Quote:how big the total character roster is... I always pictured it to be around 40, but that's just my guess towards it.
Kaze, I feel the exact same way on basically everything you said. Although, I did play Shadow the Hedgehog. The whole reason why I even bought the t...
The Meoth was win. Wierd Thing was the best.
What if he's Lincoln in disguise? :O
Quote:I post a message about the spam forum, in the spam forum, and everyone turns it into spam. 🙁 QotW?
Vortex hasn't posted here in ages. How can I appreciate him if I don't know the dude? >.> The video was very random. Don't know what else to sa...
What an ugly title. >.> Meh, must be horrible english translation. Cool graphichs on the cut-scenes, though. The game looks promising as well....
Quote:Are videos Youtube'd yet? Here ya go www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv7LEQ6Ojww EDIT: It seems that Zelda, Snake, Lucas, and Red aren't on the chara...
Megaman and Bomberman were my second and third choice respectevely, after Sonic. This news is awesome win. But was there any doubt? Out of all the ot...
Is it me, or was that Ryan Drummond who voiced Sonic in the beginning of that video? =O EDIT: n/m
I don't get it.
Kio, it doesn't work if you SAY that it is a hoax.
You did no such thing. >.>
OTB (3:33 pm): Oh my. Len (3:33 pm): OTB kills THS 😡 OTB (3:33 pm): Shhh. Len (3:34 pm): I spoiled the chronicles of the mofo 😥 OTB (3:34 pm): It...
My number beats you all. >:O
But they can be made into Jello/Jelly. www.kidsart.com/q0101.html
New info from Nintendo Power magazine article, page 4 of 4: link Sorry. No other pages -The new air is replaced with the gravity gauge (GP). They ...
I wanted to stop watching it, but it was too alluring with it's hypnotizing anime clips.
The first english dub appreared on Jetix about 2 weeks ago. Didn't catch it, nor do I know when it's on. For those of you who have, what did you think...
I would like to know why it got so long in the first place. Most newbie threads only last 3 pages at most. What drove this one to last so long? o.o
Quote:I wondered about that, too - but I didn't want to say anything until I'd actually read 180 The issue didn't give too much limelite on Fiona. So...
When you lose rings, Rayzor, they fly farther with each consecutive hit you take with THAT ring. Get hit without picking up any of your lost rings and...
<.< Maybe it is best to not think about it. She's been stuck in these kinds of embarassing situations for far too long, thats been tarneshing h...
But you just objectioned, as well. So you're as loony as everybody else here.
I like Starkist better. >.>
D: This is epically awesome, yet scary at the same time.
Double Bump Maybe this thing should be a sticky.
OBJECTION! Now two people have voted for Slayer. Thus, both of your connotations are nulified from this... *shot*
"Shooting" may best describe it, Chibi. I really like the paint job. Well done. Mario himself looks great too.
Quote:Also, I don't think I need to point out the most conspicuous absence for anyone... Don't know if I should say it or not... Snoopy and Woodsto...
The cover is teh awesome. =O Very impressed. Finally, somebody other than Tracy is doing art. He's been consistant for like, 3 months for both seires....
You might be on to something, Alex. But maybe torn is also right. She's probably attached to it because the bow is what little good she still has rema...
I know; it's so advanced compared to Snake and Mario. XD I would also like that idea Craig. Most of the Assist Trophies seem to be nothing but an ann...
That's better than neglecting your account completely.
Oddly enough, Tails is winning. o.o Horra...?
Quote:This is the ultimate Hollywood power couple, said Us Weekly writer Alex Clayton. Zac is huge with teenage girls, while teenage boys all worship ...
Darkwing beat me to it. EDITS Sorry, but I was refering to "numl," and nobody else.
Somewhat off-topic, but how much older in years is everybody? Sonic has had like what, 3 birthdays now. (not counting the ones from before the 20's). ...
This issue seemed more like a filler, but at least they summed up a few things. Quote:Spinner Storm Quote:Dark Aldran-The Council of Acorn has been ...
First off, spell my name correctly, or you get nothing. >: O Second: What do you have in mind? Jaffa cake?
He also forgot Tiara. >.> SHE PWNS ALL!
It's only been October for 7 mins. over here. Couldn't you wait? >.>
Why soup? There are more pleasant things out there. EDIT: By some odd reason, I seemed to of posted at exactly 11:59. I wasn't even looking at the cl...
Box, (or should I say Numl-whats-its) I want you to make at least ONE MORE POAST.
WeBa! =D (even though I didn't know you before, WeBa)
I still think it's what Purdy said. n.n
Quote:So you're saying that out there, there really could be an Evil WB who terrorizes all of space and time (or at least his local area) with his own...
Horray? Maybe linking stuff does work. But I am still waiting for any type of update. Bioware hasn't given us anything yet. Or, at least I haven't ...
If Pepsi is now Coke, then everything I know is a lie!