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Twisted World: Reborn into the Darkness

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As the white tiger spoke, Nixie felt as if his words were cutting her apart. No one had ever been so harsh with her or even that sarcastic. She thought deeply about everything he said, and she knew he was right, about everything. Something was bothering her though. The young koala felt as if some kind of new power had been given to her, but as soon as she felt it was gone, and so was Frost. This sensation lasted for about a minute, but was enough for her to miss Frost leaving the room and even miss what Light had said to her. No matter, she was still afraid, probably even more than before but she had to make a choice and if all this was true she wanted to make sure she fought for the right cause, even if it meant going against her own sister.

"Light, I'm staying. I want to understand what's happening, I want to know where I come from, because for me and my sister this has always been a mystery. Please take me to see Mr Frost and the other council members, I owe them an apology." Nixie told Light.

"Sure, just follow me. Let me call in advance to announce you," he replied while he spoke through his watch with someone telling him that Nixie would go back to the council room.

And so they left the storage room and headed back to the council room. This time around the walk seemed farther than the first time, but Nixie knew she was now making the right choice and felt very confident about her decision. But as she reached the room she couldn't forget that rush of energy she had felt back at the storage room. The young koala wondered if it was something Frost had done to her, she would be sure to ask him when she had a chance to speak. With this thought in mind she went back into the council room, with her head down.


"We are here, ma'am" said a young blonde human, while trying to wake up Ivie.

"Already? Now that was fast. Anyhow, have we received any communication from Psicosis?" she asked him.

"No Ma'am, not yet" he replied, vowed and left the room.

"This is taking too long" she sighed. "I should probably get back to him.... no it would be too risky. I will wait. First I have to take care of this weapon I found, and keep searching for Nixie, I HAVE to find her soon" she thought out loud while she changed. Sonic's words were still clear in her head, not to mention what she had found at her house. Then she remembered something. Immediately she called the chimpanzee, she had commanded him to guard the house.

"Chimp, chimp, you there?"

"Yes, Karl here, Ma'am," was the monkey's response.

"Nothing new to report?"

"No, Ma'am"

"Good, burn the house down, and make sure the secret room is burnt to the ground," Ivie commanded the chimp.

"You sure about that, Ma'...." He hadn't finished his sentence when Ivie interrupted with a "DON'T QUESTION MY ORDERS, NOW DO IT AND REPORT BACK!" With this she closed the link and left the ship towards her quarters.

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"Seems like things are going a-ok for you are they not dear Brother?" The fox was hanging from the ceiling just like he usually did back then.
"They always do Brother. After all you should know that better then anyone else."
"Again with that! I told you it was simply a misunderstanding! See? You are paranoid Brother. You should go see a psychiatrist. Maybe get some anti-psychotic pills."
"You would love that. Would you not? But if any one has to go see a doctor that would be you Brother. Which reminds me I believe you are getting out of touch. I could have swore I saw that black bat resist your pulse."

Tails dropped down and flipped. He stumbled when he landed. "Yeah, yeah. So now I am old." He said it irritated before grinning. "That makes me the oldest now! I should be..."
"DO NOT EVEN THINK IT!" Sonic said as his eyes flared for a moment.
Tails raised up his hands with a smile "Hey, hey calm down. Temper, temper. You do know that is bad for your pressure do you not?"
Sonic scoffed. "At any rate what do you plan to do Brother. That body is seriously outdated."

Tails began to pace himself back and forth as he spoke. "Ah you see you always miss the grand scheme of things..."
"Do I?"
"Okay maybe not. But when it comes to my toys you do."
"Perhaps. I am not into the whole scientific fancy stuff you like Brother."
"Yeah, yeah you like all that hocus pocus baloney. Science, NOW that is the real deal."
"I believe I have proven otherwise."

Tails stuck his tongue out. "Bah! Anyhow I had prepared myself before hand. I was working on a new toy, just in case..." Tails stopped now talking and displayed a dangerous grin. "... you got dethroned before your time. Not that we want such a thing to be fall you." he feigned now as he shook his hands in an overly gesture of loyalty. "But just in case something bad happened to you."
"In which case you would have been oh so glad to take over the throne like a good little Brother correct?"
"If it came to that of course! The Empire you have so fervently made must go on!"
"Exactly. But alas I am still here Brother. So what good is this new toy of yours now?"

Tails grin again. "It is not an average toy Brother. It is a new body. A body that even you will appreciate."

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The Silver Phoenix began to arduous task of going down into the city. Gray thunder clouds could be seen coming in from the south. Soon droplets of rain began to fall upon the area, the dirt road began to become a mud river. The force of the mud river began to drag away one by one each of the members of the group dragging them down quickly into the ruins. The water dragged them into a basilica like building where Seath managed to hold on to a vine. Desiree was struggling nearby against a pillar; Seath managed to grab her hands and pull her to him. Desiree began to climb the vine, while Seath looked around but was unable to see any of the other team members.


Ares and Shinzu were dragged further into the ruins by the mud river. They managed to jump into what seemed to be a balcony from an ancient apartment.

-"It seems likely that we should continue forward, if the others have survived we will eventually catch up to them."- exclaimed Shinzu without breath.


Xian managed to rescue herself by holding on to a pillar and waiting till the current died a little which allowed her to swim into a second story apartment, where she passed out from exhaustion.

Seath and Desiree managed to reach bridge that crossed through the middle of the basilica where they had landed. Seath looked around, grabbed Desiree's hand and began dragging her in the direction of the nearest doorway.

-"What now Sir. Seath?"-
-"We must wait till the waters recede. Till then we must stay here..."-


Xian woke up to find herself in a bed of hay wrapped in a brown cloak that kept her warm (she had fallen from exhaustion and had begun to show signs of hypothermia.) Nearby a fire with a strange looking fish-like creature sitting, observing her.

Xian sense a presence nearby, but she was unable to figure out whom or what it was.

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Xian noticed that strange presence was closer than she had imagined, she peeked threw the door and all she can see is that strange fish creature standing by a bonfire talking to someone. She gets up and walks out of the door and immediately spotted the bat, she couldnt see his eyes cause they were hidden behind some shades and his suit was all black with some emitting red lines threw out th suit. She didnt like the weird vibes she was getting from this guy so she immediately stands in her fighting position and readies to attack.

"Woa, woa take it easy there shorty you been out for a few hours" exclaimed the bat.

"Who are you, why are you following us I,ve been sensing ever since we got here and now here you are standing there right in front of me i should take you out right where you stand." said Xian.

"Woa! Following you? Chill... aright im a cartographer, I make maps"

"Hes telling the truth" said the strange fish creature.

"That doesnt explain why you were following us"

"I noticed your group when you first arrived here in Aagardia and carrying some artillery, so i didnt dare to confront you guys about my business so instead i followed you guys until we were swept by that muddy water i tried to catch but i was swept by the current. If u dont believe me you can check my bag its full of my materials most of it is useless now though."

Xian walked over to the bag still not buying his story and checked to see what he had inside. She found no signs of weapons or anything he can use as self defense, all she found was a lab top, a camera some films, drawn maps of this island and a magnetic compass. Maybe hes telling the truth after all she thought and those weird vibes seem to had disappear.

"You see he is not lying" said the fish.

"Then why is he here?"

"I know your thinking that we can just use satellites to map Aagardia but even though we have satellites to get pictures n'all but what we dont have is a map of shakuras the land of the Ancients, theres a lot of speculations whether shakuras exist or not this is why im here if shakuras does exist i be the first to map it, history will be made" explained the bat "By the way the names Valentino and i work for WorldMaps." Valentino smiled extending his hand.

"Well im Xian im with Southern Cross, Muad'Gib division"

"Southern Cross ey!"

"Yea... we better not rest here long i like to catch up with the others"

"Thats sounds good to me, see ya later pal it was great talking to ya"

"If your going to leave take this it'll show you how to get through the maze and into the city" mentioned the fish.

"I'll be taking that being Cartographer n'all, thanks this'll help us out alot" said Valentino. So they began there journey to catch up with the others.

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OOC: This can be confusing. Bear with it until everything is revealed.

The fish creature now that they could take a good look at him was not your average "fish" he looked more like a merman-esque creature. His skin was bluish silver and his face quite humanoid for a merman type. Surprisingly both Xian and Valentino noticed that he was well dressed. His garments seem fit for a nobleman. They where in rich purple colors and he even had one of those fluffy collars that only the rich folk wear. He even had golden cuff links. He had a greenish hair combed back in a slick pony tail. And he wore what seemed to be an "ear" piercing made out of gold with a diamon on it. This raised various questions.

