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When did amy stop lovin' sonic?

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When i've looked at past stories amy is like "i love you sonic" and then in future issues she is cocky towards him. I was just curious to know why that happend

Posts: 3291
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i don't own enough issues myself give a definate answer, but i figured they wanted to make amy more of a stronger character, not all 'girly girly'. thus the updated outfits and the crossbow.

perhaps she just realised that sonic would never notice her until she started to stand on her own feet?

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

I suppose the original character didn't have much you could write stories about apart from being a professional hostage. At the time, Amy didn't even have that hammer (or the amusing psychoses :p ) that she has now in the games.

I'd be the first to say that Amy (and Teckno) had generally fairly boring/ill-advised stories, but it was better than having her as someone just to get kidnapped and fawn over the main character.

Posts: 1827
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I don't think Amy never stopped loving Sonic she just matured I think. Living on the run and then trying to foil would be villians would do that I suppose.

Posts: 2097
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To be honest, if Sonic did get another love interest in his life, Amy would have been far from happy with it. I dunno if she would have like to be with him herself, but she definetly wouldn't have liked anyone else being with Sonic.

Posts: 462
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Mainly because the writers weren't that interested in writing that and editorial though it wouldn't appeal to the target audience, and Kitching's take has always been that Amy is doing it to wind Sonic up anyway.

Besides, Tekno's the only one for her! ;)

Posts: 18
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LOL bit of lady love eh? :p

i think because the main target audience was pre-teen boys love stories wouldve been inapropriate, and not only that, cmon StC amy kicks Segasonics version by miles! i hat ethe official amy, shes just....annoying!

Posts: 10
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Yeah, official Segasonic Amy sucks.

Amy never stopped loving Sonic, she just grew into her own, and decided that rather than hovering around Sonic like a pink fly around a pile of blue dung, she'd do something to get herself noticed by Sonic, such as going out there and owning some dudes.

Posts: 2116
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SegaSonic Amy could've been redeemed if Sega'd stuck with having her grow up and grow out of her fangirlism in SA1.

But by making her someone who'd realised that she was her own person and could do whatever she wanted without Sonic - and then having SA2 pee all over that from a great height by making what she wanted to chase after Sonic screaming "Marriage!" - they screwed the character over as far as I was concerned.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

I ignore SA2 Amy and go straight to Sonic Heroes Amy.

"This time, there's no way out of marrying me! *beats the crap out of Sonic and throws him off a roof, and then goes on to demolish her way through the Egg Pawn hordes*"

She's wonderfully mad, our Amy.

Posts: 10
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Best thing they ever did was give her that Croquet Mallet of Dom. :p

Posts: 3291
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the proper name is picopico hammer. ^^ it was an effective weapon for her in the games as it fitted with her more girly personality.

Posts: 10
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I can't even spell "Doom" properly. >.>

I know it was called the PicPico Hammer, but I like Croquet Mallet of Doom better. :p

Posts: 21
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Pico-pico hammer is her personal trademark...
Pico-pico hammer is her personal trademark...
heheh, i'm so stupid...
...Pico-pico hammer is her personal trademark...
Pico-pico hammer is her personal trademark...:razz ::razz :razz

Posts: 3291
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and the point to spaming that was what..?

Posts: 1355
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Those many lines are not suitable. In fact, your entire reply is pretty spammy. Please keep those kinds of posts in the SPA.

Posts: 18
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im thinking he might have got hacked

Posts: 3291
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you can't really get hacked here, other then someone finding out the password or someone using your account if you forgot to log out of a public computer.

Posts: 2928
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And thats not hacked, Chibi. Thats stupidity.


Posts: 3291
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or just a total lack of common sence. ^^;

Posts: 7
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She never did, really, it's just she, like Tails, started having more and more adventures by herself (or with Tekno) and saw less and less of him.

