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Posts: 2354
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Would it be possible to list the characters of Sonic the Comic THAT were NOT in the games NOR in the Archie comic with some characteristics (brief bio, 1st appearance comicwise, personality, etc.)

I have some ideas in my head. 🙂

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

dear lord, there are dozens upon dozens of named characters. ^^;

i cna't tell you myself, as my collection isn't at university with me.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

See Sig.

EDIT: Well doesn't have any characteristics. But like Becca said, there are tons.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

I cant list them all...
But, here's a good start of the MAIN ones:

Porker Lewis
Johhny Lightfoot (these 2 you might have, but did you know about their alter aego's Oscar the Pig and Aent X?)

Doctor Zachary - echidna
The Drakon emporer - forgot his name
Omni Viewer
Princess Kupacea
Emporer Metallix
The 4 Enchanter Kings
Morain & Errol Blackthorne


That's a decent start... :p
Check the SHQ Encyclopedia for a slightly larger, but still incomplete, list.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Emporer Metallix was the final bos of Chaotix :3

Emperor Ko-Dorr I believe his name was.

To add to the list:

Ebony/Pyjama - First appearance in roots, an ambigiously gay couple who run a coffee shop, one's psychic, the other's magic.
Plunder and his Sky Pirates + Filch and Simpson - Pirates and incompitant ones at that. Simpson is a cartoon cat with all the clich and Filch is a ghost.
Sab and The Flock - Rebels of the Chemical Plant zone, typical post-appocolyptic underground resistance style.
Max Gamble - Sleazy crook who usually tries to scam people out of money.
Fleabyte the Bounty Hunter - A bounty hunter who had only two appearances, but he was cool.
Norris Wimple - Geek modelled after Chris Evans (UK) who gets in trouble alot and is saved by Amy/Tekno.
Fabian Vane - Same as above, but Michael Jackson instead.
Brutus - Leader of the Trooper army, he has Robotnik's brain waves, defeated by Robotnik himself after turning traitorous.
Vesper and the Wasp Army - One shot villain who tried to invade Charmy's home The Hive.
Megamack - A chemical designed to poison and kill Sonic. The creator was engulfed in it and became one, it eventually attacked Sonic, who didn't even recognise it.
Plasma and Arnum Abacus - A giant villain comprised of sheer electricity and said to be the master of positive ions. Arnum controls him with a remote. Once he is knocked out, Plasma is useless.
Metamorphia - Shapeshifter who can take on any shape (and apparently the abilities inherant to that shape), she's in love with Robotnik and often allows for scenes where Robotnik takes on the role of abusive father and Grimer the role of sympathetic mother. She is eventually turned into a badnik and via Tails' kidness freed and changed to a beautiful form of which she can live her own life.
Leaf, Master Thief - One shot villain who imitated Tails and committed crimes in his guise.
Lord Sidewinder - Apparently he has mind control powers of some sort, but never got to use them. He's the biggest villain in the Special Zone and is intent on using Super Sonic to rule all worlds.
Biohazard - A robot or a guy in armour? He spews out toxic waste, was once used to capture a powerless Super Sonic, however was outsmarted by Super and Ebony.
Lightmare - Sidewinder's daughter. She has the power to make reality like illussions based on people's innermost fears and nightmares.
Mr Fry/Prosper Spectle - a Jekyl/Hyde character who changes using his magic potion. One of Sidewinder's goons, and a strong fighter.
Blockhead Bill - Senile old fool and Mighty's father.
Society Max - Bill's partner, turns into a hugeass dinosaur when feed a certain root. He's actually a very civillised person.
Rodge Bodge - DIY expert... I mean disaster. He ruins everything he builds.
Windy Wallis - Weather Gerbil who creates machines to control the weather to get ratings... yeah.
D.R.A.T and The Elder - Doctor Robotnik Appreciation Tribe, a bunch of losers who worship Robotnik and try to help him get back into power. The Elder is their leader, he's a chicken who wears a golden Robotnik Moustache medallion. I kid ye not.
Vermin the Cybernik - Shortfuse's nemesis, has all the power Shortfuse does, plus he can upload virus into robots via his stinger tail.

and because he's my favourite character

Lutientant Furor - Poor overworked and overstresed police officer of New Tek City who has to deal with all of Chaotix's crap.


I could go on, including other oneshots and minor ones, like Dim Visor and every villain Tekno/Amy have fought, but that's just tedius.


and more.

