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Transformers Movie: Starscream's Revenge

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Shotgun stared up at the silver eye's that where now staring at him and the other Cybertronian.
"Okay...this is not well thought out..."
He heard the huge Cybertronian speak.
Great, and I still need to get out of this subway before I get hit by that train.
He looked back down to his left leg. Half of his leg was now bending downwards, in a similar shape, to that of a ditch,
and the rightside of it was split open and sparks could be seen coming out.
That isn't good
He tried to see if he could at least stand on it, but that only made the sparks increase and the pain to return even greater. Now knowing that it would be almost impossible for him to put any of his weight on that leg, he use his arms and his only leg that wasn't damage to crawl to the side of the subway that he had chosen before to climd up, use the holes that had been left behind from his last attempt to quickly climd up.

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Meanwhile, three jets entered the city. All of which looked familiar, except for the colours: The first was blue with gold wings.
The other two, flying either side of the blue jet, followed in a triangular formation. The jet on the left was white, with bits of red and black. The other was primarily maroon, with black wings. On each wing were propellers.

The jets slowed their speeds and transformed mid-air, landing on the roof of the largest building in the city.
Death comes to he who crosses me! the blue robot spoke.
Yeah? Well death will come to all of us if we dont find them! the white robot replied.
Are you sure this is the place, Thrust? the blue robot turned to his ally.
Absolutely spot on Dirge. We didnt come all the way from Velocitron for nothing!
Hes right, leader. The white robot added in.
I know, Ramjet. Lets just light the signal already.
Thrust opened the compartment in his chest which became the cockpit in his disguise mode. He withdrew a metallic box, almost like a gigantic projector. He then lowered it onto the roof of the building.
Fire! Cried Dirge.
The small box hummed to life as a projection of the Decepticon insignia filled the clouds.
We await your orders, Lord Starscream!

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"Hold on there bro." called Fusion as he jumped down into the hole in the floor, dropping past Shotgun and landing in a crouch on the railway track below. "Let me help you out."

Turning, the small bot took a step backwards down the tunnel, as though preparing for a run-up, then with amazing agility, he raced forward and lept into the air, jumping clean over Shotgun as he aimed for the wall directly above their ally's head. There was a loud CRUNCH as his long claws dug deep into the concrete of the wall, and instantly Fusion began running once again, moving directly upwards as his sharp metal toes punched holes into the surface, perfect handholds and footholds for Shotgun to use in climbing. As the small Autobot reached the top of the wall he kicked off, performing a neat backwards summersault in mid air to land smoothly on the rim of the hole up above, once again looking down into the darkness with his smooth, eyeless head. Instantly he knelt down, offering a hand to Shotgun below. "Come on bud, get outa there."

Even as he spoke, the noise of the train's horn sounded once again down the long, dark tunnel, this time sounding a whole lot nearer.

" if this couldn't get any worse."

Fusion glanced up at the towering form of Piledriver curiously at the comment, noticing him staring off into the sky intently as though looking at something up above. "Huh, whassup?"

Driver's head swivelled back round to face him as the impassive silver eyes burned into him like lazers. "The train isn't the only reason you'd better be quick, Fusion." he remarked, a hint of dark undercurrent noticable in his tone. "Looks like we may have company soon too."

For a moment Fusion was confused, until he followed his companion's previous gaze up into the sky, and his mouth dropped open in shock as he spotted the massive logo of the Decepticons emblazened on the clouds. "Oh you have got to be kidding me!!!"

Posts: 240
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Shotgun didn't have a clue what was going on up their but he guess it wasn't anything good. Increasing his speed a bit more after hearing the sounds of the train getting closer, he reached the top and grab Fusion's metal clawed hand...
Sorry for how short this is, I've got to go study for a test.

Posts: 1631
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Fusion's small form was by no means strong enough to particularly assist Shotgun in hoisting him out of the deep hole, his servos simply not powerful enough to pull the larger bot's weight up against the irresistable downward drag of gravity, however what he could do was act as an anchor, jamming himself in place while Shotgun pulled himself up via him. His long claws bit deep into the floor as he hung on, securely attached to the surface of the alleyway, inching backwards every so often as Shotgun climbed a little higher to allow the other to hang on his arm like a tether.

A loud rumbling noise was by now eminating from the hole below as the train drew ever closer, and moments later the lights on it's blunt metal nose became visible as it rounded the corner, speeding towards the hole at pace. Instantly the screech of metal brakes echoed from the chasm as the driver spotted daylight on the track ahead and tried to bring the train to a stop, uncertain of what was going on, but it would take several hundred feet for the carrages to stop moving completely...

Driver looked on with his intense silver eyes. He could, of course, have pulled Shotgun out without trouble...probably with a single hand...but trapped between the two buildings as he was, he simply couldn't reach down far enough to lend a hand! Fortunately, though, Fusion began to drag backwards with all his might as Shotgun crested the lip of the hole, and the two Autobots rolled out onto the concrete of the alley floor, just seconds before the metal hulk of the train roared past directly beneath them.

"Sheesh, you need to lose almost as much weight as Driver over there!" Fusion exclaimed as he rolled to his feet, folding his long arms across his chest. "It's a wonder any of you made the millitery, I'm telling you!"

"We don't have time for jokes, Fusion." Piledriver responded, casting another firtive glance at the Decepticon symbol gleaming in the clouds.

"Yeah, yeah, the big nast bad guys...I know." Fusion span round, setting off running down the alley and leaping into a summersault as he approached Driver's massive feet, filling up nearly the whole of the alleyway. "I'll go recon, find out how many there are. And before you say it, no I won't engage until you give permission, don't worry." His summersault carried him smoothly through the gap between Driver's leg and the wall, kicking off the building sideways as he did so, and as his thin form rocketed out the other side, he immedeately shifted mode, the slick rubber of his Skyline configuration slamming to the ground and roaring off down the alley in a cloud of smoke as his momentum and speed combined.

"Send me a message on a private frequency when you've evaluated the situation!" Driver called after him. "We can't afford them picking up our transmissions!" This said, he turned back to look down at Shotgun. "Can you drive?" he asked, eyeing his injury carefully. "If you need I can carry you on my trailer while we get out of here..."

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

OOC: Sorry for the latness of my post, I'm not going to be here for two weeks for I'll be going on hoilday to the caost and with what I know about the place I will be staying their is no interent, sorry guys, I hope this RP is still going when I come back and is still on the board, oh see ya in two weeks! But not before I post...

Shotgun after been help, out of the hole by Fusion just stare up into the sky ignoring everything around him. Slowly anger was rising up from within him, as he kept staring at the insignia. He was remebering all those past battles were so many of his close comrades had been slain by those who run under that mark. He knew it had always been apart of their people but it always anger him greatly to see it displayed so boldly.
"Can you drive?"
"What?" he mutered under his breath as he reaturn to reality.
"If you need I can carry you on my trailer while we get out of here..."

" I should be fine.." he said before transforming painfully back to his vechile mode, "Ow that hurt alot"he said to himself hoping that the big bot didn't hear, but then a sudden realization came to him.
"You no what?" he pause before going on.
"We don't know each others names, I'm Shotgun!" he said noodishly.
Man I sounded like a noodhe mutter to himself again.

Mean while....

Flying adove his enemy Deathstar was in stealth mode so the Autobots wouldn't know he was there till it was too late for them to do something about it, his job was simple keep the Autobots away from the others long enough for Astrotrain to get here, get the Energon cudes and get out with him and the others keep the Autobots at bay before retreating to 'Middle East' as it was called.

"Sigh this is boring time to attack" muttered Deathstar, he went out of stealth mode and made a guick dive downwards towards where the Autobots where, guns blazing....

