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Sonic heroes' characters

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hey just wanted to see wether anyone agrees with me that the vector off sonic heroes is soo not as good as the personality that fleetway gave him. I mean in fleetway he was the scientist like one but in s.h he's like this r n'b gangster boss!! and he looks different :( anyone have anything to say on this?

And also, is tails' voice in that getting younger by the sonic game???!!! In fleetway they at least made him grow up a bit but soon tails in the games will be pushed around by sonic in a pram!! (strange images of this entering my head lol!).

Posts: 2234
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The reason they look different is that Vector inc fleetway is based on his image of Knuckles Chaotix on the 32X (nicely adapted in the Total Chaotix storyline.) That game is no longer considered canon in regards to other Sonic games, so Team Chaotix in Sonic Heroes are treated as new characters. All the Sonic characters went through a make-over from the early Sonic games to Sonic Adventure and later games. Hence, different images.
The scientists element was created by Fleetway, which could be seen as good or bad compared to Sonic Heroes' Vector's personality, but I prefer SH Vector's wacky manner, and its good to see some comedy. :thumbsup

Tails voice is due to the voice actor, and I know a lot of people that aren't impressed with the voice. Anyway, I like it, and as for Fleetway Tails, he had more stories to star in and to let his character mature, compared to a few Sonic games.

And btw, SegaSonic (games) and Fleetway (STC comics) are separate continuity's, so don't mix them up! :b

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

but in s.h he's like this r n'b gangster boss!!

People judge too much on his looks. He may look like a "gangsta" but he clearly acts like a guy from a 1950's B&W detective movie. New York accent and all. Very fitting for the Detective job that Team Chaotix were given.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I have to agree with Craig here because as much as he looks like the stereotypical Trailor Park Trash rapper he isnt. Hes a New Yoiker. With A heart of gold.
Any way comparision.
They arent that much different really. Vector is the leader of Chaotix in both universes and both care about the mission at hand. I have admit though his Heroes personality makes him even more unique especially when you consider the fact in STC theres Porker and Tekno in the status of Good Scientist Personality 101.

Posts: 369
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It really bugs me as well that they're making Tails more and more immature. He seemed 'OK' (though that's pushing it a bit for me) in SA2B, but in SH? OMG!I've said it before and I'll say it again, he sounds like an Asthmatic five year old!

I thought I was the only one that noticed Vector got a lot more buff in Sonic Heroes! But I think he's got a cooler personality in SH. He cracks me up!
In fleetway, I dunno, to me he didn't stand out from the rest of the Chaotix crew really. He didn't seem like an individual. That's my opinion though.

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I didn't think Vector was that different in SH as he was in STC. I think their personalities are kinda similar, just that in SH he isn't as scientific.

Briefly on the voice thing, I actually prefer Tails' voice in Sonic Heroes much more than Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 as well as Sonic X. I also liked his Sonic Battle voice. I personally think SH and SB are his best voices yet. And as for sounding like a 5 year old, well he is only 8, not exactly far off the mark is it?

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Heroes Vector and STC Vector Don't too different to me
Their both the Brains of the outfit arn't they? Though STC Vector seems a little more Smarter then Heroes Vector. Heroes Vector is also Pretty cool, and it seems like they've given him Mighty's brawn, so he's basically an STC Vector/Mighty Fusion without the Espio Hatred Trait IMO.

Posts: 7
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what about shadow he so totally kicks butt">

Posts: 270
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Shadow isn't IN Fleetway, or hadn't you noticed?

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Yeah, Fleetway quit before he was introduced in the games.

You know what the very worst thing about Tails' voice? It's that he sounds even younger than Cream, spouting out trash like "Look at all those Eggman's robots!"

It's distinctly nauseous, and insulting in various degrees to Tails fans.

Fleetway never gave him the 300+ IQ, he just evolved, as it were, into a smart kid in his teens with a lack of self-confidence who could for some inexplicable reason fly a bi-plane.

Archie still treats him like an infant with a load of guff about 'Chosen One' (I bet they just made that up to interest Tails fans, and haven't even thought up what it means yet), and even the games make him remarkably infantile. Fleetway, I felt, always gave a better interpretation of him.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Tails voice is due to the voice actor, and I know a lot of people that aren't impressed with the voice. Anyway, I like it

Like me.
I prefered SH Vector because he was just plain funny. Also, I never really liked the old designs of any of the SEGA characters.

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

I think that both vector's personalities were cool as the suited each of the different stories he's in.

As for the Tails discussion i think that his SH voice was his best voice ever!

Posts: 4607
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Really? I thought his SH voice was god-awful, undoubtedly his worst yet. Way too grating.

Posts: 18
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Aaack... vector's heoroes voice...
It actually changes between cutscenes! Did anyone notice?

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

you bumped up a 4 month-old topic there, you realise?

try and keep games-related talk to the gaming forum, where it belongs..'kay?

(but vector's voice is even more awful in shadow. he sounds more like a muppet then the vector voice i've gotten used to in heros.)

Posts: 39
Trusted Member

And also, is tails' voice in that getting younger by the sonic game???!!!

maybe hes getting younger than older.HEHE well at least hes doing the other way round of growing. unlike the other characters they dont grow.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Holy carp! :O Activity in the old Special Zone! *Dusts off a chair and sits down* I'm home at last!

But, yeah, talk of the games goes in South Island. There you'd have 30 people jump to tell you that they've sacked all of the Sonic Adventure (& Heroes) voice acting staff and have given the duties to 4Kids, so now the game voices have been replaced with the Sonic X cast, which is why everyone sounds different, Vector sounds more annoying and Tails younger.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I kinda like Tails' 4Kids VA, actually... it's just that a some of the VAs are inferior to the originals, and they should've been MUCH more selective about their updates. Like, keep Drummond, but bring in Pollock, for instance.

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

It's a real shame the Old Eggman voice died, but I don't mind the new Heroes one, he can say "Gah!".

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Deem was alive and well in Heroes. Mike Pollock's first performance was Shadow (and Sonic Rush).

Posts: 800
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sonic rush has VOICE ACTING? o.o;

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Yes, only short phrases such as "GET READY FOR THIS!" and "PREPARE TO BE SCHOOLED" or "You can't escape from me!" "Try not to get on my bad side!" and so forth.

Only 5 characters have voices. Sonic, Blaze, Cream, Tails and Eggman (Nega has the same voice files as Eggman). Cream and Tails only serve to cheer on their hero.

Also all of the music has some degree of lyrics, usually a single phrase repeated, but it works to great effect, especially in the ending theme "Raisin' Me Up" and final boss "Wrapped In Black"
