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Twisted World: House of the Conqueror

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Greetings. I am the one who sees all. You may be wondering whatever happened with the world of Twisted. Perhaps you wonder what may have befallen that wretched world and its inhabitants. Do you wish to know? Yes I know that you are curious to know whatever fate befell those realms. Was the so-called Conqueror victorious? Did the Rebellion succeed? Perhaps you would like me to show you the answers, but be forewarned you might not like what you will see

100 years have gone by. Much of Twisted has not changed much. The once mighty forest of the Sahir has become now a rotten place, the ancient City of Sahir itself corrupted, its elders killed and their rotten bones placed among pikes. Most of the Sahir where taken, as slaves by none other then there own brother: Edge. After the great Betrayal of Knuckles, Edge was ascended in his place. He gained much more power then the General had, and furthermore he soon discovered his real heritage. In steed of his Emperor, Edge went of to conquer the Sahir and bring them to the emperors knees. He was indeed successful for having Sahir blood in his veins allowed him to enter and thus corrupt the Sahirs homeland. Although the Sahir put up a fight, especially their protector Snow, sadly none could stand against the might of Edge. In the end he personally killed Snow and consumed the powes of the Elders

Shakuras has not fared well either. Swift personally saw to that. Where Edge succeeded in brining the Sahir jewel to his Emperor, Swift succeeded where Sonic never did: he fell the mighty City of the Ancients. Pearl had made a great mistake in trusting Swift, and in this she paid a great price for it was Swift in the end that consumed not only her powers but also those of Boom, whom he killed in martial combat. Furthermore Swift managed to get his hands on the Trouble sword and with it and his StormBlazer, he had enough power to use what he had taken from Boom to enter Shakuras. For his Emperor he brought the mighty jewel of Chaos Storme, whom he enslaved against the latters will. The Emperor was so pleased that Swift was soon appointed the new Soul Hunter master and Sergus was replaced. Much like Edge now led the Bloody Fist, Swift now led the Soul Hunters. The Empire had become yet even stronger

Eclipse managed to track down Tails. In a terrible clash of powers, Eclipse and Tails fought for days. But in the end Tails made a great mistake: the body he had given Eclipse was far superior to anything he had thought off in the end Eclipse was victorious. With the end of Tails, Eclipse set about to seek every nook and cranny of the twisted madmans laboratory. Here and there he looked, and overturned whatever he could until he finally found what he was looking for: The ancient scrolls of History Tails had long hidden. With the Scrolls Eclipse seek out Pardo and convinced him that it was time for them to return back. At first Pardo told him it was impossible. But Rage who knew Tails for quite some time had decided he wanted to show his gratitude to Eclipse, after all Eclipse had killed Tails so it was the least he could do. It was then that with Rages help Pardo and Eclipse return to their homeland. And Rage went with them. Unfortunately they had return to a world raged by war

With Eclipse and Pardo having return, it was in a short time that Dust, the current ruler of the Forsaken and long thought to have vanished, who contacted them. Dust was more then pleased that his brothers had returned for now they could certainly vanquish the Begottens who had invaded their homeland. The three brothers joined forces, and with Rages help, the Forsaken where victorious In the end the Forsaken spread more their own homeland and three Strongholds where built throughout the Forsakens dimension which further consolidated the Forsakens Empire: Eclipse, Dust and Blood who was Pardos real name became known as the Masters of the Forsaken with Eclipse becoming the new Ruler of the three For his Services Rage became Eclipse personal slave Little did the brothers know that the Primal had seeped into their world

Serenity, though she tried to battle the taint of the Primal in the end after Booms death succumbed to that which she most hated. Corrupted by the power of the Primal it was not long before the Triad within her drove her as mad as her father. She has then become the new queen of the Empire, which now expands itself through the Universe. She was also responsible for destroying the last remnant of the rebels: Southern Cross. And to the shock and dismay of who where once her teammates she killed Fury and eliminated the Council of Elders of Southern Cross.

Turmoil has since become the new Emperor of a new Empire that spans the galaxies. Under his iron fist his Empire has become yet more powerful then even Sonics. With the aid of his two great lieutenants and his beautiful powerful queen, Turmoil laid waste to the corners of the Universe. No one to challenge him, no one to stop him it was not long before the rest of the Universe suffered the same fate of Twisted. Currently the Emperor seeks ever more worlds to add to his impressive collections: each becoming a gem in the Crown of his Empire. If truth be told Turmoils true power not only came from the blood Sonic had given to him but of Sonics essence as well

For Sonic had achieved the horrible transgression he had set out to do. Yes Sonic managed that which his heart seeked, what he most desired: to become an Eternal, to become the Dark One who will lead the new Emperor. And to this day it is the Dark One who leads his Empire on. He is the very essence of Darkness that pervades all for Sonic became the epitome of power just as he had planned all along. Although they had tried to stop him it was through Seth and Switfhom that Sonic reached his current state of Eternity And upon becoming an Eternal he set out to become the driving force of the new Emperor and his Empire

Seth and Swifthom became trapped in a state in time where they exist and not. Swithom never knew or discovered the truth about his hidden power or why he was so sought by Id at one time. Seth on the other hand knew very well but alas when the two opposite forces met and clashed the end event was their imprisonment in the Inexistence. Such waste such waste

Yes things are bleak indeed But oh so good. Yes very good. For now I am everywhere and in everyone. I who was first uncovered by that fool Sonic I who consumed the very vestiges of HIS humanity when he first met me I who became HIS driving force I who was the cause HE succeeded in his endeavors Yes there is much Sonic could not have done without me and much I would not have done without him For I had corrupted his power and through his Soul I pervaded the world Yet I hungered for more I needed yet oh so much more then that. I wanted to be free from just the confines of this wretched world and consume all and everything. So therefore with his Ascension indeed Sonic achieved Eternity but only achieved to grant me power beyond my original confines for I could only pervade Twisted and now I pervade the Universe. Things could not look better Not better then this at all

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

OOC: Hmm, nice ending...Very dark...:thumbsup

RENI: HOLD IT! I object! I thought Mom made it clear that I was uncorruptable...I don' wanna be a tyrant...<.<...>.>...I'd rather die a nice tragic death than be a tyrant.....

--Shut up, Reni...<.<

Ahem...anyway...You have something planned after this?

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

The greatest story that never finished goes out in the glory it began with...

Nice ending...
And weather or not you have something planned later, if you do I'll be there, hopefully.

Posts: 10
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Probably the Prequel :) Seeing as Primal Evil succeeded... we might as well discover who or what was he and when did this happened... perhaps I will work on it :b

Much Thanks for your Support!

Posts: 55
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Topic starter

I sthere a way to translate all this into a document file or do I have to go post after post copying and pasting?

Posts: 3
New Member

OOC: I think you just need to hightlight the things on each page and paste them into notepad. I say notepad, because I tried selecting some of the (multi-post) text and copying it into wordpad and it did strange things. But if you use notepad you will get it all.

I think you'll have to go page by page though.

Edit: WHY does it say I'm a newbie? O.o

Oh well...

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