Mobius Forum Archive

Active Member
Joined: Nov 17, 2003
Topics: 0 / Replies: 13
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

well, it's difficult to wear black and be obscenely happy in a heatwave s'why I wear blue and try to be halfway happy COMPROMISE PEOPLE

20 years ago
RE: Everyone to Becca's Pillow Fortress!

deep fried? where I live they will put doner kebab meat on a pizza, fold it over and deep fry it, I kid you not

20 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

yoha dudes, anyone else notice the new theme looks like a kaleidoscopic ku klux klan gathering? no? just me? meh also, I resent that craig, I am neit...

20 years ago
RE: Fatte Larreth's

Hiding beneath a table an the corner of the bar, Wednesday had been trying to set fire to a gaurds foot, but nothing had happened. he sighed and jumpe...

20 years ago
RE: What is wrong with you people?

Quote:I too distinguish between my avatar - a fictional character that only exists in my imagination - and my real self - the person that is sitting i...

20 years ago
RE: Questions for all of ye on the other side o the pond

yes, yes we do. we also tend to wear our wallets in easy view and if you see a group of "skinheads" (the PC term is "cerebrally challen...

20 years ago
RE: Fatte Larreth's

"the pub?" exclaimed wednesday, "huzzah, as long as it's not the Two Jugs, I'm narred from there for a magic show involving a monkey, t...

20 years ago
RE: Fatte Larreth's

Wednesday looked around "stuff....secret stuff...things so secret your head might melt to even think of knowing what they are" Nersavious bl...

20 years ago
RE: Fatte Larreth's

Name: Wednesday Age: 137 Race: Elf Sex: Male Height: 6'6" class: mage Appearance: dark and gothic, Wednesday is a black elf, that is to say, you ...

20 years ago

Congrats on the job Cooki WeBa Sam who is "Squishie"? I don't remember him/her

20 years ago
RE: More Fun With The MPAA: The Great Fanfiction Crackdown

Quote:Too many children looking for Harry Potter stories were stumbling onto new and unexpected uses for wands. um....ICK!

20 years ago
RE: Teen Titans UK

First of this is a semi serious RP. Anyone who has seen the teen titans tv series knows it can get serious at times, but is wacky fun at others. I hop...

20 years ago
RE: List all your alts, or - better yet - post with them!

BFFG main character (undergoing a complete character upheaval) Chaos Storme Neo-Ironman MKII Flash the Hedgehog SPA only egos Kid Buu DB Hero Buu (a...

21 years ago