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[Sticky] The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

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Posts: 55
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The problem with most people doing a D&D storyline is that in most cases it lacks substance. They either set it in the Series, which I dont find any where as good as the real thing, or it lacks a veritable story to keep it going.

Vulpix: I might agree to a certain extent. But the Twisted World rp lasted quite a long time until most of us had a a lot to do in our real lives. Even I had problem of keeping rping because of it. It was an epic rp and people liked it, even though I sure wanted to wrap it up with a diffrent ending then the one I used.

Posts: 1631
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Just thought I'd let everyone know: roumours of my death have been greatly exagerated. I'm still here, though quiet. I'm afraid recently I haven't been feeling too well, and with the decline of the RP Guild I kinda lost my motivation to post, feeling depressed about how quiet it was here and all. I still came here every so often to check how things were going though, and hopefully I'll be able to get back in here now that I'm feeling a little better^^

If there were any RPs that needed my attention, I appoligise for my absence. I know I was in a couple of RPs, but most of them were either in a hibernation stage for a few months, or pretty much dead anyway, so I don't think I was missed too much. If I'm wrong about that, though, I'm sorry...had I known I would have made an effort to update them much quicker.

But yeah, this place is much quieter than it used to be...probably cause of all the confusion about the move and when it's gonna be, and it's a shame, but I'm gonna try to be around a little more from now on, and see if I can help give this place the send-off it deserves before the move^^


Posts: 1334
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I really don't like the shape the guild is in... anyone up for another Newbie RP thread?

Posts: 2928
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I would attempt to help with it. Rico is ready and waiting.

Posts: 1334
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I'm thinking of ideas; but Im curious if anyone else is up for it.

Posts: 2928
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I can help buy having and older Rico as an NPC I'll play. But the newbies should be doing most of the main characters.

Posts: 369
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Sure Mike, I'll help or join.

I have been waiting for a new RP to come out with an adaptable storyline for my liking. Some of them have been too far fetched for me. Just something simple for now. I have been out of the cycle for ages.
I don't mean overly simple. Just, say, a plot 90% related to Sonic verse, or whatever verse which I'm familiar with (and I'll join), without complications. Not that I am condeming creativity but like I said, I need to 'warm up', as you will. Don't ask. ;)

Post away.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

ALright, the thread is up. Thanks for the support.

Posts: 35
Eminent Member

Hello people. I'm new here and such, but wanted to share an RP idea with you fellow RPers. Actually, I just wanted to know if anyone would be interested in a MegaMan Battle Network roleplay 'round these parts. I have a whole idea written out, but won't bother posting it unless I know there's some interest.

Now, pardon me while I go scope out the rest of this place.

Posts: 64
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Knowing this place, I'm sure an RP that has even the most remote anime-resemblance will be welcomed with open arms. Any RP can go here, though. I've made all kinds of stupid RPs based on crap nobody here would even be interested in which made it a few pages.

Posts: 2928
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Anything but stupid RP's. Stupid on in what the topic is, Stupid as in the content of them. You know what I mean.

Posts: 64
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Yeah, what he said.
I didn't mean ACTUAL stupid... More like, the RP wouldn't have anything to do with the usual RPs that would appear on this board.
And no RPs about real, historical events, if I remember correctly.

Posts: 186
Estimable Member

Can anyone give me some suggestions to make my rps better.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Hmmm, well I've been snooping through the guild again, feeling the need to RP, and considering posting in here again. Particularly in the World of Were RP, since I found that while I was watching the Batman episode Moon Of The Wolf, which has to be a sign (is that still going at all?) And the Califax..Calefax... Terg's medieval rp, cause that's something different for me.

But (and there's always a but)...

Considering my past record of total and utter vanishment, is it even worth trying? Am I doomed to wander off at crucial points?

What do people think?

Posts: 369
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Don't bother. It's a lost cause.

Posts: 2438
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Lately there's been hardly any activity here at all. I don't know what it is, and what it'll take to turn things around. But it's still here and available.

Posts: 369
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CD in particular is really uncommited to RP's ;)

Just telling yers all the truth XD

I spoke to Pach on DA and I said I'd try to add an entry to Forest. Seems other ppl are still keen, hey?