"Hey thanks man, ya know for letting us crash in yer pad n all."
"No problem. I rarely get visitors up here. This place is very dangerous. What are you doing up here so far?"
"Me?" Valentino thought quickly. He had brought some traveling gear due to the fact he was going to Shakuras. He didn't need it out here, he could get an uplink, thus maps where irrelevant to him. However Shakuras was a different story. He needed to actually be able to know where he was going. plus it made for one awesome excuse.
"I am a cartographer. The world renowned Valentino. If you haven't heard of me is prolly cause no estas en na."
"En what?"
"Oh I meant if you haven't heard of me its because Im you know special." he winked. "I am the one who gets the really hard cases. Like for example the so called continent of Shakuras." he waited for an effect. Surely this being had to know something and any grain of information would be good.
"Ah the so called mythical continent of the Ancients." the fish creature said...
I don't like the vibes his giving off, but I can't seem to read anything different in his mind then what he is saying...
Mapping this place is going to be a pain in my ass. Ma rayo parta esta mielda...
And whatever that means. Its probably some sort of other language. Either way he does seem to be a cartographer. As for this fish guy...
Strange people. At least makes for an interesting visit.
Seems he is harmless enough. Strange thing is its like I can't read further... I must be exhausted still. Once I fully recover I will try to pry their minds open and find out if they are lying or not.

Nenaaa ni inventes. I'm an android babe. Whatever I put in my frontal "mental makeup" is all you will ever see. Your telepathy won't go further then that.

Valentino knew his mind was being probed. He could feel it as a sensation at the front of his brain. Tails had made his androids with that capacity after all Sonic himself boasted telepathic powers. So it was imperative to set up psychic implants on all of his androids as a "security measure" as he explained to Sonic at the time.
"Hey um dude what was your name?" Valentino asked the merman.
"Ah so how do you get out of here?"
Xian raised an eyebrow quizzically. "Hey babe, I was in a hurry and fish I mean Neptune hear came out and helped me and took me through some passages and well long story short anyone can get lost AND I wasn't mapping I was carrying you."
Neptune nodded. "Yes, at any rate I believe it is best for me to take you to the exit."
"I need to re join my group." Xian said with arms crossed.
"Easy girl we will find them and maybe you can like hook me up with a tour ride to Shakuras?"
"Hmm I don't know. Thats for our commander to decide not me."
"Hey but ya know I saved you and all. And I REALLY want to make history! I mean most everyone creen que Shakuras is a fairy tale. And I'll keep quiet since all I want is to map not do some news story or anything."
Xian read his mind again. His story did seem to go with what she picked from his mind. Maybe he was being honest. But why couldn't she shake the vibes off? He didn't seem that threatening. Cute even. But there was something about him... Which led her also to think about the merman, Neptune. She felt two distinctive vibes from him. But she couldn't understand it. His mind when she read him seemed honest enough.
"What about your things Mr. Valentino?" Neptune asked.
"Well they are kind of ruined but they might still work. Better then nothing right?" he shrugged and picked up the canvas pack. "Well let's go."

A few minutes later walking through the twisting passages.

"Neptune why are you here?" Xian asked. "Your clothes, they seemed like of nobility."
Neptune turned his head and smiled sadly. "Ah yes, well I was once part of a great family. But that is quite the long story."
"Tis okay dude, we have loads of time."
"Yes but its something I truly do not wish to speak off."

Valentino couldn't read minds. But something about this fish guy was way off. Not only did he dress nice and stylish but he lived in a place like this for what reasons he could not know, but having seen first hand that kind of things that where around here he knew ANY survivor would definitely not look as well kept as his "host" seemed to be. Not a stain of blood, not one single rupture in his clothing, nothing. He was clean, TOO clean.

"Ah here we are. I might as well go with you until you find this group of yours. The ruins can be very treacherous and dangerous."

And that was the other thing. He bothered too much... as if he wanted to be close. To make matters worse because he had lied Valentino could not use any weapon either... he was screwed if his "host" turn out to be not so friendly.

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Seath and Desiree had been walking, jumping, and traversing the city ruins even though the flood waters had not receded; the clouds still sprayed a mist of droplets throughout. The pair reached an overhead bridge. It seemed oddly familiar...

-"This is the same bridge we're we started off from..."- said Desiree calmly.
Seath looked around... indeed it was.

-"We must jump back into the water. I noticed that the main roads have become canals. This probably happens yearly, guessing from the water line marks in the walls there"-he said pointing to the spot were the color of the wall was different to the color that was constantly being barraged by the tide of the water, -"I saw something that resembled a boat back in one of the rooms we passed. Come follow me."-

Desiree followed Seath, he seemed to be winded, yet he pushed on. Desiree noticed that soon it would be twilight, the clouds covered the sun, but she could feel the night chill beginning to cover the land.

-"Seath...!"- she exclaimed, -"I think you should rest, its..."-
-"Twilight approaches I know, but we must press on."- he sharply said interrupting her.

Seath managed to track down the boat like structure, which very accurately he had described. To Desiree it seemed like it was some sort of ancient wooden-metallic ferry with no rows or sails.

-"Seath... how are you planning on moving this thing, and if you do, how are we going to navigate, it has no sail or rows. I thinks its better to wait till the waters recede, either that or to just swim for it. The current seems to have died down enough for us to swim."-

-"You need to observe better things around you Des..."- said Seath as he pulled a lever that began to lower the ferry in a wooden platform to the waters below.

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OOC: The previous post concerning Valentino, Xian and Neptune was to hint at things to come.

Shinzu shook his head. He was soaking wet. He was sitting crossed legs his left arm over his left knee. A smile on his face as he watched someone else. A few ten feet away was Ares. He was laying upside down, sprawled on the floor with his limbs extended. His chest heaved heavily. "Damn water!"
"Ares my friend it seems you are quite out of shape."
"Out of shape my ass, I am not some fish and I'm not some light little punk like you."

Shinzu chuckled. "I am still amazed you managed, I'd thought I had lost you back there."
Ares suddenly raised himself, back first then looked at Shinzu. "It'll take more then some little water to stop the Canonball." Then he pushed himself and landed on his feet with a heavy thud. Shook himself and began to look around. "Where in blazes are we?"

Shinzu had by now also picked himself up. Like Ares he had no clue as to where they where. But judging from the looks of it it seemed they where on an upper floor of the maze like ruins. "Seems like a temple room to me." Shinzu shrugged pointing to some religious like motifs. They looked at the area, Shinzu was the first to notice. "Hey I think that is a trap door. And over there that must be the switch to it."
"I'm on it." Ares exclaimed as he moved towards the heavy looking lever. He grabbed it and began to lower it. Indeed the wall began to move revealing a passageway. "I hear voices, down that way." Shinzu said. "Let's go, maybe its the rest of the team." Ares nodded. Shinzu brought out the lighting rod to use as a light as they both went down the dark passageway.

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When Nixie went in Frost was sitting on the middle desk. Just as he was the last time. There was no one else there except him. His white hair and its bangs, as usual, partly covered his right side. He never looked up from his desk, as he kept fidgeting with whatever it was that he was looking at.
"Oh you are back? I'd thought you had left by now back to your pink world." He said without even raising his view. "So I take it you have come to a decision. So tell me. What's it going to be?"

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Nixie looked at the white tiger, but she kept changing her stare because she was ashamed of looking at him after she stormed out the first time she had been here.

"Sir.... I want your help, I will do whatever you you tell me too. It is all kind of hard to swallow, and I am sorry for what I did a while back. I want to help you and your cause and also I wanna try to rescue my sister, after all she is all I have. Our parents died when we were still babies, and we never knew them except for pictures of them. We had to grow up by ourselves and it as been kind of hard, but Ivie always took good care of me. That's why it's hard for me to be apart from her, it's as if something is missing in my life. Would you still help me?" Nixie said in a low respectful tone.

"RAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was Ivie screaming to one of her underlings. "Have there been any type of messages for me?"

"No ma'am" the rat replied terrified of the consequences.

Ivie was furious, but she decided to turn around and breathed deeply. "I will go eat and prepare myself for bed, if any communication comes from Psicosis, please alert me immediately. If not DON'T BOTHER ME!!!!!!!!! Or else. DISMISSED!!"

