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I haven't started an rp for a very long time. I'm gonna try my hand at one again. This one will probably be unsuccessful, due to apparent lack of enthusiasm and support in the activities that the characters are going to take part in.

Basic Briefing: One part Jet Set Radio, one part Marc Ecko. It's humans. The setting is one city. One HUGE city. If anybody has played Sonic Heroes, think of that Metroplis level as far as architecture goes. New and cool technology is encouraged. It'll be interesting to see how new technology could benefit the characters.

I haven't started an rp for a very long time. I'm gonna try my hand at one again. This one will probably be unsuccessful, due to apparent lack of enthusiasm and support in the activities that the characters are going to take part in.

Story: "My name is Mint...or at least that's my alias. My real name is Joshua Matthew Spear. I live in the city of Ultropolis. Ultropolis is a gigantic city. The biggest city in the world. It's divided into four sections. The North side, the South side, the East side, and the West side.

It's a prosperous, happy city...and I hate it. It's opressed. No self expression. All the citizens wear nice business suits or school uniforms. No artwork, unless it's some sort of industrial propaganda. There is virtually no individuality. It's not because nobody wants to be their own person. Oh no, no, no. It's because they have to conform...unless they have a death wish.

Y'see, Ultropolis is a walled city. It was built about 150 years ago. It was a kind of sanctuary during a time of war. Completely closed to the outside world. No reference to it whatsoever. The reason being is that when Ultropolis was built, Mayor Mathias Jameson found this city to be the best opportunity to create 'the perfect society.' And he has a continuing bloodline, with the same dream as him. And they will let nobody ruin their little utopian paradise.

Until now. Me and my friend Speak have started a revolution. One 'gang' for every side of the city. We now have the weapon of self expression. Graffiti, music, and street sports are our ammo. No such thing as perfection right? So why should people believe that there is?"

Fill out this character profile and you're we'll go from there:

With hoody:

Without hoody:

Day clothes:

Real Name: (i.e. John Doe)

Alias: (i.e. Haze...anything that kinda has something to do with you)

Music Style: (Punk, Techno, Rap, etc.)

Favorite Colors: (This is kinda important in the graffitiaspect)

Personality: (Pretty self explanatory)

Appearance: (Some from of visual is encouraged, however not required)

Real Name: James Matthew Spear.

Alias: Mint ('Cause he likes minty things).

Music Style: A little bit of everything. Mostly punk rock.

Favorite Colors: Any Green, Purple, Black, Light Blue, Aqua, White, Grey.

Personality: A pretty likable guy. Friendly. Gets along with most. Started the revolution by being the Dj of an underground radio station by the name of KAOS Radio, so naturally he's a pretty charismatic guy. Looks out for his homies, get's their back. Would sacrifice himself for the ones he loves.

Appearance: Pic will arrive shortly (Note: to those of you who really want a character pic, try going here:
Also, until we get our feet on the ground, you'll be joining Mint's gang. He has the east side and a gang hasn't been established yet.

Posts: 279
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OOC: Intriguing...I'm game 😛 Though from the looks of your intro there might be more of a post later. Is that so or shall I just post my char now?

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Posts: 2016
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OOC: Hellz yeah, I'm in.

Real Name: Daniel Shepard
Alias: Maestro
Music Style: Alternative Rock, Heavy Rock, Techno, Dance
Favorite Colors: Red, black, gold
Personality: Danny is a very relaxed, laid back kinda guy who takes life as it comes, not dealing with the problems until it's right in his face. If it's fun, action and adventure, this guy is the first to volunteer for it.
Appearance: Danny sands just a little under 6 feet tall. His short, black hair is spiked backwards, and his has a silver streak running through either side of his hair. He's caucasian, slightly tanned, and a bit muscular.

I'll make an intro post sometime soon, ja.

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OOC: I'll start off.

Mint was at the tippy-top of a billboard. Ot depicted the mayor giving a speech and it read, 'MAYOR JAMESON IS FOR YOU' Mint had his arms at his side. Then, he raised them up and began to fall. On his way down, he did crazy flips and spins and ran along the wall. He landed on the metal grate below and did a backflip down to a building roof.

The Mayor's face had X's over his eyes and instead of the billboard reading the original message, it now read 'Mayor Jameson is OpReSsInG you'.

"Sweet..." said Mint. He ran off into the night to 'deface'(or 'demask' as he liked to call it)some more city property.

Posts: 276
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I KNOW I KNOW! I'm double posting. I just want people to know it's alive.
