Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Sep 26, 2000
Topics: 9 / Replies: 347
RE: StH #200 and SU #4 Previews

If/when the comic book does end, Robotnic/Eggman should be defeated for good. I wouldn't mind if Sonic goes away for awhile if the goal was that ...

16 years ago
RE: So...Any Redwall fans here?

I got into the series though the TV series. Overall, I did enjoy the cartoon and the books. My favorite books/TV series are "Mattimeo" and &...

16 years ago
RE: StH #197 Preview/Spoilers/Discussion

Another thing I am wondering, do you think it is possible that Sonic and the Freedom Fighters will have to go rogue and totally break from the kingdom...

16 years ago
RE: StH #197 Preview/Spoilers/Discussion

From seeing the preview pages, I can see why Sally going aganist the counsel's wishes(though not really Elias')would techically be considere...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 196 Spoilers

Sonic-hq seems to have been down for awhile, at least when I type in the web address it takes me here.

16 years ago
RE: 195 Spoilers!

I do hope Sliver has it wrong, I'd hate to see one of the Freedom Fighters become a traitor.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic #198 and Sonic Universe #2 Covers

I can't see the images Matt, and I have tried refreshing the page.

16 years ago
RE: what if nicole was destroyed during satam's second season?

I agree with Tom D on this, do we really have to antagonize people who like Sat a.m. and want to talk about it? Some Sat a.m. fans can probably be ann...

16 years ago
RE: Yuku

I am having trouble signing in lately. It is strange, yuku only seems to let me sign in to reply to a post.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 194 Spoilers!

Sam, even without fully explaining your theory about Fiona, I think you have said enough for me to understand where you are getting at, and I believe ...

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #1, StH #197 Previews and more!

Since we have more details on this issue, my best guess is that there is a misunderstanding and Sally got into trouble with her temporary alliance wit...

16 years ago
RE: The Girls of the Archie Comics : WHAT ARE THEIR FLAWS/FAULTS?

I don't quite get the obsession with characters' flaws, I guess it is apart of human nature.

16 years ago
RE: Solicit-less Sonic #197 Cover Online

LoL, very funny jokes. I wish there were more details about the issue, about how Sonic and Sally ended up in jail, but I am sure more details will be ...

16 years ago
RE: Is the Sonic The Hedgehog comic dying a slow death?

Maybe Rosas got the idea that the Sonic comic is dying from hearing a lot of complants about the comic on the net, like at It can be e...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic #192 Preview and Discussion

Now that I have gotten to read the comic, here are my thoughts: I don't think Fiona regrets betraying the FF's at all, during the fight when...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 192 Spoilers

The exchange between Elias, Sonic, and Sally does sound interesting. I am glad that even though Elias is upset at Sonic for going off on his own again...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #195 & Sonic X #40 Previews

I wonder, what is the obsession with Sonic fighting all his clones? The idea sounds kind of dumb(to be honest). If there are some changes, I hope they...

16 years ago
RE: ARCHIE COMICS > Sonic+Sally VS Sonic+Mina > .....WHY was Sonic+Sally the wiser choice?

Yes, it seems that the no relationship rule does apply in this case. I noticed a monrator locked an itentical post/thread.

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

I stand corrected than, Crazy Cham Lea, I didn't take into account that Freedom HQ is not in the city.

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Dan does have a good point in his review of issue #190, why doesn't Nicole mess with Scourge and the Supression Squard's minds? Maybe she wi...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 191 Spoilers

I understand it takes time, but I hope eventually Knux will be able to get past his father's death and not feel responible. It makes sense that K...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic#191 Preview cover + pages WARNING!!! MAJOR SPOILERS!!!

At least Rotor and Chuck voted aganist waiting to take back the HQ. I can understand both sides of this, why Sonic wants to take it back now and why m...

17 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

It also seemed as if Sonic were there for Sally to berate, and he was supposed to be the main character, not DiC's made-for-SatAM princess. ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #193 & Sonic X #38 Previews

Yes, I have concerns/worries about Sonic and Amy going alone on a mission. Amy is starting to be used a little too much for my taste. I'd rather ...

