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Twisted World: House of the Conqueror

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"They are ready to hear thee, my liege." said the figure as it bowed down to its master.
"Well it was about time. I was beginning to get bored." The evil tyrant got up and walked over to the balcony of his fortress. From above he could see the multitude of slaves and prisoners of his conquest.
"Citizens..." he began mockingly "... you have been gathered here to compromise yourselves in this day to me. There is nothing you can do except, accept the cards that fate has dealt you and serve me unquestianably. For I am thy Master!" like if the people had a choice...
No one answered. He continued on goading at their broken wills.
"Many of you know what I am capable off. How I alone have conquered other cities and destroyed them leaving only ashes in my wake. And I assure you my general is less merciful..." he laughed a bit at the cruel comment.
"... I have heard that some of you believe that someday you will be free from the chains of oppresion that my Empire has set on you. And to this I say: Do not be fools! What can any of you do? Many others have tried but have failed. And do you believe that you will suceed where others have failed miserably?"
The slaves still made no answer. He continued on "All I ask of you is to pledge your loyalty to me and serve me forever! And you will live. Those who oppose me... will DIE irremediably."
The slaves screamed in agony as each and one of them monotously pledged their allegiance to the tyrant. "We hail you, oh great Master, and forever we will serve thee!"
"Now repeat with me: I should serve my master unquestionably, and I shall never try to oppose his will." They repeated monotously.
"Very well, you may now return to your labors."
The slaves little by little left the square. "Keep an eye on them..." the dark emperor told his general "...I have heard rumors that some are thinking of freedom and are planning to rebel. Find these scums, and eliminate them. Let it be a message to those who wish to oppose me."
"Yes Master." the figure was leaving but the dictators sharp voice stopped him "Oh by the way, Knuckles, do not fail me. Or you shall pay with your life."
"Consider it done Master." he left.
The tyrant now alone returned to his throne. Yes Knuckles find those Rebel scum and eliminate them. Break their will to pieces until none is left. Let all know that no one opposes the Lord of Chaos, that all shall tremble at my name, that all shall bow before me and hail me as their Master... I Sonic the Conqueror To this thought he laughed knowing all too well that he was unstoppable...

Welcome to my What if? There has been other What ifs? Like example what if Sonic died?, or What if Robotnik got his way? But there is still one What if? that I have not seen yet and I have decided to exploit it in this story.
What if Sonic was actually the bad guy that characters had to deal with? That's the basis of Twisted World, hence the name.
This RP has a guideline please follow it for the enjoyment of the RP:
First off ovepowered characters are not allowed. For the sake of the Rp please tone down your characters.

Magic does exist as well as Psyenergy, characters wishing to use these must have a limited amount of skills to use from.

Characters cannot have a variety amount off weapons as most of them are either rebels or recently freed slaves and do not have access to hi tek weapons or powerful weapons (unless they hijack a factory or something like that)

Please work with the story not against it.

Enjoy the RP!
This information deals with the known places of this world, since most of it was wated by Sonic, there might be more places but for now this are the only places known

Morbious: the capital of Sonic's empire built upon the ashes of his first conquest. Its populace is mostly composed of slaves wearing Anti Liberty Collars and Sonic's army the Legion of Despair. In the heart of this city lies Thorne Keep, Sonic's fortress of pain and anguish from where he rules the land with an iron fist. No rebel faction has been capable of infiltrating the city.

Comorragh: Neighbor to Morbious although it is far from it. Similar to it however its populace are mostly slaves. It is rumored that the rebel faction known as Night Shadows operate somewhere in here. However this rumor is unconfirmed. Most of the weapons and techno machines for Sonic's army are built here.

Shakuras: Regarded a myth by Sonic, Shakuras is supposedly the only place that Sonic has been unable to conquer. This is due to the fact that it lies hidden amongst the Jirai Mt. Range, a dangerous place for any traveller. Many slaves believe that if they can reach this city, they will be for ever free from Sonic's grip.

Octario: Octario is nick named the Scrap Heap because it is a town built upon the ruins of a former city. Its populace consist of "criminals", "terorrists" and freed slaves. The rebel faction known as Southern Cross operate in here. It lies far to the north across the waste lands. It is necessary to travel by means of vehicles capable of crossing the wastelands.

Ghrall Mountain: From atop the mountain and coming from Ravage Fortress, Knuckles personal elite force known as Bloody Fist strikes. It is believed that the master emrald is hidden somewhere in here and that this is Knuckles key to power. Some rebels believe that if they find it and destroy it Sonic's power would be crippled as his greatest general will now be powerless.

