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Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

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"Right then. Let's go!" Vector smirked as he and Espio began to head towards Twinkle park. As the two Chaotix arrived, they saw others in teh area as well. "Heh... I guess we're not alone for this case," said the crocodile.

OOC: Short again, but didn't want to do too much with Espio since he's not my characters. Sorry about using him for that brief part. =/

Posts: 1334
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Initializing [VSONIC1.0.exe]

....5% ....30% ....75% ....98% ....100%

Uploading file [nackthefang.mod]

...23% ...62% ...93% ...100%

Downloading voice file [nack.scp]

..44% ..77% ..100%

Calibrating Mobius World.

..loading ..loading ......complete.



Player: NACK the FANG

Whoa. Just...whoa. This experience was definatally worth it. The figure in the middle of a lone rooftop in a highly modernized city smirked. The figure was obviousily the player of Nack. This whole experience was so....mind boggiling at this given momment. He blinked once more, the experience taking him in. He looked to his belt and grinned. Just as the game description said. Nack the "Fang" was indeed armed with a highly powered pistol. Unlike most of the rest of the furry counterparts.
Though, before he could take anymore of the experience in a option clicked on.

"Do you wish to experience the 'basics' tutorial?" was what it asked.

Nack snorted. And obviousily selected the 'no' option. The weasel then collected himself and walked to the edge of the roof. Looking down, he could plainly see- that the world was more stunning than he thought.
"Station Square." he gasped out. As he said such a thought popped in his head to retrieve his pair of binocs that wrapped around his neck and scann the surface of Station Square. Also known as Capitol City.


It was fast. Much different than the regular binocular's he was used to in the "real" world. But before another thought came into his head a important notice did. Well, upon observation. Through those binoculars he could see three primary figures. One Orange, One Pink, One...Blue.
Nack spat and then grinned. Wherever they went usually was a prize or self-proclaimed quest. And either or riches would come to him....if he did what his character did best. Heh, or he could get lucky in the run. Good choices, both at that. Nack then grinned. He then jumped.

Off the roof.

Into a freefall.

Posts: 530
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Tails thought about how awesome all of this was, then pumped his fist into the air. "Let's do it together!" Sonic smirked and did a thumbs up. "Cool! Just as long as you two can keep up with me!" Amy shuffled her feet, thinking about what she was going to say to Sonic, but Tails broke the silence. "C'mon, Amy! He's already on the elevator!" "Huh? Oh, right Tails! Sorry..." She grabbed her Piko-Piko hammer and they all got into the elevator just as the doors closed.

Loading Stage: Twinkle Park... Mission: Rescue Froggy. Initiating...

Posts: 1334
Noble Member


Just falling.

It was undescribable, but then again he didn't want his virtual life to come to a end when he hit the blacktop. Remembering how Nack worked, he got at the right angle and using his quick thinking he looekd for someway he would not go "splat". He smirked.

And as luck would have it, he and his feet collieded with a monorail train, which coinceidentially was ehading for where else?

Twinkle Park.

Using fast paced thinking he entered the train through a open window. On entrance he sat down in the train, and with a musty grin...he was entering Twinkle Park.

Afterall he had seen the blueboy head in that direction when he was free-falling.


Luck, that was the Card of the Weasel.

And he would play it often in this game of VS.

Posts: 208
Estimable Member

As Omega reaches Station Square he receives the find Froggy mission and the location to Twinkle Park.
"Huh? this first mission is weird." Omega says, He then saw Nack jump on the train then get in, seeing the data in his vision it was heading to Twinkle Park he jumps the fence and slides on the rail after the train, he reaches it and jumps digging the pointy ends of his silver hands on the back part of the train, he wanted to surprise Nack when they arrived.

OOC just to know I could like to control Omegas actions, and not be controlled by other players in their posts please.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Well, even though some people have some reservations about whether or not theyre allowed to control their character or not, all I can see regarding my character is that people are allowed to control him to their personal discretion as to how far is possible. Blatant controlling which just decides something I otherwise might not want is a no-no, but to advance the storyline is acceptable. Actions that Sonic performs can also be done by people as well, its mainly the choices I want to keep to my own.

But then again thats all RP standard, in a way. XD


The elevator came to an end, and with it all three of the crew finally entered the bustling environment of Twinkle Park. As soon as they walked into full view of the theme park styled environment, they all gasped and muttered words of astonishment, surprise and excitement. The sheer scale, appearance, and atmosphere was incredible.