OOC: Hope that was okay

Posts: 240
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Sigh I'm back and it seems that nothing has moved...sigh I was hoping that now that Deathstar's fighting the Autobots that things will get moving again

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: I was kinda waiting on LaraSu or our good Tergomeister to put in another update before my next post, so I know where to go with Fusion, and where to follow Fusion to with Driver...)

Posts: 240
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OOC: Do you think he's forgotten that he created this Rp?

Posts: 2438
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OOC: No I haven't forgotten, just got disinterested after the first few posts. @@ Sorry about that.

If you want to continue, I can help advise the situation as to what was going on with who when.

Posts: 240
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OOC: I'm okay with going on, I'm sorry for what I said in my last post that was very rude of me and I'm very sorry for that.

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: lol no offence intended Terg man, but that does seem to happen quite often, doesn't're a fantastic RPer with great skills, and you have some cracking ideas for stories, but I've noticed quite a few times that you seem to start up an RP then dissapear with no explanation. You mentioned in the discussion thread you wanna try and re-infuse this place with life and get it moving again, but I can't help wondering if starting up RPs then abandoning them like that would really help very much towards that cause. :

As I say, I mean no offence, just speaking my mind. Please don't take it as an insult, it's certainly not intended that way. As to the RP, I'd like to carry on myself too, but without an active and participating GM to advance the plot, that simply wouldn't be possible really. :( )

Posts: 2438
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Well, wouldn't it be possible for someone else to take over the GMing role? Just because the thread starter drops out doesn't mean that the thread is doomed. Forest of the Future was a good example; the thread starter only posted maybe two or three times in the entire thread.

However, I do see your point, Wraith, and I've been struggling with that. I don't like abandoning people, but after a certain point in some RPs it feels more like work than fun, and I have the feeling I've reached that point here.

Posts: 240
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Well if you don't feel like being the GM anymore then maybe you could be just another the player and you don't have to post often maybe and you could give what plot ponits you had for this rp to someone who is still willing to play it?

I don't know, I have some of my own ideas that I could add into the plot I don't know, sorry for my jabber

Posts: 2438
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Topic starter

That sounds like a good idea. Anyone want to take up the GM slack here? I should at least pass on the responsibility instead of let it hang here.

That said, just because you're a GM doesn't mean you're the only one who can contribute to the plot. Feel free to discuss plot scenarios so you can see your characters get a chance to shine.

I'll PM the plot details that I had to whoever wants the position.

Posts: 240
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Hmm...I wouldn't mind, but I think it should probably need someone who can actually spell and has good grammer, I'm not very good in that department.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: I hear what you're saying about updates becoming difficult bud, I get that sometimes myself. It's a real pain when something like that strikes right in the middle of a great RP. Just as a side note, it might be a helpful thought to put a small mention into the RP itself if something like that does happen, just to let people know the situation so they may be able to figure something out in the meantime and not leave them hanging, but it's just a suggestion...I know how difficult posting at all, even OOC, can be at bad times, ya. :x

I'd offer to pick up this topic myself, however I simply don't know the Transformers universe well enough to actually run an RP baised around it. Also, I have real trouble picking up an already-in-progress story where it's left off...starting my own I can do, but coming in half way where other things have already happened and groundwork has been laid is a bit beond me. I've tried it in the past, and it didn't go well...takes a very unique kind of writing skill I'd say. That being said, it'd be great if we could get someone.

And Gerbil, your spelling and grammar are good :D Don't put yourself down, I've seen plenty of RPers who are bad at writing, and you certainly aren't one of them^^)

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Well I do know alot about the Transformer universe and I haved GM an rp when the real GM dispeared and never show up again, I guess I could try be the GM for this one but that up to you guys.

Oh and thanks Wraith that means alot to me.

Edit OOC: I hope no one mind s but I'm going to try jump starting this rp again.

Time line: Two hours ago
Optimus had been going over some secret research when Ironhide burst in.
Beachcomber, has reported that some Coms and Autobots interstellar transport pods are coming toward Earth!
What? replied Optimus, who was now no longer staring at his work but at Ironhides.
Beachcomber reports the interstellar transport pods are heading towards earth and will be landin, any time soon, Ive already called Bumblebee and Ratchet is waiting for your orders
Hmmmyou said that their, were Decepticons how many?
Beachcomber didnt give me a numbers, but he did report that they were headin, in the direction of the earth area called Middle East
How long ago was this?
5 earth minutes ago
Where will the nearest Autobot be landing and how far from here?
The nearest Autobot is one earth hour drive from here
Then lets roll out!

Time: 30 earth mintues later
Location: Somewhere between between the first Autobot crash site and the Autobot secret base.
Optimus and the other three Autobots behind him, where listening out on their comunications frequencies listening for any fellow Autobot replys, but for some strange reason they where either getting earth radio or static.
"This makes no sense!?, those Autobots should of landed by now?, but why am I not able to get any transmission from them!"
Grumble Ironhide who was driving behind Optimus.
"I know old friend, but I have the sinking suspicion that someone is blocking our frequencies, and that could explain why we'll getting that strange static."
"Then what are we going to do, if someone is blocking us then how will we be able to communicate with those other Autobots?" ask Ratchet who was driving behind Ironhide.
"Hmmm....we'll drive to the first crash site, and hope that the Autobot near-"
"Optimus I was just listening to some earth news, and theirs a report of a gaint metal robot attacking humans in New york I believe it mite be a Decepticon sir!"
Shouted Bumblebee.
"We'll have to save those humans our Autobot comrade will have to wait" reply Optimus.
"But why don't we just split up, me and Bee go find the Autobot while you and Hide go fight that Decepticon?"
spoke Ratchet.
"Hmm...agreed, Ratchet you and Bumblebee will go find that Autobot, me and Hide have a Decepticon to deal with"
And with that, the two veridicals driving behind Ironhide, took the next left turn and drove of away from their commander and fellow Autobot.
"He he, finally some action, been waitin, a while to blow somethin, for mounths"
"Let's just get there first, old friend" reply Optimus calmly, his cybernetic mind on other things.

Location: New York city, a few mintues before the Decepticon symbol is seen in the sky.

"Great we missed all the action!" grumble Ironhide
The two bots still in their veridical modes strode down the same street that Shotgun had droven down not to long ago. They had been lured here by the readings of three Cybertronian signals in the area. Optimus tried sending out a reading but somethign was jamming his Communications.
"This isn't good ride, who ever is jamming us, is following us" spoke Optimus quietly
"Darn Decepticons!" growl Ironhide, who was just twitching to blow some Decepticon up with his cannons.
They were gaining closer to the three signals that where now leading to an alleyway when the Decepticons symbol now appeared in the sky.
"This ain't good hide"
"Ha ha finally somethin, to blow up!" raor hide who sped up and drove past Optimus.
"Hide get back here!" order Optimus, but his words were never heard bye Ironhide over the roar of his engine as it drove down the road.
Optimus then turn his attention to the near bye alleyway where he could here voices now....
Hope this is okay, I know I didn't do so well with all the characters and how they would react and I am sorry for that, I just hope this post is okay, I will change it.

Sorry for the mistake with Optimus name very sorry about that!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Hey it works for me, nice way of picking up the thread^^ I'll post IC asap, but I just have two really quick questions before I do: 1) By 'Optimise', do you mean Optimus Prime? and 2) What's Hide's vehicle form? I'll need it for when Fusion spots him, right now they're pretty much on a collision course lol)

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Woops sorry about the name will just change that now, very sorry, gah I can be stupid. I have just change those mistakes sorry for the confusion. And yes it is Optimus Prime and Hides a black pick up truck he's some links of him.
Here is what hide look's like in robot mode...
And him in his car form.
sigh, I couldn't find any other pictures that didn't show his front.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"Woah!!!" Fusion slammed his wheel sideways as the huge dark shape roared into his field of vision, smoke screeching from his tires as he span out of the alley at almost nintey degrees! "For the love of all that is mechanical, when are these Humans gonna learn how to DRIVE???" The second time he had had to swerve to avoid someone in a matter of minutes, and he was really beginning to find it irritating!

