Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Apr 29, 2004
Topics: 7 / Replies: 362
RE: FlashChat VS YukuChat

Woop woop! Crimon's back!! Er... I didn't read the rest of this conversation. Sorry for my pest-like appearance *vanishes*

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

Forest gathering Clio gritted her teeth as the huge bang shook the ground, and caused the twins to scuttle about on the spot in fear at the forei...

14 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

Cubian meteor Athena studied Adahn with hard eyebrows as he turned about the spot and wandered off a few paces away from her. For half a second s...

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

OOC: Oopsy, sorry. Note to self, don’t RP on less than 4 hours sleep a night for 6 days a week. Well well, Tergonaut has joined. Greet...

14 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

Athena’s lower jaw once again fell open ajar at the revelations that just took place. Dumb folded and bewildered. Nine times out of ten she...

14 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

Athena wandered through the crystalline maze of the parts of the asteroid in a morbid haze. What existed on the outside world and what was derived fro...

14 years ago
RE: 9.8 (Survival)

OOC: Gosh, don't think I've ever RPed with a human before XD I do have some ideas though. I'll come up with a post tonight, if not tomorrow.

14 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

D'aaaaaaaawww thanks Pach! Great to be back and Rping with ya again and others. So yes, hope it continues. Indeed, well spoken words. Work to liv...

14 years ago
RE: Post Your Character Profiles Here

I sometimes, or rather often, find profiles to draw up a bore. Plus I agree it can make it inflexible to adapt to other RP's if you stick to padantic ...

14 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

OOC: If anything's been misunderstood or doesn't comply with the RP, let me know. Wow, everyone's post is a real good read. The universe has been we...

14 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

Can't fault what Terg has said XD. Well spoken and I'll be referring to your sound advice indeed in future RP's- be it if I ever start my own or when ...

14 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

OOC: I'll join. Just give me a chance to read and I'll shoot you a post 😉

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

Forest “Ain’t no typical sunglasses huh?” Clio enquired dubiously “’kay then. Whatever...” she muttered. She didnâ€&#...

14 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

^^^ Well spoken! It's good you're adaptable to any RP and such. I agree one of the challenges is formulating one a decent number of people like and...

14 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

Pretty much what you said, I guess, Pach. Simple, straight forward RP where one can adapt their characters easily is always a good start. As much ...

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

Forest Kian’s large, juvenile but endearing green eyes lit as he carefully watched how Jade was, indeed, to illustrate how she found her...

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

OOC: New characters and location subplot thingy. Huzzah. Forest "Oh gosh, I'm sorry," Clio spoke out, only beginning to imagine how insultin...

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

OOC: Yay for another RPer... boo for headaches. Feel better soon and can’t wait to see your entry and such! IC: Forest “A... a ...

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

In a cluster of nearby bushes, the twin raccoons and the toucan were whispering amongst one another as they observed the new arrival foxes. One blac...

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

The harmonious nature of the forest continued to flow in synchronisation of all living and non-living elements. Birds sang, insects chirped and the wi...

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

OOC: How delightful. I'll certainly join... after work tomorrow. Long list of peoples' teeth to drill *dies* Hope this is as much of a blast as FoF ...

14 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

OOC: Ignore last post. I'm leaving the RP. The mode of play is a little too restrictive to me so sorry if I caused people to kick off and such. E...

14 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

Two figures who had previously been whispering amongst themselves behind some clutters of tree branches suddenly fell silent when they heard the first...

14 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Good point. Awesome man. I'll think of something then In the meantime I've read Mike's RP intro thing so I'll join that too. Cheers for the respo...

14 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: You random bunch of randomers. Well, would you want to start it up again or not? Choice is yours. I have some time on my hands. I realise t...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

OOC: Hi VW and everyone. I am a big pain. I do still really REALLY want to join. I need to read this RP though. Might print it off at work on Mon...

14 years ago
RE: Sonic Colors for Wii and DS

Have to give in, it is looking freaking funky now actually. Even the music gave me a buzz! Ah man. I don't have a Wii, damn. Oh well.

14 years ago
RE: Sonic Colors for Wii and DS

Uhm, does actually look pretty funky, mezmerising and enchanting and all the rest. Perhaps putting Sonic back in a 'lighter' genre as someone mentione...

14 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

OOC: Dude wth?? Why?! I know I'm one to talk... Dr. Invisbility so I am or Dr. Flit, back and forth, you know the way it rolls Had to make a b...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

OOC: XD Twilight really is diabolical ._. the world's been warped into a very horrid fandom. Whatever, each to their own! Thanks for the welcomes...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

OOC: Wowees, can I join? I've finally broken free from my restraints... well, some. Graduated and all so there's some freedom. I have a fair bit ...

14 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

OOC: sorry for double posting

14 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

OOC: Apologies for the absence. Final year dentistry's hard =/ IC: Athena stood in the shadows, with a black trenchcoat and a scarf covering...

14 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

OOC: Yay, VW. I love Porche! Keep her in! XD IC Athena, somewhat intimidated, took a half-inch step back. She shifted her eyes uneasily among...

15 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

“Wow. Finally you guys are here,” a voice announced as the elevator doors opened. Kincaid raised an eyebrow as he could recognise the voice, but n...

15 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

OOC: Alrighty! This scene I've just written I kinda started last night. It's just as an aside. But yeah, am ready myself for the group to move out! :P...

15 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

"... Right, I take it not everyone's not really having much of a good day. If there aren't any other pressing matters, then I guess we're dismissed. T...

15 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

OOC: Lol at first quote above ^^^^ XD IC: Athena looked at the rabbit that finally decided to speak up. Well, the striped one anyway. The 'o...

15 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

Athena gazed up at the rather small statured canine, who finally decided to reveal herself as the leader of the group. She then smirked. Purely ou...

15 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

Athena through her head back before snapping it forwards. Her strands of her loose hair flew over her face which darkened her expression as her eyes b...

15 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

Athena couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the bravado exhibitied by the ram who had introduced himself as Kincaid. Throughout this whole meeti...

15 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

OOC: lol!! ^^^^ talk about thinking out loud VW. Profile: Real name: Athena O'shea Codename: Celeste Age: 19 Height: 5'7" ...

15 years ago
RE: How many of you are still around?

Hey Pach and CD, and everyone else XP I'm not too bad... yourselves? Wow, no one's called you that in 3 years huh CD? Serious? o.o That�...

15 years ago
RE: How many of you are still around?

Well now .... > btw Happy new year *waves to familiar faces* I miss you guys so much!!! VW, CD, Pach... Ok, it seems there's like 10% moti...

15 years ago
RE: How many of you are still around?

Frakkit. I feel like starting another fresh slate. Sorry. It's just that I've forgotten EVERYTHING in my other RP's. Can't even re...

15 years ago
RE: How many of you are still around?

Aw, I bet I sound like a broken record player when I keep going on about reviving my commitment like the good old hey day. Actions speak louder than w...

15 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Ha ha, what's the chance of a reassemblage then? XD btw hope you're feeling better Wraith.

15 years ago
RE: Atomic the Hedgehog: A Post-Apocalyptic Sonic Universe

Xell raised an eyebrow at the Android, in the midst of reluctantly shaking Crimson's hand. "Xell's the name," the dragon said ...

15 years ago
RE: Atomic the Hedgehog: A Post-Apocalyptic Sonic Universe

"Thoughtfully planned," Xell remarked with a mutter, trying to keep his cool "so well ordered. Perhaps, too well ordered..." The...

15 years ago
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