It was far larger and more detailed then previous game versions. It was now extended in a more proper theme park-esque look, with several stalls all selling various souvenirs and food, and tons of rollercoasters and other theme park rides. The place was also populated a lot too, even for the time of day that it was. Finding Froggy in such a place would be difficult.

Hoo-wee! Where to start searching first, eh? Sonic called out, looking around and scouting the area.

Oh, man, its going to be hard to find Froggy in here! Tails called out, dismayed.

Though we work as a team, I suggest we split up and make use of our abilities here to help each other out! Sonic said, raising a thumbs-up.

The two others looked towards him with a bit of confusion. They understood what he was implying, but wondering how they would go about it.

Tails, how about you take to the air and see if you can find Froggy from up high? Sonic suggested. Hmm, Amy, you could ask some of these people if theyve seen him.

And what are you going to do, Sonic? Tails asked.

Heh, use my speed to search this place across everywhere possible, thats what! What do you guys say? Sonic replied.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: I agree with Pach...Mega, no problem, you didn't do anything out of character, and be quite honest I don't see how it's possible to RP while completely not involving other people's characters...there may be times when it is nessesary to have a character utter a word or a sentance, or maybe complete a short movement, simply to continue the story. I accept that major desisions/movements/etc should be taken by the player, but to completely forbid everyone to include the character may lead to you getting a little left out, imo.

If Espio interacts with Omega at some point I may in some of my posts have to put in Omega saying a line or something, simply to make the story flow easier, but this will not be anything like "Omega went over here and did this and that, then went over there and..." etc. It would be simply a gesture or a word. I assure you I will not make any desisions for you or take over control of him.)


Espio watched the lift ascend with Sonic, Tails and Amy on it. He and Vec hadn't been quick enough to catch them before they entered the park.

"I wonder what they're doing here." he pondered, watching as the lift reached it's height and stopped. "They'd better not get in our way..."

Vector glanced down at him. "Espio, you worry too much."

The chamelion almost laughed out loud! It seemed Vector was getting into character quite nicely! Of course, in order to stay in character he would have to resist the urge to laugh...

"Trust no-one, never be dissapointed." he muttered stoicly. "So far as I can tell they have no reason to be here." He picked out a ninja star from his belt, flicking it experimentally between his fingers. "Let's hope they don't cause any trouble...are we going in?"

Posts: 127
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"Well of course we're going in, Espio. We aren't gonna let those others interfere with our case," Vector said. "Come on, looks like that elevator is empty again."

The two walked towards the elevator, entering Twinkle Park.
The lift reached the top. The two entered the park. Vector took a moment to gaze upon the environment. "It looks so real," he muttered to himself. Espio glared at Vector. "Don't forget our main objective, boss," siad the chameleon.

"Of course. What kind of detective would I be if I let the sights get the best of me?" replied the croc. "Now let's go find that frog!"


Posts: 258
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He was supposed to find Froggy? Why would Shadow need to find Froggy? Shaking his head in annoyance, he ignored the objective that had appeared in his HUD. He was going to play this in-character, and Shadow the Hedgehog wouldn't go after some dumb amphibian without a damn good reason. Some other player could find the frog.

Instead, Shadow walked casually through the city streets, marveling at how realistic it all was, amused by the reactions of the simulated pedestrians upon seeing him. Some would stare at him uncomfortably, quickly looking away when he returned their gaze. Some quickly shuffled off, trying to put distance between themselves and the black hedgehog. Some of them lacking in AI started running up to him with shouts of "Sonic!", asking him for his autograph. Apppearantly, they had somehow mistaken him for a certain blue hedgehog. An angry glare in their direction corrected them. A police officer that he passed eyed him suspiciously, his hand getting closer to the gun on his hip. Shadow noted that a health bar appeared over his head. A potential enemy if he started trouble.

Eventually, he decided to try out running. Picking up speed, his jet shoes kicked on, propelling him out of control and into a wall, knocking him senseless. Skating on jet shoes was a lot harder than it looked. After several more such accidents, he started to get the hang of it, cruising along, scaring the crap out of people by zipping by so fast. Shadow laughed. This was great! The shear feeling of speed and power was incredible! He had never felt so free before.

Unfortunately, it seemed that some of his more interesting powers would not be available until he obtained a chaos emerald. Perhaps he should do something about that...but how?

Posts: 2016
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The green duck forward as a train passed ahead over the streets, and he could make out a purple figure ...falling? He blinked, as it landed, luckily, upon the train, but it was gone before he could even see the figure disappear into the train.