"Maybe you aughta learn first, scum! You're invading their planet after all!"

"What?" The Skyline began to look around quickly for the source of the unknown voice, but before he could barely think the large truck he had almost ran into suddenly dissintergrated, flipping over as it span round to face him, levelling a mean looking cannon squarely at his nose!

If it wasn't for Fusion's fast reactions, he would have been scrap metal. In the instant before Ironhide fired, he transformed, slamming one of his arms into the tarmac of the road below as his shape began to shift. The car launched into the air like a bullet, spinning backwards end over end as it reconfigured, just as a massive crater appeared in the road below from Hide's weaponry. The smaller robot impacted on the wall of a nearby skyscraper with a metallic CHING, digging his long claws into the concrete some twenty feet into the air as he stared down at his attacker with his eyeless head. "In the name of the Allspark, can't we get a break once in a while???"

As he tensed ready to dodge another attack from the bot down below, he quickly sent out a message to Driver who was still some way down the back alley. "Drive, we got problems! Serious ones! Get here right now!!!"


"Piledriver." Drive responded to Shotgun's question, nodding his huge head in greeting. "We're new here...part of another group that were sent to locate the Allspark. hen we got Optimus Prime's message, we were told to report here."

He seemed about to continue, but bofore he could something caught his attention and he turned to look down the alley with a frown on his metal features. "Darnit Fusion, can't you do anything without making it a world-stopping spectacle?"

His liquid silver gaze slid back to the smaller bot beside him. "Fusion's in some kind of trouble, I have to go help him. Your assistance would be appreciated if you're able." With that, he began to transform back into his car transporter mode...his chest retracted from the small dent it had made in the wall of the nearby building as his body compacted, and he quickly lent to the side, allowing himself to drop back to the floor as his wheels locked into place beneath him, his black and chrome shell gleaming in the sunlight. A gout of black smoke rose from his exhaust as his engine roared into life and he set off down the long alleyway after his smaller friend. "Darn you Fusion, if you're dead when I get there I'm gonna be very annoyed, you hear me???"

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Ironhide whole attention was on the location of those Con's, he had put on his own tracers of Cybertronian signals on, and was now heading in the direction of a few that where near where the symbol was being displayed. He had decided to let Optimus deal with the two signals that were coming from the alleyway. He was just about to speed up a lit faster when a car nearly hit him, he then heard a voice come from the car.
"For the love of all that is mechanical, when are these Humans gonna learn how to DRIVE???"
Ironhide anoyed about being nearly hit was about to keep driving when he looked at his tracker, it was signaling that the car that nearly hit him was a Cybertronian, and the only obvious side it could be to him that is was a Decepticon. So quickly replying to the other transfomers comment.

"Maybe you aughta learn first, scum! You're invading their planet after all!"

As quickly as he said this he transform and pointed one of his large cannons at other vehcile and quickly pulled the trigger but the other bot caught him of guard, on how quickly he was able to maynover out of the way. He quickly looked around for his target he wasn't going to let this Decepticon get away....
Shotgun decided it was best to help after so he drove behind Piledriver as they went to exit out of the alleyway....
Optimus groan as he heard Hide's cannon fire not so far off, he was just at the entrance of the alleyway near two Cybertronian signals. He knew Hide could take care of himself but it did sometimes anoy him that his trigger happy friend would go off like that especially when they were on other alien worlds and they were trying to stay undercover. He was about to reverse out and go and either stop Ironhide from destroy whatever he's trying to destroy or assist him if it is a Decepticon. When two vechiles started heading his way both with a Cybertronian signal.
"Halt who goes their, Autobot or Decepticon" order Optimus waiting for his reply...

Posts: 774
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Megas, Blaster and Wreck-Gart had all been smart enough do dive for cover when the giant Deceptico known as Deathstarn came crashing down on them like a hawk. Blaster raised two giant speaker pods from his shoulders. "Try these tunes!" he shouted as he launched a double sonic pulsewave at Deathstar, hoping to foul up his descent and make his hawklike dive a little less graceful. Megas lined up his heavier cannon and prayed to the Allspark that the cover fire would be coming in soon. Wreck-Gar turned around, and in a creepy, stunted voice said "De plane, de plaaaane!", pointing. It was big. It was black and white. It was Astrotrain. Blaster nodded to Megas, who returned the nod; it was time for another call for help. Blaster's small frame carried him out of the battle as Megas provided cover...

Blaster emerged in an alleyway not too far off. Cloudy and way anyone could miss it. Looking up at the sky, he noted the Decepticon symbol...which was joined by an Autobot one directly over the battle site, from a light on Blaster's chest. "This is Blaster, comin' at you liiiive! Any Autobots here? Things're shakin' like a rave down here and we really need some help!!"

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Already people had started screaming and running away as Fusion and Ironhide revealed themselves, a wave of frightened Humans radiating out from the duo in all directions as they tried to escape the battlefield. Fusion was watching them carefully with his scanners as his vision remained fixed on the other bot...good, clearing the area would reduce civilian casualties, although it would do nothing for their cover.

Something else was on his mind too, however. "Why am I getting flashbacks here?" he asked conversationally, leaping from the side of the building and beginning to run in a circle around the larger Ironhide with surprising speed. "You think I'm the one that's invading? Please tell me you aren't thinking I'm a 'con!"


"Halt who goes their, Autobot or Decepticon"

Piledriver skidded to a stop as the tractor unit blocked his path, it's blue and red paintwork gleaming in the sun. He mentally narrowed his eyes as he stared at the other Cybertronian, considering wether to answer. Speaking first would put him and Shotgun at a noteable disadvantage, and in this alleyway he litterally had no room to manuver!

For a brief moment both rigs stared each other down, reflections of the other gleaming in their chrome grilles...Driver's vehichle form was actually slightly larger than Optimus, being copied from a different model and having to contain far more metal and parts for his larger robot form, but even so, it was clear that should the confrontation come to a duel, they would be very evenly matched.

"This is Blaster, comin' at you liiiive! Any Autobots here? Things're shakin' like a rave down here and we really need some help!!"

The message clinched it...Driver knew they had to go help as soon as possible, and sitting here staring at this challenger would do nothing towards that. The deadlock would have to be broken somehow. Tensing his circuits ready for action, he responded to the question: ""

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"Halt who goes their, Autobot or Decepticon"

Shotgun had to hit the brakes hard so not to run into Piledriver infront of him. Comming to a squeaky halt he tried to see who had spoken to them, but couldn't see past Piledriver.

There was a long awful silence, Shotgun wished he knew what was going on and was almost tempted to tramsform back into his robot mode least then he had a bit of a chance to see past Piledriver but that would be risky...
Optimus waited for a reply, summoning up the odds as he stared back at the other vechile looking to see if their where any symbol that give an easy clue to whoes side they where on when.

"This is Blaster, comin' at you liiiive! Any Autobots here? Things're shakin' like a rave down here and we really need some help!!"

A brief few seconds later a voice came from the vechile he had questioned.

Their came a sigh of relief from Optimus when he heard those words.
"I am Optimus Prime"
Back at the power plant...
The approaching sight of Astrotrain a good sight but that now Autobot symbol now in the sky wasn't. He needed to get rid of that Autobot before more started showing up and ruining his plan.

