amoz, what are you going to do with yourself? What are your plans?"

David's face dropped. "I do not know." he replied, sounding slightly upset. "I had not yet been purchaced by a family...I had no one to serve but my father. Now he is gone, my life no longer has purpose."

"I'm sorry man." Wraith murmured. He was suprised...he was actually feeling sorry for David! He didn't think that would be possible with a machine! "If you could always join us..."

David's eyes flicked up to Wraith's face. "I could?"

Wraoth nodded. "Yeah, I've seen your strength and'd be a great help in our quest to restore justice!"

David smiled slightly as his mind considered. "I would be honored sir!" he replied.

"There's just one problem." continued Wraith. "Like we were saying earlier, some of these gangs may not come quietly. There may come a time when violence is nessesary..."

"I cannot harm anyone." said the robot, pulling back in alarm.

"I know, and I'm not asking you to. What I'm saying is that programming that you have that makes you stop people before they perform a violent act. I'm worried that it may force you to stop us in a crucial moment when we need to act...putting us all in danger..."

David's brow furrowed in a mixture of confusion and sadness. "You believe my programming is a bad thing?"

"I didn't say that." replied Wraith, shaking his head. "All I'm saying is what if we go to restrain someone, and you stop us, allowing them to get away?"

There was a pause for a moment, as David considered, then he looked across at Wraith again. "What would you sugest sir?"

Wraith gestured to the Racoon stood beside him. "This is Aaron, our electronics expert. If it's ok with you I'd like to have him take a look at your brain and see if he can block that programming, just temporarely, to allow you to work with us without any problems." He gritted his teeth, unsure how the robot would react.

"I cannot kill anyone." replied David quietly. "Even if my programming were removed, that would be my choice. I do not want to become a murderer."

"And we don't want you to David." replied the Echidna, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We just want to make it so you can help us capture these criminals. Nothing more."

David looked for all the world like a young child about to undergo an operation! "And after the mission is completed...would you return me to normal...restore my programming?"

Wraith nodded. "Absolutely."

The robot nodded slowly. "Very well." he murmured. "I will help you."

Wraith nodded and looked across at Aaron, who gave him a quick salute. "Thanks." Wraith said, turning back to David. "You'll be most useful." He turned to go, but David spoke again: "Sir?"

"Call me Wraith." Wraith grinned. "What is it?"

"If you wished me to go through with the procedure, all you needed to to was order me. Obedience to orders is of higher priority in my programming than my own wellbeing." The robot paused, looking down at the floor a moment, then he fixed his blue eyes back on Wraith.

"Thankyou for giving me a choice."

Wraith smiled, and put a hand on the robot's shoulder. He was amazed! David was so incredibly advanced...he was a real person! It was easy to think of him as just a pile of metal and wires, but he was so much more than that! Wraith thought back over their interaction since they had first met. He couldn't help feeling guilty that he hadn't shown the robot the propper respect that he deserved!

He turned and climbed the stairs into the office, hanging his hat and coat up as he came in. It had been quite a day, and suddenly he felt unbelievably tired. With a sigh he lay himself down on the couch. He started to think about the days events, but sleep claimed his mind in mere seconds...

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: howdy all! My long disappearance can be blamed on massive workload from school (even though its just the first friggin' week O.O ), and a super cool outing with friends that happened today. We went to Federation square in the city and saw the exhibition: "Sonic the Hedgehog: Icon of our times" held at the ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image). They had a whole bunch of playable games there, including Sonic Adventure, which i havent played... ever, until today. Knuckle's wall climbing kicks ASS! i missed that in sonic Heroes :( Anywhoo, back now. I think i'll post this in my other RP's so that people know where i've been.

Oh, also i hope nobody minds, but i'm going to post assuming the time of day in the roleplay is 6:30am now. If this bothers anyone let me know ok? just that i been waiting for morning to arrive for my next post. Nuthin' much for Lucent to do that night. Sleepy bastard! 😛

A blurring cascade of colours danced about in the air. Muffled sounds echoed around.

Lucent blinked a few times and concentrated. His eyes and ears focused and he remained consciously still for a few seconds.

Slightly startled, he sat upright quickly, causing the small operating table to rattle and he knocked a roll of bandage that was resting beside him, onto the floor. He was in the medical room.

"oh, gees! you gave me a fright!" said Myst, patting a hand on her chest as she sighed with relief.

Lucent looked over at her confused. A groggy feeling came over him, he raised his hand against his forehead. Upon doing so, he noticed a small bit of bandage around the middle of his right arm. He looked over his whole body and noticed various small bandages over his wounds. His right shoulder, which had sustained a bad cut, was bandaged with more.

Myst noticed Lucent's facial expressions as he noticed the work that was done on him, "Feel better?" she asked.

"What happened?" asked Lucent, with some grumpiness in his tone.

Myst packed away some bottles into the top cupboard, "I woke up in the middle of the night and well..." she drifted a bit as she turned to face him, "i was worried about your wounds so i, well, i wheeled the operating table over to your room and took you into here."

"without waking me up?" asked Lucent, clearly somewhat taken back by the fact that he didn't sense anything in his sleep.

Myst giggled, "you slept like a baby!".

Lucent scrunched up his nose and frowned at his bandages, "This is a waste of our medical supplies!"

Myst crossed her arms, "no it's not! You were hurt pretty bad! to tell you the truth i don't even know how you were walking! Besides, if you'd have gotten wor-"

"i do not want nor need any of this!" retorted Lucent angrily. He began tearing off the bandages placed over him.

"hey, dont! don't do that! stop!" said Myst calling to him.

Lucent had ripped off all except one on his wrist and the one on his right shoulder before Myst grabbed him by the wrist.

"At least keep that one, okay? That was a deep cut."

Lucent scrunched up his nose and withdrew. Myst stepped back and went back to her cupboards, "We're running dangerously low on medical supplies Lucent. Could you do another run for supplies soon? I'm even out of rubbing alcohol."

Lucent leapt off his seat, standing upright in the room. He clenched his fists and tested his mobility. His body felt quite functional. There was a slight bruising on his legs, but nothing that would hinder his movement. His wings had their scratches treated, so they were fine, not that that mattered though. Ever since the ARK disaster they've been too torn for flying. His arms were in prime condition for fighting, his right shoulder caused a bit of aching when moving, but thanks to medical treatment it was fully functional.

Lucent smiled a vicious smile as he replied to Myst, "today i have some business to attend to with the Dread-Painters. However, i will send someone to gather some medical supplies. Someone capable."

He turnd the door handle and began to walk out. "What do you say?" mused Myst.

Lucent didn't turn to her, "Don't waste anymore bandages." and he closed the door behind him.

Myst's ears lowered and she sighed, "Lucent..." she whispered.


Lucent walked to one of the wards which functioned as a dormitory, and heaved the double doors open, startling everyone who was sleeping before he entered.

"Morning has arrived, and we have work to do. UP!" shouted Lucent.

The gang members shot out of their beds upon hearing Lucent's voice. Tabby looked down at the wristwatch he was wearing (he had stolen it off a dead rival gang member a while back).

"uh... boss? it's 6:42 in the morning..." he moaned.

