Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Apr 29, 2004
Topics: 7 / Replies: 362
RE: Atomic the Hedgehog: A Post-Apocalyptic Sonic Universe

IC: Xell swiftly whipped off his glasses and shot the owner of the smart-ass comment a look of thunder. Being addressed as a kid, furthermore, did...

15 years ago
RE: Atomic the Hedgehog: A Post-Apocalyptic Sonic Universe

OOC: Hm, gonna take a while to familiarise myself with all the opposing forces out there. Oh wait, just read your thread 'New guy with ideas'...

15 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

^^^I know bugger all too! I know the movies. I mean, I do *own* Resident Evil 4. I am far too scared to played it though XD. My brother even tri...

15 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

Holy schnitzel. I really wish we could rewind to this forum's better activity to like, 4 years back .__.; *whine whine whine* M'kay. I w...

15 years ago
RE: Saga of Soleanna: Sonic adventure

OOC: Hurr... so this RP didn't die from cardiac arrest or prolonged 'waiting game' haemorhage then? GREAT! Speaking of which, passed ...

16 years ago
RE: Saga of Soleanna: Sonic adventure

Hi guys, Real REAL sorry I ain't posted for so long! Good excuse I have though. Got evicted from accommodation. But am somewhere better !!! ...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Sorry for the 'no show' for a while. Went to Ireland on holiday. Am still here XD James, awesome post. You hath returneth. with Bri...

16 years ago
RE: Saga of Soleanna: Sonic adventure

OOC: Man! Sorry I'm late! Decided to do some lab work at college in spite of holidays. See my halo shine... Course you can join Peaches go f...

16 years ago
RE: Saga of Soleanna: Sonic adventure

OOC: Bloody awesome characters and posts guys! Wow! IC shortly *shot* XD

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Wow, what have you got up YOUR sleeve James? Should we be scared? XD Love the new badas$ avatar. Lucent looks like he means business! :0 Bren...

16 years ago
RE: Saga of Soleanna: Sonic adventure

OOC: Heh, much thanks. Flattered ppl are interested I'm a little stuck as to where to move things. But hopefully I'll get an idea soon....

16 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

^^^ Thank you both for your inputs XD But yeah, the hack did do a lot of damage, didn't it? Mike. The saddest part was losing all that masterpie...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Eep, don't gun me down for yet another OOC *runs* I've NEARLY finished all my IC's!!! Well articulated post Brent. You obvio...

16 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

^^ would if I was a little more sussed about 'Brotherhood of guardians' and all the rest. Unfortunatly, my flow fow writing buckles when my ...

16 years ago
RE: Look! Jin Draws! Wheeeee!

Wow, love your characters. They seem really Tekkenish, but with style. Wow wow wow! Keepy uppy

16 years ago
RE: Saga of Soleanna: Sonic adventure

OOC: Kim! Glad to have you in!!! Oh wow, can't emphathesize (spl>?!) how delighted I am! And I'm also stoked to see Ruby! Yay! Lol, ...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Oh, that's fantastic news Wraith. Awesome!!! Totally, yay!! Can't wait to see Jet again! Need to catch up with posts and stuff. B...

16 years ago
RE: Saga of Soleanna: Sonic adventure

OOC: I see the feisty Serenity hasn't changed XD Awesome entry violet! IC: Soleanna Tails gasped as he saw a worried-struck Reni runnin...

16 years ago
RE: Saga of Soleanna: Sonic adventure

OOC: Holy crap XD actually, the 'noses' was unintentional, ROFL! I'm so embaressed now >_> XD Thanks so much for the positive f...

16 years ago
RE: Saga of Soleanna: Sonic adventure

OOC: Violet!!! *glompage* Of course, of course Reni's allowed! And of course Sonic being her father and all is all the more allowed. In fact, i...

16 years ago
Replies: 40
Views: 786
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Ha ha ha, excellent post Wraith. That was just surreal and captivating. And I'm glad David didn't save Frost. It's so much more tr...