She grew more self-confidant and sure of herself and her abilities and she needed to rely on Sonic much less, just like Tails. But when they all got back together she still cared for him, especially during the Sonic Adventure arc.

It's sad really, but then Sonic's personality in Fleetway was never the most attractive one.

Posts: 3291
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yeah, the stc sonic was the one i disliked the most due to his attitude. ^^; but it has my favorate supersonic and amy rose, so that balances out.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I'm not sure she ever stopped loving him - she seemed to mature fairly quickly from when she first joined the FFs, and I think that the feelings just changed from obssession and lust to friendship and actual affection.

After all, there's such a thing as platonic love for a friend, right?

Posts: 2928
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Not in comics. Platonic relationships don't have enough drama. ;)


Posts: 37
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It's sad really, but then Sonic's personality in Fleetway was never the most attractive one.

Absolutely. When Sonic the Comic was the only link I had to Sonic fandom besides the games, I thought I "hated" Sonic! Luckily my delusions faded when I got t'internet and started reading fanfics, especially some of the good ones. Few fans have Sonic act like STC's version in their stories.

I'd always thought that Amy's storylines with Sonic, during the Shanazar and the SA adapt showed her still trying to get Sonic to like her, but in a more mature way. Like she was trying to impress him in a way, but also show her independance. The way they'd playfully tease eachother, during the Shanazar and aftermarth storyline, hehe! They liked eachother really.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I dunno. Sonic's default personality was one of arrogance and self importance on the surface definetly, but i think that was to cover up his care for his friends, or maybe to try and keep up the appearance of a hero, which everyone looked up to him as. I mean, when Johnny died, it hit him really hard, or the Robotnik Reigns Supreme saga where all his friends had lost all hope, and Sonic realised Tails was dead because he wasn't there to save him when they first met. I guess Sonic just acted that way to really play the big hero.

That's not to say it didn't go to his head sometimes. 😛

Posts: 462
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Few fans have Sonic act like STC's version in their stories.

Well, yeah, because unless they're doing an STC fanfic then why would they?

Personally I love Sonic being a bit of a git.

Posts: 79
Estimable Member

there's one thing that struck me the most about Amy not being bothered about Sonic, is actually a very small conversation between what Amy and Sonic said which is much later on in the series, rather than in the middle of it.

It was in Issue 131 after Sonic made a speech to the gang about going in and destroying Robotnik's base at Flickies' Island:

SONIC: "Robotnik's missing after his last defeat, so I'm going to wip out his base on Flickies' Island! Who's with me?"
AMY: "Short and sweet"
SONIC: "Hey, no mushy stuff, Amy!"
AMY: "Don't flatter yourself, I was talking about you announcement"

to me, it shows us that she's grown out of it all now.

on another note, I think she stopped loving him when Sonic became SUPER Sonic, intent on literally destroying HER, and (originally) ONLY her [Issues 80: 'Running Wild']!!

I certainly wouldn't blame Amy for her change of feelings/attitude towards him after THAT!

Posts: 1
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Before the romance thing was dropped there was a "love triangle" planned between Johnny, Amy and Sonic, and you can even see hints toward it in early issues, it was dropped though (for good reason too).

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

"Johnny is dull, Johnny has to die."

Plus, it can't be a triangle when one party does not love anyone at all, one is in knife-love with the other and one just stares at the other alot.

Which is good in my eyes, romance is overrated, though if people read between the lines I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to argue Tekno and Shortfuse a possibility, but that's about all we can get.

Posts: 3291
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i'm glad the comic mainly stayed in the 'drama and fisticuffs and more drama and aliens and explosions' territory then soap-opera style love triangles and moping. the other might work if written correctly, but i liked stc's simplicity in that way.
they're all too young, in some ways anyhow. oo;

Posts: 2398
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Us rabbit don't like walking pincushions, Trust me on this. Ever poked a rabbit? See what we do to your finger? Yeah, its the same principle applied. :D :D :D

