Mobius Forum Archive

Honorable Member
Joined: Feb 17, 2005
Topics: 22 / Replies: 440
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

He did seem to be happy on a bunch of Ian's issues, putting Ian's hiring as the Best Thing of 2006.

18 years ago
RE: About Ian...

I'm surprised at the comments that Ian's being too fast-paced. He only gets 14-pages a month for the main stories, he kind of has to be fast-paced - t...

18 years ago
RE: STH #174 (Here Come The Spoilers)

Quote:you're telling me Eggman plans to destroy Knothole using an army of those wind-up toys? How I long for the Shadow 'Bots and Com-Bots. Why'd the...

18 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Not a happy bunny right now, is he?

18 years ago
RE: STH #174 (Here Come The Spoilers)

Eggman is a very very scary man.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X Tracing Contraversy at Scans Daily

Quote:Oh, come now it ain't that bad. It is! Most of a page having nothing but white background and Photoshopped snowflake effects?

18 years ago
RE: SATam DVD release?

Indeed, but in that specific quote he was talking about the games.

18 years ago
RE: SATam DVD release?

Quote:And I counter by saying that in all honesty, Sonic is a cardboard hero whose antics would have grown trite before Sonic & Knuckles, so he ne...

18 years ago
RE: SATam DVD release?

Quote:SatAM is not representative of the games, nor was it ever meant to be. Then DiC wasted their money paying for the license and are stupid. Quo...

18 years ago
RE: SATam DVD release?

Quote:Considering the fact that the show was nothing like the games it was supposed to be based off of, I will have to agree with them. Seconded. Eve...

18 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 71
RE: Previews for STH#175-176, SX#20 and Sonic Archives #3

It's safe to assume Ian's going to cause huge amounts of destruction to Knothole, I don't think that's likely to return the comic to a semi-SatAm era....

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

Quote:By core, people usually refer to the SatAM group. So by core they don't mean the main group that gets the focus, they mean the old guys.

18 years ago
RE: Previews for STH#175-176, SX#20 and Sonic Archives #3

Quote:No, back to when it was like in issiues 25-84. A large chunk of that period didn't have Sonic with the original Freedom Fighters, it had him an...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2007!

Sonic the Hedgehog #17 Angels of Chaos, Part 3 of 4 The Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix try to put aside their differences as they track down the pe...

18 years ago
RE: Previews for STH#175-176, SX#20 and Sonic Archives #3

Quote:thus start the process of Ian hopfully getting the comic bak to its orgianl roots You want the comic to go back to half-issue one-off comedic s...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

Quote:having both Fiona and Tommy gone means we can focus more on the core FF's again Fiona was a core Freedom Fighter, being a recurring Freedom Fig...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2007!

Sonic the Hedgehog #14 Superheroics 101 Sonic has finally arrived back in Knothole! He's defeated the villains, saved all the prisoners, and made so...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

Quote:Who cares? Me. Because it's seemingly a plot hole. Plot holes are bad.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

Wait, Fiona was a traitor working with Scourge all along? Why's she acted like she was a good guy when none of the other FFs were around then?

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2007!

Sonic the Hedgehog #11 Doing Porridge Welcome to Robotnik Island - where those Robotnik really hates are sent away, viciously interrogated, and final...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2007!

Sonic the Hedgehog #7 Bittersweet Sugar: Part 2 of 3 The Freedom Fighters always knew there might be an attack on Knothole - but not by one of their ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2007!

Sonic the Hedgehog #5 Trust Me... She's Robotnik's supreme Secret Police officer - and the resistance's greatest double-agent. Nobody can ever be ent...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2007!

Sonic the Hedgehog #4 Rebel Yell! Part 4 of 4 Sonic, Amy, Rotor, and Antonie have finally been captured - but Robotnik doesn't have time to gloat whe...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

Quote:I still think what Knux and Juile-Su did in M25YL was wrong. Why? They live in a completely different world which doesn't possess the same reli...

18 years ago
Replies: 121
Views: 721
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

Quote:it's possible that someone at Archie's been silly enough to take notice of the griping that Knux and Julie not being married in M25YL will someh...

18 years ago
RE: When did amy stop lovin' sonic?

Quote:Few fans have Sonic act like STC's version in their stories. Well, yeah, because unless they're doing an STC fanfic then why would they? Perso...

18 years ago
RE: SatAM movie in the making?

Officially confirmed as rubbish:

18 years ago
RE: SatAM movie in the making?

SatAm the movie? I'm sorry, but Sega, who is currently been trying to get all subsequent Sonic spin-offs to resemble the new games and their storyline...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

I was thinking the #174 cover was quite good, though Sonic and Sally look like they're plotting to do something hideously evil, but OH MY GOD SONIC X ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic solicitations for March 2007

Quote:The cover does not match the description of the cover. Maybe they've done a fake cover because the real one has spoilers or something.

18 years ago
Replies: 44
Views: 201
RE: A possible future continuity problem...

Quote:...So, due to one little liscencing issue, are we going to have problems tying the events of those three games Nah, coz the events of those thr...

18 years ago
RE: Issue #169 Discussion (heavy spoiler alert!)

Based on this topic, clearly Ian should've left Tommy alive just to annoy everyone.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14 review: Lazy edition (Spoilers)

Every time I hear about the Sonic X stories and see the covers, I have this massive urge to go out and buy one - which I can't because it's not on sal...

18 years ago
RE: Sega Characters in the comics

I think I speak for us all ("us" meaning "me, five others and a sheep") when I say - KING BOOM BOO MUST APPEAR MORE! You know you...

18 years ago
RE: Sega Characters in the comics

Quote:However, what is UP with introducing Blaze, Jet, Storm, and Wave in those back stories??? A game tie-in, presumably editorially-mandated, and s...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #172 & Sonic X #17 Previews

It could be retconned in that he was seeing Fiona during his days of impersonating Sonic - though boy, she'd sure have to be uncaring about him consta...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #172 & Sonic X #17 Previews

Quote:The Fiona love triangle was introduced when Evil Sonic infiltrated, right? Nah, it happened several issues and two stories afterwards.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #172 & Sonic X #17 Previews

Oh dear God, Ristar's skeleton. I wanna see this Fiona/Amy match-up. The cover makes it look bloody apocalyptic (whatever the continuity, you do NO...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote:The overall point is that there's no need to refer to things that haven't been touched in a zillion years in a serialized comic book--particular...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote:The crown, after all, was still in the continuity. As a crown, yes. When was the last time before Darkest Storm that its mystical Maguffiness c...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote: Because that's the way comics work, sadly, especially this one. No it's not. That's the way bad comics written by complete hacks work - and ev...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote:The Mobo-Restoration time WAS a huge transition period. But hey- it had Sally, Antione, Sonic, Tails, Rotor, and Bunnie. Sweet. No they didn't...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote:Leaving plot points ignored doesn't get rid of the fact they happened. It's just lazy on the writer's part. If you start up a story, finish it. ...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote:Very likely, yes. Why? Why are they going to do that? Quote:Perhaps you think leaving loose ends dangling while introducing new ones is all r...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote:He couldn't ignore Anonymous because fans were still asking about him all the time Why does that mean he can't ignore Anonymous? Lots of fans h...

18 years ago
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