Mobius Forum Archive

Burmecian Soldier Dan
Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 23, 2005
Topics: 10 / Replies: 191
RE: Shadows

Heres the next bit Chapter Fourteen Shadows They reached the Eastern FF base in no time at all. A couple of guards saw them approach and they duck...

18 years ago
RE: 3 down, 1 to go:

Ahh man you have all the episodes? They are only just bringing them out over here. (England) but they are 2 episode dvd's. I'm so jealous. Also, don't...

18 years ago
RE: Videos Updated (6/12) Sonic AMV has been added to the bunch

Hey those are good. The comic one I found interesting. The last one I'm not so sure about but I liked the others. Good selection of songs as well. Vec...

18 years ago
RE: Shadows

Alright, heres the next chapter. Chapter thirteen Shadows &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sally woke the next morning to the suns glare ...

18 years ago
RE: Shadows

Well heres the next chapter. Short but it's needed to set the scene for the rest of the story. Hope you enjoy this one. Chapter 12 Shadows Arriving...

18 years ago
RE: Shadows

Ok heres the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it. Shadows Chapter Eleven The figure walked between the carnage of dead workman and destroyed Swatbots,...

18 years ago
RE: Shadows

Well, it's been a long while what with my computer crashing and me having to recover the whole system but everything is back to normal. So heres the l...

18 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 45
RE: Request.

Brill, Thanks Mon, Can't wait to asee the next bit.

19 years ago
RE: Shadows

Well, it's been a while. Now that I have got that trojan horse removed, I can start resubmitting my fic. Here we are and sorry to keep you waiting. C...

19 years ago
RE: Request.

Ahhh no. The links gone. Could you rerpost it please Mongooza.

19 years ago
RE: Weirdo nerd question

Hey go for it. If you want a good example of Fanfiction the n check out my fics Tears of Blood and Hands of wraith. I included a few of the people on ...

19 years ago
RE: Request.

The link dosen't work.

19 years ago
RE: Shadows

Ok here we are the next chapter. This took a little while to think up. Hope it turned out ok. Shadows Chapter eight While everyone went to the armou...

19 years ago
RE: Request.

Yay, Thanks Mon. I understand fully. Just take your time on them. No rush. Once again, thanks Mon.

19 years ago
RE: Chao! The comic

This is a note from my bro. The comic WILL be up as he promised. Due to more pressing events, Chao has been tempoarily halted. Expect to see the next...

19 years ago
RE: Request.

Hey,that is brill, I love it. Please continue.

19 years ago

Well, I guess it's my turn then. 1.Who will sonic end up with Sally Without a doubt, it works. 2.Which of theese heros will betray everyone and joi...

19 years ago
RE: Shadows

Heres Chapter seven people. Shadows Chapter Seven We had better get back and warn the others. Sally whispered to Sonic. He nodded in silent agree...

19 years ago
RE: Shadows

Well, here it is. I'm sorry to my fans and anyone else reading this, but I got caught up in christmas. But now that it's all over I can concentrate on...

19 years ago
RE: mongooza's fanart 'n stuff

That music vid was brill. I have never seen such emotion before. I can't wait to see more of your art Mon. By the way, how are the other pics coming...

19 years ago
RE: Shadows

Ok, I think I've kept you in suspense long enough. Here's what Sally wanted to tell Sonic. Read and enjoy. Shadows: Chapter 5 Sally took a deep brea...

19 years ago
RE: The official SatAM-related fanart thread!

Het Chad, nice to see you back. I wondered what happened to you. Those pics were great. have you ever thought of doind some cover art for the comics a...

19 years ago
RE: Chao! The comic

Just a message from my bro. He's come down with the flu and Chao the comic maybe postponed for a whuile until he gets better. Still he will be tryi...

19 years ago
RE: Shadows

Well, it's been a while but I have finally got it done. This whiole chapter took me 2 hours to do. I just want to say a big sorry to my fans that it h...

19 years ago
RE: Chao! The comic

My bros busy on the next parts and they should be up here soon. From what he's told me, a few new chao are to appear, but thats all I know.

19 years ago
RE: Request.

"> I love it Mon, thanks. You rock, go Mon I have my new fic going nowm, I hope you like it thus far. How are the other pics coming along? Keep c...

19 years ago
RE: Shadows

Thanks for the comment super shadow 70. Heres the next chapter for your and everyone elses viewing pleasure. Chapter 3: Shadows The Southern Free...

19 years ago
RE: Shadows

Well, it has been a long time coming but heres the next chapter. Chapter 1: Shadows Sally woke the next morning to Sonic gently stroking her hair. ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic The Movie (Thread 2)

Hey I'll give it a go. For those of you with no mike: use a pair of earphones. I know it sounds stupid but plug tyhem into the microphone socket and ...

19 years ago
19 years ago
Replies: 29
Views: 51
RE: Request.

Hey chaos nice to see you back. I have one lined up and here it is. It;s the final part of my fanfic tears of blood. Sonic (X style) has Sally (SatA...

19 years ago
RE: Request.

Whoops, this almost fell off the list. Just to make this a reminder for Mongooza and any one else who would like to do some pics for tears of blood or...

19 years ago
RE: Request.

Hey thats Mo problem Mon. That reminds me. I need tyo get on my new Fanfic shadows.

19 years ago
RE: The official SatAM-related fanart thread!

Basically, I'm looking to update my story tears of blood. It might be on the secong page of this forum I htink. I was going to add peoples art and mak...

19 years ago
RE: The official SatAM-related fanart thread!

Hey tails Shake that booty. Anyways, do you do requests Chad?

19 years ago
RE: Hurricane Katrina

Hey I'm back from my little hoilday. Sorry I never told anyone. I left without saying good bye. Well glad to hear that your safe. I saw the topic tit...

19 years ago
RE: Request.

Just a quick heads up to say that I have finished my HAnds Of Wrath fanfic and my third one is under way. Can't wait to see what you've done.

19 years ago
RE: Hands Of Wrath

At last, Cthe final chapter and an eplilouge. Sorry it took so long. I quite enjoyed writing it I only hope other people enjoy reading it. Well, onto ...

19 years ago
RE: Mecha, chaos, and Silver oh my!

The top link works alright, it's the bottom one that doesn't work.

19 years ago
RE: Request.

I always thought you named yourself after Mina the Mongoose.

19 years ago
RE: [Picture] The Tails Doll is BACK!

Beware the creepy cuddly toy.

19 years ago
RE: Ah...New fall shows.

So, when are these new shows going to be on?

19 years ago
RE: Hands Of Wrath

Here we are. Chapter eighteen. one chapter away from the end. After nearly a month of letting it gather dust I have decided to get it done. well afte...

19 years ago
RE: Request.

That is going right into the centre of my story. I can't wait to see the rest. Also I have been proof reading my story when I relised that something w...

19 years ago
RE: I've got something to announce...

I'll ask my bro, He's in the middle of drawing a comic, I'm sure he'll say yes. I'll get back to you on it.

19 years ago
RE: Tails: Sex unknown

The dress straps over amys shoulder. You have to look very carefully but they are there.

19 years ago
RE: Sonic The Movie (Thread 2)

I'll give a quick try. I have a friend who has audio on his computer. I'll try to see if I could use it.

19 years ago
RE: Tails: Sex unknown

I haven't seen that episode yet. I bet there are sexual referances in it but 4kids hasn't seen them. The japanese are not afraid of that type of thing...

19 years ago
RE: Weapons

Those atre pretty good. One question, Is Nacks revolver a 357. Magnum at all and has Sally still got it? Last I heard she did.

19 years ago
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