Realm of Voracio: The realm of demons, shadows, dark elves, posessed beings and undead. It lies to the far south across Morgall Swamps. No one has ever seen it but many talk about this horrible place. Whether it truly exists is unconfirmed information. Some even believe this is the by product of Sonic's ravaging attacks.

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OOC: You can make up all of the Sages except for two... Jeremiah who was captured at the beginning and the last one Stilgar. The other three should have been captured by now we can take turns relating how the events went. I'll go first. But this will relate a bit on where Seth is now and reveal some of the mysteries concerning this world...

He watched coldly at the captured ones, coldly and with no trace of emotion. He had been sent to do a job, and he had done a fine job indeed. Though it had taken him some time to find the three wayward Sages it was only given time that he was going to be succesful. As it where, now four of the enigmatic Sages laid captured in their cryptic runic cells... prisons of stasis energy where the prisoner is incapable of moving at all... Seth knew how the Stasis Prison felt like. He was once captured in one by Knuckles. Seth smiled to himself. The refreshening powers granted by the Emperor had more than served their purpose. The Emperor was right... others would have failed in their quest...

Seth slitted his eyes. They where still missing a Sage. But the Emperor had given him strict orders to await here... in this strange place... in this vein of mystical chaotic energies... for him. For the Emperor would bring the last Sage. While he waited. Seth looked at the walls of this strange forsaken place. The walls where adorned with murals and runes depicting the story of the Fallen One or the Dark God who waged war agsint his brothers. This picked Seth curiosity for the language written was similar to the ones of the Oni Society. The coincidence was... perhaps... surprising. He continued to read the story, which seemed to have been missing some or other words here and there... but from what he was reading it seemed to be the story of the Creation of the world known as Planadar. As he read it was a story of how one of the Gods became insane and apparently decided that "order and balance" where a sickness and encroaching plague that had to be extricated... As Seth continued to read his eyes grew wide as he read the name of the Fallen God: Primus Iddes Evol...

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OOC: WhiteAsh sends her best.

IC: Far away... Pearl was resting... no longer able to do anything but watch... but se smiled in peace as she watched Trouble fulfill his purpose. She then relaxed her mind. The chaos orb she lay within appeared in the hilt of the weapon. Pearl knew that Swift was a friend of Turmoil, no matter how little their friendship was, Turmoil had always seen him as a good man... And Pearl knew this was true.

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When he had finished reading and discovering, Seth looked around at his prisoners, part of him felt geniuine pity for them...
The other part disregarded the petty morals and saw the potential in them, the power that could be achieved through them...
HE felt hungry, and with a sudden realisation he remembered he had not fed since his ressurection. Testing his claws he advanced on the prisoners, a small drain for his benefit wouldn't harm them pernamently, and it would keep him alert for when the emporer arrived.
This should be an awesome spectacle, if it worked...

His claws began to scratch lightly into the closest sage's hand, just deep enough to draw blood.
When the symbol was complete he felt the life beggining to flow back into him, as he began to drain on their souls.

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Boom lay exhausted from his last attck against the Emperor. He knew the Emperor was not dead, just unconscious... Boom could finish it now and then... but the Triad within him resonated to deeply... no the Emperor could not die in his hands... Not while he possessed the power of the Triad... all Boom had managed was to buy some time.

Yes, time, but in reality time was a fickle term... he knew that he had little time to get back to Southern Cross and warn them of what the Emperor intended. He breathed in deeply... Boom's strength was lacking after his battle against the Emperor... but he could not stop to rest now.

Closing his eyes and focusing he lifted inches from the floor and then with the distinctive sound of the sonic boom he vanished in a flurry of speed as he hurried towards Southern Cross.

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I was going to join, and wanted to fo the longest time, but it looks like this is wrapping up, so having a character of mine in would make no sense....

Meh. ^^;

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ooc: well some one kicked HCS out from the rp so Rico if you like to say something as you did in pm y not publicly and tell everyone y he is out if it be true |I i just know ? i know service with :smile

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OOC: What, someone kicked Hardcore out of HIS OWN RP? How is that possible? :0o

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Thats odd. If he does it, Rico normally does his tarring and feathering in public Oo;

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ooc: no comment...

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That doesn't make a good case for you.

Perhaps if you told us exactly what Rico said, we'd be more inclined to believe you?

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That's strange i don't remeber getting kicked out by Rico... I do remember him telling me a few things about the rp but not kicking me out. Thnxs for your concern arabnis but everythings fine.