Lucent was surprised, he hadn't actually checked the time of day upon waking up. Normally he was up earlier, he never did sleep much. The gang however he left to sleep until about 8:00 usually, just because he found them weak without their sleep. pathetic as they were.

"Today i will find some answers." announced Lucent. "I want to know where that bloody G.U.N mech came from."

"hmmmm.... 10 more minutes... then i'll take the bus..." murmered Plugg, still asleep.

The gang sniggered at Plugg as Lucent angrily walked to his bed.

Lucent stood beside Plugg's bed, and grabbed Plugg by the neck, throwing him to the floor.

Plugg woke up coughing, then noticed Lucent towering above him.

"Up. Now." said Lucent.

Plugg scampered to his feet and stood upright.

Lucent spoke to the group as a whole, "the rest of the gang will be doing maintenance duty here at base. You 5 are coming with me to go pig hunting. Most likely there'll be Dread-Painter remnants scrounging around their old base ground in the park, so that's where we will start looking."

"uh, boss. there's 6 of us not 5." Said Plugg before yawning.

Lucent turned to face him, "that's because i have a special assignment for you. I want you to go on a supply run for some medical supplies. Just get whatever you can carry, preferably bandages and rubbing alcohol. We'll do a group raid some other time."

Plugg almost smiled, he felt very important being given an individual task, and being trusted alone! too good to be true. which it was.

"oh, our new member, Azieral, will be accompanying you. I know how pathetic you will be fighting with that arm of yours." said Lucent.

Plugg became gloomy, his once glorius 'special mission' was now a join operation with the last person he wanted to be grouped with... except for maybe Tabby.

"boss... i-"

Lucent interrupted him, "Azieral may claim to be loyal, but there is still not enough known about her. i do not wish to dabble into questioning as of yet. You are there to supervise her. Keep a close watch."

Suddenly Plugg felt happier, HE was in charge! finally some authority!

Lucent walked to the door holding in a smug smile, he had purely allocated Plugg to the task to get him out of his hair. Not to mention Plugg was one of the only ones who knew the route to the usual re-stocking spot so well.

"get yourselves ready. i'm giving you all five minutes."

The group scampered to their belongings as Lucent exited the room.


Lucent walked to Azieral's room and opened the door to find her already awake and practicing stances.

"morning." she said.

"spare me your pleasantries, i have a job for you." Said Lucent.

Azieral jumped down from atop her bed and stood in front of Lucent to listen.

"Nurse needs medical supplies. I'm sending you and Plugg on a supply run. I'm sending Plugg because he knows the way to the usual spot almost as well as i do. It's one of the only things he's good for, if not THE only thing."

Azieral considered this, somewhat annoyed about being paired up with that irritating lizard.

Lucent turned to the door, "He's wounded, but that doesn't mean you have to be particularly careful with him. Just ensure he's in good enough shape to deliver our supplies. If he must die, then it is a comprimisable loss. Afterall, i still want you to conceal your cover with our gang. If anyone can recognise Plugg, then it is blown, so if possible, avoid being sighted, and split up as often as you need to." with that he closed the door behind him.

Azieral smiled to herself, perhaps this mission wouldn't be so bad afterall.

As she walked to her door, she opened it to see Plugg already standing there waiting for her with a sly grin.

"Guess what?" said Plugg, pointing at her, "I'M in charge of this operation! so what i say goes! how do ya like THAT miss superior?"

The feeling of annoyance returned to Azieral.


Plugg and Azieral walked out the front of the hospital.

"Well, where to?" asked Azieral.

"uh-uh-uhhh!!!" said Plugg, waving his finger at her, "I'm in charge, so here is rule number one! i don't tolerate... uhhmm.. failure to ughhh..." Plugg tried to remember the rules that Lucent had set.

Azieral rolled her eyes as they walked around the shadowy areas of the city with Plugg still trying to remember Lucent's rules. eventually he gave up and made up his own.

"Okay, rule one: only I get to make decisions!"

Azieral didn't reply.

"Rule two: You have to listen to ME the whole time! otherwise i'll tell Lucent that you weren't obeying orders, and then you're as good as dead! got that?"

Azieral looked ahead and tried to block him out.

"Rule three:, no-"

"watch out." said Azieral, interrupting him.

Plugg got upset, "NO! rule number three isn'-"

His speech was cut off as he tripped over a fire hydrant that would have CLEARLY been in his field of vision had he not been so self-absorbed.

Azieral couldn't help but chuckle at seeing Plugg scamper back to his feet trying to look in authority.

"think that's funny do you?" he said, raising a fist. "Rule number three is NO PISSING OFF YOUR LEADER OR ELSE!"

Azieral waved a hand, "ooh, i'm terrified!" she said sarcastically.

Plugg nodded with content and then limped for a bit as they continued walking.


back at the base, Lucent's group of 5 gang members had assembled. Lucent lead them out and entered the streets. Lucent reminded himself of his seething hatred for certain enemies, and made sure he would keep his gang in the shadows so that he could keep his title of 'deceased'.

OOC: I wanted to have at least one other gang member accompany Azieral on her assignment to make things interesting. I chose Plugg just because it's funny when Azieral and Plugg interact with eachover 😛

Pachamac, this should also leave some openings for Azieral, not being under Lucent's watchful eye. remember, Lucent said she could split up from Plugg whenever necessary.

Lucent's mission will proceed next post.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Try and stick to the shadows, Azieral said coolly as she continued walking in front of the wounded Gecko, who was still fairly fuming. They were doing as she said though, walking in the darker areas and trying their best not to be seen at all.

Are you trying to tell me orders?! Im the only one that is allowed the to make the orders- Plugg began, but was suddenly interrupted by the she-spider once more.

Shh. Try not to be so loud, either. It wont matter if were in the shadows if everyone can hear your grating voice. Azieral spoke softly.

WHY YO- Plugg began to shout, but again was suddenly interrupted and unable to finish whatever he was about to say as Azieral motioned one of her arms to face towards Plugg, and in another second a small stream of webbing had been released from it and was now firmly planted over his mouth, blocking him from speaking. His eyes were immediately widened by this as he tried to pull the substance off, mumbling while doing so.

Theres no disrespect to your pitiful orders, but Im just trying to accomplish Lucents orders in the most effective manner possible. Youre being a hindrance as it is, so just shut up and lead the way. Azieral said more coldly then before. This stunned him for a second, before he scowled and then began to walk forwards again, trying to pull the webbing off with his good hand but making no other progress then getting his hand stuck as well.

Where exactly is it then that were heading to? Azieral asked after a short while, as she checked the rest of the area out to make sure nobody was near them. Plug just suddenly stopped short, and then turned around, before pointing to his webbed mouth in an exaggerated manner. His expression belied that of someone who was distinctly annoyed. Azieral said nothing more then give him a glance, and then asked: Are we near to it then?

Plugg could do nothing more then nod slightly, mentally sighing and then turning around to continue their mission, as his shoulders sagged greatly. He suddenly stopped at the edge of the shadows, and Azieral who was concentrating on everything else, barely managed to notice him until a second before. She didnt bump into him though, she just stopped completely on the spot. She looked down slightly irritated at the crouching Gecko that was looking around the corner of the alleyway they were at towards their destination and target. He then began pointing to it, as if to emphasise to Azieral what he was meaning.