Percy Granite - Leader of Britian's military, obsessed with invading Mobius to use it's lush environment for Earth's occupancy.
Tantrum the Mouse - Some little whiney mouse Tails had to help save from Fleabyte.
Crimson Cobra - One of the only competant villains of New Tek City, he's a cobra with automated arms and is a gangster who uses money and technology.
Fundamental Four - Fantastic Four parody, one shot villains for the original Chaotix short series.
Slimy - Grimer's cousin. He's currently shrunk to the size of an atom, perhaps in another Shanazar land.
Bob Beaky - Needs to be mentioned for name alone, but really it's Sonic disguised as a penguin, reoccuring guise during the first 50 issues.
The Mysterious Traveller - One shot from a horrendously out of character story. Gawd, I only remember because I hate it.
Tomb Raider Rip-off girl - I can't remember if here name was Lorna or Lana Craft, but it was a total parody of Lara Croft. She turned out to be evil, OHSNAP!
Agent X - Random informant in one incarnation, in another a hooded villain who randomly appeared. Ended up being a shadow creature named Shade using Johnny Lightfoot's form.
Smokey and his Badnik - Little kid who befriends a Badnik (the roller from Spring Yard). Sonic comes to smash it and the kid tries to protect his friend, possibly the best one shot story ever.

Again, more when I can remember. I gave my comics away 2 years ago. Doing this from memory is TOUGH.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

The Metallix at the end of Chaotix was just a super version of the original... or so I was lead to believe...

In Fleetway he's an actual different character...

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

No, he still looks near identical with the giant red appearance.

Saying he's an actual different character in terms of potential personality and such wouldn't work, since that is true of Evil Super Sonic as well, who, although not evil, is in the games.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

No, In Chaotix the final boss IS Metal Sonic, as in the same Metal Sonic you've been fighting against the entire way through the game...

In Fleetway that character is an entirely SEPERATE entity... There is a Metallix, a brootherhood of them, the super Metallix seen in issue 50, the Knuckles ones seen later and the Emporer...
ALL different characters..

Whereas in the games, there's just the one metal sonic, who transforms into A Super Metallix, but is in fact the same character.

Also, PS... Be back in a week and a half, goobye, sayonara, Sherwood here I come.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

*Thinks* I believe Craig's got the majority of them, but I can remember a few.

Hobson and Choy - Stereotypical pairing of A small rat thing with the brains, and a big round...Whatever he was who was the brawn(I forget which is which). Pair of crimnals who Fled the Drakon Empire and were tricked by Robotnik into thinking Sonic was the evil tyrant of Mobius, and he was a good doctor (Yes, Robotnik basically used the same trick he used to dupe Knuckles)

The plax - An alien race that were made of plastic, and were pretty tough, Appeared towards the end of the comic.

Bravehog - starred once in a Godawful parody of "Braveheart", Bravehog is supposedly Sonic's ancestor.

The Tantaror - I don't know what they are, they looked completely gold, and their histroy was a parody of Ancient Egypt, but someone else should elaborate on them better.

Marxio Brothers - The three "Marxio brothers", Grouchio, Chicio, and the one that just parped a little horn (Harpio), and they supposedly come from some place called "Marxio Land/World". they used to run the Casino Night Zone for Robotnik before Sonic blew it up, the last time they were seen, they were running the Chemical Plant Zone to try and clean it up.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I hate myself for forgetting the Marxio...

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Tantaror - Uber Powerful aliens who didnt do much, some evil ones kidnapped slaves to build pyramids and other little kids tried to turn Sonic into his playtoy, but otherwise they were generally alright and kept their distance.

And hiw could we forget Marxio Brothers... L(

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Few more additions:

Ring of Eternity - Like the Omni-Viewer. It helped Tekno and Amy tour the galaxy making peace and happy.
Amber - An alien who befriended Shortfuse and allowed him to remove his armour.
Dim Visor - Darth Vader rip-off.
Mr. Alpha & Co: I can't remember their names, or the collective name, but a group of four MAJORLY hi-tech villains who infiltrate the Floating Island's defenses and pwn the crap out of Knuckles in "The Takeover", they all rocked.
The Bulk - Hulk ripoff. (Special Zone)
Blues Brothers - Giant brothers who fight and destroy everything until mommy strops them (Special Zone)
Santa - Reoccuring character, believe it or not, he appeared before Robotnik at one point (addressing him as Ivo, if I remember rightly) and also met Sonic in a later Christmas issue, capturing and punishing an elf gone bad who had a cool name that I don't recall.
Dr. Genius - Villain who made a belt which would create a static field around him so nothing could touch him. He deactivated it to pick up money and got owned by Tails.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member


Santa - ...met Sonic in a later Christmas issue, capturing and punishing an elf gone bad who had a cool name that I don't recall.

Vile Peter.

Posts: 3
New Member

Barely worth mentioning, but he's the only one I can think of at this very moment.

<b>The 'Collector Supreme'</b> as he called himself when he cought Sonic in an energy bubble whilst he was signing autographs. Pitiful story, but at least Norris Wimple tried to save Sonic...

Posts: 6
Active Member

BARF? The Seven? Those JLA rip-offs that made one appearance?Nutzandboltz?All the characters that appeared in the Tails adventures in the *insert name because I have forgotten* zone? I put ?s at the end because it's been a while, you know how it is.

Oh, and hello to everybody. I'm new here.