As for the Rp cookrini you can join if you want i have no plans of wrapping it up yet but if things dont start moving on then i might consider wrapping it up and making way for the sequel...

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next time i'll bring a recorder :)

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RPing this or should I finally wrap it up? This was a good rp and it be a shame to wrap it up when we still had a lot to do. Oh well...

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I just don't have a lot of time until I get back to two days...

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"Master Virras, they have arrived..." Lance, a Southern Cross high member of the council and resident expert technician, informed the Council Elder. "They have finally made it. Thanks the stars of Twisted. Is everyone okay?"
"Yes, but it seems that Fury and company picked up some... other people... they claim to be from Outlaw Galaxy and apparently they helped Fury to cross the wastelands safely."
"Has Ryaton anything to say about it?"
"Not that I know off."
"Well then let us see how they have fared in their mission."

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Stupid comp... didn't allow me to edit my own post. Anyways here are some of the things we should be working on as well as a short resume of the latest happenings.

Boom is headed in direction of Southern Cross. Having defeated Sonic, but how much time has he bought for him and for Southern Cross?

Lobo and Quasar have managed to survive the onslaught released by Operation Stromfire, when Lobo discovered a sewer hatch where him and Quasar have now entered.

Operation Stromfire has begun. Turmoil, the Emperor's new Blood Son, and Knuckles are at the front of this operation. There are still rebels fighting it out in and all out war but chances look bleak.

Officer Swift has had a "revelation" from Pearl... but will it be enough to break the bonds of loyalty he has for his Empire and his Emperor?

Seth has finally managed to capture all the Sages. He waits patiently for the Emepror to arrive but while he waits he decideds to consume a bit from his prisoners... no actual harm just enough to satiate his hunger. As he feeds slowly... he thinks...

Trouble, what was left's of Turmoil's psyche has finally reached Serenity and has become the Trouble Sword. He insists that he must be delivered to Swift. Will Trouble's sacrifice be in vain?

Fury, Jet, Cure and Kellie Van kinkor joined by Nova, Eclipse and Rage... who 'coincidentally' where all orchestrated by Tails in one way or another. But below the ship's hull there lies another man... waiting... Pit who stowawayed with Fury and company. Who is this Pit really? Is he a traitor or an ally?


What will become of the enigmatic Flare and his True Sight? Will the Warden Aya Blackpearl catch up with him? Who will prevail then? Will Aya track Flare down and meet him at Southern Cross?

Whatever happened to Stilgar and the prophecy? And who is he really? Could he possibly be the last sage? What is so important of the Muad'Gib?

What has Seth been up to? Has he suceeded in his quest to capture the sages? Will the Emperor's plans suceed through Seth? (Working to wrap this one up.)

Where did the mysterious Night Shadow Agent Pit went too? Where can he be? Did he stowaway with Fury and Co.? Is he really a Night Shadow Agent or an Imperial Spy? (Working on this one.)

What are Tails 'cards'? Why in the face of utter defeat at the destruction of OG is he confident that he still has some cards to play? Is it possible Destiny is also a Machine Spirit like Phalanx? And what does the demented Warlock finally play in Twsited?

Will Snow be able to convince Edge of his true Heritage? Or is it too late for Edge to be 'saved' from the Empire? Will Edge remain fanatically loyal to the Emperor?

Will Reni and Boom be able to stop there so called father and there new 'Blood Brother'? Will Reni ever found out the mystery concerning the Triad? Will she ever find out that Boom is also her brother?

Other Details
Anyway the most impostant thing happening is that the Emperor has destroyed the Rebels support HQ systematically. He has already eliminated Night Shadows, Red Tomb and Outlaw Galaxy and has his sights set on eliminating Southern Cross. This he has done because he has set up a trap... By feigning weakness he lured all the Rebel Factions, except Southern Cross, to attack the capital... and what better time then to attack your enemies base when they are attacking yours?

Now Operation Stromfire has begun, in a nutshell this Operation is to eliminate all the Rebels within the city walls at any cost, no matter if the city itself is destroyed... as long as all the rebels are anhilated. In other words a big war has been unleashed throughout the Capital city of Morbious. Knuckles was leading the Stromfire Assault with the aid of Scandal and his Haven Warriors (Spiner's Hybrid Angels), Sergus and the Soul Hunters, Aremetheus (Knucle's Right hand man) and the Bloody Fist and finally Queen Amy Thorne Mistress of the Azaneru. Not to mention having unleashed a superior Cerberus personal combat unit. The Rebels are hitting hard but things don't look to good for them...

