Mobius Forum Archive

Eminent Member
Joined: Apr 2, 2005
Topics: 0 / Replies: 29
RE: What to do? *girl trouble forwarning, only click if u want..

So far I don't think I've seen any advice from the people who sholud have the most to offer... You at least have some common areas with band and trac...

19 years ago
RE: Electro-Smog and the Vatican

Quote:If there isn't already some kind of super-villain utilising it, then I'm deeply disappointed Oh, but there is: Source: Prepare the ...

19 years ago

But its better than being broke congrats. Star Wars III is probably one of the last movies I'll see in thetres (only to keep a perfect record) until t...

19 years ago
RE: You lot disapoint me; there's no "With Teeth" top ever like most bands during that time, NIN kinda fell into obscurity after the Alternative era. The only ones I really know are Closer and Hurt...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X Differences Between Japan's Version and 4Kids

I've noticed that among all the distributors, there seem to be two major factions: ADV, Pioneer, and Manga Entertainment have shown to have decent re...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X Differences Between Japan's Version and 4Kids

I just said it was a cool story, that seemed to have some validity in the OAV. And post-apocolyptic doesn't quite mean end of the world, just majorly...

19 years ago
RE: Mother's Day! (US)

I just bought a gift card as I'm not exactly rolling in it myself either. *paralel topic* On a side note, has anyone else thought that it might be a ...

19 years ago
RE: What is wrong with you people?

...this is definitly a job for me and Photoshop! This is going to be good.

19 years ago
RE: Church, Politics, And Why They Should Never Ever Mix

...the only reason I even invoked my years in Catholic school was to note that I do have quite a bit of experience with the bible and ALL Christian fa...

19 years ago
RE: Church, Politics, And Why They Should Never Ever Mix

Okay, but I'll always back up most my information. I just don't exactly have chapter/verse numbers memorized. Quote:umm....**thinks** THE BIBLE WAS ...

19 years ago
RE: What is wrong with you people?

...wait, so does that mean that C.B. is automatically pwn3d by default? So instaid of saing pwn3d, I can just say: Kr4yg3D! I like it, it has a nice...

19 years ago
RE: Church, Politics, And Why They Should Never Ever Mix

...I'm staking my credibilty here. I know the lines I was thinking of in the back of my mind, I just want to have all my info together. Speed reading ...

19 years ago
RE: Church, Politics, And Why They Should Never Ever Mix

Quote:Please don't comment on things you really have no idea about I didn't spend 12 years in Catholic school for nothing. I didn't spend 4 of those y...

19 years ago
RE: Church, Politics, And Why They Should Never Ever Mix

--This is purely theological, and is not a comment on faith itself-- I've done alot of poking around, and one interesting thing is that ALL 3 books (...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X Differences Between Japan's Version and 4Kids

...last time I saw that story was in 1998. It was in the stories section of an online Sonic fanclub that I ran (before web-based forums became common)...

19 years ago
RE: Church, Politics, And Why They Should Never Ever Mix

All I can say is I'm not atheist, but I'm not officially aligned with anything for reasons like theese. Try biting your tounge through 12 years of Ca...

19 years ago
RE: What is wrong with you people?

...but I'll go with my favorites:

19 years ago
RE: Questions for all of ye on the other side o the pond

---Notes on Europe--- I haven't been overseas, but my desire to get away from the East Coast has brought me alot of tips and info. Most important, tr...

19 years ago
RE: What is wrong with you people?

This thread is starting to make my brain hurt... So its ironic that we were serious about a funny post that appeared to be um not serious, but in act...

19 years ago
RE: What is wrong with you people?

It didn't bother me one way or the other, but its easy for someone to take a quick look at that and see a flamebait thread. All I saw was a rant and ...

19 years ago
RE: What is wrong with you people?

Quote:Pointless rambling Seriously though, chill out. I don't know exactly what your disfunction is, but a long rant post is more likely to get igno...

19 years ago
RE: Stupidest Death *ever*

How do you keep a n00b busy? Check the very end of this post! ------ It's funny: they're almost like the old "How do you keep an idiot busy"...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X Differences Between Japan's Version and 4Kids

Quote:the events that you refer to are entirely based on relatively recent Archie shenanigans. Actually, I HATE the Archie world (KEN PENDERS SUCKS -...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X Differences Between Japan's Version and 4Kids

I do remember one of the original backstories for Sonic and his world: Mobius is actually a post apocolyptic Earth, resulting from the amassing of arm...

19 years ago
RE: Stupidest Death *ever*

As Metal Sonic in Sonic Adventure at the end of Sky Deck "Act 1" I got to the rocket pod, blew up the giant cannon, and mysteriously was kno...

19 years ago
RE: Knuckles The Echidna in Sonic The Hedgehog 3: Timeline?

This is one I've been mulling around for some time but still cant piece together completely: When does Knuckles' story in Sonic 3 take place? The ev...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X Differences Between Japan's Version and 4Kids

There are MANY excellent dubs...just not on TV... The main problem with 4Kids, Funimation, and Bandai (responsible for most of the saturday cartoon a...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X Differences Between Japan's Version and 4Kids

Quote: Never watch one-piece then, you'd go catatonic then... I actually read a few of the original Shonen Jump manga, and then when I heart it was o...

19 years ago
RE: Emulation Education

This was going to be a response on the Sonic Gems Collection thread, but as it got longer I figured it would be better of as its own thread, and could...

19 years ago