Mobius Forum Archive

Eminent Member
Joined: Apr 27, 2005
Topics: 2 / Replies: 40
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

someone seriously needs to upload or otherwise hook me up with some music from this game aside from the main cheesy theme song... i've heard good thin...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

Any word on where I can listen to some of the music from this game in good quality? Anyone upload any of it? From what I can hear in the videos, it so...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

So in Sonic X, did Shadow's "real, ultimate" power manifest itself as a golden aura that apeared infront of him as he would skate throw his ...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Wait- in Sonic X he takes the bracelets off to unleash his real power? HUH? Anyone want to offer a brief explanation on the logic behind this? And si...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Kind of random, but why does Shadow remove his bracelets in that scene?

18 years ago
RE: Help Me Find Old Fan Comic

To the best of my memory was a scene with Sonic riding on the wing of the tornado... If I recall correctly, Sonic and Co. were SA styled, but the stor...

18 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 101
RE: Any furries here?

Rico, it's not that complicated. You can like Disney movies for whatever reason you like them, and therefore do not have to be labled a furry. Howev...

18 years ago
RE: Any furries here?

Is it rude that I think those hardcore furry people are kind of weird?

18 years ago
RE: Things you must believe to be a republican today...

I just don't recall anyone in this thread calling homosexuals and Hilary Clinton evil. And of course I understood the thread to be satire. I especia...

18 years ago
RE: Things you must believe to be a republican today...

I actually found the satire quite funny. And sorry for the remark Rico, I was just being (a tad too) cheeky. Just a question to everyone though: who ...

18 years ago
RE: Things you must believe to be a republican today...

I actually found the satire quite funny. And sorry for the remark Rico, I was just being (a tad too) cheeky. Just a question to everyone though: who ...

18 years ago
RE: Things you must believe to be a republican today...

Hey Rico, ever hear of the edit button? Even speaking as a liberal, the initial post was obviously meant to be flambait. It's a satiracal e-mail or w...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Could they think of a less inspired name than Silver? It sounds so fan-charactery. Aside from that, he looks interesting. He doesn't spin when he jump...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

I hope Silver "Whitey" the Hedgehog doesn't *SHOCK!* match Sonic for his speed. Its not like we've ever seen that before. Regardless, I want...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Haha, I noticed the chao poster as well, but not that it was for Chao in Space III. Oh boy! I hope this is a sign that chao gardens will return in thi...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

The whole city looks like a scene from a bootleg Final Fantasy. We've yet to see any signs of Tails, Knuckles, Amy, etc. Since we now know it isn't ...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

My hopes haven't dropped a bit since seeing the trailer. Perhaps that statement is unfounded, however, as I am one who has not yet played, or wishes t...

19 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 115
RE: goodbye

Wait- Craig has PERSONAL reasons for not Elite-ing? What, did the EliteBoard insult his mother...? o___O

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders (now w/ possible spoilers)

Radient Emerald? This must mean that... EVERYBODY SUPER SONIC RACING!!!!11!

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders (now w/ possible spoilers)

It must mean that... Everybody SUPER SONIC RACING!!!!

19 years ago
RE: I'm back...

You're back? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THIS???!

19 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Getting absorbed into GTA San Andreas at the moment. I haven't played any of the other games in the series to much extent, so this is a fairly new exp...

20 years ago
RE: Computer Hardware Thread

Ah, thank you very much. Yeah, that's pretty much out of my price range. =) I don't think I have to upgrade my video card, and my monitor/keyboard/mou...

20 years ago
RE: Computer Hardware Thread

I was thinking of updating my computer this summer, but funds seem a bit tight at the moment. Currently, my only advanced piece of hardware is my Gefo...

20 years ago
RE: Ever wanted to shoot Crazy Frog? Now you can!

There's a sound clip at the end when you get a higher score (i think above 40). It's familiar- what song is it from?

20 years ago
RE: Metal Gear Solid 4 (aka Sony sells me a PS3)

I was introduced to MGS by the Twin Snakes. I have played Sons of Liberty and am planning to nab it on the PC (as my lack of a PS2 or an X-Box hinders...

20 years ago
RE: New Sonic game WILL be unveiled at E3

Oh, I knew about West Side Island before hand, however, in light of the recent Shadow game, I felt the need to lay an off color joke. =)

20 years ago
RE: New Sonic game WILL be unveiled at E3

West Side Island? Ha, that sounds like where our new GTA-inspired Shadow came from *cue drum beat*. In any case, I love anouncements of anouncements. ...

20 years ago
RE: Church, Politics, And Why They Should Never Ever Mix

I think its important to note that the two of you are debating from different religions- Lutheran, and Roman Catholic. The two have differing views on...

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

Wait... so how exactly is your sig different than every other super sonic pic? Shadow is not only a recolor, he is a GENERIC recolor, colored black an...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Wait... so how exactly is your sig different than every other super sonic pic? Shadow is not only a recolor, he is a GENERIC recolor, colored black an...

20 years ago
RE: Prayer Intentions

Wow, I'll definately keep all you and yours in my heart as I pray. I ask that if you can, pray for a friend of mine whose new friends and some of he...

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

I'm not saying all T- or M-rated games convult themselves into dog feces. Half-Life 2 may have been the greatest gaming experience ever, Doom 3 was am...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

I'm not saying all T- or M-rated games convult themselves into dog feces. Half-Life 2 may have been the greatest gaming experience ever, Doom 3 was am...

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

I never said that blood equated maturity. And I never said that you should dislike the use of cell-shading in Wind Waker, simply because it was not my...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

I never said that blood equated maturity. And I never said that you should dislike the use of cell-shading in Wind Waker, simply because it was not my...

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

Cell shading?! Please, no. I've had enough with all these "so mature they can handle 'kiddy games' " type of gamers who praise cell shading ...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Cell shading?! Please, no. I've had enough with all these "so mature they can handle 'kiddy games' " type of gamers who praise cell shading ...

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

I'm still miffed about this game, and really dislike where this is bringing the series, but I AM glad they (seem) to be going back to the textured mod...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

I'm still miffed about this game, and really dislike where this is bringing the series, but I AM glad they (seem) to be going back to the textured mod...

20 years ago