Mobius Forum Archive

Honorable Member
Joined: Feb 17, 2005
Topics: 22 / Replies: 440
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: You say that like its a compliment. Its a flash animation. Of course its done in th...

16 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: Yeah too all the REAL work is done in Korea not in America. American cartoons have b...

16 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

alll I can say is that I really hope Matt's pitch gets accepted so we'll have some good american animation on for once this dacade. (Well Be...

16 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: LIke Antoine is a negative stereotype of the French. Well, yeah. <strong clas...

16 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

What Really matters though is weather will see these guys back in action or not. We probably wouldn't in a pure SatAm reb...

16 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 599
RE: Mothers in the Sonic comic

Some people consider it a mistake that Lara didn't try to patch things up with Locke. That she jumped into another's arms a little too soon,...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 190, Archives Vol. 8 & SX 35

I didn't think Sonic X's covers could equal the Grande Gordo & Sonic ones. I was wrong.

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

#186 is up: And he likes it!

17 years ago
RE: STH #187 Preview and Discussion

Every hero should have someone to give their heart to, and to fight for to the end to make sure that they get back to them. Hell yeah! Sonic & Je...

17 years ago
RE: STH #187 Preview and Discussion

I love the Rouge/Geoffrey/Scratch bit at the start. The fact they get noticed so easily proves that maybe, just maybe, Station Square and New Mob...

17 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 144
RE: STH#189 & SX#34 - Previews

Dear LORD, how long did Spaz spend on that cover?! The detail is awe-inspiring. (Hee hee Big jumping )

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Yeah, he's willing to be critical - but as Toby points out, his criticisms are inconsistent and in some cases just plain daft. He complained abou...

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

I dunno why he's complaining about lots of dialogue on a _fourteen page monthly_ strip. If it didn't have that, wouldn't people complai...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #64 Journals of the Underground (Part 2 of 4) With Sleet and Dingo proving as incompetent as ever, the alternate Eggman turns...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #62 A GUN-structive time (Part 2 of 2) Sonic has successfully saved the GUN base, driven the Drakons back, and captured Eggman...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Also...why didn't Mogul take advantage of that mystical power hold he had on Tails while he was Titan Tails? Titan Tails is the amalgamation ...

17 years ago
RE: And the Archie sales figures are...

Any reason there's no Sonic digest, by the by? It seems it'd sell well (based on the standard-monthly sales) and there's certainly no s...

17 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 498
RE: Lein-Da and son overlooked tragedy of revised Mobius 25YL

Quote:I have one guy I wouldn't mind seeing her with, but both the BumbleKing topic I mentioned earlier and the rules of this forum prevent me from na...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #188 &amp; Sonic X #33 Previews

Quote:I'm rather ticked off that he seems to be getting more attention than Enerjak did when he came back-full issue stories? The Enerjak story took ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Quote:Y'know, you'd think it would be sufficient for his purpose if Mammoth Mogul did a Manchurian Candidate/Sleeper Cell number on Sonic alone Why? F...

17 years ago
RE: Lein-Da and son overlooked tragedy of revised Mobius 25YL

She got drunk one night, and the results speak for themselves... Alternatively Rutan's actually a Rutan and he's only pretending to be Lien-Da's son ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Quote:Actually, it wouldn't have even bothered me as much, but from the looks of it, its almost as if the comics are trying to rewrite the history by ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #188 &amp; Sonic X #33 Previews

Sonic #188's cover is terrifying - when I first opened this thread, I was suddenly faced by Sonic looking like he wanted to do physical harm to me. A...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

As a pre-emptive strike - in (good) fantasy fiction, magic et al is given rules and an internal logic rather than just "it can do anything ever!&...

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Good point. We're almost into "Captain Britain, Defender of England!" territory.

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

I doubt he's reading it too, but he could at least do a brief Google-recce to double-check his accuracy.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 185 Review!

Quote:And personally, given how I've been told repeatedly how Mighty kicked Knuckles' butt in the Sonic The Comic series He could but never actually ...

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Quote: Then, too, this is a comic book, and the industry as a whole is notorious for giving death a bad name. The latest example is the recent an...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic X #29 Monsterous Review!

Yardley's 2-parter's a guest-stint though, not the guy writing the bulk of the comic's issues (which is currently Flynn and previously Edkin).

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

It's hardly a big thing if the search gets diverted for a bit, when they can go straight back to it afterwards. "It was all a dream!" just m...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Quote:But luckily, all was a dream ...three issues and it was all a dream? What? That doesn't even fit the rules, specifically "Try not to pur...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #60 Fish in a Barrel, Part 2 of 2 Nothing can stop this new Shadow, not even the mighty Super Sonic! But as the black hedgehog con...

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

He seems to be going off a description of the gameplay from Wiki. He could have just gone and looked at how people who played the game reacted, but.....

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

His end-of-year review's up.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #57 You Are What You Eat With the Drakon threat emerging and Eggman operating to an unknown agenda, both GUN and the Freedom Fight...

17 years ago
RE: What if Sonia the Hedgehog is poisoned during SU

Quote:it's like asking what would happen if any sonic universe character was hit by a lot of big pointy rocks. oo; "Ow! Pointy rocks! That's no ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #55 Dreamcast: Part 4 of 4 If Void conquers Helen's mind and the Red Iydle within, it's game over - and until Chris falls asleep, ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #53 Dreamcast: Part 2 of 4 Sonic tries to escape his own personal nightmares and the guilt of his many failures, but the only way ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #50 I [heart] Sonic the Hedgehog Celebrate 50 issues of Sonic action! Our hero becomes the focus of a reality-show special, with c...

17 years ago
RE: StH #187. Selects #1, SX #32 Previews

I have a dream. That dream is a spin-off where El Grando Gordo, Scratch and Grounder team up to be AWESOME. Final Crisis couldn't compete.

17 years ago
RE: Previews

Robotnik Junior, apocryphal and nothing more? What fresh hell is this?

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #48 Uneasy Riders Part 1 (of 2) He's failed to save Knothole and help Sally, who's taking a temporary leave of the Freedom Fighte...

17 years ago
RE: Previews

Scratch and Grounder? AWESOMESAUCE.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #46 Pan-Dimensional Road Trip! Thanks to Tails' knowledge of the Cosmic Interstate, our heroes have a way to reach Knothole and ge...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #44 The Royal Good-Bye: Part 6 of 7 Sally's coronation is underway, and it appears this may be the final goodbye for her and the ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #40 A Royal Surprise (Part 2 of 7) Sonic has no idea how to react to Uncle Chuck's return - even less when he discovers Sally is t...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2008

Sonic the Hedgehog #37 ARK Emotion (Part 2 of 2) Sonic and Sally battle it out, and that's just the start of it - Eggman is battling the ARK Brain fo...

17 years ago
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