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(OOC: I'm still here, and sorry to have not been contributing...but know. And I got a massive sunburn the other day, so have been hurting for a's starting to peel now, so hopefully the worst is over. And I figured out the name of ONE of my chars...the cheetah is Zephyr..I still need to think up the other one's name...)

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Seath and Desiree found a pole with a metal head that seemed to both of them was meant to steer the ferry boat by pushing against the floor of the flooded ruins. Desiree sat on the bow, while Seath, his strength returning due to the twilight moment ending, began to push the ferry boat deeper into the ruins, mainly following the flow of the water. Soon darkness began to fill the ruins, and whilst Desiree had trouble seeing Seath was able to keep steering and avoid colliding against the walls thanks to his wolven night vision. Soon Seath passed one of the first gates, and managed to pass the inner ring quickly. Apparently, the water flowed towards the tower, which worked well for Seath. He had been planning on reaching the top to figure out what to do next. He had to find the exit towards the door to Shakuras.


It dind't take long for him to reach the tower. Desiree followed Seath and they managed to find a door that led them in. Once they stepped inside, the derelict ruins came to life. Light came from the ceiling. An angelic voice could be hard followed by the shape of a human woman, but this woman had wings on her back and seemed to hover off the ground.

-"Welcome Children! I have been awaiting your arrival for three millenia..."- Seath and Desiree were speechless.
-"Who are you?"- exclaimed Desiree.
-"I' am the Guardian left behind by your Ancestors. Desiree, Seath, I have been expecting you... follow me please.."- replied the Guardian as she pointed to an open door behind her.

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The three walked for miles in a long dark and damped tunnel. Valentino looked at the map and checked his compass as Xian stood over him with a lit torch. The compass seems to be pointing at every direction.

"Maldita compass"

"Whats wrong"

"This dam compass is saying we're at the magnetic center in other words there something above us but i dont know what it can be though it could be a town or a village but what ever it is we're underneath it. Neptune whats above us?"

"You'll see, just a couple of more feet and we be at the door" said Neptune.

"Finally an exit out of these tunnels" exclaimed Xian.

In a distance the sound of a mechanism was heard and the sound of stones sliding. Xian and Valentino both looked at Neptune but he was just as puzzeled as they are. They all began creep slowly towards the noise and they can see light entering the tunnel.

"Xian, put out the torch out who ever it is might see us" whispered Valentino.

"Copy that" Xian replied.

"Neptune is there anything I should know about monsters that you forgot to mention that we should be aware of?" Valentino asked.

"No..." he answered.

"Then que carajo viene ahorra?" mentioned Valentino.

"Im just as puzzled as you are, theres nothing living here this place is in ruin nothing should be living here" said Neptune.

"What do you mean cabron... your here... ok, you live here not Xian and me... ok ok this has gone far enough... yo Xian yo kick this putos butt"

"But hes the only who can get us through the maze" exclaimed Xian.

"After you knock his butt out we tie him up"

"No! I wont do it hes the only one who know how to get through the maze, if anything I should kick your butt and tie you up if theres any suspicion I suspect you" said Xian.

"What!..." Valentino was abrubtly interrupted by some shadowy figure.

"Xian! Xian! is that you..."


"Oh my god its Shinzu and Ares, Shinzu, Ares over here" yelled the excited Xian. She ran toward shinzu and gave him a big hug and then gave Ares a hug.

"Wheres Seath and Desiree?" she asked.

"We was hoping that they were with you... wait whos with you?" asked the white echidna.

"Oh this is Neptune he knows how to get through the maze" she said with such embrace.

"Thats great" said Ares.

"And this is Valentino hes a Cartographer" hinting to Shinzu and Ares to keep an eye on him.

"So Neptune you know the way out of this place do you" asked Shinzu.

"Yea I do we just climb out this temple and take the back way"

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I don't like neither of them.

Yeah I know but right now they are the only help down here. Neptune knows how to get through this area and knows it well. And Valentino has experience as a map maker.

That might be. But look at Neptune. For someone whose living a long time down here he looks too well kept. How has he been eating or what for that matter?

He mentioned nothing is living down here too. Unless he goes out to hunt...

To which then he shouldn't be looking so nicely dressed. If you ask me his a big suspect. As for the map maker I have no idea what to make of him. Did you read their minds?

Yes. Nothing overtly suspicious turns up. But I get the feeling I am only reading Valentinos' surface thoughts. As for Neptune I could swear I caught a whisper of something else at the same time I read one of his thoughts.

Hmmm... Surface thoughts...

Think there's something to it?

Maybe. Will have to keep our eyes on them.

The group made their way back to the opening Shinzu and Ares had left behind.
:Wait... what the hell? I could swore we came through here?" Ares was the first to exclaim. He was swearing now profusely as he punched his fist against the wall. He shattered it a bit but not enough. "Stand back." He said as he grabbed his Punisher Axe and with swift and brutal strength cleaved the wall. The wall opened all right. But it revealed not the temple but instead yet another passage.

"Ok ya esto se paso. I told you this cabron was tricking us." Valentino began to swear in a different language. "I told you something was wrong. Since we came here we haven't FOUND a way out! And his the one WHO lives HERE! I mean okay so he helped me out at first but hey this is beyond normal."
"Calm down Valentino." Xian said. Neptune remain quiet towards the accusations. His eyes however began to have a hint of menace to them.
"No point arguing this. We should take this passage." Shinzu said. Then turning his attention to Neptune "Walk in front of us. You know this place better then any of us here." He said this because he wanted to keep his eyes on Neptune. "Ares keep a look on Valentino."
"You seem to be quite agitated friend. If you get too agitated Ares is the best person to calm you down."
Ares grinned dangerously as he cracked his left knuckle.
"Come on let's keep moving." Shinzu said.
Xian try to reach Seath or Desiree as soon as you contact either let me know.


The group went down the dark passage: Neptune in front followed behind by Shinzu walking at 10 feet away from him. Behind was Ares walking side by side of Valentino and the rear taken up by Xian.

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The Guardian led them to a chamber deep within the Tower of the Ancients. Suddenly the Guardian disappeared, it was as if she had never been there, but at the same time Seath could feel her presence. Time and space suddenly felt as if they had no meaning and Seath did not realize Desiree was not with him.

So at last you have found your way to us Keeper.

-"Who are you?"-

I am the last Keeper. The Lady of the Legacy must have brought you as it has for a millennia now.

-"What do you mean?"-

Are you not wearing the pendant?

-"Yes I am."-

Our Lady created this Pendant. You must have many questions. You are now in a room that has a special reaction with the Pendant. It allows you to see the collective consciousness of all the Keepers before you.

-"How many Keepers have there been before me?"-

You are the Tenth. Each Keeper reigned for 100 years.

-"What happened after those 100 years?"-

That I cannot answer to you yet. As it is I am not here and I am here. This will guide you to the Legacy. I have been waiting for you. My time is nearly at an end. You need to be enlightened on your task Keeper.

At that moment Seath eyes became engulfed with light. His eyes turning completely white. And suddenly he felt like he had blacked out.

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Frost didn't raise his head. He kept fidgeting with whatever controls he was working on. "Well one thing is if you are really staying with us know that there will be no mercy, no mommy to cuddle you up, and no sugar coated land to run off too. This is like being in the army except far more demanding. We will break you and then we will break you some more. Seeing as you've taken a decision, first off is Basic Training. Basic Training will take you only 12 straight hours of muscle memory conditioning."

Nixie opened her eyes wide. But Frost kept talking. "Those 12 hours your body will endure as if it had gone through 6 months. Don't be surprised. We must have able men and women ready to fight at any time. After those 12 hours you will get 8 hours of rest and report back for another additional 12 hours of training. Afterwards you will undergo Advanced Training based on the Faction you choose to form a part off. Athena will show you the way once you walk out these doors. As for your sister, I don't believe anyone would be more capable of getting her then you. Now that doesn't mean I'm cold hearted to send you in some sort of suicide mission. Scrap that. Yes you will go on a mission to get your sister back. But by all means not by yourself. You don't have the experience on the field. So before that you will undergo Basic and Advanced Training and afterwards I will see how best to proceed. That will be all." Then raising his head for a moment he suddenly tossed something at Nixie. When Nixie caught it it seemed like a translucent piece of stone but smoothed out and in a compact form. It looked as small as a PDA. "Take that with you and give it to your Basic Training Instructor."

