Mobius Forum Archive

Eminent Member
Joined: Oct 25, 2000
Topics: 7 / Replies: 14
Replies: 7
Views: 273
RE: *walks in casually* I wonder how many people remember me?

Yeah I never really was much into RP. I kinda stayed right here in the main "Central" area.

19 years ago
RE: *walks in casually* I wonder how many people remember me?

Perhaps it could be due to the fact that the last time that I was even remotely active in this forum was back in 2004, and the last time that I was -R...

19 years ago
RE: Plane crash in Kentucky, "many casualties"

Let's put it this way: I'd rather die relatively quickly, than deal with the pain of surviving.

19 years ago
RE: Plane crash in Kentucky, "many casualties"

Geez, can you imagine what that must be like for that poor soul who survied? Honestly, as lucky as I would be to count myself alive after a crash like...

19 years ago
RE: Planet Pluto(1930 -2006)

Y'know, I'm just gonna laugh when Plutonian's land on our planet and demand to see who'se responsible for stripping their home of its planetary title....

19 years ago
RE: *walks in casually* I wonder how many people remember me?

I've been around, just, y'know... life =P Oh and as for BlackFox, Well I'm not her's anymore.... LONG story, I'll start another thread for that one. ...

19 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

A truely democratic system strides to be either secular, leaving religion at the door, or represent all parties equally, regardless of majority or not...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

This is what I tell a lot of people: It is incredibly important in this day in age where most things are laid out for you, that you discover for yours...

19 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

What's wrong in having national pride, even if you don't nescecarily believe in anything? What's wrong with being proud to pledge yourself to your fla...

19 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

I will not argue that at the time of the founding of our country, most of our founding forefathers were indeed some form of christian, but all of them...

19 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

The orginial pledge, written by Francis Bellamy in 1892 very simply is very much the same as our pledge today, except that it does not include the &qu...

19 years ago
Replies: 53
Views: 500