Turmoil has returned to the General's side but now he has become Sonic's 'blood son' and the actual heir to the throne... While one of Sonic's own son, Boom, has managed to defeat Sonic but only for some time as he races to warn Southern Cross of Sonic's plans and how he wishes to attain immortality.

The World of Twisted has just begun to get more dangerous...

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OOC: I want to reply, but Swift, Swifthom and Seth are all waiting for one thing and enother. Plus with limited time on the comp, ill put some IC in later.

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OOC: Oops! I didn't actually see that part about the sword until now. Okay, I guess I'll run with it. Not the sword, the story, although I guess Reni would be running with the sword if...nevermind.:b


This is all so confusing...that guy...just turned into a sword. Right. If I hadna seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.

He...want's me to take this Swift guy, who is an enemy, so it/he can save this Turmoil who's apparently my brother...I don't remember having a brother named Turmoil! 'Coarse, I didn't know I had a twin either until a little while ago...and what is this strange power that made me bring my mother - who I didn't know I had until a little while ago either - back from the dead?

Not only that, but I promised that cat guy before he died that I'd rescue his daughters from slavery...but he never told me where...which city they were in! I don't even know where to start!

Windrace still hasn't told any of us his so-called dark secret...Why is it so terrible, I wonder...Can't be any worse than being the daughter of a tyrant...

Which reminds me...I still have to comfront Daddy...make him pay fro what he's done...but how can I? He' much more powerful than I am...he'd wipe the palace floor with me if I even tried to oppose him...He might, he's not THAT evil. He always used to threaten me when I disobeyed, but he never actually laid a hand on me...

Gah! Serenity held her spinning head. Why is my life so crazy? I think I can see why this world is called Twisted... She picked up the sword that used to be an echedgena and looked at it for a while. "I...I'll try to help you..." Reni said softly, "In any way I can..."


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"Excuse me" Swith Leian called out, indicating the group of them, "What's going on here, and there's more than just him here. Who are you, where are we?
"Shush." Swifthom jabbed his friend angrily, "She's the princess, or something, and we need her help, so don't be so rude."

Um, Lets see, Yamcha's character, T'So, Swith Leian and Swifthom. Cant remember the name of Yamchas character though, drat.

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Swifthom if your characters are waiting for something please tell me otherwise just move the story onward as long as Seth doesn't kill the Sages (last time he was feeding on them). And Reni you can also move the story forward if you like but don't get out of Southern Cross just yet...


Boom hurried past the wastelands as he rushed towards Southern Cross. His mind set in only one goal... to warn Virras of his father's plans before it was too late...


Lobo blinked his eyes for a few seconds... then he rubbed his head. It took some time for things to get into focus. There was some sort of fire close by... And he could see Quasar... he was resting. Sitting close to the fireplace where two strange people. "Were am I?" Lobo asked then winced in pain. "You are not too well yet my friend." One of them answered. "We found you by the abandoned Depot... close to the sewer lines. You and your friend where badly hurt. But you are safe now."
"Who are you."
"My name is Chaos Storme. And this here is Thamior. We escaped from above when the city became hell..."
"Yes... I figured it was some sort of trampa."
"A trap. The Emperor must have set us a trap. And I can't connect with HQ to trans out of here either."
Chaos Storme rubbed his chin... "Hmmm... That could explain why I am unable to detect the Emperor's presence. Do you think he could have...?"
"No WAY!" Lobo exclaimed in desbelief. "He couldn't... he couldn't have..." Lobo did not dare finish his thoughts.

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"Aaarrrrrggghhhh... Destiny still wont answer" he mentioned.

"What possibly could've gone wrong?"

"hugh, it could be Tails, Hq originaly was his maybe he decided too take control of it again who knows it could be anything."

"Maybe it was destroyed by Sonic."

"That could be the reason why I sense not his presence."

"Either way we lost great deal of friends and now it is up to us to turn the tables on them. Do you know where does this lead us?"

"Forget about its endless sewerlines goes on for miles."

"So, if we climb up the right one we're be at the slave camp."


"There you go Lobo cunning as ever" as Fang hopped out of his guantlet core. Chaos Storme n' Thamoir had a suprised expressions on there faces.

"Oh yea meet my comrade Fang."

"A wounded wolf cant go hunting with pack unles it gets left behind and die so let us recover our strength"

"Your friend is right let us rest"

ooc: I have an idea what to do with Rage, Nova n' Eclipse but i'll wait too see what goes on at Southern Cross and as for Pit i'll inform you HCS first cause it might be something wierd i dont know, until then later:)

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The council of Elders had a reunion to discuss the latest events and happenings around them. Now that Fury had made it back with his team safely he could explain what was going on. Southern Cross had seen the choice of attacking the Empire a bit too early and too risky. Virras and Ryaton had both a bad feeling about the attack... it seemed almost to easy to be true.

