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Joined: Aug 4, 2005
Topics: 2 / Replies: 78
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #175 SPOILERS: The Unthinkable Happens

I think it's an interesting point of view on the entire Sonic/Robotnik war concept. I mean: where is the interest (out of making money) in an infinite...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

This issue is not that great. Scourge and Fiona look just like two scoundrels who deserve slaps. One of those stories when you really feel that the ch...

18 years ago
RE: so......this is just an idea, but Why not use the chatroom?

I tried once. I never understood how this chatroom system worked.

18 years ago
RE: StH #171 Spoilers and Discussion

I approve ! Very good ideas and good stories in these last issues. Giving definitive answers was a challenge Flynn achieved greatly. It allows the g...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X is taking over!

Sonic X is now sold in France. Issues #1 and 2 have been reunited in a sole album for a "generous" cost (8 ). The translation is pitiful. As I'm sca...

18 years ago
RE: Which comic characters do you hate?

The character I dislike the most is probably Mogul. He doesn't look like anything; he just appears when he's not desired and says "I'm all-powerful, I...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #166 is in the hizzouse (SPOILERS)

Curious. The 25YL story made me think about... well... a Ian Potto fanfic. Is it coincident.

18 years ago
RE: Favorite Storyline

I couldn't answer... I can just say that I lived an entire summer (2005) as a dream when I discovered the entire StH collection on the net... A new un...

18 years ago
RE: StH # 163 spoilers/discussion

A good story, again (but let's forget this "Sonic Riders" stuff). It reaches an elementary target for a serial: make the readers wait for an entire mo...

19 years ago
RE: #162- The Darkest Storm, Part One (Mucho Spoilers)

God bless the "Ian" all over the world. The Sonic comic is reviving ! The sense of the narrative rythm, the quality of the stories, the creativity ar...

19 years ago
RE: #161 Is Here (Spoilers 'n More)

Much, much better than last year...

19 years ago
RE: Only For Kids?

The most of the subscribers, a few years ago, were between 7 and 12 years old. I suppose it didn't change. But even a American comic book for children...

19 years ago
RE: Had to be done: Best/worst Archie writers

Difficult. I'd rather take the problem from "what are your fave stories ?" and deduce the writers but a "story" is a relative thing in a comic book.

19 years ago
RE: SONIC #160 and SX #7 PREVIEWS!

You make me feel not alone. And Tanya Del Rio was such the only artist emerging from the mediocrity in 2005 that we can only wait a lot from her.

19 years ago
RE: SONIC #160 and SX #7 PREVIEWS!

Quote:That's not what it's going to look like in the final printed version. thanks to Matt Herms for this comparison, which he posted on Ian's board.w...

19 years ago
RE: SONIC #160 and SX #7 PREVIEWS!

"Let's call me sixteen from now 'til forever" It's another "resolving simple sentence". Well, Humzeker sux. Let's banish fluorescent green.

19 years ago
RE: StH #159 spoilers and discussion

Got it. Well, not too bad for once. The main story is rather laid-back ("plan-plan") but correct and I appreciate Antoine and Elias more and more. Ron...

19 years ago
RE: Archie 2005 Year In Review Survey

1. What was the best cover in 2005? Sonic #155 (Sanford Greene) 2. What was the worst cover in 2005? Sonic #153 (Sanford Greene) 3. What was the bes...

19 years ago
RE: Top/Bottom 3 of StH pencilers

I shall add Frank Strom among the worst ones. His introducing of Monkey Kahn was correctly written - though he is no use for the series - but awfully ...

19 years ago
RE: Most Under/Overused character?

Overused: Mammoth Mogul (one issue is even too much) Underused: errr... The problem is the inflation of characters since #30. There are too many for ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Archie now in French... - in amateur

Allrightallrightallrightallright. I'll not do it again. It's just... I think I should not have posted this link on an English-speaking forum, becaus...

19 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 112
RE: Ken Penders says "Bygones"

Yeah but considering the recent production I'm not going to cry.

