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Things Fleetway did...
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Things Fleetway did that attract you to the continuity,

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Posts: 859
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What, if any, are the things that stand out with Fleetway to you. Although the series is rifle with small plot holes and minor inconsistancies one of my favorite things about the series was the concepts...

For instance, the main part of my latest update at the HQ, the Metallix Kintobar connection. Some people frown at the old story that Robotnik used to be Kintobar, but Fleetway did something that completely made up for it in my eyes.
After telling the story twice, it went back and retold it AGAIN, and it was all Sonic's fault.
The small but sublime plot twist that Sonic was to blame for Robotnik, that it's Sonic fault that the Rotten Egg was there and his fault that Kintobar tripped over a wire that Sonic was yanking on.

A GREAT plot twist, something I really found intruiging when I was younger.

Posts: 4885
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I was a fan since day one, always collecting. The first major draws were the fact it was Sonic, Shinobi and Streets of Rage in a single comic. The thing that made me the super avid fan I am today is the Sonic 3 & Knuckles stories which felt right when put next to the games, and as you mentioned the whole "I created Robotnik" thing was BRILLIANT! I know timeloops are always messy but I loved that one.

A SUPER mention has to go to the Nameless Zone. I adore swords and sorcery and Tails was my favourite character so I always loved the change of flavour that Tails' homeworld offered especially with the added characters Errol and Morain, both of whom I adore greatly.

Really it's more a case of what DIDN'T attract me, and that would be filler stories. Especially ones with Amy and Tekno.

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Isn't it spelt 'Kintobor' (i.e. Robotnik backwards)?

Anyway, what I liked about the comic (apart from just being the main source of Sonic outside of the games at the time) was mainly Elson's art as well as the interesting takes on Metal Sonic and Super Sonic.

I preferred it to the SatAM cartoon manly because I didn't like the focus on Sally and the general tone of the series. Basically, it wasn't 'Sonic' as far as I was concerned (that's just my opinion, of course), whereas StC had a certain je ne sais quoi that I identified with what I liked about Sonic.

It was a simple comic, but the main story arcs were enjoyable and did demonstrate an effective continuity (though it did get a little messed up at times). Like you mentioned, that time travelling arc was clever. I always enjoyed the game adaptations.

There were things I didn't like, for example some of the characterisation. I think Sonic generally came off as too much of a jerk, without justification. If he were portrayed as someone who did care about his friends but wasn't any good at expressing it, I think I'd have liked him more. A bit like how Sonic did give a damn about Johnny dying - I guess if the comic lived longer that aspect might have been better explored.

Of course on the other hand, there's no reason why Sonic couldn't have been a jerk. In some ways it makes him more interesting than a generic nice guy everyman hero, I just think he lacked a little contrast. I'll be honest, at times Amy's 'girl powah!' attitude grated on me too. Why can't a female character just be a male character's equal without going all Spice Girls on us? I eventually stopped reading the Amy/Tekno stories.

The reprints, obviously, were a major downer.

I liked the non-Sonic stories. They gave the comic a bit of variety, and I really did enjoy some of them (Shinobi, Street of Rage and to a lesser extent, Wonderboy spring to mind). I was sad to see them go.

The games have always been my favourite Sonic series, but the comic comes second.

Bear in mind it's been ages since I've read it. I've probably gotten facts wrong and bits muddled up.

Posts: 13
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It was always the tie in with the games that kept me interested, they complemented them magnificently and added depth. The art work was fantastic and the zones they made up were so consistent with everything else that you could imagine them in their potential megadrive versions.

I've just recently started collecting the Archie Comics and in contrast they are so much worse. Admittedly their cover art is sublime but the inside artwork is poor and don't get me started on the storyline, whilst they may have explained the reason why they don't follow the games, they could at least try and making the comics more sonic orientated, the more appropriate title would be: The adventures of the knothole village staring Sally acorn and her sidekick Sonic the something or other.

Hmmm, perhaps thats a little harsh...I am enjoying them, but STC rules supreme!