First I have some annoying Xmas social to go to tonight though. Can't wait til it's done.

Seems since hurricane ezhack struck a couple of years ago, the activity of this guild died with it ;-; Dunno if that's the ultimate cause or such.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

That really did hit the Guild hard, unfortunately. There were RPs that managed to continue despite it, but let's face it, when you can't go back and look at what happened before, it's hard to remember all of the details that went on in a major-league RP before the hack.

I don't think that's all of it though. Some people who used to RP here regularly just moved on to other forums, other boards, or just have moved on in their lives. There does seem to be an attitude shift in the way RPs are handled, too.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

I've tried to stay active myself. But it really didn't happen I guess because it seems everytime I personally start a RP myself it dies or isn't very... active? I mean my Zelda RP isn't going naywhere until someone posts. And Ive been waiting for a bit. But oh well.

Im not sure... but meh.

So does this mean FOTF is continuing again?

Posts: 369
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Quote:So does this mean FOTF is continuing again?

Don't see why not ^_^

Watch this space... I mean... THAT space for an entry soonish!

Posts: 1334
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When is soonish?

Posts: 2438
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I think "soonish" was meant to be sooner than now. But life catches up with people. Heck I totally forgot about it myself.

If you have anything to post in it or anything, go ahead; it may take a jump start to get that going again. I'll have to think about it as well.

Posts: 369
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Bah. I hate Dentistry.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

Looks like FOTF is getting back into swing, thought i'd help that along by making a post :3

But where are my manners?

Howdy everyone! It's good to be back, i'm really looking forward to continuing Forest of the Future with everybody.

How's everyone been? :3

A particular howdy in this thread to Bentleee, Tergonaut and Mike, good to see you guys again ^w^

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

Hey James! So stoked you're back ">

I loved your RP entry! Motivates me to want to write now! I want to get one done by the end of tonight. The only thing in my way is fatigue. Didn't sleep before my flight back from Ireland to the UK. So yeah, am S PA CeD OuT.

Either way, getting the momentum's looking promising. I think, even if we try and get a little going, it'll shift this into motion.

Hope everyone else is well and enjoyed their Easter !

Posts: 38
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I just have one question and I'm really sorry if it has been answered before, but I haven't been here in ages. Why do the topic no longer bump? I mean there's probably some reason for it, but I think it was more convient the other way. People might see the forums more active and feel inspired to post this way.

Concerning Rps, I'm looking for more members for the The Great escape V.2. If your interested just come post!

Posts: 59
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I'm just looking for a good Mario RP site. Anyone know where to find one?

Posts: 2438
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Shadow: The topics should be bumping up, they do for me; they don't appear to bump up when I'm not logged in, though, so maybe that has something to do with it. Sorry for the slow response.

Antyep: I'm not really knowledgeable about a *Mario* RP site, but you could start a Mario RP here if you wanted. We aren't just Sonic and Mega Man here, after all. If I find a good site for Mario RPs, though, I'll let you know.

Posts: 59
Trusted Member

Thank, but I was hoping to look for a Mario RP site, no offense. Last time I tried to make one, well my partner did but I helped him out, nobody is biting, and my partner seemed to quit. I ain't though.

Oh and also, check out this one.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Okay, well I posted my RP: The Order Saga. And I guess it'd be nice to discuss/comment about it I suppose. Anyone interested by it at any rate?

Posts: 2438
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It does look interesting, though at the present it doesn't seem quite like it's at a point where people can join in. Unless you wanted people to just roleplay villagers or travelers who happened to be in the village at the time?

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Quote:Unless you wanted people to just roleplay villagers or travelers who happened to be in the village at the time?

Yeah, that was what I was hoping for. I edited the second intro post a little bit today so that may help better. *shrug*

Posts: 2438
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Note for all who have seen all of the bumped threads: That is due to a massive spam attack that apparently went on last night. The posts themselves were deleted but the threads have still been bumped up, just FYI.

Posts: 2234
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For any A&Wers who might want to write ideas down...

Does anyone have any ideas they'd like to do for a future storyline? Open to suggestions, of course.