He had sent Deathstar to be the first wing of attack, but now with the approaching Astrotrain, he needed all his troops fighting to keep the Autobots at bay while he Soundwave loaded up the Energon cudes and made their way to middle east.
"Skywarp, Thundercracker, Rampage go and assist Deathstar while me and Soundwave load the energon cudes into Astrotrain!"
After Blaster double sonic pulsewave attack Deathstar was now unable to maynover properly and was heading straight for the ground. Quick thinking Deathstar transform into his robot mode and brought out his plasma saber blade that glowed a dark blue as it was activated. Landing with a 'thump'Deathstar quickly perpared himeself for any attack, bring his Blade in a defensive portion into front of his metal chest.
Back with Ironhide...
Ironhide was glad that the humans were now moving out of the way as he tried to get a clear shot at Fusion who was now running around in circles around him he just heard as he took another shot.
"You think I'm the one that's invading? Please tell me you aren't thinking I'm a 'con!"
"What?" reply Ironhide.
As sudden thought apprearing in his head that made him stop firing another round at Fusion.
"Are you a Autobot?" question Ironhide.

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The C-17 flew in low, before coming to an abrupt stop, its very wings twisting to accommodate a vertical landing. It landed far behind the Decepticon line, its cargo bay lowering on straggling humans, crushing them into reddish paste on the pavement.


Wreck-Gar cackled gleefully, with a shout of "JUICEMASTERRRR!", and leapt up, bringing one of his heavy cannons to bear on Deathstar, charging up and firing at an impressive rate for what had to equate to someone who was both mutated and clinically insane.

Megas quickly scanned the area. Starscream was there.

Posts: 774
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The C-17 flew in low, before coming to an abrupt stop, its very wings twisting to accommodate a vertical landing. It landed far behind the Decepticon line, its cargo bay lowering on straggling humans, crushing them into reddish paste on the pavement.


Wreck-Gar cackled gleefully, with a shout of "JUICEMASTERRRR!", and leapt up, bringing one of his heavy cannons to bear on Deathstar, charging up and firing at an impressive rate for what had to equate to someone who was both mutated and clinically insane.

Megas quickly scanned the area. Starscream was there. No one else seemed to notice him there, shouting orders such as he was. Any second, though, he'd be joined by reinforcements, and despite Blaster's efforts, it'd take awhile for another Autobot to show up on-scene. The chance was there. Both arms switching to cannon mode, he lunged at Starscream, the wheels in his feet clicking down to accelerate him as he rushed in a mad charge. "RAAAAAAAAAAH!"

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"Are you a Autobot?"

Fusion skidded to a halt on the tarmac, his metal claws throwing up sparks. "Is it any wonder the 'cons are wiping the floor with us when we have such utter idiocity on our side???" he exclaimed, raising his hands in a gesture of angry disbelief and shaking his head in amazement. "Sure I'm an Autobot, and if you'd have stopped to excercise your processor for a nanosecond, bit-brain, you may have realised that before the little situation with the screaming people and the blasting holes in roads, ya think? How does a nano-noggin like you even make it into a special taskforce anyway?"

Activating his radio once again, he sent out another message towards his companion: "Drive, false alarm, the fool's on our side after all! Once I'm done with him I'll continue on and check out the Decepticon symbol like I said. Don't hang around backing me up though..."


"Prime?!" The relief was clearly apparent in Piledriver's deep voice too. "You're the reason we were sent here then. We're from another Allspark Retrieval Squad, we recived your message and were dispatched to assist."

A thought suddenly occured to him as he continued: "Me and my companion, that is. He's gone on recon up ahead, this here..." He edged to the side slightly to allow a view of Shotgun behind him in the small confines of the alley. " Shotgun, we just met up with him before. You may already know him, I'm not sure."

Prime seemed about to respond, but before he could, Driver spoke again. "Listen, Optimus, I don't mean to be rude, but perhaps it would be best to talk on the way? That message just now didn't sound good, and I believe my companion is in some kind of trouble nearby wouldn't do to be sitting here talking if our allies need help...!"

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"What?" was the only reply Deathstar could say before having to dodge and reflect some of the Junkions attack. He decided his best form of attack with this Junkion was up close and personal, then having to reflect and dodge. Even with the fact he had his own gun weapon he could use in this situation, he decided it would be best to save it's amo and fight with what he already had out. Deathstar then took a step backwards before doing a flip forward transforming into his jet form and making a fly charge for the Junkion with his guns blazing...

Starscream watch the battle field into front of him as it progressed even further. He took his optics of the battle to see how the progress of the Energon cudes getting store in Astrotrain. He saw that Soundwave had already reach Astrotrain and was starting to load him up, Starscream also notice the reddish paste that was now covering the pavement.

"What useless life forms, the universes will do good with out there worthlessness existents in it"
The only warning Starscream had to respond too, was the sound of Megas roaring behind him, for he soon found him self being tackle to the ground bye a red Autobot with flame detail on it.
"Why you little-" cutting himself short Starscream kick off his attack bring at his high caliber machine gun from his right arm and pointed it at Megas...
Ironhide watch as the other bot skidded to a halt on the tarmac, making sparks as he did.
"Is it any wonder the 'cons are wiping the floor with us when we have such utter idiocity on our side???"
Was the first reply he received from the small former.
"Sure I'm an Autobot, and if you'd have stopped to excercise your processor for a nanosecond, bit-brain, you may have realised that before the little situation with the screaming people and the blasting holes in roads, ya think? How does a nano-noggin like you even make it into a special taskforce anyway?"

Ironhide was very tempted to start shooting at the other Autobot again but he kept his cool knowing Prime wouldn't be pleased if he did.

As he watch the other bot start transmitting asignal and telling who ever was on the other line that it was a fales alarm, he decided he probably do the same and contact Prime.
"Listen, Optimus, I don't mean to be rude, but perhaps it would be best to talk on the way? That message just now didn't sound good, and I believe my companion is in some kind of trouble nearby wouldn't do to be sitting here talking if our allies need help...!"
"I much agree to your what you say" reversing back on to the to street he started heading to where his companion had droven off too. But not to far off to green optics watch from a distance.
"Silentscope to Starscream, I have found the Autobot leader, should I imform him of his other commrades yet and the price for the return?"
On the other end....
Starscream was about to fire a round at megas when he picked up a call from Silentscope.
"Not yet I would rather inform Prime myself"
"Very well sir" came the reply before switching off.
It seem some things are still going to as plane through Starscream before starting to engage his enemy.
OOC: Sorry for bring another Char in but it's just for the plot that I have in mind at the moment but he wont be lasting long.

Posts: 774
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Megas didn't waste the chance he'd been given. Taking advantage of the facvt that Starscream was again distracted, Megas lunged forward again (OOC: I'm assuming "kick off his attack" means "kicked off his attacker?)as his hand turned gattling, sending a spray at Starscream first.

Wreck-Gar deployed a shield from his arm to catch the fire, holding the chainsaw-arm out like a sword. "LOOK, IT'S GODZILLA!" As soon as Deathstar would get close enough, he'd swing. Crazy he was, but still smart.

Blaster ran back in time to see the giant Globemaster land like a harrier. All these 'bots were at least ten times his own size. He stood, waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a response...anything.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

As Driver set off after Prime with a roar of his engine, Fusion's message echoed in his mind, and he mentally sighed in relief. At least the little squirt wasn't dead yet.

"Negative Fusion." he responded to the smaller bot's further investigation. "Wait there, we'll come pick you up. I've found Prime! From now on we'll both be taking orders from him."

"Yeah but even Prime will need recon intel!"

"Not unless he says it's nessecery." And that should keep you out of trouble for a while longer too Driver finished in his own head.

Fusion wasn't happy at the command to wait. Transforming back into his car form, he pulled over to the side of the road and sat in a huff. "Sheesh, sit here and wait, how boring can you get?" He glanced across the road to where Ironhide was still stood watching him. "You know any good games we can play while they get their fat behinds over here bud? And if you say 'I spy' I'm gonna be forced to kill you, okay?"