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

It's hard to say what attracted me to the continuity, but I really did like their game adaptions of Sonic CD, Sonic 3, and Sonic Adventure. Richard Elson was an awesome artist. And they had a wide range of characters, with quite a few crossing storylines.

The villians were pretty good as well. The brotherhood of Metallix, Drakon empire, Brutus, Dr Zachary...All memorable and brilliant villians.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

One particular aspect of the continuity which really stood out for me were the game adaptations which, like other have said, felt right and were done superbly from the line art to the gorgeous paintings. The Brotherhood of Metallix storylines were awesome as well in all their forms particularly the Total Chaotix storyline.

One other thing which attracted me to it was that the comic was noticably british, and the jokes and referances in there were particularly nice. :)

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

* That whole twist of Sonic creating Robotnik to svae Mobius. Bwa ha ha.

* The Brotherhood of Metallix. It's just an idea that makes so much sense- if you could build one that nearly killed Sonic, why not mass-produce? And that plan for domination... Brrr.

* The Floating Island- home to ancient ruins, formidable ancient robots, a haunted graveyard of Styrakosaurus skeletons, the fact it could fly after the Death Egg and shoot it down...

* Sonic the Jerk. Being a jerk gave him so many good lines. ("The Master Emerald! It's gone!" "Let's hear it for Knuckles, fearless gaurdian of the Emeralds!")

* Super Sonic. Sonic turned into a raging demon that could very easily destroy his friends- how cool is that? And then he actually did turn on them...

* The Drakon Empire. What a cool race of baddies!

Posts: 15
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If u dont lik it then y are u collecting it?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Who're you talking to? I don't see anyone who's saying that they didn't like it.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


I've just recently started collecting the Archie Comics and in contrast they are so much worse. Admittedly their cover art is sublime but the inside artwork is poor and don't get me started on the storyline, whilst they may have explained the reason why they don't follow the games, they could at least try and making the comics more sonic orientated, the more appropriate title would be: The adventures of the knothole village staring Sally acorn and her sidekick Sonic the something or other.

That, maybe.

Posts: 15
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Posts: 2116
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Serves me right for posting after less than five hours' sleep.

But subscribing is practically the onlyt way to get the comic over here, and he couldn't figure out whether he liked it or not if he hadn't read a few issues in the first place.

If he said "I've been collecting Archie for 10 years and I can't stand it", I'd see your point, Wes. Saying effectively "I've recently started looking at it and decided that I don't actually like it, after all" is different.

Posts: 15
Active Member

But he didnt say either or those .

Ps. My comic shop has copys of archie now but i dont even pick it up too browse any more . I get doc frankenstein instead .

Posts: 13
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Ah yes, you could call me a hypocrite but...I've recently puchased a total of 70 Archie comics, ranging from early issues right up to the lastest issue (#151) admittedly not having them all means I can't gain an understanding of the grand scale of the story as one big continous process, but I still stand by my previous accusation.

Anyway what does it matter it's only my point of view and this thread isn't about the Archie comics, I shouldn't have raised the point.

Posts: 15
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If u dont lik it, dont waste ur money on it . Thats why i stopped bying stc , to many repearts .

Posts: 13
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As crazy as it is I can't resist the cover art work, and Iam becoming fond of the stories just I don't affiliate them with my sonic universe.

Posts: 15
Active Member

So y dont u get sumthing else + dont judge a book by it's cover :thumbsup . Just messin trimfy but seriusly u cant complain about sumthin if u still go and buy is every month . That makes u a hippocrit . Do u read anything else ? Y dont u try lions tigers bears , well good .

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. That makes u a hippocrit .

No it doesnt....
EVERYONE in the UK complains about ITV and the BBC, yet they all continue to pay TV license fees and watch the occasional BBC and ITV show.
If people who had problems with a channel were banned from watching it at all, TV ratings would probably loose about 99% of their viewers.

Posts: 13
Active Member

Exactly...besides why can't I buy something just for the cover artwork?