His mind quickly raced with all the characters that were purple. Big? Nack/Fang? Espio? Blaze? He jogged a bit forward, watching the train tracks, and noticed they were heading towards Twinkle Park. Coincidence? He flapped at his wings, and was propelled skyward, and he landed upon the train tracks. He figured this would have to be the fastest route towards Twinkle Park, plus he could see everything from up here.

Even the black blur which sped along the ground. Great! Someone's already got Shadow!? He facefaulted, very much in an anime-like fashion.

Posts: 980
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'Knuckles' was currently weighing the value of the last message...which had been spotted just a moment before it blinked out.

" Proceed to Twinkle Park to obtain Froggie? " He repeated slowly, rubbing the back of his head in befuddlement. "Not the Frog AGAIN?!"

" So, that means Knuckleheads gotta leave the island, or is that for GOD knows who else has arrived? "

Ahh, was moments like this he'd been inadequately prepared for - ambiguous game objectives that seemed oddly out of place.

Looking around, he sighs for a moment and gives a shrug - if this was gonna be HIS mistake, then it wasn't like he had a choice.
then again, maybe it was safe to go just for a l'il while - and besides, he might actually be able to get properly involved in the game, instead of sitting here like a sitting duck.

" HELL with it - Here I COME!!! "

With that, he proceeds to jump over the side...into a gliding position.

Immediately caught up in a windrush, he yells out loud in absolute joy of the freefalling glide, a sensation he'd never have been able to experience on his own.

{UNREAL!!! Oh, wait...'course it is.} He thought to himself, as the wind momentarily left him unable to he focused his mind on the task at hand, only slightly taking note of the words 'Gliding tutorial' below.

{NICE....very shway!} he mentally noted, before aiming his direction at the weird glowy landing pad that had appeared for his benefit.

The landing pad turned out to be on the Beach by the hotel of station square...and it was then he realised he needed to slow his momentum down somewhat, else he'd be a splat on the wall beside it.

Gliding toward the hotel wall, he allows himself to drop toward the sand instead of gliding all the way.

And...No chance to prepare for landing...Crap.

PHLLLOOOOOMPH. All goes dark.

{ A few moments later... }


Came the voice of the player, buried head first deep in the sand...

" Need a hand here - I'm Frikkin' STUCK!!!! "

The legs stop waving, as the realisation dawns on him.
He starts to dig down, round and back up toward the surface again...

Spitting out the sand floating around on his tongue, he lays on the sand for a moment, utterly not feeling all that great.

" Did I MISS something here? Can't be THAT hard t'get along with this damn Pink idiot's moves. "

So - he'd abandoned the Mater emerald for a side-quest he had no idea was for him, hadn't met a single soul since upload, and had nearly killed himself getting here - yeah, this had been a REAL blast so far.

Picking himself up and dusting himself down, he headed towards the entrance of Twinkle Park, in an UTTERLY annoyed mood.

What else could go wrong?


Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Rouge stood on a rooftop, overlooking the park. She hesitated, trying to remember anything she may have heard about this 'Froggy', or Twinkle Park. She watched as two others (Vector and Espio) entered the park, and decided she may as well go for it.

Leaping and gliding, she landed in front of the entrance, and hurriedly slipped in. Trying to blend in with the crowd was difficult, as no one really looked anything like her. Still, she tried.

"Now, if I were a frog, where would I go?" With a snap of her fingers, it came to her. "Of course! Water!"

With that, she set off at a light run for the pools.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Nack smirked as he found the train comming to a stop. He then conformed to act like he was one of the trains passengers and headed for the exit like any normal person. If there was such a thing. As Nack reached the exit, he looked around and nodded. Twinkle Park was a symbol of crap to him. But if he got to whatever the others wanted- he could use it for money, or blackmail perhaps? He chuckled at the thought.

OBJECTIVE: Find Froggy

Nack grinned. So now that he was in Twinkle Park the objective had been added. "Froggy, eh?" he snorted as he hopped away with the use of his tail and went off in direction for water.

Money = Frog.

And he intended to get that money.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"We'd find him faster if we split up." muttered Espio, looking around at the throngs of crowds on the park. "I'll take the east side." He glanced up at Vec, who nodded in approval. Then he turned and set off into the crowd, passing by all sorts of stalls and small games...

(OOC: Anyone feel free to run into Espio if they want to^^)

Posts: 208
Estimable Member

OOC I see thanks for explaining Wraith the Echidna, I was just following Roleplay rules.