17 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

Yes, I know the augements can get repeative. When I hear anti-Sally people talk, I can get defenseive because it can make me feel ashamed; like I shou...

17 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

It is interesting, for a "perfect" character some people find a lot of things wrong with Sally and while complaining she is "perfect&qu...

17 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

About Sally, I would be concerned about her character development in an Sat a.m. revival, and I would hope she wouldn't change that much. In the ...

17 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

I am sad that some fans treated Animator X so badly. He does have courage to talk about his plans to Sonic fandom, because I knew people would start t...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #190 brief review

This does sound like a good issue, a tactical reteat seems clever. Hopefully, it will eventually work, like I think it will. In away I am surprised, b...

17 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

As I said on the thread, I am not gettng my hopes up. I think it does speak well of the show, that it has a special place in some people's hearts...

17 years ago
RE: My high hopes for the build-up to #200

If Sonic and the Freedom Fighters are split up again, it has to be done in a better way. With story lines like the around the world and "Tosed in...

17 years ago
RE: StH #190 Preview Pages and Discussion.

I was thinking that Ian was taking a slower more realistic approach to Rotor's injury. Also, I am getting the impression that the counsel is a pa...

17 years ago
RE: My high hopes for the build-up to #200

For non-romantic things, for #200 I just want a good story although no unpleasant surprises(like Sally being killed off). I think Max will die at some...

17 years ago
RE: Mary Sue awareness compilation

I can understand how some people can see Mary Sue characters cliche/sterotypical and unorginial, though I don't quite understand the red hot hate...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #192, Sonic X #37, and Sonic Archives #9 Previews

Why isn't the supression squad helping Scourge? Probably because they don't really like him.

17 years ago
RE: In the new Sonic wiki

I understand that Sonic Sat a.m. wasn't perfect and not to everyone's taste, but I do think it was the best of the Sonic cartoons. It will a...

17 years ago
RE: your favorite / inspirational STH issue(s)

For all its flaws, I found the "Endgame" series to be inspirational. What Sonic, Sally, and the rest of the Freedom Fighters had to endure d...

17 years ago
RE: STH #191 Preview and Discussion

It looks like the Acorn counsel might start to act like the UN, that is politicians for you. Hopfully, they will not hender the Freedom Fighters ablit...

17 years ago
RE: STH #191 Preview and Discussion

I wouldn't say Knux and Juile-Sue's relationship is in trouble yet either, judging from this preview. It looks like the Acorn counsel might ...

17 years ago
RE: Any more intersting conflicts happening soon in the story?

Eggman is still around, though that conflict has been put on hold while the Freedom Fighters deal with other villains. I am sure he will be back. ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #188 & Sonic X #33 Previews

Just wondering if anyone has gotten this issue yet? I am eager to know what happens.

17 years ago
RE: Mothers in the Sonic comic

I am not saying it was wrong for Sally to show emotion, I just thought the slap overdid it and just gave anti-Sally fans more fuel to hate her.

17 years ago
RE: Mothers in the Sonic comic

Thanks a lot Psxphile, for reminding me about that. I didn't say the Freedom Fighters were perfect. Still, wish Archie didn't have Sally sla...

17 years ago
Replies: 31
Views: 1072
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Except for the head score, Dan seemed to like it(#187) that is. Since no one else has posted it, Dan's review of #188 is up.

17 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 156
RE: Question About Remington

I wonder if Ian is planning on making it official in the comic that Remington is Krajok's son. I don't remember if Ian has said anything abo...

17 years ago
RE: I don't anyone has mentioned this yet, but here it goes:

Yes, Rosas(BW) was responding on another board to certain people(who I think have been banned here) who don't like Sally, don't want her to ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 190, Archives Vol. 8 & SX 35

I agree Rosas, the real Freedom Figthers are going to have built up emotions too. seeing some of the supression squad members. The cover art, so far, ...

17 years ago
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