Mobius Forum Archive

Honorable Member
Joined: May 10, 2005
Topics: 9 / Replies: 613
RE: Commercials

I'd have to say consoles and games. Whenever a game comes out(mainly Sonic), I almost always end up buying it. When the PS2 and GC was released, I had...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic BGM: Greatest Game Music Ever...?

My favourites: Team Chaotix/Team Dark/Team Sonic/Team Rose Theme tunes-SH Egg Fleet Zone- SH Green Forest-SA2B Sonic's Theme tune-SA&SA2:B Open Yo...

20 years ago
RE: Live 8. The long walk to justice.

I really support this Live 8 thing. I think it's great to end poverty. Tell me, isn't this being lead by that same guy who did 'do they know it's chri...

20 years ago
RE: Irritated and Vacation: Life's both Sides

Man, that's tough. Enjoy your holiday.

20 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 112
RE: A union of two persons: Canada approves gay marriage

Male homosexuals are 14 times more likely to have syphilis than male heterosexuals. They are also thousands of time more likely to have AIDS. That ma...

20 years ago
RE: Another desktop thread.

I wanna show you mine, but how do you do it?

20 years ago
RE: o.0 milk is threatned by bioterror

eating nice tasting foods is for PUSSIES! i suppose you like bacardi breezers, too......... Actually, I've tried them. They are nice.

20 years ago
RE: Sonic dreams.

Oh, I've had loads of Sonic dreams before. Once, I was Julie-Su's best friend and was talking to her about Knuckles. That's all I can remember from it...

20 years ago
RE: Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

Mmmm, I think I will post after you because you tried to kill me the other day infront of your "rollercoaster"

20 years ago
RE: o.0 milk is threatned by bioterror

Awww, man! I love milk too. Will these guys EVER give up? And saber- although adding mayo to water may be a good experiment, I doubt it will taste ve...

20 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

He used to be black. Chaos, after reading Cyc's large message I think you should know he had a skin condition that made him white? I dunno, something...

20 years ago
RE: A union of two persons: Canada approves gay marriage

I kinda agree. I don't even know why it was illegal in the first place. I just don't support it.

20 years ago
RE: Boffins Create Zombie Dogs

Mmmmm, I think some scientists have taken it a little to the extreme if you ask me... If a dog's gone-it's gone. Theres no point doing that.

20 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

Okay, NOW I'm listening to Nickleback-You remind me. (That song ROCKS!!)

20 years ago
RE: Sonic heroes' characters

Tails voice is due to the voice actor, and I know a lot of people that aren't impressed with the voice. Anyway, I like it Like me. I prefered SH Vec...

20 years ago
RE: Which Knuckles past history was better? Uk or US?

I always thought the US story was better simply because it was more exciting. If his past is a mystery you just have to keep guessing as to what his p...

20 years ago
RE: Hello

Welcome Omega! Enjoy the boards! Answer to Digger's question: Characters for Archie or SatAM: Nic/Nac the Weasles, Sally Acorn, Rotor(Boomer). There's...

20 years ago
RE: Richard Whiteley dies, aged 61

Yeah, my mum was talking to me about this earlier today. I really hope they don't replace him. I never really watched Countdown... but he's the Countd...

20 years ago
RE: Everyone to Becca's Pillow Fortress!

*gathers sewing materials* I couldn't find a big pillow, but with my sewing techniques I could make one. BUT CRAIG MUST HELP-HE STARTED THE PILLOW FIG...

20 years ago
RE: Popsicle disaster!!!

Quote:"Hey, what about those starving children in Africa?" Actually, I agree with that. Good point.

20 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

Jaffa, you make me laugh, honestly you do. I'll have to agree with Shinobi, though. He may have hurt his parents emotionally when he decided to change...

20 years ago
RE: 12 top truths

Yes, that was an enjoying read. I do kinda agree with Craig on this one Harley, but the list ain't THAT bad.

20 years ago
RE: Leaving the MoFo

Hem hem Forum Whore? Sooo, THAT'S what I am, eh?

20 years ago
RE: Family Guy movie coming out on September 27

I love Family Guy! It's one of my favourite non-anime cartoons after The Simpsons. The idea of the film might have to grow on me though...

20 years ago
RE: 30 Days on Micky D's, lose 10 lbs

Hmmm, LOOSE weight on Mc D's? I gotta try that...

20 years ago
RE: Hello

Or is that, new poster? Oh well... Yes, welcome Mr Digger, sir! Enjoy the boards. Answering your question to the comics, you can order them from the i...

20 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

Yeah, I heard through the grapevine that MJ hated his father so much, he didn't want to look like him no more, so he made himself that way. Quite a fe...

20 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

Oh crap, I've listened to the One Piece (japanese) theme tune too much... I'VE LEARNT THE FIRST TWO LINES NOT KNOWING WHAT THEY MEAN!!!! I'm listening...

20 years ago
RE: Popsicle disaster!!!

The 25-foot-tall, 17 1/2-ton treat of frozen Snapple juice melted faster than expected Tuesday, flooding Union Square in downtown Manhattan with kiwi-...

20 years ago
RE: well, since the Robot museum is somewhat non-existent...

Does Megaman air anymore? I was going to watch it on Jetix a few months back, but after I had made the descision I couldn't find it anywhere.

20 years ago
RE: Leaving the MoFo

won't miss you, and personally don't care if your here or not. Ouch! Well, anywho- I hope you have a good time at DA, I've also signed up there. Bye!

20 years ago
RE: Kelsey Grammer to play Dr. Hank McCoy in X-Men 3!

Mmmmm, I never knew that. Thinking back to Fraiser reminds me that he's a great actor, so yeah. That should be good. Can't wait. Although, I haven't e...

20 years ago
RE: Ahoy! Back from Europe I am!

We just wondered around. The playscheme leaders didn't have enough money for THAT. But even if we did go through the tour, I doubt it would be more ex...

20 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

Yeah, I was watching that interveiw with MJ where he admitted to having a skin condition. Yes, he has had a lot still, it makes me wonder why he didn'...

20 years ago
RE: AFI's 100 Movie Quotes

Show me the money! You can't handle the truth! Classics.

20 years ago
RE: Is it Really Called Writing, Though?

My heart aches!! I always watch reality tv, but to know it's scripted makes me want to cry. Oh well, *twitches* it was nice while it lasted. *starts ...

20 years ago
RE: PETA kills: employees charged w/ animal cruelty

Quote:I, for one, really couldn't care any less how my chicken was raised as long as it's on my plate and hot. That comment made me laugh, but yes, i...

20 years ago
RE: Ahoy! Back from Europe I am!

I'm glad you had a nice time, and I'm more surprised that you found London as nice as you did. Quote:The Tower of London was beautiful Hmmm, really? ...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic Gems Collection

Quote:I've heard that Chaotix and SegaSonic apparently aren't allowed to be included because Sega doesn't have exclusive rights to Mighty and Ray. The...

20 years ago
RE: Ever wanted to shoot Crazy Frog? Now you can!

91? 99? All I got is a measley 40.

20 years ago
RE: experimenting with linux..........

You're quite the spontaneous person. But no, I have no advice

20 years ago
RE: PETA kills: employees charged w/ animal cruelty

That's teriible. And these people are supposed to HELP animals? Hypocrisy is the understatement of the millenium

20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

Quote:Don't worry about earlier comments Abi, If you think it's a good program then just go on enjoying it. I think people overdo their criticisms of ...

20 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

Quote:If a child was scared (say 'cos it's thunder and lightning or whatever) and slept with his parents in their bed, are the parents performing sexu...

20 years ago
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