Can anyone pull up a news article that can tell us what the hell they were thinking?
... *Shakes head*
Sonic 3 & Knuckles 360 plzthnx
First, pick the team Choatix, then go to there first level (it also might work on other levels) then go up to one of the purple flowers on the side of...
What Wonderbat said.
Quote:You forgot Sonic R has a first view option. I think. It does?
Egg Quarters, I get scared of the beetle of doom. It's weird, whenever it catches me, it makes my heart skip a few beats and I leg it full speed. o_O;...
Chat room's gotten too complicated for my inferior BT Modem to handle T_T;; Suddenly, a flood of names are rushing back into my head. Especially Robo...
Try editting a Knuckles Chao sheet.
Jumped into a flying cage in Sonic Heroes (One you have to Thunder Shoot down and Punch open) and couldn't get back out >_< Another was, on Spe...
'Olider tomorrow. See y'all in a week. *Regrets not being able to read Eon's comic or Exterminatus Now >.<*
Quote:"SHAA!" XP I am beaten! I just realised knuckles' punch as well. SH!T, RAA, HURR! Knuckles shouting this in SOnic X though... ...
"Oh YEAH! Our nxt adventure awaits us, so there's no time to lose! YEAH, WE'RE SONIC HEROES!" Followed shortly by a really cheesey victory p...
Nope, it was an April Fools.
That's brilliant! Like the X-Men's powers. Aura's are amazing things, a life force signal that not even the most powerful computer capturing device or...