So our destination is there, right? She asked, taking it in as well. It was another hospital but of course, one that obviously looked in a far greater and well off condition then the Nocturnalss actual base, and so this initially felt as a strange notion. If it was a better conditioned place, had a decent amount of supply, then why hadnt Lucent already taken it? The answer was simple and came to her in a matter of seconds. Another gang had already occupied the building and were using it as a base. Well then, Azieral began, taking one of her Sais out from within her sash, twirling it around slightly, and then in one quick swipe, before Plugg could react, she had just suddenly cut the webbing that masked his mouth. W-what in the heck?! he said surprised by the sudden action, but Azieral continued unfazed as if she didnt notice Pluggs reaction. How exactly are we going to do this little operation?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

OOC: This will be the last time I post for a while, because I'm going to Greece tomorrow and will come back only in 2 and a half weeks. Just so you know. 😉

Ring jumped from building top to builing top. At first she was headed for the basketball court where Sachio and Morgaine had beaten that fox up, but countless rings had made her change her course. Getting rings was her worst quirk and she could not overcome it. That's why people had started to call her Ring. She wondered how many she had collected. Suddenly a bleeping noise caught her attention. The Chaos Energy detector was reacting to something. In the hopes of finding an Emerald she followed the noise to where it became louder. She deactivated the sound to make sure she wouldn't be heard and inspectioned her surroundings.
Down there, on the street below, was a strange seemingly liquid creature holding a small dark creature in its hands. They seemed to be playing. Ring watched interested and suddenly she recognized the smaller being as a Chao. A chao! She had always wished to have one! Not caring for the presence of Khaos she jumped down and faced the two beings directly. The Energy detector was reacting to them, but Ring didn't know which of the creatures it was emanating Chaos Energy. Almost as if she were talking to a candyman Ring asked Khaos innocently: "Is that a Chao?"
Khaos had been watching the kitten suspiciously ever since she appeared. He was ready to react in a violent manner. Cheese turned around and looked into Ring's eyes. The girl seemed fascinated to see him.
As Khaos didn't respond she continued talking: "I've always wanted a Chao.. I saw them on TV once. When TV still worked." As only a child can do, she talked to Khaos as if he were a normal person, perhaps even a friend.
Khaos still didn't react. He observed each of the girl's movements. Ring's innocence reminded Cheese of Cream... The Chao looked at Khaos and back at Ring. Suddenly Ring kneeled down and begged the liquid monster:"Can I keep it? Please please please please please pretty pleeease??"
This surprised Khaos. He was caught off guard and didn't know what to do. Cheese just stared at Ring, his thoughts somewhere else completely.

Ruby, on the other hand, had not been distracted from her original goal. She kept a close eye onto the Chaos Energy Detector, which had already had the sound put off. She had taken the chameleon suit with her, but hadn't put it on yet. Suddenly the detector reacted. The cat looked around her and took more steps towards, trying to understand where the energy came from. As se did so the signal on the detector got clearer and she looked at a group of buidings in front, among them the hospital where Lucent's gang was based. Ruby approached cautiously and hid in the shadows. The signal was indeed coming from the hospital. By taking a short peek in she saw that there was indeed someone there. She stayed outside in the shadows and waited. After a while a group of people left through the main door. Among them a blue bat with torn wings who seemed to be the boss around here. Suddenly she realized who he was. She had heard of him many times before, both from the radio and from Ring, who knew almost all important gang leaders and members. Lucent. She wondered whether he had an Emerald and decided to follow the gang from a safe distance, where she could not be heard.

Meanwhile at the the 3 cats' flat Belle lay down, in a half-sleep state while listening to the radio. Near her the mobile phone her older sister had stolen during the night. Her state of half-awareness allowed her to sleep and listen to the radio at the same time.

OOC: That last bit was a little.. odd, to say the least. o.o Belle has her quirks, too, I guess. ^^ Well, when I come back I'll try to catch up with all the stuff you wrote. And btw, although Ruby can't be spotted, I believe she may get into some interaction with Lucent or his gang members sooner or later. Rather later though since it'll take a while for me to return! ^^; sorry!

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Angela sighed, and grumbled something as she went over to the couch Asher was on, hauling him over her shoulder. With little difficulty, the striped vixen carried her brother to an empty bed and plopped him down, sighing once again as Asher began to snore.

"This is what I have to live with..." She said to Trey as she pulled the curtain around her twin's bed.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Trey smiled shortly at Angela before she disappeared into her own area with her loud snoring brother, Asher. He seemed to be quite a care-free guy from initial appearances, such as how he was walking backwards in his hideout, to his general attitude. Trey admired that, but also thought it was a bit foolish. Something like that could get you into trouble, serious trouble.

He sighed to himself. The kid could live his life the way he wanted to. All he wanted for now was to just to get some rest

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Say Pach, SL, are those posts set before Eclipse's 6:30 one or after? Just so I can place my next post in the general stream of time in the RP lol.)

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Before, I'd say. We were just wrapping up the story for that time period there to catch up with Eclipse's time frame. You can continue the story the next day if you want... and am I still under the belief that Frost and Shadow's encounter is still at night-time?

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Gotcha Pach. Okey kokey then...time to instigate plots^^)



Wraith woke with a start at the knock! "Uh...what?"

"Wraith, you awake?" Max's voice came from the other side of the office door. "There's trouble on the news! Been a ram raid on the police station near here! Looks like they were after weapons and killing cops! They took off not ten minutes ago!"

Wraith lept off the couch and grabbed his coat and hat. "Where were they headed?"

"Looks like they were from across town. They made for the highway in a modded pickup."

"Get the cars ready and pick teams! I'll be right there!" Wraith ran over to the bedroom door and knocked loudly. "Ari! Ari wake up, we got action!"

No answer. He knocked again, but still there was no sound from inside the room. He turned and ran over to the other door, stepping through into the warehouse.

Everyone was rushing round making preperations for the mission. Already the sound of engines was echoing up from the staircase on the far wall. Underneath the warehouse was a large underground car park, it's entrance leading up onto the street behind the building. This had become the gang's garage, and housed a number of veichles they had bought or scavenged from various places. Two of these veichles included a rather beastly pair of souped-up Nissans, rediculously powerful and perfect for high speed chases, and outfitted with bullet-proof materials all over! The gang didn't use them regularly, not wanting to give away who owned them, but most of the gangs in the area knew or had at least heard of the "Skylines of Death" as they had come to be known.

Wraith's mind though, for the moment, was elsewhere. "Lexx." he called to the Gorilla. "Where's Ari?"

Lexx looked up, his eyebrows raised. "Not seen her." he replied. "I thought she was still in her room."

Wraith looked puzzled. He turned and stepped back into the office again, once again moving over to and knocking on the door. Then, gingerly, he turned the handle and slid it open.

The room seemed in perfect order...just the way it had been before. The bed hadn't been slept in though, and on the pillow lay a small piece of paper with some writing on.

Wraith suddenly was worried. Slowly he stepped over to the bed and picked up the paper. As he read his eyes slowly got wider and wider.

"She left aproximately two hours after you went to sleep."

Wraith spun round to see David stood in the door of the room, his face folorn. "You knew about this?" he whispered in shock.

"Yes." David replied simply. "I do not sleep. I saw her go."

