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Lets play a game.

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Posts: 2928
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Researching for an RP that may or may not continue based on the massive number of OOC posts in it. Basically I'm making a second version of Rico for the StC universe. Not that the original was "Archie" but for the sake the story I'm saying he is. I need some info from our fans of Fleetway.

From what I've read its pretty clear that our two tailed fox is stuck even closer to Sonic than he was in Archie save for when he goes and saves the world or whatever in his original zone. Am I right on that one?

Second is the main dangers in this comic. For someone just roaming around and even inbetween the zones, whats the biggest problem they're going to run into?

Third, simple. Am I right in assuming this Johnny Lightfoot character is pretty much the one people don't like? Kinda like a certain Turtle in archie? The complete and utter lack of info on google is evidence of it so I wanna hear it from you guys. Be as biased as you want.

Fourth, what should he know? This is some alien kid that's been on the planet for all of a few years. What major events would he have run into? I think they've settled on before the Chaos arc and after everything else.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

From what I've read its pretty clear that our two tailed fox is stuck even closer to Sonic than he was in Archie save for when he goes and saves the world or whatever in his original zone. Am I right on that one?

Yep. He does try to be a hero in his own right after Sonic is trapped in the Special Zone before issue 100, his time with the Freedom Fighters, sans Sonic, gave him a bit of growing space and he started having his own regular side comic after 100.

Before 100 he'd have mini-series' including the Nameless Zone stories where he returned home where they thought he was a great warrior, he'd constantly protest that he's not strong or able to fight without Sonic, but always ends up succeeding.

Likewise, he visits The Chemical Plant and is dragged into a group of rebel/terrorists called The Flock (human proportion sheep with machine guns, mini-computers and trench-coats one of which Tails wears :p ), again he protests that he is unable to fight alone but gets pushed into it. He saves the day mostly by calling out for Sonic.

Tails is greatly inspired by Penfold from the Danger Mouse comics, saying Ooer alot and generally being spineless due to Sonic's bullying. Poor little guy *HUGS HIM*

Second is the main dangers in this comic. For someone just roaming around and even inbetween the zones, whats the biggest problem they're going to run into?

Well, there are tons. Biggest problem is the Robotnik Troopers, which are like SWATbots, but more like an army than guard robots. They have full personalities and tend to terrorise the citizens while they were under Robotnik. After issue 100 Robotnik stopped ruling and EVERY one of his robots were destroyed, so if the RP is after 100, you can't be held up by them.

There are lots of random threats and super villains, ranging from minor thugs as you'd have anywhere, to an entire organisation called the Dr. Robotnik Apreciation Tribe who constantly hatch pet schemes to get Robotnik back into power. Super Villains tend to be off the wall and camp as heck, if you think it'll make the reader cringe, it's a random villain. We've had everything from fashion designers to the Teletubbies.

Other random threats which are constant would be smaller towns which tend to be corrupt and sway to Robotnik more than larger downtrodden communities (ie. Village of the Damned and Good, Bad and Echidna)

There are alot of pirates about, but they stick to the sky and sea and go for big gold.

Third, simple. Am I right in assuming this Johnny Lightfoot character is pretty much the one people don't like? Kinda like a certain Turtle in archie? The complete and utter lack of info on google is evidence of it so I wanna hear it from you guys. Be as biased as you want.

Heck no, just because Johnny is bland, dull and had to die doesn't mean we hate him. He's just... bland, dull and had to die. He wears a red leather jacket and has a metal bo-staff, character design alone makes him interesting to look at, but the guy doesn't do anything but fight and be nice and hide behind Amy. At least with a guy like Shortfuse you have some personality to go with the fighting and Porker has had some huge moments. Most you can say about Johnny is that he got kidnapped and replaced with the evil Shade/Agent X and got rescued sometime later.

Fourth, what should he know? This is some alien kid that's been on the planet for all of a few years. What major events would he have run into? I think they've settled on before the Chaos arc and after everything else.

Ok, few years ago Sonic and co vanished for a few months and Robotnik took over, the entire planet was living under his rule and in misery, especially those in Metropolis. Few months later Robotnik announces to the world the true existance of The Floating Island, via a theme park he was trying to get set up there to get more money from people. After S3&K Sonic had the entire population of the Emerald Hill Zone (and ONLY the Emerald Hill Zone) moved onto the Floating Island for protection against Robotnik's wrath. Super Sonic (being the PURE EVIL sod he is) almost killed the freedom fighters at one point and was banished to the Special Zone, splitting him and Sonic into two different people. Sonic went after him and got stuck in the special zone, now pay attention to this bit, it's important.

Issue 100 comes about and Super Sonic is going to escape his imprisonment in "The Black Asteroid", in The Special Zone. This will cause a global EMP, wiping out all electrics. The people of New Tek City (capital of the main planet in the Special Zone) will suffer huge loss due to hospitals and planes and such going out, so Sonic has the Omni Viewer (basically a dimensional warping database screen thing which is the only way back to Mobius from the Special Zone, he had Super Sonic trapped inside himself, which is why Sonic was stuck, after Super escaped he was free, but Super was going to destroy the asteroid and bam. Bye bye New Tek.

Sonic transports the asteroid to Mobius where Robotnik is on the Floating Island enslaving the Emerald Hill Folk (Knuckles was away from the island for a while), the machine and all his robots break down instantly, and after defeating Super (who's powers collapse on him, and he ends up powerless and with amnesia, in the current state of the continuity he is missing to the world, but infact in a coffee house with a black cat witch girl named Ebony and her lesbian lover Pyjamas) he blows up Robotnik's citadel and freedom is restroed.

