Currently on Case 3 and... boy am I having to work the old noggin' to keep up with the game. Loving some of the stylus based investigation stuff which...
It fuels me with unfathomable rage.
I. Love. This. Game. That is all.
*SUPER SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!* I have my copy. The new objection song is making me joygasm so bad! I LOVE THIS GAME!!!
Goooood. Now I just need my copy and the circle is complete!
... *steps the hell away from this topic and scarring memories of that Crage thread*
I clicked this. I read it and one thought came to mind. "Dub is being serious in a topic? What the hell... that's not right." Then I click...
I would have done next day delivery, but I could not justify wasting money to get something sooner when I'm trying to stretch time out to reach the fu...
Hi Craig, Your Order#9272466 was sent out today! You can review your order and see more information here: /
I ended up getting past it anyway. Now I'm on the floodgate mission where I embarrassingly allowed my own damned Wyvern Rider to kill me. >>; T...
Pach, Dawn of Radiance is out on March 14th. I'll be sure to rent it as soon as I finish Path of Radiance. I've played DoR and it is VASTLY superior g...
Oh this could take a while to compile a full list. My haste and cockiness in games is my legendary downfall. One embarrasement which is captured on M...
Silly DoN, since when were movies, or fan movies, ever accurate to the source material? Though, Zombie Spidey's reaction to eating his loved ones is ...
Bah, it's a trap. If it's powered by Magneto's reluctance then that thing will never have a moment of power. Magneto is second only to Doom in arrogan...
In one week their butts are getting replaced by the Apollo Justice cast. Except Nick. Nick gets to stay, after 7 years of living on the streets.
It appears a paradigm shift is occuring. This should be interesting.
Wow. The Vrillon one is absoloutely amazing. I'm shocked I've not heard about this given that it was on prime time in London 30 years ago. My dad must...
*Puts on an eye patch, a bandana, sparks a cigaratte and fluffs my hair into a mullet* Escape from London, you say?
You thought my lackey abilities ended at serving the queen? I'm like Wolverine, bub. The best at what I do.
*Pats Tricia's new short hair* She cuts hers for the both of us. *shiny hair that twinkles just like the stars in space!*
Random Man! >=O I thought we killed you and Becca kidnapped your random child!
You are lucky that was amusing. I was waiting the entire show for a faneditted switch to Von Karma or something and was disappointed. Lack of Von Kar...
Baby. Don't hurt me no more. I approve of this advertisement.
So, FFIX keeps crashing at the South Gate, pre Black Waltz III rematch, thusly I've started renting games. Super Paper Mario is my focus right now an...
His World is from the 360/PS3 "Sonic The Hedgehog" game released in 2006.
I don't think I'll have time to play the case today, so can someone who has played answer for me what the game logic of the defendant changing between...
FALCON PAAAAAAAAAAAAUNCH conversation is full of love and joy. I no longer want to spoil the Codec Moments as I'm sure they'll fill me with great joy ...
>>; I knoooow. I'm just slightly sore that my IC self is lost in limbooooo... *Bows and crawls out of thread*
Mia's lips are what really creep me out in her front on sprites... or maybe it's the outfit and the not!bra showing so openly so you can see skin. I ...
I got my pre-order for AA4 which'll arrive sometime between 22-26 of Feb. Also VGR seems to be enthusiastic to roll out the Phoenix Wright case 2 bre...
GM This Time We'll Actually Finish. Promise. *Hugs poor Camden and Stressed who are in forever limbo due to TBlood ditching GMI* ...ya know, technic...
Alrighty, so here we go. Game 1, case 1. I still have my Case Commentary track of this, so listening to that helped me a bit while going over things....
Ok. Delete my new topic then, you moved/replied while I was making the new one.
Understood. I will start it now.
He has shown us his moves and they are good.
Have to admit, with Samus having a full (voice acted, even) side cast in the Prime series, it'd be nice for one of them to show up. The ice dude who ... Image donated by VCP.
MASUTA HANUDO!!!! Also, Falcon is back, this game has officially fulfilled all my dreams and desires, I ask nothing more of it but a swift release.
I prefer the BARUBARUBARUBARU one with the IMAGE DOES NOT EXIST flying across the QotW screen.
Gah... One More Day. The worst part about it is that... it may be sloppy. It may be horribly written. It may be impossible to work out what the hell ...
Y halo thar Final Fantasy IX, we meet again. I needed to borrow it from a friend, but after finding my hand drawn map with notes of everything in the...
Fingers tightly crossed that they have something for each character in the game, Metal Gear NES on Virtual Console would be like an ultimate victory. ...
I like Code V, I'm entitled to that, aren't I? Also, Pach. If you haven't heard the RE Orchestra CD, Galbadia Hotel it ASAP, dude. Worth it for the R...
...Pach. *Narrows eyes* ... ... I submit defeat. I cannot outwit anyone >>;
Nemesis. Undoubtably. If Franziscka is allowed to use a whip in the court and Godot can get away with throwing searing hot coffee at Phoenix Wright ...
Wait... Jason Griffith is in the Japanese version?! The horror! The horror!
Silent Hill is undoubtably a scarier game and slightly less fun than Resident Evil to me (this being RE 1-3 Resident Evil, not RE4), the story line is...