For hours they spoke of the events transpiring the absence of Fury and his cohorts. They also spoke as of what to do with Nova, Eclipse and Rage. Ryaton almost had a fit when he learned that in one way or the other they had to something to do with Tails...

It was while the council was arguing the fate of the aforementioned warriors when Boom strode in...

"How dare you interrupt a Council in that Fashion!" Ryaton was the first one to argue as always.
"I do not have time for this nonsense." Boom exclaimed in his brooding way.

"Ryaton, please... Tobias is a friend of ours." Fury intervene.
"Hmmph." Was Ryaton's only reply.
"You must all leave at once." said Boom as soon as things calmed down. "It is imperative that you evacuate at this moment. There is no time to explain. You must trust me on this..."

Thousand of miles away... across the Wastelands... a mound of sand began to shake. And earthquake began to manifest itself. And then an explosion. Sand rained everywhere. And as the sand fell one figure with raging emerald eyes floated above the ground a few feets. "How dare he strikes me like that! How foolish of him to think he could stop me, ME, The CONQUEROR!!" With that said the Emperor vanished in a sonic boom.

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"You heard him, everybody, lets get the females and children out...Ry, now don't start with me..."

"But Virras, we don't even know who he is! He could be playing us right into the Emperor's hands..." The surly badger scowled at the desparate youg hedgehog. "He does look like him, don't you think? How do we know this isn't the Emperor himself in disgiuse? Hmmm?"

"Shut up. Rytaon. You heard my order."

"E-evacuate?" Serenity said dumbly, still holding her new sword. Who is this guy, and how does he know so much about my...father's...plans? She squinted at the new arrival, He DOES look like him though...does that mean... "W-Who ARE you...?" Serenity asked Boom in a small voice.


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He could already feel it... The Triad resonating. The Emperor must have recovered. Boom only hoped he had bought enough time. And time was a luxury he could not afford now. At that moment he heard a voice. It was Serenity asking him who he was? When Boom saw who it was at first he did not recognize her. But since he could detect the resonance of the Triad, he could feel it in this person. Though weekly it was obvious who she was. She must be his half sister. But now was not the time to explain things. Not here, not now. "I cannot explain this now, but I will tell you everything we know as soon as we are safe."
Fury nodded. "As Preator I agree with Boom here. If he says there is danger I will believe him. And Ry he has already sticked his head to many a times to be our enemy."
"Then... you are going to trust him?" Ryaton asked in disbelief.
Ryaton let out a big huff. "Very well then Praetor Fury. I just hope this action is not the end of us."

Chaos Storme's eyes shown for a few seconds. "Que pasa bro? Something wrong?"
"I can sense him again. I must leave with haste." Then chanting old arcane words Chaos was covered with glowing lights in blue as he finished a spell. A spell that would allow him to travel undeterred through the Warp. A place feared by many... A place where only a few dare to travel... In a second he was gone.

Far off. In a desert a blinding light shone as Chaos Storme emerged from the Warp. Further from him his target approached quickly. He started off by casting a barrier of water like energies. As he shouted with a loud booming voice. "STOP!" The Emperor stopped right in front of Chaos Storme and smirked. "So you have decided to crawl out from being in hiding, eh? I was wondering what had become of you. It seems you have survived long enough."
"We have something to settle. Where is it?"
"Do not play games Conqueror, you know very well of what I speak."
"I do not have time for you now. Are you not aware that I am in a hurry? I have no time to deal with you now. You are just being a hindrance. You know full well you cannot defeat me."
Chaos Storme relaxed for a moment then tensed himself as closed his fist. "You have been a thorn in the side of the Ancients for too long Conqueror..."
"There you go again. Have you not realized the word with which you call yourself. That is what you are, an Ancient. Obsolete, an old attraction long past due. Your people failed. Your allies failed. Your warriors failed. And now you will also fail. Like you others will join..."
"Our generation might not have been enough to defeat you but this one can."
"What makes you think that?"
"Your own sons have forsaken you. That power that resides within them can be enough to stop you."
"Oh them? Well if they do not come around I will just simply remove them. I have already appointed a new heir in my place. Now if you will excuse me I must leave."
"NO! I will not let you pass. Your Empire has choked the life of this planet for too long."
"What are you going to do about it? You do not even have your cloak, your power alone will not be enough. Surely you know that what you are doing is suicidal."
"Maybe. But the time has come to settle this here and now." Light engulfed Chaos as he spoke.
"Very well then. I might take a few seconds off to make your day." Sonic eyes glowed briefly but instead they changed colors for a moment. From within him light began to form. An Sonic began to speak the ancient toungue. Urik allah tellah, Urik allah tellah! Oserus kattatenu hashara!
In front of sonic a void formed...