(OOC: My appologies for the delay, had a little difficulty thinking up a responce.)

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Starscream just dodging the attack from Megas, before barking another order to Soundwave.
"Soundwave, get the rest of those cudes in there and then take of with Astrotrain, the rest of us will be right behind you just get those cudes out of here!"
Soundwave just nodded and pile another four Energon cudes into Astrotrain only another 15 to go.
Was the only thing he heard before being knocked back bye Wreck-Gar's chainsaw-arm. He landed sevral feet away before transforming back to robot mode. Wreck-Gar's chainsaw-arm had slice threw Deathstar's chest amour causing sparks to spark out of it. Deathstar was suffering from a miled shock of how easy Wreak-Gar had damage him, bringing his left arm to cover the opening he stared backing away from Wreck-Gar. Replacing his blade for his Plasma sniper rifle that had been attach to his back and replacing it with his blade. Quickly checking that it was fully loaded, he pionted it at Wreck-Gar.
"I think hunting session has just begun.."
Prime driving down the street felt uneasy, he hadn't had a response from Ratchet or Bumblebee, they would have already had arrived at the pod bye now and given him a response, and as he tried to comunicate with them their was only static, not a good sign, but for now they would have to wait, the Autobots in this area needed help and as leader it was his act of duty to do so.
"You know any good games we can play while they get their fat behinds over here bud? And if you say 'I spy' I'm gonna be forced to kill you, okay?"
Ironhide eye rige twitch at this response, the smaller bot was really getting on his eletrical nerve, and from what he had seen of him so far the only thing keeping him alive was his speed.

Transforming into his vechile mode and parking along side Fusion, he wasn't going to even reply he was going to wait for Optimus and hope that he doesn't blow his head off for how many holes were no in the ground...

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"Oh great, and now I'm stuck with Mister Personallity!" Fusion continued sarcastically at the wall of silence that greeted his question. "Okay fine, you wanna play the silent game, whatever, but just answer me this before you do exactly did Optimus defeat Megatron here with all of you lunatics as his allies??? Seriously!"

Posts: 774
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Wreck-gar closed the distance rapidly, his massive frame covering the distance in bounding steps. "Be vewwy vewwy quiet," he said, slashing again, "I'm hunting wabbits!"

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Optic rige twitching again Ironhide reply to the other bots question.
"Optimus defeat Megatron with the help of a young human named Sam, who during the fight between the two was able to get the All-spark into Megatrons spark and destroyed him"
There was another ore of silence as Ironhide waited for a reaspones.
As the last Autobot rolled out and followed Prime Silentscope for it was best to go back and check on his guest waiting at their secret headquaters. Transforming into a moter bike and speedly leaving his hiding spot, he just hope that none of the Autobots notice him leave.
"Be vewwy vewwy quiet,"
"I'm hunting wabbits!"
"Oh, gamma!"
As Wreck-Gar made his speedy aproach towards Deathstar, Deathstar started firing sevral rounds of his sniper rifle, but with the speed of Wreck-Gars aproach he wouldn't hit him. There was only a few options he could do, keep fighting and die, or retreat like a coward, he didn't like the idea of retreating but head didn't like the idea of dying even more. Back futher away from Wreck-Gar he flip back wards and in mid flip transform to his stealth bomber mode, a bit slower than usually.
"No one told you to retreat you coward!" growl Starscream as he watch Deathstar flee from the battle.
"That coward will pay" growled Starscream.
Then turing back to the problem at hand.
"Lets see if you can dance Autobot!"
Firing another round at Megas
Shotgun slowly moving due to his injuries behind Piledriver, noticed a grey moter bike with no driver leaving one of other near bye alley ways.
He through it would best if he check it out he was injuryed he wouldn't be good for battle.
"Piledriver I'm just going to check something out"
Reversing backwards and making enough space so that he could make a U-turn quickly sped off before letting Piledriver have time to reply.
Prime now had Ironhide in his sights and guessed the vechile next to him must be the other Cybertronian for a Cybertronian signal was coming from it.

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

OOC: Howdy all, may I join in?

Name: Tornado

Allegiance: Autobot

Disguise Form: Sukhoi Su-47 'Berkut'

Role: Combat Reconnaissance & Interdiction

Weaponry: Air-to-Air Gatling Blaster, Air-to-Air Missiles (Disguise Form), Energy Rifle (Robot Form)

Special Abilities: Stealth. Tornado's disguise form has a greatly reduced radar cross-section, additionally improved by Transformer technology. This renders Tornado exceptionally hard to detect with regular sensors, allowing him to hit hard, fast, and with little warning, much like his namesake.

Despite this, however, he is still quite visible to the naked eye.


Approaching the New York coast, present time

Had there been any onlookers, the sight of a sleek black aircraft skimming a scant few metres from heaving wavetops would have been a display of remarkable piloting skills and flying precision.

Machine-like precision.

"Mayday, mayday.... ...taking on water... ...attacked by our own aircraft..."

In the cockpit, the radio buzzed, picking up staccato, panicked messages on military wavelengths.

"...unknown numbers dead... ...survivors abandoning ship..."

The radio abruptly cut out, silenced by an unseen hand, leaving the constant thrumming of the engines as the only noise in the cockpit.

Typical Decepticons. Had they any honour, he might have even considered them formidable opponents. Wasting one's warrior prowess on the wanton slaughter of hopelessly outmatched opponents, however, simply proved the Decepticons' true natures.

Cowards, scum, and a blight on the universe.

The entire plane seemed to groan with repressed anger, even as its afterburners seem to roar with renewed vigour and purpose. He had to stop them. That was his role, to intervene and defend. As one of the few Autobots capable of going head-to-head with the 'cons in the air, it was his duty.

The aircraft's invisible intelligence mused at his current situation. It had been a long flight from Russia, having made planetfall somewhere in the cold, snowbound steppes of that country. He had trusted his instincts to come to this planet, having intercepted Optimus Prime's longe-range transmission in the cold depths of space. Optimus would not have made such a risky transmission without good reason, and sure enough, as soon as Tornado had acquired his disguise form from a remote Russian airbase and tapped into human information networks, three very important words kept popping up.

Autobots. Decepticons. All-spark.

As the he swiftly climbed to a holding altitude over the outskirts of New York, Tornado's radio was once again bombarded with human traffic, filled with distraught voices and terrified reports of destruction at a nearby power plant - involving killer robots. Decepticons. And if he knew Optimus Prime's fighting spirit, his fellow Autobots would be nearby, too...

"To all Autobot forces in the New York area. Tornado reporting now on-station over the city. I'm picking up what appears to be Decepticon activity over human radio broadcasts. Requesting a sit-rep, orders, and permission to engage. Sorry for being late to the party."

Signing off, he hoped that his wide-band transmission would get picked up by at least one of the Autobot ground-pounders. It was also at this moment that Tornado picked up the signals of a pair of unidentified aircraft over the city, Cybertronian in origin. Immediately, Tornado's hunting instincts came to to fore, before he duly reminded himself that he still needed to keep a relatively low profile as an Autobot warrior disguised as a foreign fighter plane in such a built-up area.

But then again, this was a war...

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"Piledriver I'm just going to check something out"

"Huh?" Driver almost turned around to question Shotgun further on the subject, however he noticed with his rear scanners that the jeep was already taking off down the road in the oppisite direction, and stopping him without breaking cover would have been pretty much impossible. With a mental shrug he simply continued after Prime, not bothering to relay the doubt Prime would have heard, and he would have intervined if it had been nessecery.

Besides, there were more important things ahead! Parked by the side of the road not far away were two black vehichles, one of them a large pickup with jacked up suspension, and the other Fusion's sleek sports car form!

