Mobius Forum Archive

Honorable Member
Joined: May 10, 2005
Topics: 9 / Replies: 613
RE: Pepsi + Segata Sanshiro = ...

Funny you say that- never heard of him. It made me laugh, though

20 years ago
RE: Strange.

That might be because there's a diffrent atmosphere around here since the attacks...everyone is happily waiting for ez to get to normal again. But I l...

20 years ago
RE: Old Glory Insurance

I don't think I'll comment on that.

20 years ago
RE: 'Gargoyles' fans rejoice!

I'd go with Crimson on that one. It would we good if they had a few famous voices on there too, but only as extras though. I'd prefer the originals

20 years ago
RE: Exterminatus Now!

Come to think of it, I did see Eastwood's name somewhere on one of the older boards, back when EZ was functional...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Sometimes I worry about you, y'know...

20 years ago
RE: Exterminatus Now!

Are you joking?

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 19
Views: 158
RE: Now it's MY birthday!

Aww, man! now you're older than me! 'appy Birthday.

20 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

Don't you find it annoying that if a normal person was to go to court for this, it would have been a life sentence straight away, but just coz it's th...

20 years ago

Quote:Bread is Sex! ooohhhhhhhhkaaaaay, where is that bread? I can see this topic is not for me... Congrats on the new job!

20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

*rubs leg* (why do you people always hurt me? Look on the Pink Floyd post if you don't understand) Maybe because...well...some younger adults can also...

20 years ago
20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

I had a feeling this post was missing something... Honestly, Harley, I was expecting you here a long time ago

20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

Quote:I'm a Tails fan I kind of guessed that due to your picture/s I'm not a Sonic fan either; Knuckles is my guy

20 years ago
RE: Hacked (MFW, Endurance/Survival)

Name: Roxy-Lu the Echidna Alias: Regita Age:15 Current Stronghold: "CI" Weapons/powers: Ice gun, Fire gun, Wind spears, Spirit of Earth, telepathic...

20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

Actually, that kind of struck me as weird too. I had no idea that a post about a silly tv show would open up a debate for well-written adults. But the...

20 years ago
RE: How the dinosaurs REALLY died

Quote:Last week, I built a time machine. I used it to go back o the days of the dnosaurs and found that lo! they had not died out 65 million years ago...

20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

Quote:See, this is why half of all North American adults are damn-near illiterate #1: I'm British #2: I'm thirteen #3:You could offend many North Amer...

20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

Quote:And the book was called 1984 - not Big Brother Yeah, whatever... And why don't you like it?

20 years ago
RE: Pink Floyd plays again...

*rubs cheek* Hem Hem, I'm thirteen years old(14 IN OCTOBER!!!) and FYI, rock is so NOT for me. Give ME some good new R'n'B (No more slaps, plz, that o...

20 years ago
RE: Pink Floyd plays again...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm... Never even heard of them

20 years ago
Replies: 54
Views: 381
RE: My E3 Sonic experience.

Y'know, I always thought Wal-mart was fictional. I've heard about it on cartoons, but I've never heard anyone actually say it was's true w...

20 years ago
RE: Announcements should stay on topic

Well, I never saw it in the first place, but by everyones's reactions, it couldn't of been nice.

20 years ago
RE: 'Gargoyles' fans rejoice!

Hmmm, I LOVED that programme. Now they're putting out a comic book? That IS good news

20 years ago
RE: Im back.

Yeah, I'm talking about your sig. But I couldn't work out the riddle either. At first I thought it was a well of some sort, but that doesn't make any ...

20 years ago
RE: Deja Vu.

Quote:Your .gif skillz are l337! Yeah, I've been looking at that sig for a while myself. I wish I could do that... You'd have better luck teaching a...

20 years ago
RE: Deja Vu.

Well, ain't that just a kick in the teeth?Quote:Based on everything we know at this point, we believe that it is safe to post in forums created before...

20 years ago
RE: Im back.

Wraith, I must say I really do enjoy reading your posts because there is always some kind of catchy poem as your sig. About the guy who's back...I do...

20 years ago
RE: Why aren't you posting in EliteBoard?

YAY!!! FINALLY!! For the past few days I couldn't post here coz it said i wasn't an administrator... Well, anyway, I tried Elite as well, I just thoug...

20 years ago
RE: Vote for Eggman!!!URGENTT!!!

I never even looked at the link. Sorry.

20 years ago
RE: Yet another Geek test...

i got 3.7% or was that 37%? no, no DEFINITELY 3.7.... I'm telling the truth!

20 years ago
RE: Three people killed over Role-Playing Game

True, very true. Oh, welcome to the boards, by the way.

20 years ago
RE: Airport screeners could see X-rated X-rays

jeez, what were they thinking? I'm glad I don't live in America

20 years ago
RE: Crazy Frog is UK #1 in the charts

Quote:Spice Girls are from Australia. I beg your pardon? Spice Girls? From Australia? Doesn't compute. Anywayz, about the whole frog thing... i think...

20 years ago
RE: Which charachter do ya think YOU can compare yourself to?

Err, I think I'm more like Tails. Quiet, shy, bottles up my feelings. Ironically, though, I have a temper equivalent to Knuckles', and when that tempe...

20 years ago
RE: Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

Y'know what? I didn't even know Americans said that. Oh well.. It's kinda like 'Gotten' and 'Got'. In Britain, 'Gotten' isn't Standard English.

20 years ago
RE: Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

Y'know what? I didn't even know Americans said that. Oh well.. It's kinda like 'Gotten' and 'Got'. In Britain, 'Gotten' isn't Standard English.

20 years ago
RE: Metal Sonic or Shadow: who was cooler as a rival?

Yeah, must agree. Metal Sonic is a better rival. I mean-look what he did in Sonic Heroes! TURNING on his maker? That was some story line! Especially t...

20 years ago
RE: Who Are Your Favorite Sonic Characters--Granddaddy Poll!

1)Knuckles: Nice colour, nice eyes, interesting story lines in the games AND the Archie comics. Quite grown up too. Unlike Sonic, he has scenes of int...

20 years ago
RE: SatAm Sonic vs SegaSonic

Oh, err that makes sense. I should've known. I have, after all, heard of Sonic Underground before...

20 years ago
RE: Everyone to Becca's Pillow Fortress!

This topic is ludicrous. In a good way, mind you. *steals everyone's Knuckles plushies* Mmmmm, I always wanted one of these, now I have one hundred!

20 years ago
RE: Cursing, who gives a @#$%?

I have to tell the truth, I don't actually swear. Well, not from MY heart anywayz. If someone said something like: Person A: You F***ing IDIOT!! Me: D...

20 years ago
20 years ago
RE: Unfair on.... Homosexuals?

Was Seventh-Day-Adventists in there? That's what I am.

20 years ago
RE: I'm in a rush, but...

I'm shocked and appalled at the same time. People should be able to choose whatever religion they want. And I'm more shocked that the judge is basical...

20 years ago
RE: Schizophrenia?

What if it was just sleep-talking? But if you're definitely sure you were wide awake, I'd go with the advice of what the rest of these guys are saying...

20 years ago
RE: Please Post Character Profiles Here

This is a character from a Knuckles fan fic I'm working on. It's me in my echidna self. Name: Shayna-li Alias: Abi-Jay Species: Echidna Gender: Femal...

20 years ago
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