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Welcome, Test Subjects. [Portal, Escape]

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"Hello, Test Subjects, and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science Enrichment Center. We hope you all have enjoyed your stay in your respective relaxation chambers, and would like to note that loss of memory is only a temporary side effect of the relaxation process. With the outstanding success of our most recent product, the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, along with modification of the facility, we are now ready to test a second line of products, along with their interaction with the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device. You will find the name, as well as a picture of your device, on the paper on the clipboard on the table on the ground in the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, to your right. More information will be given upon full conciousness levels being detected in all test subjects. If you feel sociable before this goal is attained, feel free to turn toward the relaxation chambers to your left and or right, and practice your sign launguage or, alternatively, telepathy."

OOC: Well SOMEONE had to make this RP. =P Anyway, This RP will be based off the game Portal, but with a twist: only one person will get the portal gun, with each persongetting a different gadget. I'm somewhat short on ideas, and any imput on said gadgets would be appreciated.

Anyway, onto characters. Here's a template:

Appearance: This is only physical appearance, all characters are wearing orange and black jumpsuits that have an ID number and "Aperture Science" written on them. I'm not disallowing furry chars (RPs on't have to stick to th game's universe, after all.), and if you have on, note it here.
Device:The Device listed on the clipboard next to you. List of devices you can pick are below.
Notes: Any oddities about the character go here.

List of Devices:
Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device [Portal Gun] (It's suggested you watch the trailer or play the game Portal before using this, to learn how it works.)

Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube [Companion Cube] (I HIGHLY suggest you have played the game, and give your character some form of insanity if you pick this. n.N)

Aperture Science Handheld Gravity-Altering Object-Manipulation Device Which Is Not At All Similar To Black Mesa's Zero-Point Matter Manipulator [Gravity Gun] (Basically, it can pull objects from a distance, hold them infront of you, and shoot them out at high speeds.)

I have other ideas for devices, but I'm to tired to make names right now. I'll have them up tomorrow.

So, join away!

EDIT: Ugh... school... I'll get names up eventually. x_x