Just when Omega detaches himself of the back of the train, Nack had already walked into Twinkle park.
"He is fast, well I will do my objective of finding Froggy then." says Omega and walks into Twinkle park, after walking a while in the park looking at all the stalls and rides, he notices Espio then walks to him.
"Greetings Espio." Omega says scanning Espio.

Posts: 980
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Knuckles wobbled off of the train entrance from the outside, and leaned heavily against the wall catching his breath and equilibrium again.

" I do NOT wanna go through that again...Xx; "

Mustering enough energy to shake it off and carry on, he pursues his direction into the crowd, when a familiar figure is briefly seen slipping towards the signposted 'pool area'.

Giving a deep frown, he runs off in that direction - owing to the fact that the figure in question bore a striking resemblance to that troublesome bat, Rouge.

" Well, I guess she's gonna be the first one I get a chance t'talk to. "

However, it isn't too long before he loses sight of the silhouetted shadowy figure of the bat, and is once more again on his lonesome.

" Awww, dang.... " He mutters, as he sighs defeatedly.

There was no sense in turning back, anyhow - the chances were that everyone an' his dog were looking for the same amphibous creature...which leant him SOME hope of getting to find the others who he knew would be around here somewhere.

Just WHERE?...that was the sticky issue.


Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Np're right, taking over other people's characters is out of line. All I'm meaning is references to them^^)


"Greetings Espio."

Espio spun round quickly as he heard the voice. He didn't like being sneaked up on! Plus the voice didn't sound normal...!

His eyes widened as he spotted the robot stepping towards him. "Woah!" Quick as he could he jumped, performing a backwards summersault in the air, and landing a few feet away from the metal titan. What's one of Robotnik's creations doing here???

Suddenly he really wished that he hadn't split up from Vector!

By now civillians had noticed Omega too, and had started screaming, running away from the robot in panic! Espio raised his voice, shouting to the crowds. "Everyone please vacate the area immeadeately! I'll handle this!"

Reaching down to his belt, he once again picked out a star (that matterialised in his hand when called for) and fixed the robot with a glare. "You won't be doing your master's bidding today, tin head!" He swung his arm, and the star flashed towards the unexpectant Omega...

Posts: 208
Estimable Member

Omega surprised by Espios reaction barely avoids the star.
"This E-123 model will not give aid to Eggman, he is a objective to destroy." Omega says trying to reason with Espio he is not on Eggmans side anymore while standing in character, if he still dont trust him he will fight Espio.

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New Member Guest

The player wandered around in twinkle park,
searching for the objective of this mission.
He had arrived here first, but now it seemed that just
about everyone had pounced on his mission.

It must be a free-for-all thing, he thought, walking past the quarreling Espio and Omega players. Under other circumstances he'd get involved, but he wanted to finish the mission FIRST. After all, it was only fair; he WAS Big, after all. Walking back into the main area of the park, he was surprised by a pair of Kiki robots approaching from behind him.

As one of the robots tossed a grenade his way, he leapt- or tried to leap- out of the way. But his character was too fat, with short stocky legs where long lean ones were required, and he was hit by a flying chunk of metal as a few rings bounced out and away from him. Rolling over and jumping up, he brandished his fishing pole like a samurai sword, neatly slicing both robots in half.
"I guess there's obstacles to these missions; Maybe I should have taken that tutorial after all." He muttered, looking down to where the metal had hit him and doing a double-take as he noticed that it had left a deep gash in his furred side. "So we can take real damage here too? I'll have to be a lot more careful from now on."

Posts: 127
Estimable Member

Vector marched off towards the pool area. He simply turned on his walkman as he went, but was suddenly hit by an enemy robot. "WHAAAAAAAAAA!" he screamed as he flew backwards. He saw some of his rings fly out.

Hrmmm.... so I guess we can lose rings here, just like in the old school games. Greeeeeeeat The croc tried to recollect as many rings as possible and jumped towards the bot. He fiercely pounded the obstacle into oblivian. "That wasn't TOO difficult, but I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for any more robots," he said to himself.

OOC: XD So little Vector took soem damage. Anyway, feel free to have any character run into Vec. A little character interaction is always nice. ^^


Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Espio nearly tripped over his own feet as he heard the words! He is an objective to destroy???

Then siddenly it dawned on him...Omega! Of course, the robot that had turned good! Then this wouldn't be just another badnik, but an actual player!

