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The uprising.

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3:00am monday morning.

A phone call shatters anyhope of sleep Josh had as he lay awake looking at the ceiling. "Awww geez what could it be at this time of night", He complained as he reached for the phone. He was greeted by a frantic voice on the other end.

"Josh You need to pack what ever is necessary and get out of here NOW. The people and an armed militia of overlanders are outside the gates of the palace. Get who ever you can out of this before its too late. And no matter what happens DO not come back", Tatiana cried into the phone.

Josh grabbed his desert eagle out of the top drawer, "Hold on Ill be right there."

"No. you cant come here youll be killed on site.", the female meerkat screamed. "Get out before its too late. You need to get to knothole. I love you. NO! (Sounds of glass shattering, gunshots and the doors being pounded down.) CLick."

Josh grabbed a duffel bag out of his closet and went out to the garage and threw it into the back of the black nissan skyline. He went back inside turned off all the lights and turned on the gas stove. and made a hectic dash back out to the car.

The car drove off onto a gravel back road and arrived at another guest house on the premises.

Window light flicked on.

"Josh its 3:00am what do you possibly want.", Arashi asked

"To leave. alive. in one piece. Now lets go. Bring anything you dont mind leaving behind", Josh anwered.

"You've gotta be kidding me. One sec", arashi answered.

A few minutes later Arashi casually walked out of his front door with his stuff He walked over to the car and sat down in the passenger seat. Once the door closed Josh spun the car around and took off like a bat outta hell.

"Holy @#%$ what has gotten into you.", arashi asked

"An armed militia mixed with some pissed of towns people ready to kill anyone associated with that kingdom or any type of military. And who knows if that stays in that area or if they plan on taking out any other kingdoms.", Josh answered.

"wheres tatiana and her family", Arashi asked

"They order me to leave and elected to stay behind.", Josh answered.

"But aren't you their royal gaurd.", arashi asked.

"I told them I would be there in a second but they told me to leave. Guess they knew I wouldnt last long or something.", Josh answered as he shifted into 5th gear reaching 145 mph."Anyway we need to get to knothole and speak to king whats his face."

The car dissappeared into the night.

-Back at the palace-
Small fires burnt as smoke billowed up into the morning sky. The inside of the palace was torn to shreds. Tatiana came too. She was in chains and ropes along with her father, sister, and mother.

"Good morning royal family. well ex royal family. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the general and this is only a small fraction of my armed force. The rest are on standby to take over robotropolis, knothole, and a few other wonderful mobian cities. But I dont think your going to see that considering your execution is tomorrow at dawn. Although slavery my be an option for a couple of you.", He sneered.

"Sir we have some info there is a royal gaurd that is not accounted for, his house is two miles up that road. He is prior military.", one of the soldiers reported.

The general grabbed the paper work. and began looking it over.

"See to it that he is captured, then drain any information you can from him then kill him.", The general commanded.

"Yes sir.", The soldier responded.

Within minutes a small convoy arrived at the house.

"Looks like no ones here." One of them spoke up.

"Who cares at least we can get anything worth a pretty penny out of here.", another said.

A few of them preceeded into the house.

"this place smells funny. almost like..." The soldier noticed on of the other soldiers getting ready to flick the lightswitch on."NO DONT!"

In less than a fraction of a second the entire place went up in flames with an earth shattering boom.

-back at the palace-

"General we got some more intel on these phone lines it seems a phone call was placed seconds before we got into the palace allowing the gaurd to rig it and escape. And I think I know who did it. Princess.", The soldier said pointing his finger.

"Kill her!", The general answered.

"No It was me." Tatianas mother lied.

"very well", said the general and he pulled a blaster from his belt, aimed, and pulled the trigger. Tatiana mother fell to her side gasping for air.

"MOTHER", Tatiana cried.

"Anyone who aids the enemy from now on will be killed on site. see to it that the people outside know that as well.", The general commanded "We have a long night of planning to do especially if we plan on taking angel Island and knothole."

-The next day-

The skyline rolled across the little wooden bridge which creaked under the cars weight and came to a stop in the middle of the small village. The driver opened the door and stepped out.

"Hello anyone here?", josh yelled as he looked around.

"Figures one of hot zones for freedom fighters and not one is around.", he mumbled under his breath.

edit: Sorry I didnt really make it easy to reply to. Hopefully this helps.