From where he laid in his rest he could hear the ancient toungue call forth to him. He could not believe anyone was left to know them. He had been sure that this time was diffrent. Though he had made a pact with Sonic he had thought he could break off from it and kill the Emperor himself. With the Emperor's death nothing could have stopped him. But... but now this... The words where compelling... Powerful... He tried to ignore them but they held sway to his mind... to his very soul... His eyes shown dark purple... he beared his fangs... "No!!!! I will... not..." But the words where stronger. They pulled at him. And soon he was engulfed in a blinding light as his body felt torn apart....

From the purplish light the demon came forth. His will completely bended to the Master... to the one who had spoken the ancient toungue. To his distaste it was none other then the Emperor himself. Kenshiku could not believe this but the words held him tightly... binded him to the Master. "You have called... I have come forth... Master... What is that you desire?"
Akellah korrach ureki mirroch... Tudimah Urik allah tellah!
"Yes Master." Kenshiku's attention turned towards his foe... the Ancient. Well at least he could vent his frustration against someone. But he had the notion the Emepror had set him up. Why if he knew the toungue had he not used it before? How could it be he did not foresee this? Chaos Storme looked solemnly at an old foe. "It is not like you to run like a coward Conqueror."
"Pfft! I have more important things to do. Be content it is not I who will vanquish you... but an enemy of the Ancients... the Forsaken have long been wanting there revenge... No? Well then, have fun." Sonic smirked with pleasure as he made off to leave. Chaos Storme tried to stop him... but Kenshiku got in the way. "Your problem is no longer with him Ancient." he said with contempt in his voice. Both heard the sonic boom as the Emperor vanished.
"My war is no longer with you Forsaken one. Do not come between me and my goal."
"First I have no choice and secondly you owe me one!" Kenshiku let out a blast of dark energy... the ages long battle between the Ancient and the Forsaken was to unfold for the last time between probably there last remaining people. The Emperor had played a powerful card under his sleeve. In this way he had found a way to deal with two problems at the same time...

Edit: Yamcha if you read this I found out that your character is with Swifthom and some others in the Southern Cross HQ.

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Rage, Nova and Eclipse agreed with one another with their decision. They knew that it was suiscidal but they had no time.

"Fury, we like to discuss something with you?" Nova called.

"Yes, what is it"

"Since we're Tails desgin and causing hostility to the members of Southern Cross, we like to go after Tails ourselves... just incase Sonic teams up with his wicked brother again. Who knos we even might suceed in defeating the two tailed fox after all and the end of all his wicked invetions." mentioned Nova.

"Hmm, I see well I'll give your answers later."

"We dont have time!" Eclipse mentioned.

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Fury weighted seriously the petition at hand. These people had the desire to go after Tails... he rubbed his chin. "Well I believe that the task at hand is not going to be easy. I think that you should at least accompany us to a safer place, then I'll give you whatever assistance I can give you in your endeavor. Is that okay with you?"

Nova looked at the rest. They seemed to agreed at least with this, better go off with as much help as they could get, a couple of provisions to cover the far reaching distances, maybe even get a transport ship if possible. "Well it sounds reasonable enough. Ok, but we won't go too far. We don't want any conflicts with the Cross."

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OOC: Finally back to this...


Serenity shifted her new sword from hand to hand, trying to get used to the feel of it. She'd never really found the need for a sword, prefering her own inborn talents, regardless of the obviousness of who she had inherrited them from.

"S'cuse me, does anybody have a scabbard for this, er him, new sword?" someone nodded, dissappearing down the halway. He returned several minutes later with a scabbard and belt for the disinherrited princess. She thanked him.


OOC: *Shrug* All I could think up...

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The evacuation of the Cross was not delayed any longer. Fortunately for Southern Cross members, the Cross' headquarters had an effective and sophisticated evacuation plan. It was built for just a case of emergency or dire times and as Boom put it this was one of them... Ten minutes later the Cross main base was deserted... and just in time as a dark blue streak approached from the west line...

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making a sequel to wrap this part up. But it wouldn't last that long since we are already close to the end of the RP. However I have not seen as of late all the forumers who used to play this Rp so I take it they got bored with it. So I'll probably wrap this one up and start of a new brand sequel. Due to the fact that no one has been Rping the end of this Rp will be exclusively determined by me.