"Mam a secure encrypted transmission from Psicosis."
"Well what are you waiting for?! Patch him up!" Ivie had been waiting for this for a while now. Soon enough Psicosis face appeared in the monitor. He had a half grin and gave Ivie a wink. Ivie just rolled her eyes. "Cough it up. What do you have for me?" She said in her natural impatient tone.
"Well I have good news and bad news."
"Ugh. Bad news first."
"Well the bad news is apparently the writings you found are not completely translatable unless we delve into the records of Neo Empire, the people I went too did a pretty good job considering they are Thralls. But that is the extent of their abilities."
"Good news?"
"Seems to me your sister and you are apparently of Ancient lineage."
"Ancient lineage? And that is good how?"
"No idea."
"Are you mad?! What will the Emperor do if he finds out?!"
"Not much really. You are on his side remember? In history the Emperor has never once turned down or betrayed anyone who was of his allegiance. I guess he does have a sort of code of honor or loyalty. Now if you where to turn on him... that's a different matter."
"Okay... back to the topic. What do the writings say."
"Well they where apparently referring to one person. That's the other point. There is no mention of twins. Just of one person."
Ivie claws scraped the metal a bit. The Emperor's words resounding in her head.
"What does it say about this one person?"
"It speaks about the Nature's Tempest."
"Nature's Tempest? What the heck is that?"
"Apparently some sort of weapon. Ancient designed weapon to be exact. Two halves that make one. One half is the power of the storms the other one the power of nature."

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(OOC: I've got WAY too many favorite sites..Need to pay better attention to this. By the way, I have a name for the other one now: Siren (you'll find out why later, there IS a reason ;p) No IC at the moment...a bit tired. And sorry to be flooding this with OOCs. Next post will be IC, I promise...WHENEVER that is....)

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Frost turned around and left the room, leaving Athena and Nixie alone. Athena turned and said: "Follow me."

Nixie followed Athena and when the doors opened she asked: "Am I going to get some rest first?"

Athena replied: "No time.... You must complete your training now."

Nixie was disappointed at this and also kind of scared. But she then notice that Light was no longer waiting for her outside. She thought to herself how lucky he was that he was able to go sleep and eat. But this thought didnt last long as she remembered the words Frost had just said. She was afraid of this training, 12 hours of continuous nonstop training and then only 8 hours of sleep. To start training again.

While the young koala was deep in thought, the couple had reached their destination. "Here we are," said Athena, "go inside and give the training computer to your master who will waiting for you inside. Good luck." Saying this she turned around and left Nixie alone.

The koala opened the door and entered a giant room. There was some sort of device in the middle, where someone could step inside and train. Or at least that's what Nixie assumed it was. She looked around and saw an old man who was walking towards her.

"Hi. My name is Petros and I will be your trainer, Nixie. This will be no easy task but I am sure that you will have no problems with it. First you will have to change clothes. There is a clean set of training clothes ready for you in the changing room. Then you will come back here and await further instructions, but before you go change, please give me your training computer."

Nixie gave him the small computer and went into the changing room. It was a small room and there was some water bottles in it, she decided to take one and drink a little bit. Then she changed into the training clothes. These had to be the most comfortable thing she had ever worn. She came back out, and saw that Petros was programming the device in the middle of the room.

"Im ready," she said as she walked towards him.

"STOP!" he yelled and at the same time knocked her into the floor with some kind of power. "First rule: learn to follow instructions, I said go change, I never said take a drink. Secondly, I said wait for further instructions." Turned around and continued working on the computer.

Nixie was stunned she didnt dare to move of speak. She just sat there looking at the old man.

"Ok, its done. Now step into the machine and stay still," he said. The koala did just that. Petros then proceeded to connect a whole bunch of tubes into her suit. Then he connected some wires into her brain. "Good, now whatever you brain tells you to do, do it and dont fight it. If you do, you could get badly hurt and I cant stop the machine for the next 12 hours. It will be hard at first, but you will get the hang of it. Good luck." He closed the door and walked into the mainframe and started the training.

The machine turned on and Nixie froze. She was terrified of what could happen to her. She felt electricity running throughout her body. It was as if every muscle in her body was being stimulated at the same time. Then she felt like throwing a kick, but she was so scared of hurting herself against the wall that she extended her leg but then bent her knee. Suddenly from her knee down there was pain, horrifying pain, so she extended the lower part of her leg and screamed. She had no time to think about her mistake because her brain kept sending messages into all her body. About what seemed to be a few minutes she was jumping up and down, and fighting like a pro, or so she thought. When all of a sudden she felt the need to concentrate her energy and do some kind of power. Nixie was amazed at what she had done, she had filled the container with water. And she was actually breathing. This was getting excited, she thought to herself.

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"Well that was unexpected." Petros looked at the readout and at the container. It was filled with water. Which was strange because he had not loaded the plasmic substance in. No that was water and it had come from the new recruit. Petros raised his right hand towards his head and pressed lightly on the small communicator he had on his ear.
"Sir I think you might want to come down and take look for yourself at what the new recruit is doing."
An hour later the doors slid open. "This had better be good Petros." It was Frost.
"Take a look for yourself."
Within the container the new recruit Nixie was doing martial arts like the training system was designed to do. That was the normal thing. Mixed in with her martial arts she was condensing and creating water, which constantly moved as she did her fighting moves. Whenever she jabbed the water would run in a fast snake like way running through her arms and would extend just as the jab was done into a solid amalgam of a water fist. Same would go whenever she extended any part of her body in an attack: the water was there becoming an extension of her attack.
Frost scoffed. "You called me down for this?"
"I'd thought it be interesting to know."
"Know what? That she is Arcanum based?"
"Do you think I would have called you down just for that? Look at the readout."
Frost gazed at it, then he raised one eyebrow. "One hour in and she already has mastery at that level?"
"You might want to look at the readout at 30 seconds time."
Frost pressed the data button, then scanned through the readout. "So at the beginning she immediately began to use her power..."
"Which usually take more then that to bring forth."
"I see what you mean. All right Petros your call was not untimely. Set her up in three hours. I want to test run her myself."
"Relax. I won't go all out on her. I just want to see what she is capable off. If she has such a display in one hour, then three more hours would be just fine."
"Just do it. She is Project Gemini she can handle it. And we don't have much time. Her counterpart already has a higher degree of training. If she is going to face her twin, she needs to be prepared faster. Only by being at the same level..."
"Does she stand a chance of Convergence." It was Athena she had gone inside the training room. "But Frost facing you in four hours time will be a bit overboard. Perhaps you should let her face me first."
Frost mulled over the possibility. Facing the Head of Night Shadows could be a good idea. Athena was not known to go soft either.

In that moment the new recruit was doing now more intricate moves as the machine drilled her muscle memory. She was now spinning and water was circling her and extending out in sudden frozen spikes only to regain their watery form just as quickly.
"She already has her Arcanum at that phase. I believe in four hours she can face me." Frost said
"Yes but the Trainer Capsule is one thing, fighting out of it is another. She would have to recall training and furthermore recall how to use it like that." Athena remembered him.
Frost shook his head. "I usually do take your advice. But we don't have much time. In four hours time she faces me. End of the story."

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About the time Seath was being questioned by the Council about his mistake

A surreal landscape. A man running away from the demons. Huge demons chasing after the man. The man cannot see them, he knows they are there but he dare not turn back. He runs for what seems to be forever. Yet not exactly moving from his spot either as if stuck in some sort of eternal loop... Slowly the monsters seem to begin to gain on him. And then suddenly salvation! A beautiful platinum haired woman stands in front of him. Behind her she carries a large sword. The man cowers in fear behind her. The demons approach but the woman just smiled. With sword in hand she jumps at them and slashes them easily...

"Are you done having fun?" Lucia opened her eyes, then she let out a yawn. In front of her was a familiar face. "Armando what are you doing here? Didn't you have a mission to attend to."
"Yes I do. But I wanted to pass by and greet my dear cousin."
Lucia smiled brightly and grabbed at Armando's cheeks. "Ah you are so sweet. Oh and how are things going with you know who?" she said letting out wink.
"With who?"
"Oh you know, that pretty koala girl you keep talking too in that nice little cozy place."