Wraith's brow ducked with anger and he ran up to the robot, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Why didn't you say anything?" he demanded through clenched teeth. "Why didn't you wake me???"

"I was unable. She specificly ordred me to say nothing until you found the note."

"Wraith, is something wrong?" Max had appeared in the doorway behind David, his face showing concern.

Wraith's anger had subsided as quickly as it had appeared, and now he was stood numbly in the middle of the room, his eyes glazed over. Slowly he reached out and handed the note to Max.

Dear Wraith

Please don't come looking for me. I have things to do that I must do alone. I'm sorry for leaving like this, but I know what you'd say. Please forgive me.

In time, if all goes well, I may be able to come back. If not, please don't worry for me.


Max looked up in shock. "What on Mobius...???"

"It's my fault." muttered Wraith quietly. "I should have seen it."

"What? What do you mean Wraith?"

Suddenly Wraith brought his fist down in the desk by the window, splintering it into two and sending it's contents cascading to the floor. "DANG what have I done???" he roared. "I should never have told her how I felt...!"

Max didn't know what Wraith was saying, but he was in no state for a mission like this. "Tell you what Wraith," the bulldog said, "you go look for her. I'll look after the ram raid deal."

"No!" retorted Wraith, spinning round. "It's because of me she's left! If I go looking for her goodness knows what she'll say when we find her!" He brought his hand up to his face for a moment, grabbing the bridge of his nose between his finger and thumb. "Max, please can you go look for her? Take David with you, and anyone else. Just get her to come back here, and tell her I'm so, so sorry."

Max and David exchanged glances, then Max nodded. Okay boss, if that's what you think is best."

Wraith took a deep breath, as though trying to calm his nerves. "I'll deal with the ram raid. We'll set off at once." He strode past the others and back into the warehouse. He scanned across the room for a moment until he spotted Trey, Angel, Asher and Tails in the corner, stood slightly seperate from the others as though unsure of what to do in the chaos. He decended the stairs in a hurry and stepped over to them.

"Hey all, I hope you enjoyed your night." he said, a halfhearted grin on his face. "Okay here's the deal. There's been a ram raid on the nearby police station, and the villans are running. We're going to hunt them down and sort them out. Also Arista has gone missing, and Max is getting together a group to look for her. It's up to all of you which team you want to go with, or if you want to wait here with the rest on standby. Your help would be appreciated whatever you decide."

He had picked up his trilby hat on the way out of the office, and now he placed it on his head as he prepared to leave. "There's no time to waste. If you're with me, come along now. If not, go see Max or chill for a while." With that he turned and set off towards the garage stairs.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Trey took little time to decide on what he would be doing. Although the ram-raid incident seemed a big deal and there would no doubt be a lot of criminals to capture, Trey wouldnt be able to drive and he couldnt simply wait in the back of a car either, it was a waste of his abilities. There were also quite a lot of people already going with him as well. No, Trey found himself prioritising by going to look for Arista afterall he felt he still owed her for the sudden attack he had given her earlier and felt guilty, plus the fact he had mentioned that Sachio and Morgraines hideout could be near this area and that gave him chills as to where he thought Arista would be. Trey couldnt see anything other then that, but he vehemently hoped against it. True, Sachio and Morgraine were dangerous and would have to be taken down hard, but the fact of the matter was he wasnt ready. They would be way too powerful, for him and for Ari from initial perceptions.

Please dont let her be there Trey thought to himself as he arrived besides Max and David.

Im coming with you, Trey explained. Im a good tracker as it is and I think I already know where she could be, but lets hope that the place Im thinking of is somewhere she isnt.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: i'm not dead people! still alive and kickin'! XP

seriously, i've been soooooooo caught up in homework recently it has been a nightmare, namely 'cause it was mainly MATHS HOMEWORK! i'm through it now though, and may i never have to speak about geometrics again. do i really need to learn how to draw up a graph for lines perpindicular and parallel to other lines using only one of the line's equations if i plan to persue a career in cartooning/comic/game art?

i think not. i can just see that interview now:

BOSS: Well, i must say i'm quite impressed with your folio! i think you'd be a great addition to our comic production team!

ME: Wow, thankyou! I just know i'm gonna have fun here!

BOSS: i bet you will! now, let's go over some of those credentials... tell me, did you ever master drawing lines based on equations of lines parallel to them?

ME: uhhh... i learned about it, but i never really mastered it that well... i can barely remember any of it actually.

BOSS: *closes my folio* well, i'm sorry, but we're just gonna have to let you go. i'm afraid i cant let you have your dream job if you don't know your geometry. Afterall, those comic page panels have to be veeeerrryyy precise in shape, and so i need someome who can draw those lines to the greatest of accuracy.... using equations.

ME: dang.

BOSS: you can keep this company pen though! look! it clicks! *clickity clickity*

ok, on with the RP!


Plugg looked over at the usual raid spot, that hospital that had been claimed by another gang.

"well..." he started, "Lucent has already taken this spot before. thing is, he prefers the other spot because people dont suspect nobody to be hidin' out in a ruined place. Thing is, Lucent only ever goes here for supplies, so he doesnt keep it guarded all the time, then those guys over there take control whenever they can. Lucent usually just kills 'em when we need stuff. but because he's already killed a lot of 'em i dont think there'll be a whole lot of guys over there, so we could maybe find a sneaky way in..."

Plugg may not be the brainiest of mobians, but he was extremely loyal to Lucent, thus he studied Lucent's gang movements a lot and knows almost as much about what ground the gang owns and how well protected each place is as Lucent does. Thing is, he's never had the intelligence to concuct strategies of his own, it could even be said that his undying loyalty to Lucent, despite constant beatings for incompetence, is also a result of his stupidity.

nevertheless, he was stumped for ideas now. Much to Azieral's annoyance.

"well, where's this way in?" asked Azieral.

Plugg shrugged grumpily, "i dunno! i just give orders i dont come up with plans... no wait. i make plans but i dont... no... dang hang on.... i giv-..."

Azieral rolled her eyes and sighed to herself as Plugg confused himself.

She examined the outside of the large looming builsing, trying to look for an entrance.

"hmm... we should go around." said Azieral.

"huh?" said Plugg, breaking out of his confusion.

"that is..." said Azieral, "is it your order to go around and try looking for a way in?"

Plugg considered this, then began walking along the alleyways that looped around the block, "yeah! yeah it is my order! i give orders! i don't follow 'em!... dangit... i give orders but i..."

Azieral walked in front of Plugg to avoid having to walk at his slow un-focused pace.

"i giv-.. yo WAIT! I'M THE LEADER HERE!" shouted Plugg, trying to catch up.

Azieral wished he wouldn't be so loud... this was suppossed to be a stealth mission.


The bruised Goat took another punch to the face that sent a spit-projectile of blood, and a tooth to fly out from his mouth. The two gang members who held him against the brick wall seemed to almost be driving his shoulders into it.

Lucent cracked his knuckles as he prepared to punch him again. "You are testing my patience." said Lucent in a deadly-calm tone.

"Your friend learned the hard way just how hazardous it is to test my patience, so i suggest you don't do the same."

The goat looked down at the corpse of his fellow Dread-Painter remnant, an armadillo, coated with his own blood and an arm almost completely ripped from the socket, a large pool of blood still growing at the severing.

