Intresting, do go on.
Yes indeed, I shall bow and scrape to your every whim! Your spammy spammy re-entrance has persuaded me to give up every vestige of free will I may onc...
But Ultra, you forget that there ARE different races: Egg and spoon, Sack, Three legged, The list goes on and on! EDIT: Also, from this day I shall...
So the next sega game will be "Pot: The quest to call the kettle black." Then? Incidently, as much as I would love to see the red dreaded o...
I love you as much as I love chaos, you make my brian giggle in ways that only cookies can otherwise achieve...Mmmmmm....cookies.... Ahahahahahahaaah...
*adds a chapter* Tregonaut shook his head in dispair, how had it come down to this, mowed down in the streets by something that was no longer mobian....
I love you ChaosxShadow, have my babies.
ChaosxShad: Heh, well, it would be a little mean for me to wander across to someone elses house at 4 or 5 in the morning, just to scan a pic about an ...
I liked the crunchy taste.
What Redley said. And throw in "What I'm Made Of", "Team Chaotix", "This Machine" and "Big Guy, Little Guy" f...
S'hardly ill repute now though is it. Naw, Cycle is of Ill repute because of that burlesque house he owns in the Sailorness district.
I agree with you. This is torture, simply put. Killing them for food, understandable. Killing for clothes, if there isn't anything that dosn't involv...
I'd play that game. Also I like how he references "Postal 2" which is easily THE sickest game I have ever played (And does infact depict vi...
Psx, we were bigger than Jesus, remember, we beat the second coming in the ratings 2 to 1. Unfortunatly that dude had some heavy sponsors *scratches ...
Hehehe, this could be interesting, especially this Tregonaut character, sounds like another membber of the dreaded typo bandits! And if you wanna use...
Definatly an impressive piece o writing Tergy, really enjoyable read. The chapters were of a nice length and everything flowed well. I could really se...
Who is that, rampaging along the fields! It is Crimson Darkwolfe, hands clutching a sharpened screwdriver! And with a gutteral scream, his voice comet...
NEVAR SHALL I STOP!! *dances to "Do ya think I'm Sexy?"*
Congratulations. Here's your present
I quite like it, it's easy on the eyes. And I was getting bored of Sonic Xyness (or SXyness)
Cornetto. [/ed]
Old Sport, this is not mere immaturity, this is art! The ancient ways of face decorating have been passed to generation to generation through the eon...
Simple my dear boy. Contained within this box are the digital earplugs of discretion, by simply finding Harl's true identity and putting them in her ...
*talks about Harl to her back*
*hands over bread roll with candle in it ^^*
Well hello there^^ Welcome to the boards, I'm sure you'll have a nice time, I'm Crimmy, and I'm your new master. *boxer hypnotism GO!*
Welcome to the forum. *lounge*
...Yeah, sorry to bump this now after such a long absence, but I merely wanted to make an apology for my absence, and an explaination. You see, I had...
I'm Laaaaaate! *flies in with a small bakery in tow, and a birthday candle* Happy belated birthday O broad buddy. May you have many mountainous retu...
I like this idea. Its....neat. It's a good premise for finally seeing Sonic face his rivals again, and also for seeing the reaction of one rival to t...
Previously:- Muse, Showbiz and Origin of Symetry. Yay for two cd drives. Most recently:- Sex Pistols, Never Mind the Bollocks Now:- Nickleback, Silv...
I clambered the wall after Zak, it was a matter of moments for me really, though not as fast as Zak was. But still, being a squirrel, it really was no...
I got my A2s A for maths, B for physics (6 marks off A .; Stupid ass questions, "Explain in physics terms how a shoe can be shiney and black....
It's all much more reminiscent of a Transformers theme than a Sonic theme. Next theme? Although it cold be interesting, what with hedgehogs and robo...
Tails deserves more than half a face! This greatly offends me }:O Other than that, it's pretty sweet, a nice blue.
Welcome back bud^^ However, you do realise that I am now going to have to hunt you down, shave your head, and implant your hair into my skull? ^^
You make me giggle. A lot.
I could just see the old fox, that doctor guy, climb over the wall now, he seemed to be the last, but why were non of the others carrying on? I didn't...
COMBINE AND CONQUER! Go Lackey, protect that alpha quadrant full of rebels =D
Welcome back. Here, have a cookie.
*wanders over to actually greet someone* Hi. Here's you complimenty bag-o-stuff, containing at least, but not limited too; A plushy of an obscure so...
There is a bakery!? WHY did no one tell me this? *invades it with a vengance* ...oh, and good work so far ^^
Hot female robots like Gamma
Yeah, but her names actually Millie. She uses Miles because Sonic perfers it that way ;P
I was running full pelt to get to the others, I wasn't that far behind now. "You know somewhere we can go? Sounds like a plan to me, but we have...
I nodded at Zak as he came back to his senses "Yeah, that might be a good idea. It would be best if we were nowhere near when those guys got her...
I nominate Snickers Flapjacks. They are Snickers, in flapjack form! GODLY!
Because DOOM actually has a semi coherent storyline (ish) Particularly since it was told better in DOOM3. The comic however, was simply based on game...
Aye, I was in the middle of fixing them, when more important things called. To whit, booze.