"Optimus defeat Megatron with the help of a young human named Sam, who during the fight between the two was able to get the All-spark into Megatrons spark and destroyed him" Ironhide was muttering as the duo waited, and Fusion let out a chuckle in responce.

"Izzat so. Ha, that makes so much sence after what we've seen here! All our weapons, all our technology, and it all comes down to a tiny Human kid on an adrenneline rush to save our entire race. I gotta commend you guys stationed here, really I do!" Before Ironhide could respond again, however, the smaller bot spotted Prime and Driver coming towards them down the road, and his voice rose in amazement. "Woah, sick paint job there dude! Nice colors...although the flame graphics are a little dated now, you should probably look into some nice splash or tear designs, or maybe GT stripes."

"Not now, Fusion." Driver's deep voice cut in as his large rig pulled up alongside his blue and red counterpart. "We don't have time for banter. Prime, this is my companion Fusion, high-mobillity tactical recon and strike unit. Fusion, meet Optimus Prime."

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

Optimus sent a silent note to Shotgun to becareful and to reaturn back to them in 15 minutes.
As Optimus Prime drove up to Ironhide slight glaring at him for the damage that had been done to the area, was about to say something when Tarnado's broadcast reach his raido.

"To all Autobot forces in the New York area. Tornado reporting now on-station over the city. I'm picking up what appears to be Decepticon activity over human radio broadcasts. Requesting a sit-rep, orders, and permission to engage. Sorry for being late to the party."

"We hear you loud and clear Tornado, this is Optimus Prime do not engage the enemy, your sevice would be much need at a power plant near that is near by we will haddle the ones here" responed Optimus signaling out he then turn his attenion back to the group around him.

"It's seems that a friend in the sky has imformed me that their is till Decepticon activity in the city our job will to seek out these Decepticons before they do any more harm"

If Ironhide wasn't in his Alt mode he would be grinning ear to ear.
"So where do we start" ask Ironhide Gleefully.
"We'll start where that sinigna in the sky is comming from then search the surrounding areas till we find them, is there anymore questions before we depart?"

Shotgun was still on the trail of the moter bike, and hadn't received Optimus message turning another corner and seein the moter bike head into an alley. Quickly slowing down his speed he slowly turn at the junkion into the alley but not by much. Watching from where he was he saw the moter bike suddenly stop and transform into a Cybertronian right before his eyes, lucky for Shotgun the Cybertronian had his back to him.
"This is Silentscope asking to be warped to base, I'll be checking up on the prisners'
Prisners? Shotgun thought silently as he carried on listening to the Decepticon.
"Oh don't worry I'll get rid of him"
Get rid of who? Shotgun's question would soon be answer as the bot turn around and started shooting at him.
Oh gamma
As Shotgun started drivng backwards to try and dodge the shots, transforming into his robot mode and skidding to a hault. Only realizing then that he was still injuryed he quickly made a B-line for another near by alley only to be shot in the chest and sent flying backwards into a wall.
Partly dazed from the impact he looked to where the Decepticon was to find he was already making his approach towards him. Quickly getting his gun from behind his back and firing a few rounds at the Decepticon that made it dodge out of the way but was still making its approach and bring up his weapon and pionting it at his head.
Why couldn't I have suck with Prime?Shotgun thought as his enemy got closer.

I'm waiting for a reply from Spiner Storm and LaraSu001 about their characters and if it was alright due to their lack of activity with this rp that it would be alright to do with their characters as we wished, but no respone yet so we'll have to wait.
Edit: I'm going to wait to Friday if no respones then I think we can do what we like to them, I know it sounds harsh but right notw their just dead weight for this Rp

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Megas grinned. "Can I? Break, two-step or whatever, I can do it all!" Leaping off the ground at Starscream's volley, Megas returned with a gattling volley of his own. "But it takes two for all the good ones! Dance, you coward!"

Meanwhile, Wreck-Gar was firing his smaller projectile hand at Deathstar while shaking the chainsaw arm and somehow, emitting the Final Fantasy 4 victory music.

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

OOC: I was hoping to join, looked like it could use more people *shrugs*


In the distance a thrumming noise could be heard; the sound of a helicopter's approach. No one in the city even bothered to look up as it was such an everyday occurrance. Besides, they were busy worrying about all the havoc that the news was broadcasting: giant robots attacking the arena, more at a power plant! Panic was in the air and everyone was wondering where they'd strike next.
Freefall was glad that even though her approach was not exactly stealthy, her alt form did provide her with a good view of the city; and the decepticon signal blazing in the sky.
Hovering for a moment, she quickly scanned through the radio frequencies, picking up on some Autobot transmissions as well as a lot of static and random human stations.
It appears the Decepticons have been keeping everyone busy.

Opting for radio silence for the moment, she began an aerial sweep of the area; the signal could very well be a trap, as she knew that some Autobots were already on their way to investigate-Optimus Prime among them- she might as well check if there were any Decepticons keeping a low profile and preparing to strike.

Some curious movement attracted her optic sensors and she began decending for a closer inspection. Her scanners, now focused on the area, immediately detected two cybertronian signals, and from what she could see, they were engaged in combat. That suggested that at least one of them was an Autobot, and the other a Decepticon.
I'll have to work out who's who and assist.
She slowed her descent to better assess the situation and she quickly came to some quick conclusions:
One of the combatants was injured.
The injured cybertronian was clearly not in any position to resist effectively, and yet the other cybertronian was still approaching in an agressive manner.

Making up her mind, Freefall suddenly transformed into her robot mode; her rotor blades slowing in their powerful spin to settle behind her like a stiff black cloak. Her tail end twisted and slid at a downwards angle before splitting and rearranging to form her legs. By now the rest of her true form was visible; a fembot with light rapid fire weaponry equipped just above each 'wrist'. She was not particularly tall or strong, but her reflexes were excellent and so were her close combat skills. Having enough time to draw her dual batons, she braced herself for impact as she landed before her opponent.
Placing herself between the injured Autobot and the attacking Decepticon, she quickly charged into battle, hoping to take her opponent by surprise.
Whoever that cream 'bot is, with the crushed leg, had better not go offline while I fend off this guy.

OOC: There heh, okay, basically, my chars alt mode is a mostly white police helicopter (obviously with the words POLICE on it somewhere =P) and black rotor blades. She has two machine gun like weapons on both arms which don't do much damage, and two batons which do more damage. Her equivalent of a special ability is excellent close combat skills e.g; martial arts. Hope everyone's okay with that!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"We'll start where that sinigna in the sky is comming from then search the surrounding areas till we find them, is there anymore questions before we depart?"

"Only one." spoke up Piledriver's deep voice. "How do we lure the Decepticons out of the city to fight them if they're airbourne? We couldn't engage them within the city limits, surely."

Fusion was still chuckling to himself, and if one listened closely enough they may have heard him mutter something about Driver definitely being too fat to fight in the city, but the words were generally too unclear to make out...

Posts: 240
Estimable Member


Dodging to the right then left Starscream muttered a small cures under his breath before bucking and rolling off to the right side and firing another round at Megas. Just taking a quick look to see how Soundwave was doing with the loading before having to duck back as another round was fired at him.
"Good he is nearly finish soon we can leave this battle and get on with the rest of the plan"

near by...
Deathstar didn't know what hit, for he soon found him self not off course and falling to the ground. The crash wasn't pretty due to the force of his landing he was now in a small crater, transforming back to robot mode he was now face first in the dirt shakily he tried to get out of the crater but found he could hardly move.
"This is it, this is what you get for trying to run from the battle, a cowards way to die"

else where on the battle feel..
Prowl was having his own problems, he was wrestling with Rampage while at the same time trying to dodge enemy seekers firing at him from the sky.
He regretted letting the enemy get so close, now that he was fighting for his life, three against one...
(OOC: If anyone remembers looking back on the post Prowl was actually in the battle scene over here so he useful to explain where the other Decepticons are.)