"need i say more?" inquired Lucent with a devilish grin.

"i..." stuttered the goat, "i-i told you everything i swear!"

Lucent took out his chain and held it up menacingly, "Liar."

The goat panicked, "no wait, please! i-i-i ain't lyin' i swear! i dont know where Sledge got the robot! he just left one night and showed up in the mornin' with it! it's the truth! i swear... i swear."

Lucent gestured for his minions to let go of the goat. They did so.

The goat felt slightly calmer, right before Lucent lashed around his neck with the chain and brought him close to himself.

"There's something else. tell me." said Lucent as he gripped the chain around the goat's neck.

The goat gasped for air.

Lucent was growing agitated, "if you tell me what i need to know i won't kill you."

The Goat struggled to speak, "he said... somethin.. ao..about buying it.. some guy... kept braggin'... *cough* 'bout some bargain or somethin'... *cough*"

Lucent snarled, "That's all you know?"

The Goat tried to nod, but found himseld poked with the spikes from the chain.

Lucent unfurled the chain and left the Goat to hit the ground and gasp for air. He scoffed at the Goat, such a weak being, to think that he was a member of a gang that once greatly overpowered the Nocturnes. How the mighty have fallen.

The Goat coughed a bit more then scampered up on his feet, trying to stand up straight. He nervously passed his eyes over Lucent's group.

"so..." he whimpered, "so i'm f-free n-now... right?"

Lucent smiled, "in a way. I will keep my word. I won't kill you." he signalled to his group who advanced on the Goat, "but they will.

The Goat went pale and his injuries meant that he couldn't run away. He stepped back into the wall, "wait! PLEASE! i told you everything!"

Lucent turned his back and began lighting a cigarette as he replied to the feeble Goat, "I'm trying to keep a low profile, so i can't have you spread the word of my whereabouts. Besides, i did give you a good deal. had i been the one to kill you, your death would have been a lot more painful. just do yourself a favor and enjoy your last few seconds of your otherwise miserable life."

The Goat did not speak again, instead he cried out in horrific agony as he was beaten to death by Lucent's gang.

Lucent puffed out wisps of smoke for a while before walking over to his minions, who were still pummeling the goat even after they had killed him.

He signalled to the group that the job was done and then flicked some ashes from his cigarette onto the corpse.

"From what they've been telling us, Sledge went alone that night and came back in the morning with a gift from Santa Claus." he mused wickedly.

"So basically... we know one thing for certain. there's someone with connections in this town distributing weapons. afterall, he said that Sledge 'bought' that infernal contraption."

The gang nodded and followed their leader as he walked down another alleyway.

Lucent frowned, "it would seem pointless to hunt down any more of them now, but you know how i hate leaving a task unfinished. We were suppossed to wipe out the Dread-Painters yesterday, but inste-..."

Lucent didn't finish his sentence, instead he looked around a corner at a desloate shop corner that had a drinks mahcine outside. what got his attention was not the store or the machine, but the individuals by the machine. 4 Dobermans, wearing clothing similar to those gang members of Sachio's that Lucent saw through the window, spreading some kind of petrol...

One of the Dobermans punched the machine in an area that had already been dented by so many punches, and then waited for his drink to roll out of the bottom.

A yellow can came out and the Doberman reluctantly picked it up.

"aw damn, lemonade again! i hate lemonade!" he said, throwing the can to one of the others as he punched the machine again.

One of the others who was drinking cola laughed at his companion and punched him on the shoulder, "why dontcha jus' tear da thin' open and get somethin' else?"

The one who hated lemonade grunted as yet another can of lemonade came out of the machine. This time he threw the can back at the machine. "if i open it, the fridge thing might stop workin'. i dunno how the thing's still runnin', but i don' wanna drink no warm raspberry soda!", another can of lemonade rolled out, "oh, SON OF A-"

a spiked chain whipped around his neck and pulled him to face Lucent and his gang, who had already gotten into a fight with the other Dobermans.

In a co-ordinated motion, 3 of the Dobermans were throws against a dumpster on the other street corner. Lucent snapped the neck of the other Doberman and his corpse lay limp beside 2 discarded cans full of lemonade.

The Nocturnes surrounded the 3 Dobermans who lay dazed against the dumpster, the shock of seeing Lucent alive was enough to hinder their fighting ability.

"L..l-Lucent..." whimpered one of the dobermans, "we're dead man... we're de-"

"Stop cowering like a bunch of infants!" shouted Lucent, chain in hand.

"It's a trick!" said another of the Dobermans, "This guy's a phoney! Lucent's dead!"

"Svarminus Paralia".

A comet blast shot out form Lucent's palm at the ignorant Doberman at point blank range, making a concaved dent in his ribcage, leaving a few organs in clear sight and a whole lot of blood to coat the area in font of him, and the area around the dumpster.

"throw him in the trash." commanded Lucent. Dirge reluctantly picked up the mutilated corpse and threw it amongst the garbage, the corpse's foot sticking out and poking the head of one of the 2 remaining gang members, who were now more scared than ever and had a layer of their comrade's blood over them.

"proof enough?" snarled Lucent.

The two quivering Dobermans had their jaws gaped open as they stared at Lucent's now haunting figure.

"Although you failed to send me to hell, i'll gladly give you two a one way trip. However..." he rubbed his chin and grinned as the two fearful gang members tried to comprehend their situation.

"Here's a question of mine, where does a vengeful bat go to find Sachio's hideout, so that they may bring hell down on the place? i'll let whichever one of you tells me first live."

OOC: Bentleee, they are Sachio and Morgaine's gang members, so i felt this bit should be your control.

btw, how're these for gang names for Sachio and Morgaine's gang:

'Chaos Rippers'

Let me know if you like either of those. their gang is a hard one to name 0_0 need something menacing!

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: XD @ Eclipse. Absolutely genius, and yeah, I can imagine that exactly happening, man. Lol!

Azieral and Plugg both began to move on the other side of the buildings that compromised a block and which shrouded the view of any people within the hospital that could have once seen the two moving across the large clearing to the Hospital, instead looking for another entrance closer to cover and the shadows of the buildings around it. Azieral was moving at a quickened pace through the darkness, she would have broke out into a small jog but Plugg would have probably shouted at her and even have ran awkwardly, which would have just impeded their stealth mission as it was, so she refrained from doing it.

Time was passing, but Azieral did so with delicacy and care as she aimed to complete this mission thoroughly and sufficiently, even if Plugg who was walking behind her slightly was still talking. She should have kept that damn web gag on him.

This way, Azieral said, as she pointed down an alleyway and towards where the Hospital building was, and how the buildings that created the alleyway were the nearest ones to the hospital and would give the best stealth and protection they could expect to get into the hospital. Cmon. She then began to hurry down the alleyway, leaving a startled and angry Plugg for a second, before he ran after her, shouting at her.

Damn it, Im the one whose supposed to give the orders or was it plans? Anyway, Im in charge! Plugg shouted out, this made Azieral roll her eye again and grit her teeth to refrain from hitting the Gecko.