19 years ago
RE: Ken Penders says "Bygones"

I don't disagree with Ken quiting the series. I think it's time for other writers to have their chance.

19 years ago
RE: #156 Arrives (SPOILERS)

Hey, finally wasn't I right ? Elias IS a strong character, moreover he accepts the throne.

19 years ago
RE: Pick your Best / Worst Archie Sonic stories for 2005

Best: Line of Succession 1 and Stargazing. All the rest makes me crying.

19 years ago
RE: #156 Arrives (SPOILERS)

C'est nul ! 2/10 And let Antoine put his "make-up kit" on his night table for all to see ! The best way for a clandestine life amongst bad guys.

19 years ago
RE: Hollywood Impossibilities (Movies bend Reality!)

"Too much" is a part of Hollywood since everytime... And a part of myths. Hollywood is a modern mythology.

19 years ago
RE: Revenge of the Sith now on DVD :

Actually the choice belongs to the spectator. Too bad it is a unique experience.

19 years ago
RE: Which charachter do ya think YOU can compare yourself to?

Remington, the most responsible character.

19 years ago
RE: Who are your favorite characters

1) Remington 2) Elias 3) Sally 4) Antoine 5) Bunnie 6) King Max 7) Knuckles when dealing with family problems 8) Dimitri at the end 9) Geoffrey (and ...

19 years ago
RE: Revenge of the Sith now on DVD :

The OFFICIAL order is 1-2-3-4-5-6. Lucas conceived them for being watched one day from the beginning to the end. And if not, why would have he rename...

19 years ago
RE: #155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

I couldn't find a proper topic to ask my question and I don't think it deserves a new one. I'm translating the Archie comics in French and I noticed ...

19 years ago
RE: Need opinions on certain years for Sonic Archie comics

"Serious" and "dark" are two different things for me. Yeah, juste a question of taste (the age, maybe), but a prefer a "serious" line of comics.

19 years ago
RE: #155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

What's wrong with Tails' reaction ? I think it's normal. You know what a valve is ? When you're a child, I guess you have reactions like these. Dispro...

19 years ago
RE: Question about Elias

I've heard he didn't appreciate visits.

19 years ago
RE: em....if?

Err... The characters are property of Sega Co. Am I right ?

19 years ago
RE: #155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

There's continuity, and continuity. Also, does Ken need a hand to find the proper french article ? Say "ma princesse" or "ma chrie", please...

19 years ago
RE: What odd feature(s) is your country known for?

France's disgrace ? Hem... Do you mean NOW or permanently ?

19 years ago
RE: #155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

I forgot talking about emotion. There's so much in this issue ! Almost every scene. Mood power.

19 years ago
RE: #155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

Review ! "Line of succession (1/2)" Story: AT LAST a (very) good story !! Maybe one of the best Penders ? (no ? oh, right.) He FINALLY found somethi...

19 years ago
RE: France Riots: A Muslim 'Intifada'?

No. It's just that one more time, France is in late on the USA. We have our riots 40 years after them.

19 years ago
RE: France Riots: A Muslim 'Intifada'?

Well, that's my concern. 😉 If I may explain you one or two things in order to comprehend the situation. 1) In France we use to debate problems not ...

19 years ago
RE: Top/Bottom 3 of StH pencilers

Plagiarist of Fry, you mean ?

19 years ago
RE: Dulcy's mom/Queen Alicia appearances?

For Queen Alicia, her first appearance is in Knuckles #21 (as a cryogened body). As alive during the great war, 'don't know but check before #50, I th...

19 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Strangely, I found Dan's month review too indulgent... I agree with the text, not the grade.

19 years ago
RE: What could've been (STH: One Year Later)

Quote:the sad truth is that Eggman has no one to love and no one to love him back HOW TOUCHING !! (...and believable)

19 years ago
RE: Remington/Dark Legion connection

Those universes where everyone is related to each other...

19 years ago
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