Last seen: Jun 5, 2011
they say prisons all over the world are overcrowded and that some judges are letting people off with fines and reduced sentaces for even pretty bad cr...
isaacluv.. instead of posting three times in a row, edit your post to add additional details.
i knew about the duckroll, and i didn't even lurk 4chan. o-o; huzzah for picking up random internet trivia!
so season two is just bits from season one repeated for 8 episodes? oO; that's the impression i'm getting from this thread. coz will and...
i remember you~ *re-steals your shoelaces, fills your pockets with poptarts!*
*escapes with their shoelaces~*
*smells a double post, loooooms* RAH I'M SO MAD GRAAAH~ >:O chill out, socks. if i was mad, i'd tell you i'm mad. ;p was...
But it only needs to be pressed once. If it doesn't seem to work the first time, highlight and copy your post, then refresh the page to see if yo...
*deletes sock's treble posts* try to hit the reply button once, not three times.
congrats to you! i never got that far in my own driving lessons, then had to give up while at university. whee~
Only admins can create a subforum. You would have to create an entire new yuku community forum by yourself (and I mean an entire new place, not a subf...
it's good to feel young sometimes.
typue your username wity your elbowe ..o.o hm, bony elbows at the right angle are totally typeable with! kekeke.
*eats brownies instead* ^^
The Hidden Palace forum had nothing to do with race, gender or anything. ^^; You're missing the joke.
a fair exchange.. *flee*
either that girl is slightly cross-eyed, or those are eyes painted on her eyelids. o-o;
nice style, it makes me think of american comic books. ^^
not knowing how much a voice actor is normally paid episode, but it seems to they were asking for too much. but surely the company has made enough cas...
*pounces the newbie, DE-SHOELACE!! fills your pockets with cans of ravioli, awaaay~*
the internet tells me it's their mascot or icon. interesting. o.o
i'm going to have to google these, as i don't get what the heck the elephants are supposed to represent. ^^;
me and will watched the entire thing recently, we quite liked it. ^^ have you seen Turn A gundam? wonderfully cheesy at times.
*throws cakes* ^-^ happy birthday~
I'm pretty sure they played Invader Zim in the 3pm children's slot on one of the UK tv channels.. no wonder it got cancelled so quickly, har...
it's never contained any porn, but fine. *removes link*.
<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: Hiiisssssssss @ TwoKinds it's cute. o-o
some of the VGcats comics make me laugh, other ones are such a vauge referance that i had to get someone to explain to me what the heck it was about (...
chnikbikb decca *sparkles*
niice work! i wish i were able to make things like that, i'd attempt to recreate weapons from the PSO and PSU games.. ^^
wouldn't some of it be written off if the person in debt dies?
i never saw the adverts, but i agree that he was the advertising father of the cillit bang guy. hope the media leaves his family alone.
i'm just curious now as to what exactly killed micheal jackson. sure, he wasn't in the best of health for ages and had been working hard for...
well excuse me for being social! *pfftt~*
No tv for me and will, we went out instead and watched the parade down the main street. seemed to be mainly made up of ethnic minorities, war vets, lo...
other then the slightly uneven buttons in some places, it's otherwise great looking! nice job on it.. the gold version is extra sparkly. ^-^