Were closer now. Azieral explained as she reached the exit of the alleyway, and making sure she was still in the shadows given, checking the length of the outside wall of this part of the hospital and checking for the guards. There were none that she could see. As Plugg had said, the gang had probably not had many members still around and it would have been foolish to place them around outside the hospital. While it would have gave the base greater protection, it would have made them dead men, easy to be killed by anybody around from the alleyways or streets who had a gun. Although Azieral hadnt got a gun, since she didn't believe in using one, and if Plugg had one, Azieral thought he was probably useless with it anyway.

Well, uh, alright then, lets see, how are we going to do this? Um, I think we should go around and look for another wall and Plugg began, but couldnt finish what he was about to say.

A waste of time and pointless. This is the best point since were able to get closer to the hospital without them seeing us so far. Azieral explained, interrupting the Gecko.

Uh, yeah, so what? Im the one in charge and I say we go for an even better side and Plugg was about to continue but soon found himself trailing off anyway.

Azieral didnt way for Plugg to finish, instead she darted out from her hiding place in the alleyway and raced forward to the other side, the hospital wall, and pressed her back against it as she lithely turned around and had performed this feat in matter of seconds. She also slinked downwards, to keep her body out of view of the window above her. After all, the gap really wasnt that far. Now, all she had to do was see if there was an entrance nearby and--

Damn it! Im the one in charge and youve have to listen to me! You dont just run forward without me telling you to! Do you get that Plugg began, but again didnt finish his sentence as he caught the glance from Azieral that distinctly disturbed him and made him silent. He didnt like the She-Spider at all, didnt trust her, and didnt want to do anything that made her seem in power or in charge, but the glare she had just given him was extremely angry and unnerving. It was one that you shouldnt mess with at all, and instead, Plugg could only mutter under his breath. Women. I bet theyre all the same, just like this

Azieral then turned her attention and began searching for an entrance again, quickly finding a door not too far away, but wondering if perhaps it was the best chance of entrance and if anyone could be in that way. It might even be better to go for a more stealthy option, such as the window above her?

Azieral turned, and peered through the glass to the room inside of it, and found that no-one was inside and that the lights were off. A far more better, stealthy option she had deduced. She tried opening it but found that it was locked, and she really didnt want to bother to try other windows nearby that led to other rooms, after all people could already be in those particular rooms and it would again be an unnatural waste of time. Smashing the class was out of consideration though as well. She unsheathed the two Sais from her satchel and stabbed them into the glass. She then placed another of her two hands against the pane of glass and firmly pressed onto it, her hands sticking to it. And then, in a quick movement, the hands that held the two Sais moved in a circular motion until they met the stab points of the other Sai, and which had carved out a circle from the window. Azieral pulled the pane of cut glass away, having stuck two of her hands to it before so that it didnt just fall out and smash, instead handling it delicately. After she had pulled it free from the window, she gently placed it onto the ground so as to again not create any noise and then jumped into the reasonably sized circle gap.

In the time that it had took for her to do this, Plugg had been quiet and was just watching what she had done without having the time to complain or shout against her. Damn it, she was overriding his command again and was going in front of him! Hell just have to show her

Plugg ran out across the small gap and towards the wall that Azieral had been against earlier, in the same position that Azieral had been, in front of the window. He quickly inspected the cut glass whilst Azieral secured the dark room inside, and as he did so he ran a finger over the surface of the glass where it had been cut. It was, no sharp edges. Hmph. Plugg quickly tried to pull himself into and through the window, and in doing so through his difficult attempts, had to even have Azieral pull him into the room.

Huh. Cant you even do anything right by yourself, toad? Azieral said, sighing loudly as showing her annoyance. Honestly

Posts: 409
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Asher and Angela exchanged thoughtful glances, before both walked off in separate directions, saying, "This way!" The twins glared at each other and took a few steps more, before turning to each other once again, with Angel heading toward Trey and Asher heading toward Wraith.

"No, you bugger...this way!" Once again, their shouts came in unison, causing a few startled glances to come from Wraith's gang.

The Tabbys met, gazing steadily at each other. Asher spoke first, jabbing his thumb in Wraith's direction and narrowing his eyes at his sister.

"We're going with Wraith, Miss Know-It-All."

Angela raised her eyebrow, "We? Oh nononono, I am going that way." The striped vixen began hold up her fingers as she counted off reasons for her choice in direction. "One, we just got here, so wouldn't it be better to go on a simpler mission for starters? And two-"

"Action is better," Asher protested, tails flicking.

"-I can't drive, and neither can you, and I for one do not wanna sit in the back. Not much action, eh?" Angel began to walk away, before calling over her shoulder, " missed your train."

The two-tailed tabby glanced around, grumbling as he saw that Wraith and those chosen to follow were already gone. Throwing his hands up in defeat, he joined his snickering sister, glaring at her.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Wraith must have gone spare.

Arista sighed quietly as she slipped along the deserted streets. Even this early in the morning one had to be careful, but there were very few people about. But as she went part of her mind was aching, calling to her to turn around, to go back, to stop this insane venture.

She didn't want to hurt him. He had been so kind to her, so helpful. They all had.

But this was something she had to do alone. She had no choice. It was dangerous, incredibly so, and that was the reason she couldn't involve Wraith. Plus, he may stop her from doing what had to be done.

Her parent's deaths had to be avenged. There was no two ways about it. Nothing less than slow, painful death would do for Sachio and Morgaine...she shivvered as she remembered their names...and she would see too it that that death met them.

She turned into another street. In her mind, she drifted back to those nights when she was held hostge, those days when they tortured her.

Her mother and father's screams.

Her eyes glinted in the early morning light, almost glowing with the cold fury inside. They would pay...oh yes, they would pay...

Her mind was brought back to the prescent as she saw a small group of people at the end of the street. It looked like trouble...some of the group seemed to be beating the others up. She jumped as one of them held out his hand and a blue-white fireball shot into the chest of another! What was that???

Slowly, staying in the shadows, she slipped down the street, closer to the frey, close enough for her sensitive ears to pick up voices...

"Here's a question of mine, where does a vengeful bat go to find Sachio's hideout, so that they may bring hell down on the place? I'll let whichever one of you tells me first live."

Arista stiffened at the sound of their names. This could be interesting! And who was the bat that was asking the questions...?

She crouched down in the shadow behind a trash can, listening.


"Good to have you guys along" said Max, nodding slowly. "Your help is most appreciated."

Trey nodded in responce, and Angel smiled widely. "We're glad to help." she replied, ignoring a look from Ash.

"I've tried calling Ari, but her phone is switched off." said Max, then he jerked a finger at David. "David here, however, says he saw her go."

The robot nodded. "She set off in the same direction that we came last night." he said. "I suggest beginning our search in the downtown area."

"Grab what you need. We'll set off straight away." said Max gruffly, picking up a belt with two shiny silver Magnums on it and placing it around his middle. "I'd love to know why she's done this. Wraith thinks he had something to do with it...dunno how." he muttered, more to himself than anyone in particular.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

"I'm ready to go now," Trey responded rather bleakly. Although he never was a lively one and was always serious, even here he was more tense then before. "We can search downtown if you want." Trey agreed, nodding slightly.

'I really hope she doesn't plan on going after Sachio and Morgraine.' Trey thought to himself. 'I don't know how powerful exactly they are, or how powerful Arista is, but going from our earlier encounter... and the strength that I have seen Sachio and Morgraine produce... I don't think she has a chance. We need to find her.'