Omega and Espio had met...that game all those years ago, Sonic Heroes. They had met and fought, so how would they react to meet again? What would be in-haracter?

His hand was raised, ready to throw another star at the robot, but slowly he lowered it. "A target, huh?" he muttered. "I know you're Omega right?"


"We've met weren't too friendly were with Rouge and Shadow..." His brow suddenly dipped and his eyes narrowed. "Just why should I trust you now, eh?"

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Nack smirked from his posistion on a moving platform before he saw the chump, Big. He chuckled lightly, and cocked his pistol before putting it back on his belt and jumped down - behind Big and spoke.

"Perhaps, we should work together- maybe it'd make your chances better."

NACK proposes to Party up

The message was obviousily clear.

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"Fine by me. But right now, I need a medkit or some rings or something."
Big said, accepting Nack's proposal.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

"I'm sure they'll be rings around." he eyed the area and saw Vector chasing some rings around. Obviousily he had dropped some when getting hurt himself.

He tapped Big and pointed towards Vector. Hoping to get the message through.

Nack only nodded as he smirked.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

There was a pair of eyes peeking over the roof of a small building, near the pools. Two large white bat ears hung above those eyes. Rouge breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Knuckles had lost sight of her. That was one encounter she wasn't prepared for...not yet.

Her eyes wandered over to Espio and Omega. Maybe she should step in and keep them from fighting...

Then there was Vector, Big, and Nack, all in the same general area. She couldn't see them well from here.

She'd lost sight of Sonic, Tails, and Amy, but that didn't - what was that sound? Looking up, she saw that Tails seemed to have spotted something that interested him, and was flying in for a closer look. Maybe it was Froggy!? Not wanting to take the chance of missing out, she leapt off the roof, jumping as high as she could before gliding!

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Knuckles caught wind of a noise...unknowingly, the same sound that had attracted Rouge's attention just moments ago.

" Hmm - Sounded oddly familiar, heh heh. "

Storming through the crowd, ignoring the blurred adulations of fans of the echidna, he makes his way towards the source...spotting a brief glimpse of Tails along the way.

" BINGO!!! " He exclaims with a grin, and continues to follow his ears, and the two pairs of tails attached to the fox flying right overhead.


Posts: 208
Estimable Member

"If I did want to hurt you, I could have slashed your back with my clawed hands when I was walking behind you moments ago." says Omega

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Well well well, whats ol Rad Red doing in a place like this? came a voice from beside Knuckles, which surprised the player and who did a small jump upon the spot. He had been so enthralled within the situation with Tails he hadnt noticed the new character who had turned up beside him!

Of course, it was Sonic, who was smugly running at a casual speed, backwards, and who had his arms folded across his chest.

Care to explain why you might be here of all places when I always figured someone like you would have rather stayed around Angel Island? Sonic asked with a smug grin. Between the both of them was a bitter rivalry and it would have been interesting to see just how the red echidna reacted. However, if what I think youre here for IS true, then I wouldnt bother. All it needs is one, cool blue hedgehog to do the job, yknow? Sonics smile broadened.

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

Tails flew along, looking down over the various pools, the people scattered around, and the robots in some areas that the crowds avoided with a passion. Suddenly, Tails heard a noise below him. "WHAAAAAAAAA!!!" Tails looked down to see Vector below, scooping up his rings. And not too far off, was Nack the Fang and Big the Cat! "Alright! Down we go!" Tails zoomed down, and landed in front of Vector, yelling, "Hi, Vector! It's been a while! How are the rest of the Chaotix?"

Posts: 127
Estimable Member

Vector jumped back in suprise when Tails suddenly appeared in front of him. "WHAAAAAAAA-" the crocodile paused. "Oh, it's only you, Tails." He took a moment to calm down. "Well, Espio and I are looking for 'Froggy'. No clue where Charmy is, though," siad the croc, answering Tails' question.

"So what brings you here?" he asked.

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Noble Member

"If I did want to hurt you, I could have slashed your back with my clawed hands when I was walking behind you moments ago."

Well, that much was true. Espio was thinking quickly, but he didn't relax his stance. "Maybe..." he commented, "...or maybe you're just trying to get on my good side. I don't trust Robotnik's creations period, and especially ones who claim to have turned to good."

He took his eyes of the red form for the slightest moment, glancing round at the small crowd that was beginning to gather, watching the confrontation with interest. For goodness sake, I said leave! If this guy does go manic I won't be able to keep him off all of you!

