Mobius Forum Archive

Craig Bayfield
Illustrious Member
Joined: Aug 4, 2001
Topics: 123 / Replies: 4762
Re: Sony announces PSP Remaster series for PS3 - zomg ports

Birth By Sleep, Peace Walker and P3P These are the games I shall purchase again.

14 years ago
Re: I wasn't even aware of this

So, they're back to numbered sequels? I thought The Final Destination was their attempt at either rebooting, stopping the numbering or. You know what...

14 years ago
Re: Welcome to Mobius Forum V7.0

Lighthead, have you been making these things fight admins on your secret super villain island until you can get the Mobius Forum V8.0 to perfectly des...

14 years ago
Re: Sonic Generations confirmed?

It's been a good while since I first saw this thread and after watching videos, listening to music and reading interviews. Sega have secured their fir...

14 years ago
Re: Craig! I challenge you to a duel!

Sorry, I was too busy watching Rush on South Park and admiring how badass this image is:

14 years ago
Re: So according to one of my sources...

MexiCoke is glorious, even if it's double the price, I love it for it's real sugar and glass bottleness. Only reason I carry a bottle opener, actually...

14 years ago
Re: why that username?

Oh I just read it off of some old document, I think. Also people just kept calling me it, so it stuck.

14 years ago
Re: Kiloposting is still cool, right? 😀

Chris and Craig's epic Scotland trip will always live as one of my favorite memories from The Before Time, and I have a lot of those, so this one is j...

14 years ago
Re: My Kilo is better than your Kilos!

Yuku ate about a thousand of your posts, so you have time to epicicize your 10'000 when it comes again. Huzzah for the Becca, all her cookies should b...

14 years ago
Re: Ladies and Gentlemen! It's time for Caption of the Week!

Damn it Plant Man, stop being a wacky comic superhero and save the world already! We still need that Obama Birth Certificate!

14 years ago
Re: [Mobius Forum World] Welcome back to Sega City

SEGA CITY APPLICATION FOR CITIZENSHIP 1. Name Craig Bayfield 2. Species Human 3. Age 18 (actually 26) 4. Sex Male 5. Appearence Messy should...

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 252
Replies: 16
Views: 364
Replies: 9
Views: 231
RE: So I'm a Cosplay Photographer now

To be fair, about the complaint about not getting the outfits, I did take 330 pictures of the shoot. I'm showcasing my photography skills, not their o...

14 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 163
RE: Osama Bin Laden is dead!!!

So I felt like celebrating myself by listening to GUILE THEME, and was happy to see the YouTube comments FULL of Bin Ladin posts. Seems the internet k...

14 years ago
RE: Osama Bin Laden is dead!!!

I have been informed that /b/ is having an awesome AMERICA!!! party. Speaking of which. Someone post the I LOVE AMERICAN PARTY image, right the heck n...

14 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

Okay. Another pic of me, yay.

14 years ago
RE: Craig! I challenge you to a duel!

Creo, you hurt me. I'm going to slap you in the face now.

14 years ago
RE: Craig! I challenge you to a duel!

I just find it ridiculous anyone would dare to claim they're a bigger Rush fan than I am. Preposterous. I do not know how such things are measured, bu...

14 years ago
RE: ENTIRE MOBIUS FORUM! I challenge you to a DUEL!

NEED. MORE. POWER! *Combines Pony Power and NYAN*

14 years ago
RE: "I don't have to explain myself..."

Matt, you're reading into my motives when I wrote them out plainly. Every thought I had and every reaction. Why did I think you had a bad tone, I wrot...

14 years ago
RE: "I don't have to explain myself..."

Okay. Here it is then. Firstly, let's explain my mindset so you understand why I was angry with you. One. The thread was regarding the Bristol meet...

14 years ago
RE: "I don't have to explain myself..."

Okay, it looks like I have to defend a post I made five years ago. Awesome. Give me a while to read, think and discuss this with Trish before I come b...

14 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

I desperately want unlimited stamina. Never having to eat or sleep ever again and to be at peak fitness all of the time would be amazing. I'd get 5-9 ...

14 years ago
RE: wot ho mofo user

This thread, it confuses me. Entirely.

14 years ago
RE: Persona 4: The Animation Announced!

I don't think you're thinking of the right franchise Mada. I wasn't aware of a game online or on Dreamcast. P4 is kind of like Pokemon and a dating si...

14 years ago
RE: Persona 4: The Animation Announced!

I have to say, naming him "You" is a really good idea. I keep hearing the last name is an allusion to Izanagi and his lightning powers, but I'm too la...

14 years ago
RE: Persona 4: The Animation Announced!

OH GOD YES. That is all, I have to spread the news. Oh and look. Isn't today the day that The Main Character arrived in Inaba?

14 years ago
RE: Sonic Generations! Let's celebrate 20 years of Sonic!

The Sonic Cycle is undoubtably in full swing, but Classic Sonic looks so beautiful I just don't care. I can look but not touch if it sucks, I just nee...

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 171
RE: Thundercats are on the Loose (Again)

Well danged if the show doesn't look decent. But where is Panthro? The show was all about that dude. I suppose I'll make do with King Caneighas in the...

14 years ago
RE: Experiment for the Males

Go inside. Split up. Realize that there is less than one aisle of men's shoes in the entire building. Relocate spouse. Talk about RP until store is ev...

14 years ago
RE: MoFo Movie Night

Watcha watching tonight? I'm home, but Trish and I are occupied. Might stop in if it's something awesome.

14 years ago
RE: Recommended Gameboy Advance games

I agree with many of the things in the thread linked. I also have to agree with their inclusion of Legacy of Goku 2 for being such a great licensed ga...

14 years ago
RE: Recommended Gameboy Advance games

"Any remaining Castlevanias" you say. You mean "Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow" which is one of the top 5 Castlevania games and my personal number 3. It'...

14 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

(Best. Thread. Ever. Pach, quit your dayjob and cancel your social life. This is your reality now.)

14 years ago
Replies: 31
Views: 707
RE: "Truly, a black day for the SPA."

Don't forget, Bonkers was the result of a Roger Rabbit cartoon series which WB would not allow Disney to make. Cop girl is supposed to be Jessica Rabb...

14 years ago
RE: Applejack needed

2-8-3? Not exactly haiku friendly sylable structure. Try again: It seems that I have No reason to be posting I do anyway. 5-7-5, much be...

14 years ago
RE: Applejack needed

NOOOO! Background character with ginger hair. I have no defense any longer. *Throws a smokebomb and flees*

14 years ago
RE: Applejack needed

The lackey does not lead. He supports. It's what he does. I support. Like the cleaning lady on Monday.

14 years ago
RE: Applejack needed

---I like being cool. But--- but. There are no ginger ponies. Ever.

14 years ago
RE: "Truly, a black day for the SPA."

HUUUUU-KOOOOOS! HUUUUU-KOOOOOS! ( this mean? Na. He's a proffessional forum poster, he lets it roll off his back) HUUUUU-KOOOOOS! ...

14 years ago
RE: Applejack needed

I'm scared. I'm scared because I don't know how long I'll resist this.

14 years ago
RE: It's that time again - Bristol Comic Expo

;.; have fun guys. Remember me as I was. High on sugar and life.

14 years ago
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