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Woah! I'm still up for this RP. Sorry for the lack of updates ^^

Mainly I have blasted resit exams coming up so that's leeching time and energy. And the net in general... ugh. Hasn't been all that therapeutic.

Anyway, that set aside, I'm going to try and update this sometime tonight UK time, if not tomorrow.

Watch this space! :3

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Angel nodded as well, jabbing her brother in the ribs. Asher growled at his sister before snapping, "Alright, alright! We're ready..."

Angel smiled amusedly, crossing her arms. She faintly recalled Trey mentioning something about Morgaine and Sachio being nearby, and she fervently hoped Arista had not been foolish enough to try and take revenge. The tabby-vixen remembered as well, how tear-eyed Ari had been in the telling of her story, and how her parents had been killed by the two hedgehog siblings.

I pray that we find Arista before then, if that's what she's disappeared for.....In her mind's eye, Angela could picture the female fox sneaking around, trying to find clues as to where Morgaine and Sachio could be.

Please Arista, don't do anything stupid....

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: I know that the RP isn't progressing because those who are currently driving critical storyline points aren't posting yet, but this might be some good time for our characters to make some moves on their own k?

Just don't let this RP die! it's a really good 'un and we all know it!

I wasn't posting before because i was waiting on Bentleee to post, but i can still post with Plugg. i cant believe i forgot that though >< my bad people my bad. I been so caught up in homework lately it'd make all yo' heads spin! @.@

Well, without further ado, my post.

P.S: i will send a note to Wraith to see if he's still posting, because i know its very crucial for the movement of other characters that he progress with his. The RP is getting real interesting! ^^


Huh. Cant you even do anything right by yourself, toad? Azieral said, sighing loudly as showing her annoyance. Honestly

"just shut up and help me will ya?" retorted Plugg, trying not to sound so pathetic.

Azieral heaved him in with a bit of difficulty, afterall Plugg wasn't accustomed to squeezing into tight spaces like the hole Azieral had cut in the window. Azieral herself had no problem with such feats thanks to her ninja training.

Plugg adjusted his clothing as he stood on his own two feet within the room Azieral had heaved him into.

Azieral was looking through a beaten up cabinet that lay inside the otherwise bare room.

"nothing in here" she said as she shut the cabinet.

Plugg sniggered at her, "'Course there ain't nothin' there! if it were that easy, Lucent woulda figured it out by now!"

Azieral rolled her eyes, 'Lucent this, Lucent that, gawd this guy's loyalty is sickening. it's no wonder Lucent can't stand him!' she thought.

"We gotta go in further, find the stairs, elevators dont work no more" Said Plugg, trying to open the door to the room.

Azieral looked over at him. Plugg was putting one foot against the wall beside the door and heaving with all his strength, but the door wouldn't budge.

"what's goin' on here? why would this thing be locked?"

Azieral tapped him on the shoulder then pointed toward a sign printed beneath the door handle, it read "Push".

Plugg muttered to himself then gave a gentle little nudge and the door opened perfectly.

He carefully looked both ways before signalling to Azieral that the coast was clear.

"Where next?" inquired Azieral as one of her arms edged closer and closer toward one of her sai out of instinct. She could feel the danger level within this place, something wasn't right.

"Okay, this way." Plugg gestured for her to follow as he walked round a corner that he had inspected beforehand.

As the two crept silently along the corridor, a sound of footsteps ahead of them grew closer.

The two glanced at eachover before bolting ahead for a doorway that was halfway down the corridor.

With the footsteps, noise of conversation grew louder too.
"-all night man. I ain't slept more than like, few hours since about a week ago." said one of the voices.

Plugg and Azieral were slowed in their movement because they were trying to be quiet and fast at the same time.

"Hey, i hear ya man. If we could like, loot some coffee or sumthin', things'd be a hell lot easier. It still sucks." said the second voice.

Plugg reached the door first, he was ahead of Azieral. The door wasn't budging. Plugg checked for a 'push' sign again, but this door didn't have one, it was a regular door.

"Why we stayin' up so late anyways? who'd wanna take this dump?" said the first voice.

The second voice chuckled, "Don't go sayin' that to the boss. He already gave us a freakin' 20 minute speech about how controlling this hospital is important cos' o' supplies and stuff. Pretty much every gang needs this place, so if we got it, we got power. but yeah, still sucks that we gotta stay up so late."

"Y'know it ain't late no more, it's mornin'. look, my watch says uhh... mornin'."

"What? you kiddin' me? we been up all through night 'till mornin'? no wonder i got bags under my freakin' eyes"

Plugg finally got the door to budge after yanking the doorknob out of a jam. He immdediately flung the door open and slammed it behind him carelessly and nervously.

Azieral flinched on the spot as she realised what an absoloute act of stupidity Plugg had just done.

"Screw this! i'm goin'- Hey what the...?"

"yah i heard it too, c'mon!"

Azieral knocked on the door as quietly as she could while still aiming for Plugg to hear.

"Plugg!" she whispered angrily, "Plugg! Open the door! Plugg!" she tried the door again but it was stuck. it'd have to be opened from the inside.
"Plugg you idiot! Plugg!"

Hearing the footsteps getting so close, Azieral prepeared to try clinging to the wall and clinging to the ceiling, but she underestimated the distance between herself and the owners of the two voices along the corridor turn ahead, and turned to see a Ferret and a Squirrel wearing ragged street gang clothes, looking at her cautiously.

The Ferret was wielding a large wrench and the Squirrel had a crowbar, both of them holding their weapons by their sides, ready incase anyhting should happen.

"Who the hell're you?" spat the Ferret.

"dude, it's a chick!" said the Squirrel to his friend.

"shut up, i know that!" replied the Ferret.

Azieral's mind was racing through her available courses of action.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: lol I'm still here Eclipse, but I'm waiting for you to move Lucient on so I know where to go with Arista! lol

and btw, don't feel you have to wait for me with regard to the search party for Ari. This isn't my RP^^ lol I'll follow any initiatives Pach and SL take same as they sometimes follow mine. As I said Max is an NPC, and David can be played same as anyone, so long as he's kept in character. If you have any ideas go ahead and do them lol)

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

OOC: oh, seems we're in a bit of a pickle. I now know that many people seem to be waiting for Wraith to post, but he is waiting for me to post, and i'm waiting for Bentleee to post. oh my, quite the predicament. Well, i don't want to put pressure on Bentleee to post, afterall in an RP as deep as this, a post would take some time for her, and she is doing her re-sits atm.

I guess the best course of action would be simply to have either Wraith or someone else progress the storyline with the gang moving toward the suppossed 'Raid'.

I'm sorry if i'm inconveniencing everyone, but i really don't want to pressure people to post either. We're just going to have to progress as best we can for now. k people? but whatever you all do, don't just give up. This RP is a very fun one, so we MUST keep it going.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: I agree we can't let this die!

As far as the raid goes, truth be told I'd mainly planned that simply to get Wraith out of the way and let Ari have some character development. Had anyone joined Wraith I would have carried on with that too, but since no one has I was figuring I'd just have it happen away from camera and just pop Wraith back into the story later.