Back in New York city..
Shotgun was partly relived and surprised at the sudden appearance of the Fembot.

Silentscope on the other hand was annoyed he could of finished the injured bot by now, but now another one shows up. Seeing on how she was making a charge towards him ready him self, maybe she'll be better then the last two he fraught he mused himself.

Bringing his two plasma pistols that he had being firing the cream bot with, he started firing another round, before replacing his left pistol with a plasma Frag grenade that was located around his waist along with many others.

To be true he wasn't and average size bot he was just a bit smaller than Fusion is, but he packed a punch. His colouring was all grey, and his built was quiet skinning, on his back were the two wheels of his bike mode.

As he tighten his grip on the one pistol in his right hand why he waited for and opportune moment to use his grenade, his clawed fingers twitching for the moment to let get. An evil grin was forming on his face if his eyes weren't covered by a neon green visor, you would see the evil glint in his eyes...

"Only one."
Came, the voice of Piledriver next to him.
"How do we lure the Decepticons out of the city to fight them if they're airbourne? We couldn't engage them within the city limits, surely."

Piledriver had a point most Decepticons had the advantage of the air, but the call for help from Blaster still lingered in his mind, their team was split they could risk leaving the city but with the threat of Decepticon hanging around, and with the humans who didn't have the advanced technology to fight them, wouldn't stand a chance. It was tough being a leader you either risk one life or the other when making decisions like this.
"Just wait a minute I need to try and contact Blaster"
Tuning in to the same signal as what Blaster used to send out his own message.
"Blaster if you can hear me, how many Autobots and Decepticons are fighting out their?"
He waited for a reply.

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

" not engage..."

Tornado frowned inwardly. Whilst he would certainly obey Prime's orders, the Autobot hated the fact that the Decepticons he had detected would be allowed to continue their flying tour of the city unmolested. Let alone whatever's going down at the power plant... Tornado thought quickly. Unless...

"Tornado to Prime. I've got a flight of airbone 'cons up here looking for trouble - probably playing overwatch whilst the others hit the power plant. They're going to have to be disposed of if we stand a chance of stopping whatever's happening at the power plant."

Tornado paused a moment before continuing with his plan. Even if he couldn't 'engage' them, he still had to take the initiative.

"I'm going to lure them back to you. Be ready down there - you're about to get ringside seats to a real flying circus."

Without waiting for a response, Tornado continued to dive down upon the flight of 'cons like a hawk descending on its prey. Opening up his afterburners to full power, Tornado screamed through the formation of Decepticon jets, completing a cocky barrel roll displaying his Autobot iconography, before pulling up sharply as he rapidly approached the ground.

Before he could even guess whether the 'cons had taken the bait, a trail of smoke and fire gave little warning as an air-to-air missile streaked down after the Autobot. Although hugging low to the terrain, Tornado was barely able to avoid the missile before it slammed into the side of a hill and erupted into flame.

As the Decepticons' jeers, taunts and gloating came floating across the radio waves in their foul language, Tornado made a course for Optimus Prime's position.

His only hope was that the ground-pounders were ready for them...

Posts: 279
Reputable Member

Freefall deftly avoided the few shots that had been fired at her while rapidly assessing her opponent, he was small and light-much like herself-but she still seemed to have a height and weight advantage, and at the moment he seemed not to have produced a melee weapon.
He does have that grenade though...

Pulling back her left arm she sent one of her batons spinning through the air to connect with the grey hand holding the grenade tightly in its claws. The top of the baton clipped the grenade and it slipped out of Silenscope's grasp and onto the floor.
Unfortunately it also activated.
The grey cybertronian was closer to the grenade, and his intent, as he was a decepticon, would probably be to either flee, or toss the grenade in a place full of humans, or onto the injured cybertronian behind her.
Still charging towards the grey decepticon, she slowed her pace and brought up her twin machine guns; laying down a spray of fire to distract her opponent. Though her attack wasn't particularly powerful, it might damage a bot as small as the one she was fighting.
Her next decision would depend on what the decepticon's next course of action would be.
Your move scum...

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

"Tornado to Prime. I've got a flight of airbone 'cons up here looking for trouble - probably playing overwatch whilst the others hit the power plant. They're going to have to be disposed of if we stand a chance of stopping whatever's happening at the power plant."
Optimus wasn't exsepting to be hearing Tarnado's voice
"I'm going to lure them back to you. Be ready down there - you're about to get ringside seats to a real flying circus."
Optimus paused for a few seconds.
"Okay team seems that things have change everyone perpare for battle"
"What's happening Prime" Asked Ironhide
"Tarnado's bringing the heat to us"
Check the gernal area before transforming, due to Hides out burst there was no longer and humans near by that his scanners could pick up on.
"Sigh this is so boring Ramjet" complained Thrust
"We've been out here and no atcion!"
"We were told to stay put"
"Yeah but-"
Just then Tarnado brushed past them.
"What the?"
"See you do get what you wish for, you just have to keep complaining" joked Dirge
"Lets get him" jeered Ramjet
As the three seekers followed Tarnado unknowing that he was leading them to Prime.
The Fembot had been able to avoided the shots fired at her, this made Silentscope growl in frustation. What took him off by surpise was when she threw the baton and it clipped the gernade despite holding it tightly it fell to the ground, for a few seconds he paused and looked at it.
But then being fired upon got him back to reality and he had to dodge the shots being shot at him. This was easy twisting and turnin gand doing a few back flips before sending off and round and pionting one shot at the gernade that was now a fair distance away from him.

It exploded sending up pieces of conceret and tarmac into the air, and now being a smoky crater were it had gone off. He decided to use the smoke to his advantage, and bucked within it...

Posts: 279
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Hmm, with all this smoke I won't be able to locate him visually...but that should mean he can't see me either unless he has some special gear...well, hell be in there somewhere unless he's run off by now.
Walking quickly backwards she crouched down next to the injured autobot, her weapons firing off some rounds into the smoke as a detterant for any hiding Decepticons.
"Hey, I'm Freefall, and if you hadn't already guesed I'm an autobot." She quickly scanned his injures and nodded to herself, "'re worse than I thought, this changes things...can you still transform?"

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

"Yeah" He nodded, before transforming into his cream coloured jeep form.
"Should I retreat back to where the others are, there just some where down the road over there" He indacated with his front left tire.
Starscream mocked as he saw Deathstar hit the ground.
Sevres him right for trying to run, too bad the Autobot finishing him off
Dodging again before looking back at Soundwave, he had finished loading. Turning back to the Autobot, he had a little message for this bot before they left.
"It's seems my time here is done Autobot, so I want you to take a message to Prime, if he wants to see two of his Follow Autobots back in one piece he'll handover the piece of the All-spark that I know he has" Starscreamed grinned before jumping up in the air and transforming.
"I'll be calling at his base on the when's and the where's"
Taking off just as Soundwave close the hanger of Astrotrain, before transforming into his alt mode.
"Astrotrain take off and follow me!" Barked Starscream before fly in circles above the rest of the battle field. "Rampage, Skywarp, Thundercracker we'll leaving!"
"But I nearly have this one" growled Rampage
"Leave it, Skywarp pick up Rampage for Deathstar has fallen"

Prowl had to duck for cover as the seeker Skywarp came down firing around of his missiles at him. He was throw back by the attack and as he loked back to where Rampage had stood, he now saw him riding on top of the seeker heading for Starscream.
"Hmm....Primes not going to be happy with this" Prowl muttered to himself before turning in the direction of the fallen Decepticon.

