hello and welcome to the Mobius Forum!^^@episonic
wow XD;...*hugged and tacklehugged!* Thanks^^;@the weba, mild-mannered celebratory coffee break, and comment about the smile (^^) And I'll see if I ...
Thanks to Arikyrenne for linking the updates. You're welcome/no problem^^ I'm looking forward to the next sections of the story, of course, ...
Well, looks like he'll be posting his stories in CI again at any rate^^; ( ) But either way, welcome back, Tergonaut^^ -----------------------------...
Just making a quick note here that I edited in the rating label you had used back when you made the first topic with these comics -- since they'...
*pops in to update thread!* Two new posts have been added since last time: Dr. Johansen's journal entry (and) Dude, where's my suit?
You're welcome^^ And ah, I see what you mean now. However, for that post, the "lolz" is basically just a different way of saying "lol", so it isn't ...
(*agrees that this is pretty much just random action/posting, and not really an RP* In addition without some sort of rules or guidelines, itâ€...
Most of these things you can find answered (or at least more detailed) in the Rules topic (found here: , see second post for elaborated vers...
o0;...though hello/weba^^@Quantom X (Edit: *fixes accidental misspelling of Quantom's username, then retreats back into hiding from the MWHAHAH...
*bumps thread in preparation of topic merge* Edit: topic merge complete^^ *merged the "YEAH TOAST!!!" thread into this one*
Happy Birthday, Crim!^^
o.o! *remembers you!* welcome back^^
*must resist temptation to answer "The sky!"*^^; anyway, welcome back^^
hello and welcome back!^^@Erika
yeah XD;@birthday list for the 1st -- according to the community calendar, there were 1120 birthdays there! o0 (Also, Happy Birthday to anyone who...
Oh, wow!^^; Been a while since this topic's seen the light of the first page of MFC -- it's hard to believe how quickly time has passed! *do...
Here's the link to the Eliteboard version of the game, just for reference: From a quick look-through, looks like whoever was F...
Indeed@Rapid, and congrats on the 3k!^^@Kayla ...I know this doesn't contain everything mentioned in the kilo song (what tune is that to, btw...
One down, seven to go?^^;
o0 *jumps back at the appearance of the grenade* Sailor Evil may have given one good reason to be afraid, but I think Rishi just introduced anothe...
...what on earth? XD *peers at thread from behind a chair and pokes it cautiously, unsure yet whether or not she should be afraid* o.o;
I don't/never did really go to arcades all that often, but I remember enjoying Gauntlet Legends for a while (while the arcade had it^^; ) -- bein...
*pops into this thread* I don't mean to lurk as much as I do, but I often end up doing so due to RL busyness and other reasons people have alread...
*sighs and locks topic* Full or not full pics aside, I think this topic has served its purpose. Good luck and take care@socks; if you do end up re...
been a while, but Part IV is now posted! Tergonaut is back!...again?
Happy Birthday WB!^^
Yeah, I noticed that as well^^@1000 topics in MFC (prior to this topic, of course!) *passes out some cookies and celebrates!*^^
XD...Guess I'm not the only one who read it as that^^; Anyway, looks like this comp uses Firefox 3.0.x. Dunno what my other comps have, thoug...
o0; NOOOOO ><; As for the topic itself, something along the lines of what TTG said is what I remember hearing about "The Eye of a Needl...