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A market for a new UK Sonic comic?

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Posts: 2234
Noble Member
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Well, basically, what the topic title says. Given the fate of the late StC and the current trend of fandom/market, would you say it'd be possible for another UK Sonic comic to be successful?

If so, would it be alike the old Sonic comic of yore; 4 strips, page breakdowns between stories of 7, 5, 5, 5?

Would it be set in the same universe?

Would it be something totally different that would closely follow the games more?

Would it be Archie reprints?

I'm just wondering about any What If's, and what your views of the potential would be.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well, STC had a problem when they started with Sonic, there wasn't a lot of characters. There was Sonic, Tails and Amy. They included Princess Sally in an issue ans rumour has it that Nigel Kitching wanted to use Snivley.

But to start up a Sonic comic now for the UK (or maybe event the world) You wouldn't need to come up with that many (if any) new characters.

I'd doubt it would be Archie reprints. Because it would take to long to get up to date with the new games.

It wouldn't be set in the Fleetway universe because (unfortuently) its long dead. A lot of people would think "who's that and why isn''t he in the games". Unless its a retcon. And no one likes retcons.

I'd say it would only need 2 Sonic based stories and maybe some stories based on Sega games. (Shenmue, Yakuza...)

Sonic stories I suppose would have to follow the universe closer than Archie/Fleetway did. But I suppose they could have some leerway in some areas. Expanding The Sonic Riders story would be nice.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Based on the prevailing "wisdom" by the companies that make kids mags (I'm looking at YOU Egmont Fleetway!), there'd be a minute number of comic pages, if that. The rest would be lots of lame features and screenshots.

And then they'd be amazed that it didn't last long.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i'm inclined to agree.. unless any protential comic makers look towards america or japan for inspiration on how to produce a comic, we may end up with one like the old STC.

not that i disliked it, but if they wanted to include more comic content, the bi-weekly releases would have to be changed to just monthly issues. ^^; i'm amased they managed to draw for so many issues, and so quickly! (richard elson must've been sellotaped to his computer. oo; )

Posts: 7
Active Member

I dunno why we don't get Archie over here. People @#%$ about how "bad" it's becoming, or whatever, but it'd still be better than nothing. We got the "Beginnings" TPB and you can sometimes find a few of the recent issues in specialist comic stores, but nothing mainstream.

I guess whoever's in charge of whoever decides these things hates us British and wants to deprive us of our Sonic fix.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i've been collecitng the archie sonic comic for years now, like several other british posters here.
you don't have to find a comic shop that stocks them, you just have to ask the shop owner to order them for you.

Posts: 11
Active Member

Say WHAT? That's all you have to do? Hell, here was me thinking you couldn't get it here nohow!
And in reply to the topic - damn straight there's a market for a Sonic comic here. Or at least, there's me, the total cartoon junkie...

Oh, hi - I'm new. Sorry - was that a bit sudden?

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

yup, you can collect almost any american comic on sale.. most comic shops i know of order in comics from america.

and welcome to the forum. ^^

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Personally, I use these guys and've never had any problems. Nine years and counting so far.

Welcome to the forum! 🙂

Posts: 11
Active Member

I got it, i got it! I got a standing order for StH from my friendly semilocal comic shop - I might just die of bliss! They had a back issue in, too, and it's even cooler than I thought it'd be!
Thanks for the advice, guys!

Posts: 2
New Member

