Mobius Forum Archive

Alex Warlorn
Reputable Member
Joined: Apr 10, 2004
Last seen: May 30, 2011
Topics: 34 / Replies: 303
RE: The Battle(s) You've Been Waiting For...SONIC 179!!!

At least everything is settled... for now. But Max doesn't seen the way Knotehole Kingdom is run changing with the times, all he sees is his beliefs ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Satam in Sonic X

As much as we wish it was not so.

17 years ago
RE: Lara-Su Mini Series or Comic Series

Either or. Either way, a mini-series is DECIDEDLY the safest way to go.

17 years ago
Replies: 17
Views: 52
17 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

Lien would have only left it vague enough to save her own hide.

17 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

Here's something I think everyone forgot. Lien-Da said that Dimitri was DEAD!!! So it's pretty clear, or rather, VERY likely she stabbed him in the ba...

17 years ago
RE: Tails

The taboo on guns that Acorn Kingdom has has evolved from being just a law to being cultural engrained. Changing the ruling body won't change how peop...

17 years ago
RE: A Tiny Problem with SatAM's Season 3

realistically, if Sat-Am WAS revived, you know it would evolve as well.

17 years ago
RE: A Tiny Problem with SatAM's Season 3

That does leave me with one question though. Why has the comic lasted this long then? When it was based ON Sat-AM.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

Max is wondering if Sonic is a Rebel or a Loyalist. While Sonic is wondering if there even IS a right side here. The only reason Sonic is doing what...

17 years ago
RE: Tails

We've gone over this part before. Like I said, part of the good general's 50% might just like him and might not have a full idea of his idea, or just...

17 years ago
RE: A Tiny Problem with SatAM's Season 3

Robotech was 20 years old and wasn't even originally one cartoon but three that were cut and paste together to make one story. If THAT can be resurrec...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

IMHO, the Sonic bashing is getting a little too thick now. To the point where Sonic's other traits are being totally covered over by his flaws to the ...

17 years ago
RE: A Tiny Problem with SatAM's Season 3

I'm saying that series that have been medically declared dead have crawled their way out of the ground before.

17 years ago
RE: Tails

Question: Hershey, and Geoffery, and the OTHER 50% of the city. What do you think they're going to do in the middle of this?

17 years ago
RE: Just wanted to say about 178...

Er, Knotehole is dust, remember?

17 years ago
RE: Tails

When I stop and think about it. It really does feel like Scourge and Anti-Tails fighting, not the heroes we know.

17 years ago
RE: A Tiny Problem with SatAM's Season 3

I betting someone said the same thing about Robotech.

17 years ago
RE: Tails

and can't see his dad's flaws.

17 years ago
RE: Tails

And -again- I'm reminded how, from where I stand, Amy and Tails are alike in this comic. Both are in love with someone who is NOT going to return thei...

17 years ago
RE: Do you think that there will be a HUGE story arc to # 200th Does Sega ever give reasons for the restrictions it places...

17 years ago
RE: YOU are writing Sonic...

I could work around surprise conditions, but only IF I was actually given a rational reason for them.

17 years ago
RE: Just wanted to say about 178...

A simple solution, and it would work, in theory. But a split down the middle Knotehole would become a disfunctional one as well. It would become like ...

17 years ago
RE: Your Favorite Sonic Underground episode

I forgot about that episode rather artist. Though I don't know weather it was nice or cheap that the anti-hedgehogs reformed at the end. Does that mea...

17 years ago
RE: Fantasy Monarchies

It's not TRUE godhood. Sonic and co are using the weapons and tools of deities, but they aren't truely gods themselves in this state, they are using a...

17 years ago
RE: A Tiny Problem with SatAM's Season 3

As a matter of fact, I loved SatAM, and still do. It was a wonderful series was cut down before it could even rightfully complete it's life cycle. (li...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

Thankfully this new Enerjak won't have nearly the experience Dimitri did using Chaos Force to bend reality.

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

This reminds me of an old story point I used in my fanfics. Ironically, Julie-Su is the only member of the Grand Master line besides the reformed Dimi...

17 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

Actually, no, there was no white chaos emerald in that issue.

17 years ago
RE: Fiona Fox

Nothing to say he wouldn't try. After all, there were innocent animals he was protecting from the Anti-FFs back when Sonic first visited Anti-Mobius.

17 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (un-OFFICIAL thread)

One thing though, why did they have to make things PC by giving the gorons loincloths. Spoilers (Select To Read): One cheap thing about the ending th...

17 years ago
RE: Has Anyone Played Portrait of Ruin?

I'm now at level 92 and beaten Dracula around five times. I typically ignore the other modes since they never have any plot. However I think I trigg...

17 years ago
RE: ...Another new Nintendo handheld?!

Hopefully they won't rush foreword too much. Nintendo is good at trying new things though.

17 years ago
RE: Fiona Fox

Maybe Anti-Fiona might have started out evil, but was captured by Dr. Kinbotor who eventually reformed her?

17 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

There is one thing to remember, is that Archie has tricked us with misleading covers too. Remember Amy and the white chaos emerald? When we thought th...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

Unless he's the leader of the Ice Legion, and he started this entire civil war.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

Assuming Robotnik knows about this war? True, he's no doubt keeping a big eye on what Mobotropolis is up to, but since the fact remains that he can't ...

17 years ago
RE: Just wanted to say about 178...

This is a story from which there can be no clean solution, and any solution that is found, will leave it's scars. Like what happens to the mobians in ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

Evil loses because while Evil is busy making it's "I am so great" speech, Good has time to move the really big cannon into position behind i...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

I still think that he's likely to BE that one. But I'd still like to know why he ditched the Dark Legion and went into business for himself and wher...

17 years ago
RE: Fiona Fox

Here's an interesting question: Does anyone else realize that logically, Fiona would be a claustrophobic? If the FFs ever capture her and need her to ...

17 years ago
RE: Just wanted to say about 178...

I get the idea already that you have zero repsect for my opinions or ideas, cause otherwise you wouldn't be trying to tick me off by point out every t...

17 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 21
Replies: 17
Views: 31
RE: Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

Oh and to note: The Xorda won't keep the Black Arms busy forever.

17 years ago
RE: Fiona Fox

Writer and Editor now.

17 years ago
RE: Just wanted to say about 178...

Feeling of being trapped, situation with no real right side, and friends turning on each other, just feels Kafka.

17 years ago
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