16 years ago
RE: I AM RETURN!!!!!!!!! =]

Ah. *bows a humble apology* Sorry to question the squishiness of... squishi, in that case. Lol, you can take the you can take the cow outta ...

16 years ago
RE: I AM RETURN!!!!!!!!! =]

Wow. The grammatical error of the title in this thread really bugs the hell out of me *scratches head in frustration to make sense of it... twitches* ...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: many thanks for Chaos emerald clarification. Writing other scenes as we speak. Wraith, if interaction with Amoz is out of character, let me k...

16 years ago
RE: Don't like falafel? Then you're a RACIST.

^^^ That's actually really true. No matter how clean and untainted people claim to be... or at least to claim not to have an ounce of racism ...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: XD Yeah well, thought I'd spice up the scene a bit. She's so different to Trey and Sword that I thought another charrie (esp. Rouge) ...

16 years ago
RE: Don't like falafel? Then you're a RACIST.

Full metal Razor... thank you for the explanation. Interesting... >_> XD Thank you Silvershadow. Nice to be remembered. I mean, I remember y...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Why, thank you for filling us in on your rather enviably carefree social life... Brent! Trust you to be colourful with your OOC's and such. ...

16 years ago
RE: Don't like falafel? Then you're a RACIST.

Why, thank you Glad you like my fancharrie, hedgie tycoony... Wraith :3 PS GOtta ask, how comes everyone has Sonic's gobsmacked face in th...

16 years ago
RE: Don't like falafel? Then you're a RACIST.

Well then... Next time somebody says 'yuck' at our pukka 'fish and chips' or 'bangers and mash' or 'insert trad...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Well, it's safe to assume XD Don't apologise. Will try and get involved with other scenes ASAP. Yeah, wish we could get a hold of S...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: 'Sea-lee' it is then, lol. 😛 Wow. Guess what. I got some random -dialup' number whilst at the net cafe and tried it at home. ...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Wow, just wow. Excellent post guys :0 And I think Celey is awesome Egg. Nice one . Pronounced 'Key-lee' or 'Sea-lee'? Jus...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Hi guys, quick quick heads up from me. Have loads to read. I got my bT line, but activation of broadband line still hasn't been establishe...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: O______________________________________________O Holy cotton socks! Wraith, you're unbelievable! No words can articulate how amazed I wa...

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Wow, help with the summary. THat's mighty decent of you. Hmm... I really should by a memory stick and take this home to read or something. But ...

16 years ago
RE: The Vi is Back! 😀

Never heard of it or played it. Darn it. Sorry Hukos D:

16 years ago
RE: The Vi is Back! 😀

Great. Now Yuyu's prolly gonna wanna leave.

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Hey Pach! I totally agree with you in terms of where we last left off. It was nearly two years ago after all! I really wouldn't expect anyone...

16 years ago
RE: The Vi is Back! 😀

Wow, thanks for the 'wilkommens' and 'bienvenues'... er, WB in short from you guys, CD and Nuchtos. And yuppers, I am still alive ...

16 years ago
RE: The Vi is Back! 😀

Yes, welcome back indeed. You were my first watcher on DA doncha know? *shot for randomness* I also wanna rp with you again. I really wanna get ...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Oh wow, that's SOOO cool! And motivates me enough to read and summarise to provide a user friendly reintro into things! I think Seleth m...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Ooc: I was reading some of this RP last night for old time's sake... and wanted to curl up and die! ... it was SO good. You know why? Because o...

16 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

OOC: Long time indeed Mike. Thanks! Hope this RP goes strong! "And it is precisely because of this town's ignorance, that it's fallen to its de...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

'Cease idol conversation and kill her!' a part of Athena's mind screamed 'predators don't ask questions.' 'But look at her quiver with fear! It's dam...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Not far from the post-bloodshed frontier, which had seen a fox, weasel and bear responsible for the death of lives almost so that of a humanoid child,...

17 years ago
RE: the sonic story

OOC: I was about to say... did everyone else decide to have a few pints before rping... without inviting me? ... I was going to take great offence at...

17 years ago
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