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"Allright" venn said. "Ill open a mulltidiemsionalrift" "hey were am i? who the hell are you?"

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Stop and think for a second.

But it wouldn't last that long since we are already close to the end of the RP.

The RPs close to the end, so have you read through the RP and asked if its possible for you to jump right on in with a one liner post that doesnt seem to make sense like you just did.

However I have not seen as of late all the forumers who used to play this Rp so I take it they got bored with it. So I'll probably wrap this one up and start of a new brand sequel.

Though it is closing down anyways, so joining in seems like a fruitless exercise unless the starter or participants want to restart it off.

Due to the fact that no one has been Rping the end of this Rp will be exclusively determined by me.

But I think that settles it though.

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ooc: Excuse me Cj Tails wouldn't be better off if you let Hardcore Sonic to make that decision since after all it is his Rp, I know you wouldnt like it if someone else would have done that to your Rp so I ask if you can Give Hardcore the opportunity to finish it his way.

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Is that it would be fruitless to actually make a sequel to end this RP because it would require the effort of the orginal cast whence it seems are no longer around or no longer are able to RP. I don't blame them this Rp is what... one yrah and a half old? I mean I'm proud it lasted that long and in my humble opinion it makes for a great science fiction read. Just wished we could have wrapped it up so it wouldn't have been inconclusive...

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OOC: I'm still interested to see how this wraps up, I just have had a lack of creativity towards it lately, sorries...

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The blue streak had arrived... but it was too late. The Southern Cross was essentially deserted. Streaking by the Emperor frowned. He skidded to a stop. Then effortlessly waved his hand dissmisevely and blew some random machine.
"Damn Boom... Now I see what his little game was all along. They must have left for Shakuras... Damn him..."
Some minutes later the dark blue Conqueror streaked away as what once was Souther Cross billowed up in smokes.

"It is time." Boom said
"Time for what?" Jet asked unsure of what Boom was getting at.
"To end the Conqueror's reign. We must now strike to commit him at his weakest..."
"Weakest?" Fury asked.
Boom nodded. "You see... Sonic is my father..."
Fury and the rest opened their eyes wide. Serenity herself could not believe what she was hearing.
"Father has performed a blood bound ritual. This ritual is to choose a heir. Soon the Triad the source of his power will pass on to this heir. At the same time Sonic plans to ascend to Eternity. The full ritual has a weak spot. But we don't have much time. I brought you here because most of you would be safe. But I cannot stop Sonic alone. I need the aid of the strongest and most willing of you."

Fury nodded. Me and any one willing of the Southern Cross will offer our aid. But what chance do we have?"
Boom spoke calmly "I will explain.. One of you possess something from the carrier of the blood bounded... the last of his pure essence... a sword to be exact. This sword is partly key to stop the Emperor. But that is not all. We need to make two strike teams. One who will assault the new rising Emperor before the Triad in him is complete. The other to stop Sonic from performing his ritual. Maybe then somehow we can expel the Id of Darkness, the Primal Evil from Twisted forever once again... By killing the Emperor."

"Killing... him...?" Fury raised an eyebrow.
"Yes. He is not immortal. Just powerful due to the Triad. But I believe that now that his power is waning we can be able to kill him and thus end the not only his reign but that of the Primal."
Serenity spoke unsure about all this "But kill... our father?"
Boom nodded. "There is no other way. Father is no longer with us since the Primal became one with him."
"But I thought the Primal Evil permated this world." Nova spoke up. He had been listening the whole time.
"Not so at first. Its too much of a long story, but the fact is the Primal and Sonic's soul become one long ago. The power of the Triad not only became corrupted but the Primal became even more powerful. The Primal Evil... The Id... it actually comes forth, nay it reeks from Sonic's soul and prevades our world. This is partly why Sonic was also unstoppable. Shakuras and Sahir are the only places safe from it. Do to the last of the Ancients spells both are immune to evil, in fact Sonic cannot even get close to them. Which is why he was never able to conquer them. Which is also why he couldn't go after the Sages... that was until he found Seth."
"Seth?" Kellie asked... strangely recognizing the name. "Yes Seth..." Boom began to say but Kellies eyes became blank white... And she began to hover slowly a few inches from the ground. A nimbus of white light bathed her. Everyone tensed in the room. Fury sensed that somehow Kellie was no longer herself.