Armando's eyes opened wide. "Wait did you..."
"Hmhmmm." Was Lucia's only reply.
"You know you really have to stop going into my dreams like that. Unless you want me to craft one of my traps..."
"Oh don't get pissy I was just curious you know. Want to know what she dreams about you?"

By now Psicosis was getting red in his cheeks. "Oh you are blushing!"
"Shut up! Bah! And no I don't want to know. Anyway here, this is for you. It comes from the Emperor."
"Aah yes I had a nice chat with him. I told him I was unable to deliver the Key because you failed in your job."
"A little late he already knew that."
"Oh I know I just wanted to remind you who blundered that mission."
"Riight you wanted to rub it in."
"I gave the Key a rather very well crafted dream. I delivered him to you in wraps."

Psicosis shrugged and waved his hand dismissively. "Ca-ca happens cuz, ca-ca happens. Now I'll see you in a few." Psicosis left leaving Lucia all by herself. She looked at the small crystal made mini disc and then shrugging popped it into what looked like a floating quartz crystal in front of her.

Present Time

Lucia yawn. This was way too easy when she dealt with Thralls: they lacked any proper defense mechanisms. For some time she had been working on the dream psyche of some influential minds of New Haven. The same city Nixie had left some time ago. It was a downright boring job with little excitement. But orders are orders. She hoped after this she would get back to the front lines or at the very least Dream Walking those impudent heretics. Well just a few more days to go...

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Ivie hung up with Psicosis. What he said puzzled her, if this was true, Sonic would be right. Maybe she never existed after all, but then how could she be alive and how about Nixie? What if it was Nixie who shouldn't be alive? The koala thought of ways of solving this problem, maybe she could kill Nixie. But if she did, would this Nature Tempest seize to exist. While Ivie was deep in thought she felt a strong focusing of power deep within her.

"Weird, I have never felt this power before. What could it be? ARGH!!!!" She slashed a ceramic vase that was decorating the table in front of her. "I HATE RIDDLES!!!!"

Ivie decided to take another look at that weapon. She walked towards the chest and opened it once more. Then she reached in and tried to grab the first blade like weapon, but she couldn't grab it, there was something powerful holding her back. Impatiently she tried grabbing the other, this time the weapon disappeared and reappeared in her right claw. She felt a rush of energy running throughout her body.

"Nice," and she smiled. She locked the chest behind her, but this time she put another a lock, that only she knew the password.

"I should give this baby a test run," the koala said to herself, while leaving her room.

Nixie kept throwing punches and kicks around. She noticed that somehow she was using the water to make her attacks more powerful. The koala had no idea how she was doing this, but for the first time in her life she felt powerful. Minutes into her training she felt a rush of energy running through her body, but it was different from what she feeling before. It faded way too fast. But the blue eye koala had no time to think about it, she had to keep training. After what seemed a couple of hours, the cables that hooked her up to the computer suddenly detached from her. The water was drained and Nixie felt exhausted. next the pod opened, and there was Petros smiling at her.

"So how did I do?" she said.

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By the time Nixie had come out Frost and Athena had retreated. Only Petros was in the room. Exactly four hours had passed and Petros had stopped the training.
"Well... I have good news for you! Your training has been most impressive. Which is why you have only done four hours at this point."
"Four hours? I thought..."
"Never mind what you thought. Training will continue later. But like I said your progress has been so quick that even the Judicator himself was impressed and that is no small feat."
Nixie was shocked her eyes opened wide. "So do I get to take a break?"
"Not exactly. I have some bad news."
Now Nixie face changed to reflect worry. "Bad news?"
"Well sort off. The Judicator insisted that you be set up for a sparring match."
"A sparring match?! But I haven't ended my training yet, I wouldn't know what to do?"
"Don't worry you will remember along the way."
"So who is the match with, Athena?"
"Err no... heh that's the thing. You are set up to spar Brahms himself."

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-"...the Legacy must therefore remain here, in Shakuras..."- said a soft calm wolven female. She had ruby red eyes, grayish white fur, a scarlet mantle, with a golden ring that had some strange runes running throughout its curve. Around her sat bright beings whose language was undecipherable yet the female wolven was able to understand them.

The beings began to discuss, and argue amongst themselves. Their voices differed from soft and mellow like the wind, to rough and loud like the sound of thunder. Then suddenly the one sitting right in front of the wolven began to speak in her tongue.

-"We do not interfere in the in the matters of mortals... therefore this matter is quite an enigma. You have been wise to ask for our council... though the Legacy chose its guardian... its former guardian gave it to you for safe keeping."-

-"General Knuckles knew the Legacy would be safe with us in Shakuras."-

-"Yes... therefore you, Sahaer, and all your descendants will be its Keepers. You will become its Guardian, and only one from your bloodline will be able to use its powers for whatever reason it may be. Your descendants loyalty will only be to the safekeeping of the Legacy."-


Seath stood... he had fallen unto the floor. Desiree shaking him, trying to wake him up. It seemed so real... it was as if he had been there a millenia or so ago...

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The group had walked deep into the maze and the sun is starting to rise. Strange as it might seem they did not come into contact with any form of life just a trial of bones, this maze appears to be a deathtrap for unwelcomers.

"Oye Neptune you sure you know where your going cause i feel a little lost i dont know about you guys but its starting to get to me you know especially since i havent fed in ages im going through these cigarettes like nothing i hope for your sake i dont run out cause you'll be the first one bite puto"

"What the *&^% dont you ever shut up you been talking $#@! ever since we met, your conspiracies about Neptune, how to %$^#@ing make a map your lucky theres nothing out here... wait... theres nothing out here" Ares takes out his battle axe he readys a big swing but Shinzu has swiftly moved to the axe and grabs it by the bar with one hand preventing Ares from swing his heavy axe.

"Woa there big guy i know hes annoying but dam using your battle axe is a bit over the top"

"O c'mon Shinzu no ones around except for us c'mon i'll just cut him a little bit just so he can talk about how much it %$^#ing hurts" Shinzu tries again but Ares stopped him.

"Nooo... let him be, plus i think hes funny, theres no enemies out here... so relax"

"Heh you think hes funny well this will make me laugh"

"No no no no Ares just stay calm down and let the guy run his mouth"

"Alright i'll do that, yo funny man you see this" Ares is showing his hand as if it were talking "Thats you now what i want you to do is this" and he closes his hands.

"Can we carry on i will like us to catch up with the others i will feel more comfortable if we were all together"

"Sure Xian we'll carry on as long as that loud mouth will shut the hell up"

"What im bored and i like picking on Neptune i mean look at him i will like to dress like that homeboy he got style look at that i like it, its all fresh and clean and $#@@! I bet that *%%+% got mad honeys all fishy looking like him what about you Ares i know you getting some look at that trunk i know shorties going wild when they see you right right"


"Argh... this mother$#@!er wont stop will he"

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(ooc: Okay..finally gonna get into this fully. I may be a little disjointed though as I'm kinda tired from work, but let's see what I can do. Also, not exactly sure where they are right now, some random city, I guess. Let's just see where this goes, I guess. I just HAVE to start posting.)

At the end of a dark and dingy alleyway, a pile of discarded ragged cloth stirred. First one set of eyes, and then a second peered out aprehensively from underneath the fabric. There was more movement, and the homeless duo emerged cautiously into the morning. (ooc: I'm not really sure if it IS morning or not, but...*shrug* I can change it if needed.) The two cast somewhat hunted glances around themselves. Being female and homeless was a dangerous lifestyle. Luckily they hadn't been jumped least not in a circumstance that one couldn't bail the other out of. And they both had the dubious fortune of being good-looking.

Especially Siren. The purple hedgehog fit her name in that she often drew the unwanted attention of males. Luckily, her cheetah sister Zephyr (who was also purple...with black splotches) was always there to watch her back. As Siren was for her sister as well. The two were inseperable. They HAD to order to stay out of trouble.

And trouble had a way of finding them. Why just last night, the sisters had been begging for food in a seedy part of town, when a gang had spotted them and given chase. Knowing all too well what would happen if they were caught, they took off running. Siren surprised and frightened herself when she not only kept pace with her cheetah sister, but surpassed her. She'd had to stop to let Zephyr catch up. After that, she'd watched herself so that the two didn't get too far apart again.

Eventually, the gang had given up the chase and gone back to whatever warehouse they called home. The homeless twins had collapsed in the conveniently placed pile of discarded burlap, burrowing into it until they were completely covered and invisible to prying eyes. There, exhausted, they had fallen asleep.

