Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: Feb 10, 2002
Topics: 142 / Replies: 1477
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

How about a Comfy Star then? The Comfy Star. Deadly. Evil. More comfy than any sleep you've had before!!

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

I guess it just never occured to you? *puts up force field* There we go. ^__^

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Thats why I have a FORCE FIELD for the Pillow Tower! ....Oh, yeah, and sneaking off with Camilla while searching for the sweetest cookie rocks too. :...

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Our goal should be to take pottery classes and steal old VHS anime tapes from the local Asian market. Oh, and to rebuild the pillow fortress as a TOW...

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Awwwwwwwwwww. *huggles Chibi* Now, if we can find Cookibecca. oo

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Surrender now, or prepare to be stabbed to death by enraged rabbits with spo..... I mean, SURRENDER NOW OR PREPARE TO FIGHT!! >_>

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

HEY! *THWAP* MY LINE! To denounce the evils of teuth and love! >:(

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

To protect the world from devastation! ....Come on, you can do it. 😀

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Ultra Shadow, why did you burn down the house?! BAD! BAD DOG! >:O

19 years ago
19 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 68
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Unfortunately, it's because being evil is popular that it's not in vogue. Look at the world. So much evil, don't you think? *takes a swig herself* o...

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

*dumps beer on Shadow's head* There. *walks off*

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

No no no, Marky, you won't go to hell. You'll go to Utica, NY. Trust me, it's colder than hell. oo

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

In Soviet Russia, you trap me. o.o; ....What? o.o;

19 years ago
RE: The Craziness of the MoFo: A Somber Recollection

He wasn't here for @#%$ either. That was.....UUURH. xx;

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

I SPAM J00 ....I don't know, I felt like saying that. o_O

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

*is watching Titanic on HBO* Must.....turn.....away......can't....... o.o

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Either that or he's seducing Digtrio. oo;

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

STOP IT! ...You'r making me want to spank the next poster! ;___;

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

AAAAAUGH!!!!! *is overwhelmed by the Pichus* x___________x

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

;___; Don't kill them! They kill smallpox! 🙁

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Sorry, Ultra, Raid does not affect them. 🙂

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Sporkfleas are pink and carry lime green sporks.

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Well, I said I was going to incorporate everyone's suggestions as best I could. I think I did a fair job doing so. :p

19 years ago
RE: concept art for #139 = being stolen?

Waaait, Dubs doesn't work on Sonic anymore? When did this happen?

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

*the evil monkey points at Ultra!* Ok, now to change the title of the topic...

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

*sings Invincible and has Notorious BIG do the rap out from the grave*

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

I'm getting an idea for the topic title from me, I will not be unfair in deciding. You guys rock. 🙂

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

*fleas as well* *scratches her back* x___x

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Oooh, a contest for the title. That's a good idea! 😀 I say everyone post their ideas up and I'll consider the best one, hmm? :p

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Personally, I don't see what's so bad about being flat-chested. o__o

19 years ago
19 years ago
19 years ago
RE: Revenge of the Sith now on DVD :

My family and I watched the whole original trilogy back in August - one a night. Yes, it was the Special Editions, and yes, I cringed when I saw Hayde...

19 years ago
RE: New Jersey: We Need a Better Slogan!

You didn't know you had a state slogan? o_o I thought all states had a slogan! 😮

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

So Ed being "Short" is going to be FMA's version of Lina Inverse being flat-chested? Except that Ed is really, really short. Lina didn't seem that fl...

19 years ago
RE: AOL and Time Warner to air old TV shows online... FREE?

V! They're showing V. AWESOME. o__O *watches as her computer melts at the thought* o______o

19 years ago
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