I'm currently snacking on a vindaloo sandwich. But salt and vinigar crisps with peanut butter is a fave
'Fraid I'm in the same boat as Jinikins and Sambutt here. I shall call it the HMS Unhelpful, and I shall be it's captain.
On the other hand, Harl does match the criteria for the origininal definition, even if her posts in general about as constructive as throwing kittens ...
*points to sig* (On topic, I don't think I talked to you, but seeyou around. Have fun on DA)
Welcome to the boards. I am Crimson, here to bring you happy happy joy joy. Now, about the Spinball thing. Yes, those are Satam characters in there. ...
Well, that depends on your point of view now dosn't it Harl ...and it's topics like this that make me wish my own sig hadn't imploded. I'll get rou...
WELL DONE CEEJ! Wooooo! Congrats buddy, and best of luck now you've got there, I'm sure you'll do great. =D ....now, where is that bread?
IC: Crimson folded his arms, looking into the sewers. They seemed exceedingly enclosed, just the thought of being in there, the walls all around, no ...
IC: Crimson folded his arms, looking into the sewers. They seemed exceedingly enclosed, just the thought of being in there, the walls all around, no ...
Aha! It's Ant! Back! Again! ...webas.
It's the sequel to Tails and the Music Maker. It tells the tale of Sonic's journy to the year 2112, meeting a canadian prog-rock band.
I would love to go, but, I don't think it is possible, ah well. So, I order many pictures, so I can pretend I was there ;D
Obviously, she was going to either say: Everyone on the MoFo loves Crimson's boxers, Or Everyone in the MoFo is having breakfast in bed at J-man's ...
Sailor Yar: I be having the best of both worlds, YAR!... ...or some horrible amalgamation that dosn't quite meet either standard...yar...*loots a mak...
Meh, my solution, stop watching TV, live on the internet instead =P Kids TV channels have been spiralling toward an unholy oblivion of doom and despa...
Herms, you make my want to cry in jelousy now... *does so* Right, no that that is over with^^ Those sketches rule Majorly (with a capital M) hard, I...
The First Time Well, I had popped into SHQ as a site occasionly, but only for completly random things (can't remember what) but one day my brain sudd...
The First Time Well, I had popped into SHQ as a site occasionly, but only for completly random things (can't remember what) but one day my brain sudd...
Crimson wandered with the direction of the crowd, trying to get his bearings in the city. A map on the other side of the road caught his eye, and he b...
Crimson wandered with the direction of the crowd, trying to get his bearings in the city. A map on the other side of the road caught his eye, and he b...
OOC: Yahhoooo! Now to dump Crimson into this crazy messed up universe. Long profile ahoy Name: Crimson Darkwolfe Age: Physically, 22, Actually, 67...
OOC: Yahhoooo! Now to dump Crimson into this crazy messed up universe. Long profile ahoy Name: Crimson Darkwolfe Age: Physically, 22, Actually, 67...
Heh, stories are good... *snaps out of it* So, if I can draw well, and beg nicly, I may be able to work on Other M sometime? (unless all the story is...
Dude o.o Okay, now I am totally in awe of you. At first, I wasn't to keen on your art style (no offense, I just...wasn't) but it has grown on me, but...
once they are 15 they are mature enough to leave all that behind *ahem* I think I'll disagree with you there... Anywho, Cream. She annoys me slightl...
I think for me, the most stupid death was during the Egg Viper. I needed to talk to someone, so pressed pause. Or at least, attempted to press pause. ...
*Sneaks over to the corner, and plants a suspicious looking black pillow with a fuse by Nega's fort* Heheheh *Watches as the pillow explodes in a bl...
The wall will not save you! -Ka-WHUMP!- Craig:Hey! No matresses!
*Is pummled* Oh you are so going to get it now Nega! *Grabs pillow, collapsing an interior wall, and thwaps Nega* Hehehe... *Notices collapsed wal...
...since nobody appears to have answered this: And you have to be in ezCodes. Just for the record, this question should really have gone in the Em...