"Gaderah bauch anach rechta." a strange slightly ethereal voice spoke from Kellie. "Pearache bech wiech arnesh sorrch journ." It said in strange language.
Boom who most of the time had a calm almost emotionless face slightly raised an eyebrow. "Isch jhit poschriblerech?" He finally said in the same strange language. Fury and the rest where confounded except Serenity whose forehead was now strangely glowing. As Boom and the now light filled Kellie spoke, Serenity sensed she could understand everything. She spoke. "She: said Greetings. Peace be with you all. And my... my brother just asked her if it was possible that she was who he thinks she is." Serenity said a little unsure as she took everything in.
"And who is she?" Nova asked.
"Prophet Maud'gib... Eternal of the Seers." She finally said with much amazement.

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OOC: im still here, just im still waiting for soemthing...
Are Swifthom yamcha and T'So still with Serentity and you lot down there or not?

Swift and Seth are both waiting for something to happen near them so I havent got alot to do.

When the plot does move to a place when their invovled, i'll be here to see them through.

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OOC: I NEED to write something for this...Go AWAY, writer's block!


Serenity suddenly felt dizzy, as if this strange power that seemed to be speaking through her had just drained her of energy. "Whoaa...I think I need to sit down now..." She said, collasped onto the ground, holding her head. "Everything's suddenly spinning..." How could I know that language? I know I've never heard it before...


OOC: Sorry, all I could come up with...*shrugs*

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Yes Swifthom and co are with Serenity in Shakuras

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Swifthom who had been quiet for a while now suddenly spoke up, "Hang on, when you said that sonic has Seth, do you mean... Seth?"
Several eyes turned on him. "Seth, yes, I do mean SETH." Boom repeated.
"But Seth's dead, I killed him." Swifthom stated, then realising how pompous he sounded he added, "Or rather, officer Swift and I killed him, in Carfroon, a few months ago. Not long after Turmoil got the powers..." Swift scratched his head, "We are talking about some kind of demon thing that sucks peoples lives away arent we? Well, I saw him die. We all saw him die, he's gone, kaput, no more."

There was silence, Swifthom just felt more and more like a fool, but rather than shut up he just carried on, petulant like a child he just insisted: "I did."

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"Arruch indechtch..." The force answered through Kellie. Serenity translated. "She says indeed that is true." Then in a series of speeches from the Seer and a lot of translations from Serenity the group learned the horryfying truth: Seth was not only back. But Sonic apparently had managed to seal some sort of pact with it, she also went to explain her ties with Kellie and how Kellie being a direct descendant of the Maud'gib line could be a vessel for her to speak.

"But I don't get it. Why did the seer chose to speak now?" Switfhom asked. "And why not then? We could have saved a lot of trouble back then if she would have contacted us before." he added a tad glumly. Fury nodded. "I agree with him. If this seer had the power to speak through what seems to be a direct descendant of an Ancient I do not see why she didn't speak to us sooner."

Again another series of speeches and translations. "She says that Eternals are not allowed to directly interfere with humanity. But due to certain events she and some of her equals have decided that a course of action must be taken. It seems there is much at stake." Serenity translated again. "Brother seems to know or be in knowledge of everything or so it seems. He is affirming that her notions are true..."
"What notions?" Fury asked.
Another speech and Serenity opened her eyes wide. Boom gravely nodded as to confirm whatever Serenity had just heard.
"What? What is it?" Jet asked.
"I... can't... believe... it..." Reni said, eyes wide.
"What?" Jet asked again impatient.
"Sonic... he wants..." but before she could finish Boom cut in with a clear voice. "Sonic wants to become an Eternal." he answered.

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Swifthom scrtached his head, Sento Nanaki gasped, Swith Leian chuckled as he didn't really believe any of this psuedo nonscence. (OOC: just to affirm they are still there :p )

"Hang on, I thought that, Eternals were...." HE sighed, "Different."
"Thats putting it mildly," replied Serenity still in shock.
"Then, if he's trying to become immortal or whatever, then how can we stop him?" There were blank looks on their faces, "I thought Sonic was coming here to kill us, and we had to stand up to him, stop him, thats what the rebbelion does doesn't it? But he doesn't need to, if he has Seth and whatever else then us fighting the army is pretty pointless."

Posts: 2016
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OOC: It's been a while, guys. Sorry for the ditching of the RP, yeah, I know, I've done it what, two-three times? It's nice to know the RP's still going on. And thanks for taken' care of my characters in my absence.

I don't know whether or not to just leave it at that, or ask you guys if I should come back, 'cause it's almost wrapped up. Yeah, lemme know what you guys think, eh?

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about the dissapearances but Im still around. Sure Spiner you can join up.

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