Mobius Forum Archive

Active Member
Joined: May 26, 2006
Topics: 2 / Replies: 4
RE: Qeustion about Sonic X.

Interesting. Do you have any links to info on this girlfriend concept or any other pictures?

17 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 92
RE: Questions about Archie Sonic?

Quote: To further clarify this, Elias has no child. He has a stepdaughter. That's a shame.=( It would have been nice to have seen him married and h...

19 years ago
RE: Questions about Archie Sonic?

Sadly I only live near a FP during Uni term time. When I go home I live no where near one, I happen to live in the middle of no where and there's not...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic the Comic...better than Archie?

Overall, there were problems with StC. For one, I didn't really like Sonic's portrayal. He came across as being a jerk and never really seemed to be s...

19 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 94