Mobius Forum Archive

Crazy Cham Lea
Honorable Member
Joined: Mar 28, 2003
Topics: 4 / Replies: 618
RE: My high hopes for the build-up to #200

I might have missed an issue that showed it or missed SOMETHING: I'd like to see whatever became of that ancient facility and ISSAC (or whatever ...

16 years ago
RE: You will never guess who this is!

While it's not terrible, it comes off as a) a bit stiff and b) trying too hard. He looks like a character from a Sonic-themed Kingdom Hearts. ...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 193 Spoilers!

NIDS is the same illness Maria had, and what Shadow was created to cure (in part).

16 years ago
RE: Peter Molyneux can kiss my fluffy white butt. (Fable 2)

Reading into things, the game sounds scarily glitchy. Apparently stuff like quest-related characters not appearing/unable to interact, family members ...

16 years ago
RE: Little Big Planet Recalled and Delayed

The Fire Temple itself, actually. The dungeon's music was a minimalistic percussion piece that had the chanting fade in and out. The version in l...

16 years ago
RE: Little Big Planet Recalled and Delayed

This is essentially what happened with Ocarina of Time - the sound developers probably got a sound sample of some chanting and didn't know what i...

16 years ago
RE: StH #196 Preview & Sonic Univese #1 & 2 covers

Huh. Everyone else's super-state doesn't change their attire, so why does it affect Scourge's?Burning Blaze would like a word. Ther...

16 years ago
RE: I want to read them

You're aware that that's not legal, right? This isn't exactly the place to ask for that sort of thing. Try requesting an order from...

16 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

And I am sicking of hearing about how Sir Connery "Obi-Wan"'d himself. Agreed. So very much. Complaining on and on and ON about a...

16 years ago
RE: Ian Flynn Reveals Tons of Info on Sonic Universe!

While I'm willing to give this a chance... I hate it when stories cross series. Hate it. That's why I steer clear of superhero comics. I t...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 192 Spoilers

Scourge sneaking into New Mobotropolis strikes me as preposterous: Eggman's tried to get in for how long now, and Scourge did it no sweat? Eggm...

16 years ago
RE: Ruminations on SatAM and the Sonic-Tails relationship (canon vs fanon)

I just thought the "perpendicular" line was just a moment of very poor writing and characterization, and certainly not a perfect reflection ...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #195 & Sonic X #40 Previews

Is there a game coming out called Sonic Universe? Is there a new show being worked on called Sonic Universe? Was there a game or show called Knuckle...

16 years ago
RE: Scourge's crown Design coincidences?

I'd only say they're similar at a glance... Scourge's headgear has three points, while Silver's "bangs" have five. I...

16 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Dan does have a good point in his review of issue #190, why doesn't Nicole mess with Scourge and the Supression Squard's minds?Because they&...

16 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Did he ever have an issue with the Chaotix (who were less in number) taking on the whole Legion any of the other times they did it back in the Knuckle...

16 years ago
RE: Do you want to see again the original Robotnick?

^ Really? I thought it was supposed to be that Ivan Kintobor dude. Robotnik and Eggman are essentially the same character aside from design, which...

16 years ago
RE: Needing help with my RL career (all please read):

Should be sleeping now, but what the hey... hope that helps.

16 years ago
RE: Anti-Amy is Coming!

It's also a bit of an interesting contrast. I don't see how having a doppleganger pop up hurts the original's character development at ...

16 years ago
RE: Anti-Amy is Coming!

Because it's a fun oldschool throwback? Scary as it is, I bet a lot of readers don't even know that Amy had a previous look. =P

16 years ago
RE: Silveer confirmed to apper in sonic #191

Chaos Knuckles/Knucklejak's general intentions were good, though, just skewed.

16 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: Relationship stuff was banned? Oh dear. I didn't know. I wonder if Drazen...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Complete Series

I think the condition of the issues would be a factor.

16 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

If anything, Tails should've at least been co-second-in-command, right up there with Sonic since he was second only to Sonic in the games, but I ...