"So just supposing you are telling the truth." he continued, his eyes once again focused on Omega. "What's your buisness here, in such a crowded area? Badniks rarely come this far into the city, so if you're after them, shouldn't you be somewhere where they are?" He folded his arms, being careful to place them in a position that he could quickly jump out of should the need arise. "What are you hiding?"

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

Tails smiled, and said, "We're looking for Froggy too. Uh... The amount of Chaos energy within him might have affected his, uh, initiary primordial hyperbole structure."

Vector nodded, having no clue what Tails just said. In character? Check.

"Well, I gotta go, Vector. I guess I'll say hi to Big and Nack over here..."

"Huh? Oh, well, uh, bye Tails!"

Tails started to fly over to where the other two characters were...

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Nack snorted, it seems Big hadn't take the intiative and had to take the wound raw.

"You'll live." the weasel said as he eyebrowed as the foxboy flew for them.

Nack nodded. "We have company, catsy."

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As Shadow came back down from skating along the walls, setting down with a smirk in a deserted-looking street where he wouldn't be annoyed by passersby, he heard a strange sound. It was like a monkey's grunting echoed inside a metal container, and though faint it wasn't too far away.

Curious, The black and red hedgehog stepped over to the corner of the skyscraper and peeked around the corner, pulling back suddenly but then looking again. It took a moment to put it together, but he saw a group of monkey-like robots. He recognized them as Badniks, and he watched them hop away towards the center of the city.

Though this was a video game, it didn't make sense for Badniks to be in the city - which was supposed to be a safe place. And where Badniks were concerned, that surely meant involvement by one person: Doctor Eggman.


"Sonic, wait up!" yelled Amy as she approached Sonic and Knuckles, barely making her way through the crowd, which had been moving because of the commotion caused by Omega and Espio. However, Amy hadn't seen them and didn't know about that situation, her main concern was sticking with Sonic for now.

"Oh, hello Knuckles," she said as she came up, inadvertently interrupting Knuckles, "I didn't realize you'd get the message to find Froggy too. Have you seen him?"

"Nope, not a sign," said Knuckles, sparing Sonic a wary glance before looking at Amy with coolness. "I thought I could ask you the same thing."

"Looks like we're all at square one then," said Amy with a huff, reaching out with a hand to lean on the edge of one of the pools that dotted this area of the city. "But where would Froggy be? And why are we-"

A splash of motion surprised her, and she drew back the hand as she, Sonic and Knuckles all turned and looked at the green form that had sprung out of the water and onto a statue set into the water fountain of the pool. The green frog, somewhat unusually large for an amphibian of his species, blinked his eyes as his throat inflated and deflated rapidly, looking both realistic and surreal at the same time. The frog ribbited, staring at the brightly colored trio.


The crowd around Espio and Omega suddenly moved in a different way as the monkey-bots that had attacked Vector earlier started hopping their way toward one of the far pools. Espio and Omega could clearly see the Badniks, and they looked at each other with a new understanding of the situation.

"Target: Frog, sighted," hooted one of the monkeys in a mechanical drone.

OOC: I don't want Froggy to be captured by anybody too quickly; he'll hop around and be slippery for a while, we'll see how everyone reacts to this latest turn of events and the mysterious presence of Badniks in Station Square.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

After having realized that Tails had seen one of the other characters, and nothing else important, Rouge again ducked behind cover. Then, Froggy jumped out of the water!


Before anyone else could react, Rouge jumped from a box to glide at full speed for Froggy! "He's mine!"

Froggy made a little hop forward, and Rouge, still unable to properly control her movement, bounced off the ground and rolled into the pool! SPLOOSH!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Espio glanced at Omega for a split second. "Thi doesn't mean I trust you." he spat through gritted teeth.

Then he was on the move! Running towards the robots, he jumped, prepaaring to land behind one of them and take it out quickly! As he ran, he called: "Vec, get the frog! I got these guys!"

Unfortunately because of his shout, the robots saw him coming, and as he drew close, one of them swung a hand, smashing him across the face as he jumped! He fell to the floor with a crash, rings flying everywhere! He picked himself up, shaking his head as though to clear his mind. "Ugh...that hurt!"

Fortunately for him the badniks were so intent on capturing Froggy that they had left him alone, running off towards the fountain! He stood up, picking up some rings as he got to his feet, and his skin shifted, turning invisible again. "Okay freaks, let's see how well you do when you can't see me!"

