Mobius Forum Archive

Honorable Member
Joined: May 10, 2005
Topics: 9 / Replies: 613
RE: Sonic's place in the new wave?

That's very true. Because the Sonic games are changing so drastically(Sonic Heroes as a King example), most people are starting to go off it. And abo...

20 years ago
RE: Stupidest Death *ever*

Quote:do the dance and think "WOO!" then restart the fight. It's very annoying >.> Funny post. Very funny. That happened to me once. ...

20 years ago
RE: Going to England!

Well, you'll probably have a good time here. I know I don't.

20 years ago
RE: SatAm Sonic vs SegaSonic

Quote:SU, OVA, or AoStH. Now, this frightened me. The only Sonic cartoons i'm aware of are Sonic-X and AoStH, the latter has been airing here in the...

20 years ago
RE: Top 100 Cartoons

Quote:Why is it that everybody I know, is obsessive over the film - "The Nightmare before Christmas" I though the movie was horrible but my ...

20 years ago
RE: Unfair on.... Homosexuals?

Ok, about this whole homosexual thing. As a christian, I've been brought up to believe that homosexualality is wrong, but I don't actually have a prob...

20 years ago
RE: American History X

My mum and sister have both seen the movie. We have it on DVD. My sister said it's a brilliant film, but doesn't let me watch it. She says it will giv...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic's place in the new wave?

Quote:Sonic the Hedgehog. Always running forwards. Never looking back. If he does, the camera kills you. *gets hit by camera several times* I guess t...

20 years ago
RE: Allright, lets try this game

and it finally opens. But the girl next door isn't there, it's someone else...

20 years ago
RE: How many people here like sports?

I hate to watch sports, though I do find enjoyment in playing them. Archery, Basketball, Fencing and Badminton are my personal favourites. One thing t...

20 years ago
Replies: 19
Views: 145
RE: Fred Flintstone VA dies at 85

That's kinda sad. I never really thought that much about the Flinstones until now. R.I.P

20 years ago
RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith in cinemas now

Quote:Mean, I know, but you do NOT do that crap, not with something so huge, not with something so historic, so special Err, is Star Wars THAT great?...

20 years ago
RE: Three people killed over Role-Playing Game

*puts eyes back in sockets* Whoa! How dumb can you get?! This is like the story about that boy who killed his little cousin while wrestling with her a...

20 years ago
RE: Time for you ears to bleed! Eurovision

heh! UK came third to last. Not surprised, really. Javine's song was rubbish.

20 years ago
RE: Top 100 Cartoons

I feel insulted that Nightmare B4 Christmas was #13. #5 is where it should've been. And as a Shaman King fan, I think it should've gotten in there som...

20 years ago
RE: Great Quotes we know and would love to say...

Principal Skinner is tied up in a basketball bag. His hamster is by his side. He says: "Chew through my ball bag!" the hamster squeals and...

20 years ago
RE: The Fun Q & A Post

A:I dont know. Q:How long has it been since you last took over the world?

20 years ago
RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith in cinemas now

I've never watched a single Star Wars film in my life. I just thought it would be pointless and dumb. But as I see, it has earned a lot of fans. I sho...

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

WEll, I think that Sonic Team are dragging this whole "Shadow Story" On for too long. One Question: Is this Shadow the REAL Shadow? Or is i...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

WEll, I think that Sonic Team are dragging this whole "Shadow Story" On for too long. One Question: Is this Shadow the REAL Shadow? Or is i...

20 years ago
RE: Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

Damnation! That was the longest minute of my life! And I win again- Creosote! Shin!

23 years ago
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