16 years ago
RE: Silveer confirmed to apper in sonic #191

And, on an off-topic subject, happy 1000th post, CCL. Whoa, I didn't even notice! And it only took me eight years... XD

16 years ago
RE: Silveer confirmed to apper in sonic #191

becuase in all honesty time-travel is not only impossible Even though it's already happened more than once in both the comic and game continuit...

16 years ago
RE: Don't like falafel? Then you're a RACIST.

my reaction to sushi is pretty much 'yuk, raw fish!' 'Cept sushi is vinegar-soaked rice (with various toppings), not raw fish. =P T...

16 years ago
RE: StH #190 Preview Pages and Discussion.

i thought you couldn't do it with the ME, but obviously scourge began to prove that wrong. Didn't Knuckles do it prior? That, and the ...

16 years ago
RE: Anyone here want Art Mawhinney to come back?

Steven Butler did the Knuckles and Locke Master Emerald convo. a while back. But that was quite a few issues ago. Other than that, it's...

17 years ago
RE: Anyone here want Art Mawhinney to come back?

Can't say I'm a fan of his art. He doesn't seem to adapt too well to new character designs, and his poses and facial expressions don�...

17 years ago
RE: Chaos Control and Chaos Emeralds [Merged]

A little late to the party here, but... I knew Shadow couldn't have taken one from the vault or whatever, because chronologically the Dark S...

17 years ago
RE: Silly question about Tail's Mother

IIRC, both parents were taken by the Bem shortly after the roboticization of Amadeus, and Ceneca #whatever reversed the process as part of her experim...

17 years ago
RE: The Doomsday Project was the SatAM Movie?

I don't think it can still be called déja vu after so many times...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

They don't really say anything specific to Sonic or the game. He's just talking about game development in general terms. You're not...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

Y'sure? Tracy Yardley has the same one. =P

17 years ago
RE: Question About Remington

Years ago, Ken Penders stated in a chat that Remington was the son of Kragok, but he never really showed the link in print. The family tree printed sh...

17 years ago
RE: STH #187 Preview and Discussion

While Sonic's reaction could have been better depicted (after all, the sound effect on Sally's panel shows that SOMETHING happened), keep in...

17 years ago
RE: STH #187 Preview and Discussion

In Hearts Held Hostage, J Axer gave Nack's thugs 9mm handguns and Sally got a real six shooter. We saw Mina get hit with the bullet.However, ther...

17 years ago
RE: Boys Beware...

The overall tone makes "thumbing a ride" sound far worse than it should. BEWARE FRIENDLY PEOPLE THEY MAY WANT TO START A RELATIONSHIP. Y...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 186 preview pages and discussion:

You can try, but then the next arc will have to be even bigger still, and the whole series gets top-heavy and ridiculous.DBZ syndrom. "Oh no!...

17 years ago
RE: Anime

i haven't seen any of the tsubasa resovior chronicle, but you might want to give it a shot. Pros: -excellent music (Yuki Kajiura) -nicely a...

17 years ago
RE: STH#189 & SX#34 - Previews

Besides, it's pretty much been that way for like two years, so it shouldn't make a big difference now. What I think will make a big diff...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 186 preview pages and discussion:

"A little harsh" covers bashing something based solely on hearsay. It's like complaining about the food from a restaurant you've n...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 186 preview pages and discussion:

I mean we dont even get to see what happened to each of the three, they just show up later and they're not under control anymore? What is with th...

17 years ago
RE: Speaking of morality issues

While I do recall something with Hindu(sp?) monks brushing the path before them not to step on insects evenThat's Jainism, actually. The effort t...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Quote:Fiona was established as someone who disliked bad boys, not someone who found them "fun". For a long time, she didn't like Sonic for a...

17 years ago
RE: i changed Sonic comics bio on Wikipedia

Yeah, if I made a post announcing every time I edited something on Wikipedia, my post count would have breached 1000 long ago. The whole point is tha...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #188 &amp; Sonic X #33 Previews

If the focus had been on Eggman instead, the complaint would be that Mogul and other villains don't get enough attention. =P

17 years ago
RE: Lein-Da and son overlooked tragedy of revised Mobius 25YL

Didn't Lien-Da use the same kind of device as Tails to protect her and those around her from the effects of the time change? I don't think she was rea...

17 years ago
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