Posts: 980
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Having noticed something, somebody, or whatever falling in the pool from not such a great distance, Knuckles proceeded to dash over to the pool before even the Hedgehog could react...

He'd take care of the rest of the discussion later, he figured.
Waving the guys over, he points to the escaping aquatic animal.

" Hey, guys...get over here. I see the frog gettin' away! "

Watching the pool for a moment, he couldn't make out the figure below, but if there was any sign of trouble getting out, he'd assist no matter who it was - NPC, or Another player.


Posts: 208
Estimable Member

Omega goes to help Espio slashing some robot with his clawed hands.
"I see Vector and you are searching Froggy as well." Says Omega to Espio while tearing apart a Robot.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Water. It was everywhere. After Rouge got over the initial shock of hitting the water so suddenly, she realized that she was in the water! Not only could she not swim in the first place, the extra clothes she was wearing were a lot heavier now!

Flailing about deparately, she saw somebody reaching down for her. With a great effort, she stretched out her hand, and felt a strong grip wrap around it...

And she was out of the water! Coughing and spluttering, she fell to her knees, dripping water like an exploded fire hydrant!

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New Member Guest

Big watched the green frog hop away, and quickly took off in his direction, ignoring both his Partner of sorts, Nack, and his still-raw wound.

"Nobody's gonna get Froggy but the big guy!"

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

The action that had happened in the last few moments was frantic, to say the least. Chaos was erupting everywhere as per numerous sources, One, the larger then usual amphibian frog that had erupted from the water was now proceeding to hop away, chased by numerous people of all natures, as well as reason Two, the smaller, Kiki monkey based robots which seemed to be everywhere, and who also appeared to be chasing Froggy.

Cmon, Amy, lets catch that frog before the thing slips away! Sonic called out, grabbing onto Amys arm and proceeding to concentrate on his target before him. With his speed it wouldnt take much to actually catch up to and grab the frog

at least it wouldnt if a pair of the monkey shaped Badniks hadnt popped up in front of the pair, blocking their way for the moment, and with the pair of them each holding distinctive black, rounded balls in their hands with a lit fuse. Bombs.

Sonic and Amy instantly skidded and stopped in front of the dancing monkeys in time before they collided, both surprised by their appearance, and surprised by something even more. Despite their wild, chaotic attitude and nature, it seemed as though they did have some degree of intelligence as per the way they were acting almost as if they were a team!

We dont have time for this! Sonic said, letting go of Amy and disappearing from view for a second. The blue hedgehog had run around the Badniks, and in the next moment of a blink, Sonic had returned to his normal position, now holding in each hand, and casually throwing them up and down, the two bombs that the monkey Badniks once held. And things like these are dangerous Sonic added, transforming out of his casual manner into one more fiercely determined, as he looked up to the sky above him and hurled the two bombs as far as he could and where they harmlessly detonated, hurting no-one.

Well, now that theyre out of the way, Amy, do you want to finish our business here with these tin-cans? Sonic asked, smiling smugly.

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

OOC: Taking a little trip this weekend. If anyone wants to RP my character for me while I'm gone, that's ok with me.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Knuckles heaved the drenched figure upwards, and landed possibly the biggest catch of his short-lived fishing career.

It was also one of the most....surprising moments of sheer sods law that the 'big one' that didn't get away turned out to be the one he'd wished had been able to.

" YOU? " Knuckles exclaimed, almost surprised completely off his feet.

Watching as the bat dried herself off, and taking a moment to realise that the game hadn't officially started with the sides, as such...he immediately regained his resolve and approached her more calmly.

" Sorry...I know that you're NOT really who ya look like are, but you, never mind. "

Catching a quick glimpse of the hedgehog and fox's latest venture, he turns back to her and gives a brief look of concern.

" You okay? I mean, it's virtual an' all that crap - but it's manners, ya know. "

Quickly trying to wrap this up, and failing, he just shrugs with one final word of warning...much to the slightly hidden amusement of the recovering bat.

" Just don't get used to it - once the line's drawn, I'm sticking to the one side...til this things over, you and I keep a fair distance, and things should be fine. "

With that, breathing in deeply....he turns on his heels quickly, and heads towards the Dynamic Duo to lend a knuckle or 2.

Of course, That had been still WAY too uncomfortable for words...


Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Wiping water out of her eyes turned out to be more difficult than she thought. It wasn't often she got wet, so she really had no idea what to do. As a result, she was not only unable to see who exactly it was that had rescued her, but the water in her ears distorted the sound of his voice.

