Mobius Forum Archive

Crimson Darkwolfe
Noble Member
Joined: Jul 10, 2004
Topics: 59 / Replies: 2173
Re: [Mobius Forum World] Welcome back to Sega City

SEGA CITY APPLICATION FOR CITIZENSHIP 1. Name Crimson "CrimJims" Darkwolfe 2. Species Wolf-Squirrel Thing. Or sometimes called Squiffy. ...

13 years ago
Re: Ladies and Gentlemen! It's time for Caption of the Week!

Somehow, it was a mistake to prune the Night Blooming Cerus bush under a full moon.

13 years ago
Re: Anthrocon

I wouldn't mind going to Anthrocon, but really, that's a heck of a lot of money. Since It's the other side of the pond and all. Did have far too much...

13 years ago
RE: My Kilo is better than your Kilos!

Beeeeeecca! *Hugs* Happy 10x10^3 =3 Have a green mouse.

13 years ago
RE: So. Cancer cures, huh?

Is this that cure for cancer that is being bandied about as not being funded, that upon closer inspection is actually not very good? You know the o...

13 years ago
RE: So. Cancer cures, huh?

Is this that cure for cancer that is being bandied about as not being funded, that upon closer inspection is actually not very good? You know the o...

13 years ago
RE: So I'm a Cosplay Photographer now

The Cloud one and the Fighting one are both excellent, and give a good sense of action, as well as showcasing the cosplay. The Lass with the brolly is...

13 years ago
RE: Why the hell are YOU still here?

Stockholm Syndrome maybe? Seriously though I think I still keep mooching around here because I miss the general populace of the mofo, and I enjoy w...

13 years ago
Re: Yuku Move To PHPBB FAQ Topic

Been busy but created some more moods: When you are happy. When you are Sad When you are in love When you are in lust For when you are Xagar...

13 years ago
Re: Yuku Move To PHPBB FAQ Topic

Been busy but created some more moods: When you are happy. When you are Sad When you are in love When you are in lust

13 years ago
RE: Mofo Memories

Silvershadow0 wrote: -Massive post of awesome and heartwarming- Some many happy memories, in my moonpants.

13 years ago
RE: Craig! I challenge you to a duel!

This can only end in a Prog Rock Broadway musical depicting the struggle betwixt the pair. .. Carry on.

13 years ago
Re: Yuku Move To PHPBB FAQ Topic

Didn't get much done but I did knock out a couple more. Criobun has asked me to sort out some mood ones as well so I've started on those. Obviously I...

13 years ago
Re: Yuku Move To PHPBB FAQ Topic

Sure, I'll *distracted by them now appearing in the reply =D* Yeah, I'll make some ones with a discernible purpose when I get some time, they ain't h...

13 years ago
RE: Craig! I challenge you to a duel!

I see no illegitimacy here.

13 years ago
Re: Yuku Move To PHPBB FAQ Topic

On Post Icons, and how the current set are rubbish; I've whipped up a few general use ones around characters because bluh bluh sonic forum and it was...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

(OOC: X3 Don't worry, being left in the lurch is what he's there for =V) "Sure" The seapony shrugged, pulling a packet of candied cigarettes out of...

13 years ago
Re: Yuku Move To PHPBB FAQ Topic

Aye, that's working =3 EDIT: Also, further suggestion time, would it be possible to have links to forum index and subforum at the bottom of the topic...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

Having licked the remenants of the pie from a bewildered Reni's face, CrimFins shrugged and lay back in his bathtub. "Do I mind? Not really. I'm far, ...

13 years ago
RE: Ages

Tweedledim and tweedledimmer havn't been back I think, they only dropped in to play with your mind =3 And I was only gone for like a week and a bit...

13 years ago
RE: ENTIRE MOBIUS FORUM! I challenge you to a DUEL!

Pffffft, you call this a duel. I havn't even seen a single pugel-stick yet Heck, nobody's pinballs have even sprayed water in anybodies faces.

13 years ago
RE: Swanson's Saloon

Silly mada, you can't fit a baby in a blender. ...unless you use baby oil I guess, but that stuff is too expensive for my tastes.

13 years ago
Re: Yuku Move To PHPBB FAQ Topic

Ah yes, those I can see. As well as the reply button at the TOP of the topic. However the quick reply and reply buttons at the bottom end still vanish...

13 years ago
RE: Ages

24, and still sporting the beard and hair man.

13 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

The ability to turn into alternate universe versions of myself, dependant on the situation would be nice =3 ALTERNATIVE POST! Lv50 Bubs/Dark/Dar...

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>>>Poker? That's a girls game. You know how real men solve this. Crack out the Yu-Gi-Oh!

13 years ago
RE: Swanson's Saloon

*Amibicably wonders why PSX is punching a HOP poster, shrugs and goes back to cheating at cards*

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

(( Gosh darn it, our Steampunk Gunbladetar has been bested... by a clockpunk chainblade keytar =< (Warning, is Furaffinity, pic is safe, rest of s...

13 years ago
RE: Let's write a song together

The genre dosn't matter/ just the lyrics it contains/ a catchy twist tune to embed into your brains/ because Barkley wasn't good for you/ baby...

13 years ago
RE: Do you people really not have a Homestuck thread yet?

Careful with hope, CT, time can be a fickle timey wimey thing.

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

"You mean you're not a ditto? Awww, that would be so Boss, I mean a ditto who could talk and look like a person could totally rule the world. Do you r...

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

"Oh sure I totally new that, I was just messing with you!" Jenna replied, not missing a beat. "I know all about double shading and night scissors and ...

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

Jenna paused, masticating away at her gum "deep" in thought. For a few, brief moments there was silence. "Nu uh. No way. I'm a pokéace, I totall...

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>>>Break mirror in half, put two halves together to make a (w)hole, place hole on bars, climb through the hole.

13 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

I have purchased a new hat. Pretentious pose time? Pretentious pose time.

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

((OOC: Must supress... inner... Jenna... Failing, FAAAAIIILING)) Name: Jenna Jameson Age: 16 Gender: Female Affiliation: Unaffiliated ...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

Crim peek curiously out from under his shower curtain, to be greeted by the horsey face of Serenity. The horsey, pastry covered face of serenity....

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>>>Take a break, have a Kit Kat

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>>> Judging by his laid back attitude, sunglasses and manner of speech, this troll is from the californian Bra subspecies of troll. Sooth his...

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>>>Begin the sleighage.

13 years ago
RE: Do you people really not have a Homestuck thread yet?

I pretty much stuck that music on repeat for my morning once I was done with the grimdark exploration. Because dang that was sweet.

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

Now most people don't realise just how explosive flour can be. Especially when distributed into the air in an enclosed area. It can result in quite th...

13 years ago
RE: When did you first come across this comic?

This forum actually. I was always a fan of StC, and actually came across this forum looking for StC archives, got interested in the Archie series and ...

13 years ago
RE: Swanson's Saloon

My work here is done! *Swooshes off into the night with Appleterg

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

(Pach, you are the best, I love you) >> Head to local bard emporium, locate rocking steampunk guitar.

13 years ago
RE: Pathways: A text adventure. (PG13)

>>Return to Kokiri Village. >>Trade in Ocarina for magical thunder lute >> Play Parisian Walkways for Saria. >>...

13 years ago
RE: A george divided against itself, cannot stand

Silly Ramz... Should have used a croissant

13 years ago
RE: Swanson's Saloon

Bad buisness plan Swans

13 years ago
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