Alot of stuff happens with Drakon Empire (bunch of fish people who colonised Mobius many years ago and then left), mostly involving getting the Master Emerald and such, but that's moot as after the ending only Sonic and Knuckles remember any of it happening. Johnny was replaced with Agent X for a while and Earth invaded Mobius at one point but the planet itself pimpslapped them back to London.

I don't think there's anything besides that which is majorly important, besides the Metallix stuff, but that's just a "Metallix tried to take over the world, fail. Porker Lewis breaks down and goes to live with Knuckles" scenario.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

1. Tails and Sonic were pretty close I guess, Sonic always called him names like "pixel brain" and whatnot, and got annoyed at him for being around, but I don't think Tails ever got the idea that Sonic was making fun of him, but Sonic still respected him, he just had a funny way of showing it, for example, Sonic's reaction when he found out Tails was dead because Sonic never existed to save him in the Robotnik Reigns Supreme Saga.

2. During Robotnik's reign, I think there were checkpoints and the like maintained by Robotnik's troopers, after Robotnik was removed from power, I suppose the odd Badnik attack would be something to watch out for.

3. Johnny was nothing more than a support character, and I guess this is why he was killed off. because he never had any major storylines (The only one I know of is the "Agent X" storyline, and that was debateable), and was always pushed out in favour of other characters like Tails, Amy, Tekno and Shortfuse, (even Porker Lewis) the fact that they never gave him any redeeming features whatsoever was one of the mistakes they made. But I don't think he comes close to being an annoyance like Tommy Turtle, he was a good character, and people seem to like him, but he just never stood out.

4. I suppose anything after Robotnik was overthrown is nothing but a minor point. The only thing I can think of was when Shanazar was merged with Mobius, which created a few new zones, but that was about 10-15 issues before the Chaos Saga. There may be the odd criminal here and there, but they've all been defeated by Sonic & co. All the major storylines after Robotnik's reign ended (Robotnik reigns supreme, Drakon Empire, All special Zone stories, Eternal Ring saga) only involved Sonic and the other main characters, and the population of Mobius have little or no idea that they ever happened. Little stories such as the invasion from earth by Colonel Percy Granite (Though that only lasted about 2 issues) happened but if there were any more that were memorable, I'd remember them.

I suppose if you lived in the Emerald Hill Zone, you may remember certain events such as moving the entire Emerald Hill population to the floating island (which was a bit before Robotnik was toppled), or Drakons appearing for a bit, but nothing more significant than that.

EDIT: Aaaaaaaand Craig beat me to it.

Posts: 2928
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Topic starter

Second and third opinions are always needed.

Lets hope there are troopers. Hate to not have random bad guys to squish on occasion.

Well Lightfoot seems an even better candidate than I first thought. The generic freedom fighter thing is better than anything else as I would have a lot of clearance to do things with him if the RP does last.

Thanks guys, this helped a lot. Anyone else that wants to add in stuff, fire away.


Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I suppose I should throw this in really.

The Special Zone: Its a universe which began as the Mega Drive style collect-a-thons then you found out that it had its own worlds with people. The Chaotix Crew live there and are basically the Freedom fighters of the Special Zone keeping the peace. The Main Villians of this place are Lord Sidewinder and his gang:
Lord Sidewinder: A rich eccentric with dreams of ruling the special zone by controlling someone else with his mind (Evil Super Sonic, Robotnik the God). It hasn't worked yet.
Bio Hazard: A robot (I think) that seems who attacks by spewing sewage from his mouth. Seems to be very dim.
Proctor Speckel/Mr Fry: A Jekell and Hyde character. Proctor Speckel (whom I suppose is a sciencetist) has a transformation serum and when he drinks it he becomes Mr Fry who is a complete alter ego of himself who speaks like a cockney.
Lightmare: Lord Sidewinder's daughter. She worries about his well being and sticks with the team. Her power is to unlock boxes containing dreams/illusions that stop her attackers.

In STC-Online (which is a spiritual successor to STC if not official) The Special Zone is destroyed by the Sindicate.

The Drakon Empire: A race of Fishes living in Robots Living on Planet Drak. they created the Chaos Emeralds by using the ancient echidna emerald mines. Also accidently created Chaos. They are a people ruled by three Houses.
House Of War - Emperor Ko-Door
House Of Knowledge - Master Scholor
House Of Magic - Sister Haggra
We only really know about The House of War and a little bit of the House of Magic. The House of War is in charge of war and the law. They decide everythig in Trial by Combat which entertains the masses. The leader was interested in ruling all three houses but a plan between Grimer and Robotnik stopped that and we didnt hear from them again. The House of Magic are the only group of Drakons who have organic limbs and bodies, they also seem to be able to find out vague visions of the future.
Drakon Army Factions:
Sentinal: Robots really. Sonic actually says they aren't really that much tougher than a badnik once you get used to them. Not a Fish in a robot. So Sonic can kill them.
Giant Sentinal: Giant versions of Sentinals.
Prosecutor: Normally they would be the Prosection in a Trial by Combat. But they are also Leaders of an Army. They are Fishes in Robots. Sonic didn't know that at first and felt guilty when he ripped a head off. Until he realised that they were Fishes in Robots.

STC-Online Note. Sonic returns to Planet Drak and find out that Emperor Ko-Door was disposed with by The House of Learning and The House of Magic.

That about it really.
Shanazarr was intergrated with Mobius but it was mainly a Arabian (Think Aladdin, Prince of Persia) planet.