I'll try to get things going a little with the search party, although I don't really get why everyone is waiting for me on that one lol. I was also kinda holding off to let somone else have their say on it. It isn't my RP, so I have no right to take over other people's characters. Am I doing without realising?

Anyway, let's see if we cam move something...)


The small band stepped out onto the street.

"You know, I can't help thinking this is a little crazy." muttered Asher as they set off walking. "I mean, it's like we're looking for a needle in a haystack. She could be anywhere!"

"My sensors can detect life forms within a radius of half a mile." replied David. "And we have a general location from which to start."

"We'll find her." muttered Max. "We have to." There was a pause, then Max continued. "I just don't get it. Ari's not one to go off on her own like this, without telling anyone. Wraith says it's his fault..."

"It's not his fault." replied Trey quietly. Everyone turned to look at him.

"What?" asked Max, raising an eyebrow.

"I think I know where she's going. She may be after Sachio and Morgaine."

Max swore. "What???" He pulled out his Magnums and started checking them over, making sure they were in good working order. "Well that's just great! If we're going to be meeting up with them then we're sure to have trouble!"

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: I think both me and SL didnt instigate any plots with the search party since you were the one who started that plot point, Wraith and so we thought you had ideas of how we were going to it. Oh well.

And darn it! The one time when I dont Ctrl-C my post it gets deleted in the server maintenance! Oh well

IC: Station Square Streets

The problem is, we dont know exactly where they are or if Arista knows where they are either. Trey replied, looking a bit glumly and towards the ground, his fur on the back of his head sticking on its end. Either way though its dangerous, way too dangerous. Arista probably doesnt have a chance and Id guess that we dont either. We should hurry up. Id suggest we all move outwards, spreading outwards in a circle formation from David in a radius of half a mile from him, so he can still sense us and anyone else in between, and if wed be able to see anyone along the way. If we do as well, wed be a lot closer and easier to respond to it, but there are problems to it as well.

Namely, do we have any communication devices to keep in contact with each other? And if we do meet anyone well be by ourselves, which is a lot more risky. Combat would be a definite no-no, but David should be able to sense if anyone near us if we stick in a half mile radius from him. Another problem is that wed have to get close to them to check out who the person actually is, and if isnt Arista or someone much worse like Sachio himself, wed be in trouble. Wed need to stick to the shadows and do things more stealthy.

But thats just a suggestion. I lived my time these last 4 and a half years alone, so I can cope with anything I might encounter stealthy, or be able to fight, no problem. The issues with the rest of you and if youre okay to do this unless anyone has any better ideas? Trey finished his suggestion of what he thought the group should do, but he was still a bit wary about the whole situation. It was simply dangerous, too dangerous, but they had to do this. And, in a way, Trey found himself with a strange commitment to try and find Arista now, but he wasnt totally sure why. Atonement for the attacks and hits he dealt her back at his hideout? Or because he feared he might have been the reason she was alone out here, after he mentioned that Sachio and Morgraines lair is probably near here?


Azieral backed up slightly, hesitating and deliberating what she should do. Both of her enemies here had weapons, but thankfully they only appeared as melee weapons, and they still only seemed like low-life gang members. For her it wouldnt be much of a problem, but she didnt have time to waste with them.

The squirrel and ferret split up slightly, moving a small distance from each other as they closed in towards Azieral on both her left and right side. Azieral withdrew her two Sai from her satchel and twirled it around two of her hands, before pushing them forward slightly, making the ferret and squirrel move back slightly for their own comfort and safety, yet still closing in on her. Azieral stood her ground, and she too started moving forwards slightly, her grip of her Sai tightening.

I dont have time for this! she mentally thought out to herself, and then suddenly, both the gang members were soon flying back, until they crashed into the wall, where they stuck to it, no longer moving or falling down to the ground. Azieral had, instead of using her Sai, used her remaining four arms, two on either side, to cast a powerful webbing against the two members and stick them to the wall, covering them in a thick cocoon which didnt allow them to escape or to speak. I couldnt allow them the possibility for calling the help for broadcasting the fact were here. This is a stealth mission, not a guns blazing one! She took one last moment to inspect the two men with her eight eyes, and make sure they were securely trapped, before she turned and banged on the door Plugg had escaped into.

Damn it, Plugg! Open this door now! She demanded. Those two men are finished now, dealt with, no thanks to you! Now open this door!

Slowly, and hesitantly, the door opened, and Plugg stood in the doorway. He turned and looked at the webbed men, and then to Azieral, laughing slightly. Heh. I knew you could do it, nice jo-

Plugg was unable to finish his sentence as he was lifted into the air in front of Azierals face by the four arms she had used to web up the other gang members, her other two arms holding her Sais being pointed towards his eyes.

Do that again and I shall gouge out both of your eyes, understand? she hissed, before dropping him to the ground.

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Yeah, sorry for neglecting this guys...
*still hasn't read all the IC's ._.*

Just this point right now is a making or breaking point as to whether I make it onto next year... or chicken out.

I guess as a GM I felt responsible to tie ALL loose ends and I haven't had the brain power for it or the time.

Anyway, I'm actually amazed, and pleasantly surprised that people are still interested in this...

it ain't gonna die. Bare with me. I'll do my best.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Ah yeah I see what you mean Pach, sorry. Didn't think of that, I should have made it more clear.

And Ben, don't worry in the slightest^^ Everyone has buisy times in their lives, and no one can be blamed if they're too buisy for things every now and then. As far as people still being interested in the RP goes, that's just a testiment to everyone's exceptional writing skill and imagination, especially yours for thinking it up^^

Just post when you get the chance, and we'll find ways of keeping it going in between :) I still say this is one of the best RPs in the entire MoFo!)

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

"But thats just a suggestion. I lived my time these last 4 and a half years alone, so I can cope with anything I might encounter stealthy, or be able to fight, no problem. The issues with the rest of you and if youre okay to do this unless anyone has any better ideas?" the suggestion of a vocie amde the rabbits ears twitch and he looked on the side of his scaffold and noticed a boy and a few groups, maybe he should say hi. He grinned widely at the thought. With quick movements he flipped over the scaffold and hung from it like a monkey would from a tree. Popping in on the group.

"Wakka Wakka Wakka - Explosives are always the best way to get in in in!" he grinned.

"What the?!" Trey shouted.

A voice also was suprised. "Who in hades are you?"

The rabbit grinned. "Call me DeLougere, I expertise in boom." he laughed irritatablly.

(OOC: Had to wait for a opening)

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Max, on edge, had pointed his Magnuma at the shadow as it had flitted down from the scaffolding. Now though he let them drop to his sides.

"DeLougere..." he muttered quietly. "Where have I heard that name?"

David apparently took this as a personal question. "Searching...53 possible items found. Cross-referancing with explosives."

The Rabbit backed away as he saw the Robot, his eyes wide, muttering something like "...moving metal monster...?"

David's head swiveled to face Max. "Match found." he replied. "DeLougere. One of the dual personallities of a certain Hazel Jon Rabbit, formerly of the Air Core who..."

"Of course!" exclaimed Max, his memory jogged. He fixed DeLougere with a stare. "Last I heard you were locked up!"

(OOC: Pretty soon I'll be on holiday for a few days, but I should be back around Sunday. Keep it going, and I'll catch up when I get back^^)

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