Diablo stared at Sonic with wonder.Diablo could barely remember him just faintly.Diablo had a feeling Sonic couldn't remember him much either....
Sonic wandered stationsquare with his brother.Though Diablo is a mystery to him Sonic is getting along with him fine..or so it seems.Sonic glances at ...
Okay...that was wierd...thanks for that amazing view on my story...
Like a mix between Predator and a rabid rat..Nice!">
(Okay both of you can join.Oh Eggpire Eggman will start in his underground base building his next evil weapon...(Hint:MetalSonic))
Hey thanks!
If you have any opinions at all post them please!
(Okay you're in!)
I've checked out a few of your forums..pretty neat stuff I was just wondering how to make a signature?
(Yep you can join in as knuckles.I'll put you down on the list as knuckles...)
Wow I don't know where to start..this place is so big