Last seen: Jun 5, 2011
*mixes it all together to see what'll happen* oo *adds sprinkles*
*adds golden syrup* ^.^
hello and welcome to the forum. ^^ *removes your shoelaces for safekeeping!*
that's why i always check my reciept. o.o;;
wow, i'm glad that nothing happened to the guy who gave him a lift. ^^; when i was little, my primary school was right next to a prison for the crimi...
we're due to get a lot of rain here, apparently bringing in more spring-like weather. about time too! winter has lasted for waay too long.
oh dear, i get the feeling i'm going to get shunned by jimro now. ah well! ^^ i'm glad i go to a church where we prefer to love our fellow person th...
*turns some chairs and other furnature as well*
it's possibly been censored to stop people from linking to baaad thiiings~, but you'd have to ask an admin, not me. i don't see anyting here that's br...
they say they're fixing it, other people's forums seem to have been fixed of this error pretty quickly. ..although it's still down for me.
london contains the Underground, which is a wonderful thing to get lost on. it also contains the tate modern, which should keep you happily bewildere...
*gleefully pounces the shoelaces* ^.^
since when was adultery defined as people having sex before marrage? let us consult the dictionary for the official defination. "adultery Aud...
*swaps her usual spork for her special spam-prodding one*
*laughs* true, that. 😛 see? photographic evidence!
Quote:I'm a christian, I have no problems with homosexuality, I don't think it's sinful, so there. seconded. i'd add more, but going into a long di...
the SPA seems to have exploded with posts while my internet was down. oo;
you'd be standing on that little chequred platform there, throwing..uh, mints at it! or catnip?
well, there is a difference between good spam and bad spam.
yeah, sonic lead me on onto the internet and i'd never have met many great people (close freinds, my boyfreind) if i hadn't become a fan of the games ...
bob beats them all!
no problem! please use the edit button instead of posting twice in a row.
go to the page the image is on, highlight and copy the address , then paste it into a new topic in carnival island. easy! you can only link to the ima...
i'll admit that i downloaded a savefile for SA2, as i simply couldn't defeat the biolizard as shadow.
my grandpa died of cancer last year, it'd spread all over his body and he was too old for any proper treatment. good luck, and yeah, miricles can hap...
*takes your shoelaces as you're sort of a newbie right now* hello again!
it looks like a lobster version of the liberian. oO it's an underwater orangutan!
if i right click and open it in a new tab, i only get to see about an inch of the top of an image. i don't think you uploaded the image compleately.
the hellraiser films are hillarious! i borrowed the whole lot off a freind a few years back and giggled my way through them all. ^^ but i tend to fin...
as i can't view either thread, i can't pass judgement.. and i haven't the time to register to another forum just to read them. locked just for the mo...
*ooh~s at the clip, shows to boyfreind, boyfreind drools and wishes he had a DS* yup, it certainly makes up for it's shortness with that!
some of my freinds ink their work using a lightbox, but that's rather an expensive method for me, dispite it being a good one. ^^; i've heard much a...
as another student, i've never been able to afford brand-names. (although i do tend to go into topshop a lot, as i get a 10% student discount. >&g...
agreed. why bring her back? what role would she play, other then becoming zero's 'love interest'?
we of the midlands overtake the rest of the uk now? 😛
ive been getting constant dreams about toilets, usually when i'm extremally worried about something, or been bottling up feelings. ^^; after discussin...
i wasn't saying to put the pancake directly on the radiator. ^^; unless you like flakes of paint as a filling.
you can buy cold pancakes in the supermarkets. if you had a hairdrier or a really hot radiator, you could heat them?