"But maybe I can get answers out of you"

Posts: 279
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"Good, okay, start heading back towards the others, I'll cover your retreat."
Freefall moved a bit closer to the cloud of smoke, to allow the injured autobot to transform, and move, without having to avoid banging into her.
As soon as a rather battered looking cream jeep began moving away from the area, Freefall followed, her scanners sweeping the immediate vicinity for any sign of their foe. The smoke cloud was begining to settle now; if he was in there, they'd found out soon enough...

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Megas growled at the fleeing Starscream. Typical Decepticon cowardice! "Grrr...GET BACK HERE! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!" Megas shook his fist. Blaster came up to him and pointed, getting the smaller Autobot's attention, as well as Wreck-Gar's. Wreck-Gar screamed out in a deep, bass, suspiciously James Earl Jones-esque voice: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

The Globemaster was lifting off like a Harrier. Buildings caught fire from the blast of its jets. Barely waiting to clear the skyline, Astrotrain was off, cruising after Starscream and climbing.

Posts: 240
Estimable Member

"Now are you going to come quietly or the hard way, your choice" Prowl pointed his gun at the Decepticon that was still on the ground.

Deathstar thought for a bit he could take the easy route out and live the rest of his cycles in a cell or he was going to make attempt to escape.
Twisting around quickly and trying to grab for Prowls gun, only to get him self kicked in the head and sent back to the ground.
"Why is it always the hard way with you guys?" Sighed Prowl as he brought out energon cuffs. There was a bigger struggle between Prowl and Deathstar, before Deathstar found himself face first in the ground again and this hands cuffed behind his back.
"See if you had taken the quirt way we wouldn't have to have waisted energy with that struggle"
"Don't go lecturing me, on my actions!"
"What actions you were being an idiot, your badly damage, your energy is low, you were an idiot to think you could take me on"
"I may be an idiot but least it would pay back for my actions of cowardice!"
"Theres a big difference between being a coward and knowing your out matched"
"Thats easy for you to say, your not the one with there face first in the ground" Deathstar spat
"And whose fault was that?"
"I though so, if you had just surrender, then it wouldn't be like this"
"And if I surrender then I would be more of a traitor then a coward"
"Well how could you be a traitor, if your own team abandoned you?"
"It's our way, if youre weak youre left behind, no one comes back for the weak"
"And I'm surprised that this war has lasted so long with that attitude to one another"
"That's because youre weak for caring for the weak!"
Prowl had now grab Deathstar by the shoulder and lifted him off the ground and back on to his feet and had turn him around that the two bots were now facing each other.
"Why is it weak to protect the weak?" Growled Prowl
"Because the weak can't defend them selves" Growled back Deathstar.
"And why do you think that is, because there injured, because they don't have the same strength as the rest, protecting the weak doesn't mean you weak, not protecting the injured and defenceless makes you weak for you just leave them to die, you could of done something but you didn't"
The Decepticons remained quiet.
"Sigh, forget it" Prowl sighed again before turning to Megas, Blaster and the yelling Wrech-Gar.
"Okay I think it would be best that we find Prime now, and tell him what we know, but first, Blaster do you think you would try and contact Prime?"
"I mite be able to help you with that"
What the voice had come from the Decepticon next to him.
"I have a tracker on one of your Autobot comrades, from what I can tell it's still working"
"You have what?" Growled Prowl
"I was order to locate Prime, and I had fond these two Autobots and I was needed to help Rampage so I left a tracker on one so that I could find them later and get the information that Starscream wanted"
Prowl was now facing his captured Decetipcon, optics glaring at him.
"Why are you telling us this?"
"I'm choosing the tell the enemy everything options" Deathstar grinned sheepishly, maybe if they take him to Prime he would be able to redeem himself to Starscream by giving him the location of the Autobot leader.
"Okay if thats your choice then tell me why Starscreams after Prime and the All-spark piece?"
"Hey I'm only a grunt, I don't know the reason I just follower the orders"
"So you have no idea whats he up to?"
"Well you know he's stolen a huge chunk of energon, and he wants the All-spark, it doesn't take a genius to tell you what he's up to"
"What do you mean?"
"I think its quiet clear what he going to do, he's going to use the last piece of the All-spark and try and regenerate it by using the energon"
"But the All-spark is power why would-"
"You know when that fleashbag put the All-spark into Megatron, it realised almost all it's energy into him, excerpt that one piece, that piece that survived that should contain a bit of the same power and energy inside of it, and it having the ability to heal our kind, Starscream probably believes that by using the energon he can get the All-spark to regenerate its self, but this is just my theory"
"Pretty good one for the moment, but now we really need to find Prime, so wheres this tracking device of yours?"
"It's in my arm"
"Great, just great"
"Look, I built it, in into me so I wouldn't have the problem carrying it around, I wasn't thinking that I would be captured by a group of Autobots and soon going to made to do a pit hounds job"
"Just be quiet and tell me where they are"
"My tracker says there in the city over there"
"The one Rampage was in?"
"Is there any other?"
Prowl turn back to the three other Autobots
"Okay we'll heading back to New York City, but we can't walk in as giant robots we'll going to have to return to our Alt modes..." Prowl turning back to Deathstar
"..And that means you to excerpt your going to have to be tolled in"
"Goodie oil drops, who's the unlucky bot who has to do that?" Deathstar sneered as he looked back and forth at the four Autobots.
In the skies somewhere...
"All Decpticons prepare for a warp gate it will soon be opening up in front of us" Barked Starscream who was flying ahead of the flight squadron. Sending out a secret signal, he soon got in contact with the moon base computer.
"Computer, activate warp gate at my location"
A few second later a purple and blue warp gate appeared in front of Starscream and Starscream dived through it soon followed by the rest of the Decepticons before blinking out of existence behind them.
Shotgun had moved out of the way and had made in to the street, he didn't like backing down from a fight and leaving a bot behind, but right now he didn't have much of a choice. Driving as fast, as he could with, his injuries before nearly ramming into Piledriver.
"Sorry Driver, but we need to her this Fembot, when I said I was going to investigate something a little earlier, it was of this earth motor bike that drove off no its own with no driver, so I went off to find out what that was about and then it turn out to be a Decepticon and he attacked me and I was getting my self slagged" Shotguns voice was quickening its pace as he spoke.
"And then she came along and basically saved my life, but I was damage again due to fight this guy and getting beaten up again so I suggested to get back up"
Bit of a lie there, he didn't want to admit that he really suggested to retreat to them.
There was a long silence after he had finished speaking but was soon broken by him self.
"Ummwhy is Prime transformed?"
"We'll about to be attacked" Spoke Ironhide who had now transformed and was adjusting his cannons.
"Then wheres the enemy!
"Tornado's bringing them" Spoke Optimus.
"Who's Tornado, and why here, in the human city!"
"This part of the city has been quickly deserted by the humans, due to Ironhides out burst"
"Would saying I'm sorry make a difference?" Spoke Ironhide defensively.
"And right now we wouldn't be able to get out of the city in time before they would attacked, and guessing by there usual speed, they should be here in a few kicks"
"Then maybe it will give us enough time to help her"
Reversing, backwards before being able to make a U turned, and heading back to where the Autobot and the Decepticon should be still fighting, when he was stoped when Optimus spoke.
"Shotgun, you are already damage, let us handle this"
"But you don't know where they are"
"Then lead us"
Optimus transforming back into his Alt mode, and a grumble behind him from Ironhide.
"K, then follow me!" Shouted Shotgun as he took off, but it wasn't really fast, Optimus following close behind him, while Ironhide following behind him.
Foolish Autobot do you think you can get me within this smoke, I have the advantage here Silentscope spoke wickedly spoke.
Bringing out a few more grenades with his left hand he waited for the perfect moment to strike
OOC: Sorry for the long post, very sorry

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