By the time she began to realize what he had been saying, she had already said, "thanks for the help - I think I'm okay."

Managing to deal with the water in her eyes and ears, she glanced around to evaluate her situation. She saw Knuckles running to help some of his friends. "Wait - could it be...? Did he...?"

The words he had said, and the was him! She stood there, stunned for several moments.

Then the mission at hand came back to her mind! She could finish drying off later - this was more important! She shook her wings, knocking off a lot of the water on them, then moved in a different direction from the others, hoping to get a different angle on the situation, dripping a wet trail all the way!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

"Yeah, we are...what's it to you?" replied Espio's voice to Omega's statement. The chamelion was still invisable...only the rapidly disintergrating Badnik by the hook-a-duck stall betrayed his prescence.

"I also am..." began Omega, but his reply was cut off as Espio interrupted.

"One sec."

He had spotted Sonic and the others wading into the robot army (more of whom were crawling out of the woodwork every second!) and just couldn't resist making himself known to them! He dropped his stealth and set off running across the square towards them, but as he ran a Shellcracker Badnik came skuttling out from behind one of the stalls, stopping right in front of him!

He quickly dropped his fist to the floor, impacting on the crab's thick shell andcracking it, then, without slowing his pace, he jumped, using the Badnik as a gymnast's horse as he summersaulted over, twisting in the air as he did so. The robot's circuitry sparked, and the creature dropped with a clang.

Espio landed on his feet and spun round quickly, and as he turned, he caught a glimpse of movement from the corner of his eye...!

He raised his fist quickly, and hand met gloved hand as his blow impacted with that of a speedy blue hedgehog!

"Woah!" Sonic must have done the same as him...spotted movement in his peripheral vision and spun to attack! Espio nodded curtly.

"Sonic. Nice to meet you again..."


"I'd love to catch up but we have civillians to save." Espio spun again, delivering two fast-spinning stars to a pair of Buzzbombers flying overhead. "I just had to say hello." With that he jumped back again, getting some space as s Monkey came charging towards him. He clenched his fists...

Posts: 127
Estimable Member

Vector just stood still for a moment as the fox flew away. He then saw the others surrounding a nearby pool. The croc ran towards the amohibian, only to be chased by a small group of buzz bombers. He jumped up, dodging the bombs, and smashed the bots into pieces.

He was then chased by some more robot monkeys. Ignoring the pests, Vector took a quick dive at the frog, only to miss and land right in the water. The frog had jumped right before the croc made a big splash. HE groaned and jumped out of the pool, eyeing Sonic and Espio.


Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Catching a lift on a passing MotoBug, he delivers a few upward swings at a pair of passing Newtrons before stamping hard on the shell of the badnik he was standing on, before he delivers a devastating double-fisted downward lunge right through it, the resulting explosion sending him through the air...

Catching a couple of rings on the brief glide down, he lands feet first by Sonic and Espio.

" Hey guys, just had to drop on by. " He says with a grin. "Need a hand?"


Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Appreciate the offer, Knuckles, but its not really needed much, replied Sonic, smashing another badnik harmlessly over the head with his fist. The Kiki monkey robot fell apart and laid in a puddle of broken spare parts. Only thing thats worrying is the numbers, but badniks this weak isnt a problem.

Knuckles grunted slightly at the arrogant hedgehogs speech. It always appeared as though the hedgehog was able to do things himself.

However, actually having you guys help is good, in case things get out of control. Sonic added. At the same time, Amy had managed to destroy their previous attackers, two Kiki monkeys with bombs, by smashing their heads in with her trusty Piko Piko Hammer.

This is connected with Froggy. Amy said. Theyre chasing after him.

Meaning we need to catch the slippery bugger. Sonic added with a smirk. Being the fastest one here itd make sense for me to try and go after him while the rest of you give cover? Sonic suggested.

Posts: 208
Estimable Member

"Worthless consumer models." Omega says while shooting some badniks with his barrelled machine guns.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

" Good idea, Sonic - you go on ahead and chase the Frog down - me an' Amy can finish things up here. " Knuckles remarks, as he finishes dusting remnants of a recently-pulvarised Crabmeat from his shoulder.

With great relish, he jumps up to take out an overhead technosqueak from the ceiling, and uses it's bulky frame as a projectile to knock the bejeezus out of a batbrain flying in their general location.

" It's better WE get the frog than anyone else...I'm sure those on our side'll turn up later on anyway. "

It was fairly good logic, considering the circumstances...

But, for the was still clobberin' time!

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