Such was the life. It wasn't much of a life, but it was better than nothing.


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Shinzu laughed again. "Come on Ares you got to admit, the guy does know how to run his mouth."
"Pffft. I'd run something all right up his mouth, the shaft of my axe!"
"Hey mano yo no brego con eso okay? I'm not that type of guy, Im not pato like you. If you like talking about shaft and @+!@ that goes up your mouth that's you okay? If you like that @+!@ fine for you I won't hold it against you." Valentino retorted with another wise smart ass crack while having a smug half smirk on his face.
"Shinzu! I think I managed to lock on to them! I'm picking Desiree, but I can't pick up Seath!" Xian shouted as she ran towards the front line. As she moved towards Shinzu and passed by Valentino and Ares everything seemed to slow down.

A slicing wave came from ten feet up front. Shinzu caught it from the corner of his eye, barely managing to dodge it by leaping to his left side. Then rolling three feet he extended his hands, both of them having strange looking guns: one gun seemed like a desert eagle and the other like a colt python. Except they definitely look high tech. Xian was not so lucky... or was she? As the wave seemed to get 2 inches from Xian, she dropped back yet leaving her legs firmly in place and extending her arms dodged the wave in a Matrixesque-like move.

"WHAT THE...?!" Ares had already gotten the axe in his hand.
"Ves? Ves? Puñeta I knew it?! Dammit I knew it?! I was right all along. That mother fu..." Valentino was pointing like a crazy man to the front. To where Shinzu had been seconds earlier, ten feet up front to where Neptune was. Except that didn't look like Neptune anymore. Granted he still look fish like. But now he look completely different. It had rows of sharp teeth. Its eyes had become more slitted. Its skin seemed to have become coarse and darker. Its webbed hands and feet had now claws dripping with some sort of green liquid and its clothing had now changed, although it still had the noble flair it was now darker and grittier in style. It also now sported six serrated chains coming out of it: two at the arm region, two at the mid chest region and two from the upper back.

"Neptune?" Xian asked to no one in particular.
"Neptune isn't here anymore." was the reply from the creature. Its voice was harsh.
"Oh gravy, a creature with a dual personality problem." Shinzu commented in his usual cocky voice.

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As Shinzu and company were being attacked by Neptune, Seath reemerged from the avatar room. His eyes were pure light, his hair pure snow white, Destiny was engulfed in electrical waves. His necklace had now transformed into two fire rings around his hands. Seath hovered above the ground, he looked around and disappeared.


Desiree was lost. She had lost Seath, and had no way of entering the room where he had been sucked in by the blinding light. She suddenly heard Xian's voice tapping her mind; she felt they were nearby and began to look for them.

(OOC- tis is all I could come up with... I'm in a writer's block for anything that is not a novel that I'm writing... I promise though, I've been working on Seath's eventual fight with Neptune, and I promise to make it a long good post.)

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The bat smiled in excitement its been awhile since hes been in a brawl, ever since they put him to cryogenic sleep he hasn't had any action until now, wait he cant do anything or other wise it'll blow his cover. He thought of a number of ways to dispose of this fish, but he cant only one thing to do. So he ran with his arms up screaming like a girl only to hide behind Ares. "What are you waiting for shove that shaft you love so much in his mouth" Ares smacks Valentino sending him flying to a wall and drops to the ground out cold.

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(OOC: I am SO sorry not to have gotten back to this before, however, my job saps my energy for RP. I WILL get back to this, hopefully soon...)

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Seath moved quickly throughout the maze. It seemed unreal to him, he was being guided by someone other than himself, for he knew exactly where to go. Soon he was in the shadows facing a battle between his men, and a strange creature that looked too familiar.

-"I have seen you before…"- exclaimed Seath as he came out of the shadows. The shocked faces of his comrades were all too visible, and the puzzled look of the bat was priceless.

-"Quien puto is this guy?"- Remarked Valentino.

-"Seath…?"- asked Ares.

-"Yes… it is clear to me now… you are the last of the Great Magus' toys… the lost one…"- said Seath as he ever crept closer towards Neptune, whom had stopped attacking being enthralled by the light that covered Seath.

-"Divide!"- shouted a voice behind Seath… the creature began to scream and grab his head.

-"There is good within you, now divide!"- exclaimed Seath.

The creature began to rush at Seath, screaming, fighting the purging fire within. Seath took out Destiny, ready to fight this creature.

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(OOC: Have to get fully into this I'm kinda pulling a plothole...but just a small one...)


"Hey, Zephyr, look at this!" Siren pointed to a sign posted on a nearby telephone pole. "Maybe if we go there, we won't have to scrounge meals any more!"

Said sign was an advertisement for new recruits. Something about a 'Church of Southern Cross.' Zephyr flicked an ear as she read the highly-propagandized flyer. "Siren, don't be so gullible. It could be some underground slave-smuggling opperation designed to pull in unwary down-on-their-luck girls like us. I say we should avoid it."

" looks so professional! I don't think they'd do things like that!"

"What it looks like is propaganda...not neccessarily professional...ness."

"Oh, come on! Please? They might have actual BEDS! Just more hiding in burlap every night, no more fleeing from more huddling in the freezing rain..." Siren looked pointedly at her feline sister.

Zephyr sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ok, fine. You got me. But if something bad happens, remember...I TOLD you so..." Curse my feline aversion to rain and wetness...

The homeless twins set off to find the nearest SC recruitment facility.


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Targets Acquired...............................
Commencing Offensive Protocol: Exterminate All Targets
"Divide!" Boomed the voice inside Poseidon's head.

Suppression of Personality Neptune Enforced
Core Personality Poseidon Remains Operative
Primary Target Designated

Poseidon felt the divide effect but it would take more then just a few tricks to repress him now. Tails master pieces where not simple to take down. He made more then sure of that.

Energy Drain System Activated

It was clear to Poseidon who was to be taken out quickly and efficiently. With the first system in place he could practically absorb any energy launched at him, compress it and then use it. However there was more then one target.

Adrenal System Increased
Sensors Online
Hyper Reflex Activated

Now Poseidon would move in a surreal blur. It wasn't as fast as the Emperor's movements but it was quite fast. Moving in zig zags leaving behind a trail of after images Poseidon move quickly alternating between the left and right sides of his target. His claws where now engulfed in energy. In the last zig zag he delivered an attack towards Seath left flank with his left claw while rising the right claw slightly... Poseidon's senses where altered to the point that he had knowledge of everyone's position in the battle field. He would be ready for any counter attack coming from any direction...

Shinzu could easily track the creatures movements. That was one of his strongest suits: a capability to track high speed movements including teleport speed like the Emperor's. However he decided to feign weakness or more accurately not reaveal entirely to the group his true potential. He was an Elite Dispatcher but almost no one knew why exactly he was one, not even those close to him within Night Shadows. They just assumed he was quite good.

That was very true. Shinzu was exceptionally skilled. He lacked the incredible arcanum or psionic powers of most people but made for it in his skills. Still Shinzu could not allow this thing to kill the Key. As the being began the first phase of movement and in the blink of an eye but before anyone else could see what was going on Shinzu's hand moved with unreal speed as he loaded his revolver like gun with... something... then quickly flicking his right hand the gun barrel closed with a click and Shinzu targeted slightly in advance calculating the trail of the being. Indeed he was using zig zags. But the pattern repeated itself from one side to the next in the same even spacing. So it was a simple calculation just exactly where the last step would be so Shinzu shot slightly before the being even got there. Inevitably the being would run right into the bullet. A special one at that.

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(OOC: Is this still going? I'd like to continue with it if it is. I kinda forgot about the RP board for a while, but I'm back)

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OOC: Hardcore is on the army National Guard Basic Training. once he get's back maybe. I'll post my answer to Mortal Kombat later on tonight.

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[Quite possibly I plan on bring this back because it is a good story and it would be a shame for it to go to waste.]

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OOC: Whoa...i thought this had died. I'd love to see it come back though. :D )

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[OOC Working on it. Trying to find more people for it]

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OOC: Sorry for the 2 year delay :(....


Seath was impressed.... this "android" or whatever it was was fighting off his orders to divide. Immediately he began to be engulfed in flames, moving as fast as the android; grabbed it by his hand and forced him down.


Desiree was rushing down through the tunnel, a door had opened the instant Seath had disappeared. "where could Sir. Seath have gone to..." she tought as she began to see light at the end of the tunnel.

