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Zone Controller (Battle RP)

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Posts: 7
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OOC: Thsi RP is different. This RP is like a game. There are zones. You must control the zones. You are a general in the front line of the cybernetic war. Mor zones, more money from Cybernet Users.


rules are kinda simple, you post what you are, Human, Cybernoid ect.ect. You then type what special abilty you have...these is what you can choose from:

Double Firepower Pts (F)
Double Speed Pts (S)
Double Armour Pts (A)
Double Quick Post Builds (Q)
Double Cyions (Moneys) Imcome (C)

Each ability has a key next to it. When you are using the alibity you MUST put the key next to it, so other people can see you have that abitily.

Then you deciced what pts you give to your army. The percentage figures all must add up to 100* And the figures can be only used as 10's.

PWR(Power): 30%
SPD(Speed): 50%
ARM(Armour): 20%

The stats are used if battle, meaning if your troops are more powerful, the more Damage Pts you will do. The more Speed that have, the more turns they can do. The more Armour Pts they have, more damage can be absorbed. Here is the percentage rule:
Every 10% Damage pts are increased by 5
Every 10% add another Turn/Move/Attack
Every 10% 5 Damage Pts can be absorbed.


In the game there are 1000 Zones
To move to another another zone takes turns/time.
It takes 1 turn to move to an another zone.

Home Ground: You start which a ramdom Zone Number. thats is where all your troops and building is built. So if you build a troop, lets say a XenoWarrior, it is created at your home base zone. Home Grounds have Double Defence points.


To attack you must be on the same grid or up to 5 Zones out of the one your attacking. Example (Z: 100) (Z:103) Combat Reports. when attacking you must lay out the battle like this:

Troops: (Pwr pts) (Arm Pts)
10 Guardians x10= (x10)2
5 Wing Beasts x20= (x5)2

Attacks with

10 Guaudians 30
3 Wing Beasts 60

in one turn causing 90 Damage Pts

If you are being attack you lay it out like this:
Troops: (Pwr pts) (Arm Pts)
50 Guardians (x10)2 (x10)

500 - 90 = 410 Apts lefts:

10 Damage to each Guardian, causing 9 Guardians to die.

You dont have to Right it out identical to that, but along that lines.


There is the long list of Buildings you can build:

Control Hut: Allows to build troops:
100 Cyions
5 Turns to build:
Upgrades: Lv 1: 500 Cyions Lv2: 2500 Cyions Lv3: 5000 Cyions

Vehicle shop: Allows to built Vehicles
300 Cyions
10 Turns to build
Upgrades: Lv1: 1000 Cyions lv2: 5000 Cyions Lv3:10000Cyions

Air Tower: Must be built for Airport
500 Cyions
5 Turns to be built

Airport: Allows to build Air Vehicles 9Must have Air tower built)
1000 Cyions
10 Turns to be built

Shiled Dome: Double Defence points for Home Base
500 Cyions
5 truns to build

Cyion Collector: Every Turn or 10 Minutes adds 10 Cyions to total.
100 Cyions to build
2 Truns to build

Cyion Harvester: Douubles Cyion intake 9Build as many) Must have Cyion Collector Built first)
1000 Cyions to build
5 Turns to build

You can come with our own ideas from buildings aswell! Just post the details, but they cant be godmodding buildings.

Upgrades make the troop/vehicle be built in less turns:


Troops, this is where you come in, you design your troops, however you must follow is rule:

Every pt of PWR, SPD or ARM, the price of Troop raises by 5Cyions.

Every 5 pt of PWR, SPD or ARM the turn to be built goes up by 1

RULE: You must always post what troop you are using and all the details about it, BEFORE building it!


Troops, this is where you come in, you design your troops, however you must follow is rule:

Every 5pts of PWR, SPD or ARM, the price of Troop raises by 10Cyions.

Every 5 pts of PWR, SPD or ARM the turn to be built goes up by 2

RULE: You must always post what troop you are using and all the details about it, BEFORE building it!


Its up to you what zone your in as what terrian!

Turns: You get a turn every 15 Mins unless in a battle then its Me then you style. You can RP post like what you are doing, example: The Ice was cold, too cold. Anytime!


Those are the long hard rules, here is the game...have fun!


I am General Spikes, I lead the Crew of LC.S Dynoi.


PWR: 60%
SPD: 20%
ARM: 20%

Special Power: (Armour)

Home Base no (Z: 444)

Builds Cyion Collector:

"Heh better start getting some money"!

Any question, please post and I will answer them!
