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The Zone Wars(MegaSonic Style)

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Roareye: I think I see OVA Sonic.
Cyber: Well that's good.
Roareye: He's being chased by a fat purple thing.
Ova Sonic: I already told you that I don't have the frog!
BIG: Give me my Frogey!
OVA Sonic: This is hopeless.

*OVA Sonic's rescue squad enter the scene*

OVA Sonic: It's about time you got here. This fat guy keeps blabbing about some frog.
Roareye: Frog? I saw some robot carrying a frog not too long ago.

Posts: 104
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OOC: I wonder where everyone went.


Tau: Hey look it's a robot carrying a frog.
Sonic: Who cares? Frogs are wothless.
Tau: Hey it's the others! GUYS WHAT"S GOING ON?!

Vyborg: Well I'm out of ideas.
Eggman: WHAT?!
Rage: Hey we tried Biolizard and that didn't work.
Eggman: I have an idea.... Come here Chaos!


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MEtal:... Yep, had to run away, didn't I? Let's see if I can find the others... Chaos warp!

Posts: 104
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OOC: I'm still wating for the others to post. I wonder what happened to everyone..

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Eggman snickered as an vil water thing came up from the ground.

Rage: What the heck is that THING?!
Chaos Copy: It's Chaos 0. Right Vyborg?
Vyborg: Of course. I used his data to make you.

Chaos stared at teh villains with out speaking.

Eggman: CHAOS! I want you to get those fools with the chaos emeralds.

Chaos turned into a puddle and disapeared.

Chaos Copy: Maybe I should follow him. I know more about my counterpart than he does.

Posts: 4
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OOC: I'll be using in active characters such as Slane and Tabby until their users come back. If they ever do.:annoyed

Sonic: Si let me get this straight. You want to find your frog friend.
Big: Yup.
Roareye: And we want to stop Eggman and his Robots so maybe we can help each other.
Big: Okie Dokie.
Cyber: First we need to get back to the Egg Carrier.

At that moment Chaos and the Chaos Sonic Clone, Chaos Copy, enter the scene.

Chaos Copy: AH hah! I knew that finding them would be a piece of cake.

Chaos remaind silent as he charged towards Tau.

Tau: Oh no!

Tau ran as fast as he could from chaos because he feared water, which Chaos was made of.

Cyber: This is really bad. Tau hates water very much, but a water creature? This could get messy.

Chaos copy jumped towards Nack who just happened to be carrying a chaos emerald.

Nack: HEY! No one touches this weasel's jewels!

He pulled out his gun and began shooting at chaos Copy.

Chaos Copy: Fool. Bullets don't affect me!

Thunder, Lightning, and Shadow jumped towards Chaos Copy.

Shadow, Thunder, and Lightning: Yeah, but electricity does!


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Chaos Sonic(Chaos Copy) and Chao0s 0 are both shocked.

Knuckles tosses around the chaos emeralds.
OVA Knux: Hmm.
Roareye: WAIT! I remembersomething about this water dude, he gets stronger if he has chaos emeralds! Hurry and toss them to me!

The group keeps tossing the emeralds back and forth to confuse Chaos.


Posts: 104
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Topic starter

OOC: *sighs* SS, I think it's up to us to finish this RP. After SEGA SONIC it's over. Sonic133 and Tabby are gone and Silver hasn't posted in a long time. We can make this last a bit longer, but only long enough to provide a decent ending. However, I will most likely be making a sequel in a better format.


The group continued to toss the emeeralds back and forth. Chaos appeared to be confused, but Chaos Sonic/Chaos Copy quickly found out what was going on.

Chaos Copy: HEY CHAOS! Stop being so stupid. These guys are just trying to confuse you.

Chaos didn't listen. Chaos Copy, however, stretced out his limbs and grabbed all seven emeralds.

Chaos Copy: Hmm.. now should I give these to Chaos or use them on myself?

He paused for a brief moment and continued

Chaos Copy: I think I'll try these on for size. I wonder what perfect Chaos Sonic would look like.

He laughed and swallowed the emeralds. Almost instantly, he began to grow. A huge puddle formed and started to become a flood. Things definatley were going wrong.


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