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By moving at the same speed meant both combatants would be at normal speeds for themselves. However Poseidon was weaving left and right whereas Sheath never stated waiting at any particular moment to strike. Which was in overall a bad idea. Because moving in to grab the hand of his opponent meant he committed himself to the grapple. Which would have been successful had he stated it correctly. Thus Poseidon saw Seath move committed to a grapple and aiming to grab him. It seems everyone must have forgotten the serrated chains Poseidon had, which immediately counter attacked by Poseidon weaving more towards his left and three of his chains acting. 

The one on his back shot forth to the right of Poseidon am arced around to impact Seath from behind something he would fail to see because he commuted himself into a forward grapple with no previous mention of having awareness of what was going on an forgetting the chains. The chain in the arm side shot forth to grapple Seath outstretched arms committed to grappling. The chain at chest level shot forth to entangle Seath's legs. Three attacks at higher velocity then the current speed they had entered. But Poseidon wasn't done, the chains acted more upon reflex. He lowered his right arm slightly and took an additional step as Sheath reached out to him. This will put Sheath suddenly closer then he needed to be. And with much force raised his hand, claws outstretched in an attempt to hit him in the abdomen area with his claws.

"Oh my... Is he stupid or does he have a suicide wish?" Shinzu talked to himself Seath was not acting with any tactic, or any safety. His hand blurred with unreal speed as he loaded his gun but now found he could not fire accurately with Seath in front and Poseidon behind Seath. Even with his insane accuracy the effects of the bullet will also hit Seath and that might be dangerous. "Damn." Tracking both combatants high speed movements Shinzu ran towards his right, given both combatants where right in front of him, and ran... Right up the wall! Then continue to run towards where both combatants where and leaped in the air once more the unreal speed from his hands moved as he flew through the air and he loaded his chamber with another bullet. As he arced and sailed through the combatants overheads he aimed...

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Ah, but Poseidon had forgotten, Seath was engulfed in flames; flames reaching melting point temperatures at the speed they were going. The chains began to heat up so much that they began to burn through Poseidon's flesh. The flames began to consume Poseidon. Seath stopped, Poseidon was in the ground burning alive.

-"NOW! DIVIDE! You will obey me!"-


Desiree got to another door. As she pushed it, she saw Seath enveloped in flames, and the whole group watching as he fought some strange creature. She rushed to join up with the group.


"Cocky bastard..." said Shinzu as he locked on to Poseidon whom had fallen to the ground being engulfed in flames.


"Xian, I need you to help control him on the floor. Let the flames do their job"
Xian heard on her head, as she began to exert power upon Poseidon.

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Had the pyrokinesis bothered Poseidon one bit he would have retreated. Seath apparently did not realize this small fact. Poseidon after all had established a few posts above that:

Energy Drain System Activated 

With the first system in place he could practically absorb any energy launched at him, compress it and then use it.

So basically Poseidon had just lured the prey into a quadruple trap and draining his target's Pyrokinesis at the speed he was would clearly leave his victim feeding him more power. After all Tail's was a master of designing some very wonderful and dangerous toys.

So Seath got hit on the back with full force because he did NOT act towards any incoming threat assuming Poseidon would burn off. But Pyrokinesis in essence is exciting molecules at high speeds until they combust, drain the Psionic energy of the psion and the fire inevitably dies out. And at this distance his Energy Drain was working at full blown power while he constantly compressed and store it for later use. All of his body was after all draining energy and this included his serrated chains.

Seath was in deep trouble. Because as the chain hit behind him it will force him into the claw like uppercut Poseidon had moved into while the other chains would wrap and further drain their for. Why would Poseidon even go up front towards Seath if he didn't know what he was doing? So Seath was entangled in his arms, legs and a claw dripping with God knows what right into his abdomen. It would have been far worse except Poseidon was too focused on Seath to notice the overhead Echidna...
"Got you." Shizu said quietly for Poseidon did not act towards Shinzu apparently to focused on his prey. Shinzu fired a shot which hit Poseidon's head a small dark pulse was observed and then a blast which made Poseidon scream and force to fling his prey away a good few feet an smash into a wall. Then look up as Shinzu was twisting and dropping down. "Crud..." he didn't finish because three chains the ones that where not used to fling his opponent shot towards Shinzu. And in the air it would be difficult to dodge...

And the chains would have hit the mark had the bulky Ares not blocked their path with his Punisher Axe parrying all three chains. "Nice moves Shinzu but you should leave the fighting to us experts!" Ares exclaimed. Shinzu landed safely on his feet only to shout: "NO Don't get in close with it! It has Tails design written all over it and as a Lost it is probably one of the more powerful of his Lost Toys!"

Ares just hmphd. "Clearly you haven't seen me in action mate! I break Toys" Ares eyes flickered and began to go blood red.
Seath had hit something on the wall that cushioned the blow. "Sir are you ok?" It was Xian. As a Biokinetic she could make and mold her body in many ways that many would not understand. Like making her body absorb the kinetic blow of Seath's flung body without shattering her bones. After checking Seath was okay she adopted her fighting stance.

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[OOC Oops double posted. Anyway Seath you have a team for a reason don't gung ho a threat without tactical thinking or you will get hurt and badly.]

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Seath felt weaken, to the extent that his new powers had been waning..

That thing eats energy... he thought... He managed to get up, he noticed why hes was acting without any sort of concentration... it had been twilight... and even in the state of raw power he had been... Twilight still managed to affect him. Fortunately, only physical attacks made by Poseidon had any effect on him because the avatar power had managed to keep him safe.

He got up... Xian I'm going to need you to become a ball!" He screamed!

He no longer could fly, he was back to the normal Seath, but he could jump very high.

Xian had curled up into a ball and Seath jumped high into the air with her. Seath, using Destiny's water abilities, managed to make a steam barrier around her and with his body engulfed in flames managed to throw Xian into Poseidon, to distract him from the incoming Ares.


Ares on the other had begun to work up into a frenzy. He began to rush right into Poseidon, Ax in full force ready to pound him into the ground.


Desiree, recently arrived, had managed to get acquainted with what was going on. She immediately jumped into the fight.

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(OOC: Now...if I can just remember what I was doing and who my characters were...XD)

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[OOC Serenity you had twins a Cheetah and a Hedgehog, they where both heading to the nearest recruitment facility of SC after the female hedgehog convoked the Cheetah they might have food and actual beds :)]

Somewhere else...

Green eyes glitter in the darkness. Two jade-like earrings tinkling in the green light of the Throne Room of the Emperor and when the light shines just right one can see the skulls in them.

In the silence of the Throne Room a lone hedgehog sits embroiled in his thoughts...

"I smell someone is faltering..." a hushed almost whisper like voice is heard. "... That body you took still reeks of..."

The hedgehog's green eyes flared up. "No! There is no shred of the one I took within me you should know that."

Hushed laughter is heard and the voice speaks again "That sounds more like it! That sounds like the Emperor I knew and love!"

Sonic gazes in the distance and a silhouette can be seen in the shadows of the green lights. "I have always been your loyal servant. Why now?"

"Why now what Emperor? Why am I here? I think that is quite a most stupid question to ask me!"

The silhouette makes a sudden move outstretching his hand and Sonic is lifted in the air an invisible force choking him. "You dare question me, Emperor?"

Sonic struggles for air. "My... apologies... Master..."

"Better. See? You do not bite the hand that feeds you and you should know better then to question your superior." the hushed voice answers back as he let's go of Sonic and he slumps in the Throne.

"I am here to make sure you do not make the same mistakes. I do not like to be imprisoned Emperor. 1000 years, 1000 years imprisoned again... And all because of what?! A blunder! An idiotic mistake on your part! YOU let the Triad slip away! YOU allowed us to be imprisoned and YOU know how much I hate being imprisoned! Did I not make that clear the first time ages ago Emperor?! Did you forget?!"

The interlocutor had now appeared in the lights. Sonic's spine went cold and shivered in front of the only being he feared. In front of him was a teenage boy with a cruel smile. His looks seemed almost feminine and he was handsome, too handsome in fact. But his beauty reeked of pure evil. His white spiky hair was combed back in a slick manner and like Sonic he was wearing two earrings but his where close to the ear. The young man's skin seemed a sickly pale grayish blue and he dressed in a crimson colored suit that only the nobles would wear.

