Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Feb 20, 2005
Topics: 1 / Replies: 395
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"The mobian was the least of my worries." Niki muttered. The woman looked down at the smirking rabbit, the same 'business as usual&...

16 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"By the nine." Niki muttered disapprovingly at the broadcast, "Are the Burrisian's really that disorganised these days?" Th...

16 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"Maybe the little one's were from this 'subspace', more likely they were just an illusion of some kind." Niki said carefully,...

16 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

An unnatural quieting had fallen across the group. All around them the sounds of worried conversation had begun to spread once again, the attack was ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

A row of tact neurons blew along one side of Niki's brain at the little humans remark, causing her right eye to twitch slightly. The deep pupil ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"Psyonics" Niki hissed to herself, the word filled with the sort of venom that could topple a Rhino.

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: I've altered that last post to fit accordingly, Nur has made his exit. IC: Something of a quiet chaos was building in the camp. ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Nur's foxlike smile didn't change, though Claw got the inclination that its source was no longer polite. "Oh, I rather fancy that i...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Nur's expression softened a little more, placing his weight forward onto the gnarled walking stick that had apeared (but somehow seemed to have a...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

The cyanides smelt it first. But by the time the farce between Claw and Henry had played out, the sanguine sent lined everyone's nostrils with an...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: You are a star Kaze ^_^ iC: For a breif instant Claw thought his arm had gone clean though the old man, but then came the crack as his elbo...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: Hmm, my post disapeared during the move. Will post again shortly...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: I will see this arc through, but I was worried that it was driving people away. Hence the apology. P.s. Nur is expendable. If any character wo...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: Dieing of verious achamahol enduced things at the momemnt, plz excuse bad spelling. I feel that I'm gradualy killing this rp as I have done in ...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

OOC: Had grate intro for this lined up, but thanks to double shifts and now Clubbing event won't be able to post it. I will still be joining I'll jus...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

OOC: This sounds very instresting consept. The premiss looks sound and I've been waiting for the opertunity to bring trent back out of the box. I th...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"Well," Pronounced the old man with a certain air of 'conclusion' to his tone "This has been an interesting outing, but my time grows s...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

The old man shrugged lightly, his large eyebrows following suit "Curiosity I suppose." Ken felt the stranger's gaze relinquish entirely, a s...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: lol the cosmetic sergury was taken to a whole new level that day. P.S. found a piky of darknatshr's that fits envy perfectly. Will post up link...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Unfazed by the young boy's language, the stranger simply stood with that same thin smile on his features. Content simply to watch and listen for the m...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

An amused smirk once again graced the features of the old man, as though he were recalling a happy memory from an ancient past. "Children can be...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

The old man chuckled. "Oh, my dear boy. If I was here to inhume you, I would not have shown my face. As for the 'monsters' of which you speak,&q...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: Old man? Muh, okay I can run with that. IC: Any other adult should have at least looked surprised at the boys reaction, but the elder simply r...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"Intriguing" The strong male voice sounded normal enough, albeit the small factor of the owners sudden appearance behind the two children. ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

The girl was standing like a beacon outside the door, her startled yelp exposing how nervous she was after the attack. Niki could hardly blame her. ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OoC: Apologies. My internet's been down for a while. IC: Niki's indifferent stare graced Henry's utterances before straying off in the direction the...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Nikis mildly quizzical gaze shifted between the two cubs in some failing attempt at discern reason from their reactions. She even glanced behind to c...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Depends how much attention you were paying during the attack. The stranger said in a level tone. With a brief glance up the street to check for surv...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

A heavy hand landed on the cubs shoulder. Between Henry's moping and Ken's attempts to foster a glimmer of hope in a world of lunacy, neither had not...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

From the blind panic of the last few hours the cityscape had emerged as a morbid field of concrete pillars, pitted with the occasional black oak tree ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: With your permition Rico could I change Niki's actions in the last fight so that she dosn't end up half dead. I was going to bring sasha in but ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Most managing directors of the local Evolian RnD spent their days behind large intimidating desks, complaining about poor performance or misusing thei...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: What happened to Sabin an the resident medic?

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

In a dank and uninviting place where two segments of old sewer met beneath the feet of the unsuspecting city, a thick vale of darkness had formed acro...

17 years ago
RE: Should they bring back Roboticization?

Quote:Except the fact that since this is such a big threat, you get those people that are willing to put their necks out as far as possible, to end it...

17 years ago
RE: Should they bring back Roboticization?

I think they should, but only if they did it appropriately. Fist off, forget this waiting for hours while they set things up for a robotosization, of...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

< The name my master bestowed me was superbia. It meens little to me. My true name, the one that came before my masters call...> The presence...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

< Listen to them, child. Do not cast their opions to the wayside. They can sence me while in this form even if they are unaware of it, and they wo...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

< And yet, your aim was true. > Kenneth froze, the silky voice binding his feat to the ground as the world around him seemed to slow. < A s...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Parry after parry, thrust after thrust the two opponents kept their pace with one another. Claw with the weight of Psionic power behind him and multi...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

There was a moment of silence as the feline skidded to a halt some yards from the beast. Sabin didnt even realise something was wrong until the two d...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Envy grinned widely, but there was weakness in his features, fatigue. The wounds Claw had inflicted did not close as the previous one's had, and now ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

The shots from Kinnears weapon struck home, scattering a trail of bright blue light in their wake, but their critical accuracy did nothing to slow Env...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: I'm Writing it I'm writing it.. please don't hurt me

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: Post reserver, taking longer then I thought. sry.

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: Hope you dont mind about the Katana thing Evalc. My thought was to arm everyone so that they could join in the melee. IC: The Roar of agony fro...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

< ..humph. Cowards. > Everyone looked away as several teeth aching sounds resonated around the courtyard. It was difficult to tell which cam...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Envy paused momentarily, fingers still poised to release their deadly payload with but a single click. A dark foreboding chuckle rose from the creatu...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

< I do hate to brake up this touching moment- > Envy razed his clasped hands in front of his wolfen features < -But havent you forgotten some...

17 years ago
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