Posts: 3666
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I've already discussed with you my current ideas, I'll flesh it out more to you in private closer to the date.

Posts: 2232
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I'd like to perhaps do something with GIngerbread's eye...

Posts: 841
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Ale & Wenches

We need something different from what we've had before. Like a massive fight where everyone is involved, and not everyone vs one.
In general, more piraty stuff. They're bloody pirates, they're not supposed to just run around looking for treasure. Sure it's what most pirates strive to do, but they do more too. Yes, they like to blow things up, but they need to do stuff like pillaging and fighting and stuff.

They should rob a ship or something.

Here's an idea. How about -and I'm being deadly serious here- a dance off. Seriously, it's A&W, why not.

Posts: 328
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Ale & Wenches

One thing that comes to mind (and I suspect that it was going to be worked in anyway after they'd all passed the Gredalst Gate) is that so far these pirates have simply been hopping from island to island when there are continents to explore.

Granted, being dependant on a ship for transport does make it that bit harder to work the major landmasses in, but small islands necessarily limit the diversity of cultures you can work into an area, and the number of different settings, opponents and other such things you can throw at them (though all credit to everyone for the different things they've thought up so far!). The only other thing I can think of as a possibility for the future is something I discussed with Pach just before joining the RP.

Well, that's all from me, and a big congratulations to everyone who's managed to make this RP so much fun. Keep up the good work!

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Continent exploration is a planned go.

I agree with you somewhat Trudi, and we have done it once before. But actual pillaging might be difficult unless anyone can convince that justice worshipping freak Pach to do so, but good luck with that.

A dance off. Bloody great idea. We'll do that sometime. :D

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I'm thinking about two different Transformers ideas for an RP. One would be more of the standard Transformers, based somewhat on the movie more than anything else; the other would be an alternate take on "Beast Wars" by having the Transformers land on a planet of anthropomorphic animals and take on "beast forms" that allow them to blend in with the populace.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Sounds like a good idea, Terg. I'm interested in joining both (albeit, having not seen the movie limits that somewhat...).

I started my own Transformers rp a while ago and it achieved moderate success, so I know there are RPers on this board who might be willing to do another Transformers rp.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Yes, I remember that actually; I was thinking of joining it as well at the time. It seemed to work pretty well, which is one of the reasons I was considering it again.

You do raise a good point though; the movie is extremely recent, and not everyone will have seen it yet - so it'll have to be written in such a way as to avoid spoilers! Which makes an RP "sequel" of the movie not a good idea unless it's written to warn that there may be spoilers from the movie. Might be better to just write up a more generic Transformers RP, do you think?

The anthropomorphic Beast Wars idea was originally a fan fic project of mine, but from years ago when my writing was much clunkier.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I'd imagine having it based on the movie would be more popular considering its just come out (although to my knowledge it still isn't out in the uk), but that said I'm not absolutely sure.

It's up to you.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Just saying, I'd absolutly love to join a transformers RP, of any setting. And I've been wanting another for a while, since I was not around to join the previous one. In fact, I'd been planning to start one, but would much rather join someone else's.

Since ya know, I begger orf.

Either way, I have a fluffton of transformer characters just waiting to be played so I'd like an excuse to use at least one of them ;3

Posts: 2116
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As long as we can restrain it from being a blast 'n' bash fest, I don't see why not.

Posts: 1631
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Pach's TF thread was absolutely spectacular, it's a real shame it died. I don't have much RP time of late, but another TF thread by anyone would be darn hard for me to resist :p

Posts: 2438
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The TF movie thread is posted now!

I'm planning on building activity back up in the Guild, so expect to see some new newbie RP threads in the near future as well as the other TF thread I mentioned.

Posts: 1044
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Thank God someone is trying to breathe life into this almost dead Guild!

Posts: 1334
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Hey, I've been trying to breathe life in, too. That's why I posted my RP a while back.

Posts: 2438
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We're all trying to make an effort; it doesn't matter which one of us is doing something, it'll only matter if everyone here tries to actively post and try new scenarios for RPs.

It'll take some time for momentum to build, but we're already having a little more activity than we used to. Good job so far, everyone, we'll be kicking it up soon.

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