"You failed me once Emperor! I gave you power! I gave you everything you had! And you dare fail me! Your Master?!" The hushed voice seemed to surround the room and seem to come from every direction. "I am here to make sure you do not make the same mistakes child."

Sonic remained quiet. Then he got up and walked to the young man. At first glance they seemed almost of the same height but the young man overtook him however by a foot. Sonic bowed to this stranger not daring to look.

"I am forever a servant of the Primal Evil. You should have more faith in me Furosto."

Furosto looked at the bowing hedgehog only with contempt. " I have very little faith in you after what happened the last time."

"I assure you I will obtain what you desire most Master. I only ask that you have faith in your child. I will bring forth my Empire again and I will ascend to become an Eternal. As I vowed to you I vow now I will make sure you get what you want."

Furosto smiled now and bent down and lifted Sonic as a father would a child. "See to it that you do. But this time I am here to make sure you succeed child. Do not fail me like the last time." As he said this last words which seemed to come from everywhere he began to dissolve into nothing.

A hushed whisper could be heard close to Sonic's ears. "Be sure you do not fail me Emperor or I will assure you I will make you regret it dearly..."

Sonic shivered again. Then return to his throne his green eyes glowing now. A determined look in his face. He would not fail the Primal Evil, he could not fail the Primal Evil again. He knew that if the Primal Evil had sent the highest of it's incarnations it was because it wanted to make sure he did not fail but also because if he did fail he knew Furosto would consume him. Sonic shivered once more at the thought. "No. I will not fail. Not this time." Then he smirked. 

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As the Xian ball was about to hit Poseidon, Ares had begun to rush Poseidon, ax up high beginning to fall upon the head of Poseidon. But Poseidon's chains began to head towards Ares, but, too late to do anything against XIan whom hit him on the back... his entire focus on defending against Ares. Poseidon fell on the ground face first.


Poseidon tried to stand up... For some reason he could not. It was Desiree... she had placed a ward around his body, making him unable to move.


From a distance... a white hooded figure with a wooden staff watched the fight unfold.

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(OOC: Ok...lessee if I can get back into this...been so long since I used these characters...)


"Is that it?" Zephyr asked increadulously.

"I...think so."

"Oh yeah, if that's a church, I'm an Ancient."

"C' can't be that bad!" Siren cajoled heading toward the building.

Her purple cheetah twin sighed. "I just know this is a bad idea..."

With that, the two sisters ventured inside...


(OOC: Feel free to expound on this. I have no idea what your idea of Southern Cross is like now. XD; )

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Valentino snuck a peek at the fight, noticing that they lacked team work other wise this fight would had been over. 

"How did I get mixed up in this, I have no interest in mortals affair" he thought. While they fought, Valentino began reminicing his days as a human when there was such a chance of having sweet death. 

I never would've thought being immortal would be such a curse. Oh if I  could feel my wife's warmth once again. I tried to bring her to the other side of the fence but I couldn't. I didn't possess the gift to embrace... instead she became a mindless zombie. If only I had not taken that offer, how ignorant was I. 

Valentino sneaked another peek. How careless they are, so young and reckless. Do they not fear death. Am I any different then they. My days as an assassin was so life thrilling. I never felt so alive. It excited me to take someone's life, I felt as if I was death but I knew in the back of my mind I to could have died just as easily. I loved it when they never saw it coming, their death that is, the look on there faces was priceless. (laughs) It's probably what caught my master's eye. Now I have to take life to sustain my own or the thirst will take over... Wait now that I think of it why haven't I felt the thirst?

Valentino tried to bring his fangs forth, nothing. "Well this is unexpected..." he said in a low voice. 

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[Please edit Seath you need to wait until I post for Poseidon's actions therefore I have to disregard practically your whole post. Patience is a virtue.]

As Xian rolled at a high speed, for Seath had thrown her with quite a lot of speed, she made her bones stronger and jut out of her body. That meant she was now similar to a hurled spike ball at roughly 100+ mph. On the other hand in front of Poseidon was Ares who was already rage filled and began to charge towards Poseidon. His Punisher Axe raised he moved much faster then his considerable size would allow. On the other hand Shinzu leapt to the nearby wall and fired again from his gun making sure he wouldn't hit Ares, then bounced of the wall in the opposite direction twisting in mid air upside down and fired again. Meanwhile Desiree put her hand on the ground and uttered a quick series of words. And the ground underneath Poseidon became like quick sand.
Mutiple Threats Acquired

Poseidon's super computer system gauged all incoming threats and responded accordingly.

First the bullets fired as they where the fastest of the incoming projectiles he sent two right chains to put themselves in between him and the two bullets fired, so the chains would take the brunt.

At the same time his upper left chain responded as it launched itself 15 feet to the left, arced and ground itself on the ground. In the last 5 seconds seconds the Xian ball would impact him the chain suddenly pulled him out of it's trajectory. While at the same time the lowest of the left chains whipped hard towards Ares legs, either way having moved himself out of the trajectory left Ares in the path of Xian. This would also move him away of the forming quick sand.
Ares wasn't stupid as soon as he gauged Xian moving towards him after seeing the creature suddenly pull itself out of harm's way and saw the chain whipping hard towards him he responded in the best way he could: at the last second he lunged and leapt over the whipping chain, rolled without breaking movement into a run and put his shaft in a way as to bat Xian right into Poseidon.
Shinzu smiled he expected the creature to put the chains in the way, but he knew the chains where a part of the creature as well. Where the bullets hit they burst into a shadowy black substance that began to travel through those two chains that had blocked both bullets.
Desiree changed her wordings but kept her hand on the ground, the quicksand stopped almost as immediately as it started but instead spikes jutted out from the wall which would skewer Poseidon who had pulled himself towards that direction...

Posts: 37
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[OOC: Never mind my previous post then; I thought you had not posted on purpose, I hope you don't eliminate this post either =_=, just trying to advanc the story a bit here...]

Seath looked at his comrades, all fighting hard against this being, whom he knew was overpowering an innocent within. It was night, he felt the power of his wolven pack strengthening him. He placed Destiny back in its sheath, that he carried on his back, placed all four paws on the ground and took a stance, only known to his clan... a screeching wolven howl began to penetrate the entire tunnel... the sound penetrated the rock walls, the moon's light could be seen (the ancient city was able to receive the light of the moon)...

[OOC: Edited on GM's request]

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The howl from Sheath came fort like a shockwave. Ares in his present mind, bulk and the fact he kept charging towards Poseidon after batting Xian his way ignored the effects; it would take more then that to move him.

Shinzu seemed unaffected as well perhaps because he was using a gravity control device but he landed a few frets further then intended. "Oh bother why did he had to do that?"

Poseidon was pushed forward from the shock wave meaning he did not get skewered as Desiree had planned who had take a firm footing to hold on from the shockwave. This also meant Xian was also sent forth somewhat missing her intended target by a few inches. As soon as she touched the wall she uncurled landed her feet against the wall and leapt back, as she did this she sent a spinning kick towards Poseidon, her kick having one of her bones jutting out like a blade from her foot and dripping a strange substance. Poseidon was unable to fully block it putting his arm instead to parry the blow receiving a superficial wound.

By now the two chains hit with Shinzu's bullets where fully black Poseidom forced to detach them immediately. He could regenerate them but it will take him some time so now he had four chains remaining. As Ares approached another chain acted upon it's own volition and lashed out but Ares pressing a button on the shaft of his Punisher axe and with a swift movement from his axe held high he sent it right into the chain. The effect was instantaneous as the weapon energies sliced cleanly through and Ares pushed onward.

"We better hurry and wrap this up!" Desiree exclaim to Sheath. "Before Ares goes Berserk!"

Poseidon now had three chains and found that he was vastly out numbered. He sent the three chains to burrow into the wall he was close and began to climb, aided by the chains as they detached and burrowed ever upwards at am amazing spider like speed. Then at the epitome of the wall he looked back, grin and without hesitating one bit he leapt over the wall.

Shinzu fired a couple of rounds but missed as the Lost Toy clambered out of sight. "Damn it was Shinzu's reply. But Ares had worked himself in a frenzy and without any grace whatsoever he cleaved the wall breaking it and making a passage.

"His retreating!" Xian exclaimed.

Shinzu however replied before the others could "No, he is off to regenerate himself. We need to take him down or he will be back fully recovered."

Then looking towards Sheath he made one question: "Do we pursue or continue to gate leading to Shakuras?"

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