First, biggest, and best. A lot of things are borrowed from M:tG - 'tapping', 'summoning sickness', basic turn structure, and general skill physics.
Lost 4 Jericho 2 (after 1 gets re-aired over summer)
Thanks for the word of support, Bat. I'm hoping to get the cardbase going with a "Grab Bag" set, where everyone just makes whatever they wa...
I got a couple good laughs out of the trailer, at least, but I haven't felt compelled to seek out a Disney film in forever o.o; Also interesting to s...
Yeah. Every other place I've seen that pic posted they make sure to point that out.
Quote:Artist's rendition of the mic and the drum set Fixed; the final models haven't been released yet. Which is good, because a lot of people are c...
How exactly is this armor different from the one in BB? (By the way, I finally got around to seeing BB since I made my last post here, and now I'm ac... Data Transfer Surpasses 1GB by Adam Czech, Crystal Plains PR Department 24 June 2007 Late news, but worth noticing now. Going over the trans...
Why have I never heard of this game before? ...Guess that speaks to why they're doing such a stunt?
Die Hard Trilogy. And no, I don't want to see 4.
Die Hard Trilogy. And no, I don't want to see 4.
Mostly lurking, but still here with a post now n' then.
Was this like, some critical component to the plot of the game? Or was it (as far as I can tell from skimming the many articles up there) a photo in ...
GUITAR ANNOUNCED: We knew the Rock Band guitar was going to be based on the Fender Stratocaster and now, thanks to a GameStop newsletter, we get the...
All That Remains - Six
Quote:You can find out more about Lexophilia here. Quote:WHOOPS! The page you were trying to get to seems to have moved... or you got the URL w...
Sorry, but between growing up with my father and reading through Dominic Deegan, I have rendered myself immune to puns.
Wait, how is that possible? The article doesn't say.
Good to see they're getting more master tracks for GH3.
I could spend all day browsing this site. Thank you, sir SH, for a fantastic find.
,, >o< /,,/ @ GH3 being confirmed for PS2
hey guyz wats goin on in tihs thred?
Animaniacs was the last great cartoon show. It was smart, witty, had great classic animation, wonderfully acted characters, and even had the balls to...
Quote:Being married can do that to you... =( Quote:And as far as I'm concerned the 360 version is the only one worth playing. You're entitled to you...
You lie. I beat Thunderhorse on expert and nothing happened =(
Shiggy, don't just start spouting random garbage! That's Sony's job right now! =P
Luke3000 fails for posting a comic that pokes fun at a game a year and a half after its release. VGCats is anything but current nowadays (and usually...
Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country
needs moar Samuel Jackson He's in the sequel.
RTFA, y'all. SWAT was summoned because this dude was a gun nut and obviously was about to start something because of his dog. I just want to know wh...
Title should probably be "Comcast broadcasts 'it' on Disney Channel".
WEEEEEEAAAAK. 8P Later, Boston.
NEEEERRRRRDDDDDS. The Mario glitch was good.
So Monty Python was the source of that song, was it? News to me. I really should watch some of that show sometime. Actually, they weren't. Common mi...
Plus it was covered on "Fox & Friends", possibly the most vapid show on the network.
Yeah. After reading the real story, it makes a lot more sense. And, even while people are really blowing it out of proportion, the parody was in bad...
Every quote more ridiculous than the last, I kept hoping and hoping the source link would be from, like, the Onion or something. Don't we have enough...
What happened? ;.; The same thing that happened to WB and the rest of Saturday morning: Anime.
Star Wars CCG, back when it was made by Deicpher. (So totally different than the garbage Wizards makes/made.) Also checked into the Star Trek CCG, P... The Fake Heath/Joker Pic - Proof Please no more of the photoshopped Joker picture. It's actor Conrad Veidt no...
Thanks for the sticky. If anyone has just a quick RP from here that they just finished I'd be honored to take a crack at it for the archive.
Glad to have at least a few voices of support for the project. If anyone has RPs, either from this board, another board, or something over IM, that t...
Glad to have at least a few voices of support for the project. If anyone has RPs, either from this board, another board, or something over IM, that t...
What editorial does he keep talking about? That's the only part of this, from my errant skimming, that I don't have an inkling about.
Didn't BC always do a special strip for Easter? Kinda blows, the timing... Rest in peace, go with God, Mister Hart.